The students will be asked to attempt a long piece of the composition of minimum 100-120 words in length. The composition will be in the form of an article. The students may be provided with verbal or visual input. They can take help from the given input, information or notes and can expand them in their own language to 100-120 words. Sometimes the given input can be in the form of a figure, a diagram or a cartoon. The aim of the examiner by inserting an input is only to provide clues along which the article has to be developed. The subject on which the article can be based may be burning social, cultural, economic, ethical, behavioural, religious and political issues. You may be asked to write an article on any topic under the sun.
Learn Article Writing
Writing creative, unique, professional and great articles is no doubt a tough job but it is rewarding if you perfect this art. This is a vast field including magazine articles, website content articles, SEO articles, blog articles, academic journal articles, newspaper articles,
So if all your attention is absorbed in questions on article writing like how to write a short article in English for a blog, magazine or how to get paid for writing articles and how to earn money by writing articles?
1. Always study the given input, information or notes carefully.
2. Arrange them in a systematic order.
3. Develop each point in a simple, grammatically correct language.
4. Your article must present your ideas not in a sketchy but in a coherent and logical manner. Develop your writing into paragraphs.
5. Confine yourself to the given subject. Superfluous and unnecessary details must be avoided at all cost.
How to Write an Article Step by Step-
Eye-catching Title – This is the most important part of your article. Give your article a title that catches the attention of the reader. If you choose a topic burning It should be relevant to them.
Beginning – Begin your article with a quotation or popular poetic line that supports your topic most relevantly. Let the readers be satisfied that you are going to write something new and relevant.
Content- A vast ground for your creativity comprising reasons, effects, the present state of affairs, etc. This part must include.
Note- In CBSE Board Two paragraphs are also accepted depending upon the situation but the ending lines should seem to be concluding your topic
Facts/ statistics
Quotes by well-known people
References from media (film, television, radio)
Definitions of the terms you are using.
Quotes and illustrations on the subject you are writing.
Helpful tools, resources or products (if any, consider creating a sidebar)
References to local venues or events (if for a regional/local publication).
Note- Good vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, Creativity and Subject knowledge are the integral parts of Article writing
Conclusion- Conclude with your strongest point. Use short and humourous sentences, leave at least one questions to provide a required effect on the reader’s mind.
Format/ Layout of Article Writing-
By- the name of the author
Para I: Introduction –
Para II: Content -Causes, effects, present state of affairs, etc.
Para III: Conclusion -Draw solutions and conclusions
Marking Scheme- CBSE Board session 2018-19 (08 marks)
Title – 1mark
Accuracy- 2 marks
Content- 5 marks
Exercises/ Assignments for story writing practice-
Here are a few creative writing prompts as well as examples for your practice which will help you what to write a story about –
Solved Examples-
1. You make the following notes after reading about the disappearance of bird habitats from city forests and parks. Write an article in 100-120 words stressing upon the need for bringing back the birds to the city. You are Sonu/Sonalika.
Overuse of pesticides in maintenance of city parks… cutting down of roadside trees…….putting up of communication towers on rooftops facing parks…leading to the extinction of nesting grounds for birds…..preservation of birdlife through man-made birdbaths in home balconies,.. hand-rearing of orphaned fledgelings…….nesting areas in alcoves and groves…need for clean and green environment.
Ans- City Parks Oust Bird Population
By- Sonu
While outwardly things appear idyllic, the lack of bird sound appears wanting. The park’s attendants are concerned with its depleting bird population. The koyal, a regular summer visitor has dwindled in number and the sparrow, a common sight amidst the flower beds and pathways, has disappeared altogether.
The authorities cited the overuse of insecticides behind this disappearance. Cutting down of roadside trees reduces nesting spots for the birds’ Several fledgelings fall to the ground from the branches as this exercise is performed without regard to the nesting season. Communication towers on rooftops of adjacent homesteads have taken a toll of the sparrow population. Creating nesting places under eaves and placing water and grain containers in gardens or balconies will alter the status quo.
2. Computers have become a rage with children. The image shows young children glued to their computers. Computers play a major role in today’s age but one must understand its function as a major distraction. Write an article highlighting the role of computers and also pointing out the hazards their excessive use can cause. You are Nikhil/Neha.
