109.Short Story: The Lost Camel

By | July 15, 2021
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Two merchants ………had a camel ……….the camel was lost…….. asked about the lost camel to a passerby ……….the man replied he had not seen their camel ……….but told that he was blind in the right eye, broken tooth, lame, carrying honey and wheat………. but not seen ……….taken to a judge…….. gave his explanation………. was allowed to go ……….Moral.

Ans:-                                       THE LOST CAMEL

Once there were two merchants. They had a camel. The camel was lost. They made every frantic effort to search for him.

On the way, they met a passerby. They asked about the camel. He replied that he had not seen the camel but he knew that their camel was blind in the right eye. His one front tooth was missing. He was also lame in his left foot. The camel was loaded, on his right side there were bags of wheat and to his other side, he carried tins of honey. Now all these things were cent per cent correct. The merchants were overjoyed. They thought that the passerby very well knew of their lost camel. He was simply joking with them _that he had not seen the camel. They argued if he had not seen the camel, then how he could know about their camel.

When the passerby vowed that he had not seen the camel, they lost their temper. They took him to the nearest court. When the judge asked him about the camel, he repeated the same answer. When he was further asked the source of his information, he explained, “Your Majesty, the camel ate grass on his left side. The imprints made by left foot were definitely faint as compared to the imprints made by the right foot. They were deep and clear. Again the camel left one tuft of grass in the middle while eating the grass. He saw that the ants were carrying grains of wheat and swarm of flies gathered on the honey. This all goes to prove the truth of my statement. But by God, I have not seen the camel”. This explanation pleased the judge very much. He praised the passerby for his wisdom and common sense. He let him go. He punished the two merchants for troubling a good man.

Moral: Common sense is the best sense.

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