What point of view is used the Long Walk to Freedom?


What is Mandela viewpoint freedom?

The long walk to freedom is written from the first-person point of view. Means he writer seems to be explaining everything what happened with him. This means that the reader experiences the events of the story through the eyes of the protagonist, Nelson Mandela. 
‘We see Mandela’s struggle to end apartheid in South Africa through his own eyes, and feel his pain and triumph as he fights for equality.

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Answer- 2 

The story is narrated by the main character, Nelson Mandela. The reader experiences the events of the story through Mandela’s eyes and gets to know his thoughts and feelings about what happened while Mandela took the resolution to end up Apartheid. 
Actually this is an autobiography of Nelson Mandela so it is very much likely that we feel like we are right there with Mandela on his journey.
In fact the story follows Mandela’s journey since his childhood in a rural village in South Africa, to his years as a political prisoner, to his eventual release and election as President of South Africa. 
Mandela’s use of the first-person point of view allows readers to feel as though they are experiencing the events of the story alongside him. This makes for a very powerful reading experience.
The long walk to freedom is told from the first-person point of view. This means that the story is being related by someone who was directly involved in the events. In this case, the narrator is Nelson Mandela himself. This gives the reader a very close look at what he experienced during his long struggle for freedom.

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