Reordering And Rearranging Of Jumbled Sentences For Class 9 With Meaning

By | October 27, 2020
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Rearrange jumbled words with great ease through edumantra. Don’t be super confused with how to understand jumbled sentences as edumantra has them perfectly arranged for you. In case you are looking for an apt way to rearrange the sentence, you must visit edumantra’s website at least once. Now it is absolutely easy and simple to rearrange the sentences with the help of edumantra. Choose the best platform for sentence reordering at edumantra’s website. Never will you ever regret clicking on edumantra’s website for jumbled sentences for class 8. Your search for jumbled sentences for class 9 ends with edumantra’s website. Now it is a matter of a click to get hold of sentence rearrangement at edumantra. It is remarkably good to check jumble meaning at edumantra’s website.


Rearrange the jumbled words/phrases into meaningful sentences.  one has been done for you as an example.

Example: Wheel is/man’s/the/invention/greatest/perhaps
The wheel is perhaps man’s greatest invention.

(a) very difficult/it was/to travel/earlier/long distances

(b) backs/their belongings/travellers/on their/carried

(c) few places/take rest/on the/there were/to/way


(a) Earlier, it was very difficult to travel long distances.

(b) Travellers carried their belongings on their backs.

(c) There were few places to take rest on the way.

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 Rearrange the jumbled words/phrases into meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example.                                                            

Example :       has/faces/many/teacher/a

                            A teacher has many faces.

(a) friend/he/a/is/well-wisher/and/a

(b) teacher/many/qualities/books/captured/the/of/have/a

(c) motivator/can/he/a/and/guide/friend/be


(a) He is a friend and a well-wisher.

(b) The books have captured many qualities of a teacher.

(c) He can be a friend, guide and motivator.

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 Rearrange the words and phrases given below to form meaningful sentences. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. The first one has been done for you as an example.                                                                                                                                                                                                                

 Example :      This/has/bright/generation/future/a /young

This young generation has a bright future.

(a) the/are/a/students/lot/motivated

(b) they/achieve/willing/are/tirelessly/to/their/goals/to work

(c) they/sky is/that/for/the/know/the/them/limit


(a) The students are a motivated lot.

(b) They are willing to work tirelessly to achieve their goals

(c) They know that the sky is the limit for them.

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 Rearrange the jumbled words/phrases into meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example.                                                                                                                                                                                   

Example: can/result/or fire/electrical faults/in shock

Electrical faults can result in shock or fire.

(a) can/kill/electric/shock/an/anyone

(b) in/every/year/people/this/way/die

(c) can/kill/even/of/current/a/small/amount/a person


(a) An electric shock can kill anyone.

(b) Every year people die in this way.

(c) Even a small amount of current can kill a person.

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Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences to make the readable passage. Write the correct sentences in the space provided.

(a)a very / Vidyasagar / and / was / man / generous / charitable

(b)years he / from his / the poor / earliest / and the needy / of his power / to the utmost / helped

(c)would nurse / if one / sit by / him and / his bed / of his school-fellows / fell ill he

(d)hundreds of / when he / poor widows / grew rich / supported / and orphans / were / by him


(a) Vidyasagar was a very generous and charitable man.

(b) From his earliest year, she helped the poor and the needy to the utmost of his power.

(c) If one of his school-fellows fell ill he would nurse him and sit by his bed.

(d) When he grew rich hundreds of poor widows and orphans were supported by him.

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Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences to make the readable passage. Write the correct sentences in the space provided.

(a)is / modern / complex / life / highly

(b)causes / day’s / and body / hard work / on mind / strain / a great

(c)is therefore / for rest / necessary / leisure / relaxation / and


(a) Modern life is highly complex.

(b) Day’s hard work causes a great strain on mind and body.

(c) Leisure is therefore necessary for rest and relaxation.

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Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences to make a reading passage. Write the correct sentences in the space provided.

(a)  one of / friends / a / best / good / our / is / book

(b) the same / and it / it is / change / will never / today that / it always was

(c) most patient / companions / cheerful of / it / and / is the

(d) turn its / in times / it does / of adversity / back upon / or distress / not / us


(a) A good book is one of our best friends.

(b) It is the same today that it always was and it will never change.

(c) It is the most patient and cheerful companions.

(d) It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress.

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Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences to make the readable passage. Write the correct sentences in the space provided.

(a) progressive / Delhi / a / town / is

(b)big business / is a / It / centre / and / educational

(c)is scarcity / and thousands / there / of houses / in the neighbouring / of people live / cities

(d)parks / and / may / there are / gardens which / be said / lungs of / to be the / this populous city


(a) Delhi is a progressive town.

(b) It is a big business and educational centre.

(c) There is the scarcity of houses and thousands of people live in the neighbouring cities.

(d) There are parks and gardens which may be said to be the lungs of this populous city.

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Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences to make the readable passage. Write the correct sentences in the space provided.

(a)love / of others / good manners / and / win the / respect

(b) when / best / they can / one is / be learnt / young

(c)saves us / turns away / soft answer / anger and / a / a pitfall / from many

(d)who is / stranger / respectful / a person / even / like

(e) sure / in life / they / passport / are a / for success


(a) Good manners win the love and respect of others.

(b) They can be learnt best when one is young.

(c) A soft answer turns away anger and saves us from many a pitfall.

(d) Even strangers like a person who is respectful.

(e) They are a sure passport for success in life.

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Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences to ma readable passage. Write the correct sentences in the space provided.

(a) in / we / of / science / the age / live

(b) and space / conquered / air time / we have / help of / with the / scientific inventions

(c) inventions / armed / which are / has / miracles / science / man with / not less than/an

(d) deadly weapons / but / science has / of warfare / also given / man


(a) We live in the age of science.

(b) We have conquered the air, time and space with the help of scientific inventions.

(c) Science has an armed man with inventions which are not less than miracles.

(d) But science has also given man deadly weapons of warfare.

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