Computers: A Boon or a Bane?
by Nikhil
Computers have become an integral part of human lives. Almost every profession is benefitted by computers. Most of the tangible things that we see are either 6 made or run by a computer. Children, too, have been reaping benefits from the constant use of computers. It helps them in their homework, projects, assignments, etc. as well as entertains them through movies.
Every coin has two sides. Excessive use of computers has its own set of disadvantages. Too much use of computers can cause deterioration of vision of the child. Spending more time on computers, in turn, harms the physical health, which might result in being overweight and problems of the spine. The major problem which is affecting children nowadays is their addiction to computers, the result of which is their distraction from studies.
Thus, we all need to reflect on the other side of the coin. We must remember that excess of anything is bad and we must make the best use of the resources available to us.
3. Due to growing materialism, there is a shift in the values of youngsters. They continue pestering their parents for items like mobile phone, digital camera, bike, etc. for personal use even though there is no genuine need for these gadgets. Taking help from the MCB unit ‘Children’, write an article in about 120 words expressing your views on the same. You are Sunil/Swati.
The Deteriorating Values
by Swati
The growing materialism in society is leaving a profound impact on the younger generation. They are growing up in an environment which creates a desire to acquire all that is in their capacity. It has changed children’s perspective towards life. For them, materialism is happiness. They pester their parents to fulfil their demands for gadgets, etc. even though there is no genuine need for the same. Children want these in order to impress their friends.
Materialism makes us greedy. We try to show off what we have and are embarrassed if we do not have something that others possess. The world has become a place for the competition where everyone aims to be ahead of other Youngsters need to understand that money does not bring happiness. It is more’ important to be content. We need to have values, friends, relations and, above at our family’s love and support to lead a happy life.
4. Children are the future of the nation. Schools and parents play an important role in moulding a child’s personality. Write an article on the topic ‘Role of School in a child’s life’ in 100-120 words.
Suggested Value Ponts:
• Importance of school for a child
• The shaping of physical and mental health
• Development of the right attitude
• Character building
• Providing opportunities to develop talents in each child
Role of School in a Child’s Life
By Rajat
The role of a school in a child’s development begins as early as pre-school and continues throughout his/her life. Some consider parents to be a child’s first teachers while teachers are his/her second parents. A child spends as much time in school as he/she spends with his/her parents. A school provides a structured education to the child and promotes his/her mental and psychological growth.
Apart from learning academics, a child also learns other important life skills such as teamwork, good manners, unity, sharing, and responsibility. The kind of training that he/she receives at school forms and enhances his/her character that stays with him/her throughout his/her life. The school provides a child varied opportunities which enable him/her to discover his/her innate talents and develop them. All of these experiences help to develop a child’s interests, build self-esteem and shape the course of his/her later academic and professional life.
5. You are Namita/Naman. Write an article on the topic ‘India – A Tourist’s Paradise’ in 100-120 words. You may use ideas from the unit ‘Travel and Tourism’ in M.C.B. and the clues give below:
Suggested Value Points :
• A vast country
• Diversity of culture
• Variety of races
• Climate – hills, rivers, plains, deserts
• Places of pilgrimage
• Huge coastline, friendly beaches
• Modern cities
India-A Tourist’s Paradise
by Namita
India is a vast country with diverse cultures and races. It is a land with ancient cultural heritage and rich history. India is the only country which has all types of seasons. It has beauty in all its places whether they are hills, deserts, plains or rivers. All these and the modern cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore as well as the places of pilgrimage make it one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in the world.
India is blessed with places that have natural beauty like Kashmir, Goa, Puri, Kerala Ooty, etc. All such beautiful places are often visited by people who try to combine spirituality with pleasure. India has a variety of beautiful locations to visit which make it a tourist’s paradise.
6. You are Nidhi, a member of “Environment Club” of your school. Write an article on “Need of Afforestation” in the present-day world. Suggested Value Points:
• Modern-age development
• Mother Earth for Granted
• Reckless cutting of trees for industries and human settlement
• Trees are helpful in reducing global warming
• Items of use
• Plant more trees
• Campaigns
• Awareness
Need for Afforestation
by Nidhi
This is the modern age where we have left everything behind in the mad race of development. It has made us take Mother Earth for granted. As a result, man has started cutting trees recklessly to cater to his present requirements. Trees not only provide us with fresh oxygen but also reduce pollution by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They are also helpful in reducing global warming.
It is a matter of great concern that human beings have become so unconcerned towards nature that they are cutting trees in large numbers for settlements, paper, etc. If the present trend of cutting trees is not checked then we will have to face dire consequences. It is, thus, the need of the hour to plant more and more trees. The government should start a large-scale campaign to make people aware of the importance of trees. It is only achievable if we take up the slogan of ‘Each One Plant One’ more seriously and put our thoughts into action.
More Sample Articles-
1. Animal Safety is Our Responsibility
3. The Two Sides of the Tourism Industry
5. Hard work is the only key to success
8.Staying Vigilant While On Social Media
9.The loneliness that cannot be cured
14. Cloning Has Lot of Benefits
20. Failure is good for Success
21.The importance of Positive Thinking
27.Changing Face of Modern Families
30. Faith without Action is Delusion
33. Literacy is the Only Light in the Tunnel
38.The Crewing Need for Vocational Education
39.”The Two Sides of Tourism Industry”
40.Youth and National Integration
41.”Generation Gap Is a Myth or Reality”
42.Discriminatory Treatment to Females
43. Floods – Causes and Prevention
44.Global Warming-Threat to Our Existence
48.Pathetic Condition of Child Labour
49.Growing Children Vs Education
50.’Assets of Modern World Boon or Bane’
51.LIFE SKILLS— An Important Subject to Study
54.High-Tech Device—Boon or Bane
55.Indian TV in the Service of General Public
56.Impact of Continuing Destruction of Wildlife
57.A National Integration Camp
65.Students and The Role of Medical Camps
66.The Role of Schools in Preventing Communicable Diseases
67.Increasing Incidence of Road Rage
68.’Problem of Stress among Students’
69. ‘Girlchild needs good education and support’
70.Sound Health: A True Blessing
71. Fighting Terrorism Needs Public Initiative
76.Use of Technology in Education
80.The Importance of Rainwater Harvesting and Water Recycling
82.India — A Country of Festivals
83.Advantages of Tree Plantation
85.Midday Meal Scheme — How to Improve It.
87.Junk Food — Enemy of Health
91.Importance of Educational Tours in Students’ Life
94.Girls: An Asset and not a Burden
95. Importance of Yoga and Games in Students’ Life
96.Importance of Celebrating Children’s Day
99.Global Warming — A Threat to the Life
101. Role of Students and Youths in National Reconstruction and Development
102. Ecological Imbalance Affected Life of Man
103. Corruption in Public Places and Institutions in India
104. Combating the Menace of Drugs
107. Youth and National Integration
108.More Ads than News and Features
111.Science, the Beacon of Progress
113.Role of School in a Child’s Life
114. Adverse Effects of Computers
115.The Evil of the Dowry System
116.Wastage of Money and Manpower due to the Frequent Elections
122. ‘Blind Aping of Western Culture’
123. ‘School Admission and Capitation Fee’
126. Advertisement: Boon or Bane
129. Hike in the Prices of Essential Commodities
130. The Car Craze and Pollution
131. Disaster Caused by Terrorism
133. The Joy of Living in the Lap of Nature
138. My Dreams of the New Millennium
142. A Glaring Educational Evil
143. The Cruel Practice of Using Animals In Circus Shows
144. Human Wants And Resultant Corruption
145. Remedy For Decreasing the Crime Rate Amongst Educated Folk
148.Children’s Role in Curbing Black-Marketing
149. The Place Of English In India
150. ‘Declining Standard of Sports in India’
152. The Need for Communal Harmony
153. ‘Population Explosion’ in India
154. The Prize Distribution Function
156. The Evil of Drug Addiction
158. Value of Discipline in Life
159.Cleaning and Rejuvenating the Ganga
160. War on Black Money in India
161. Child Labour and Battle for Child Rights in India
163. Overpopulation and Unhealthy Living Conditions
164. Disaster Management for Kids
165. ‘More Ads Than News and Features’
166. Crime Against Women in Delhi
167. Make in India’s Digital Economy
168. Disaster Management in India
169. Problems of Half-educated Indian Youth
170. Female Foeticide —A Cause for Concern
171. Swachha Bharat Abhiyan or Clean India Campaign
173.India’s Progress Since Independence
174. How to Get the Best out of a Team
176. Shortage of Seats in Colleges
177. Books—Our Best Companions