Exercises/ Assignments for story writing practice-

Here are a few creative writing prompts as well as examples for your practice which will help you what to write a story about –
Solved Examples-

Read the news item on a survey that was carried out.

More than 90 per cent of people agrees that being part of a team is one of the best things about their work. Working in a team is a challenge but our poll results indicate that most people are unhappy O. And working in teams a are Intolerant of any changes in group structure

Taking help of the points given below write an article for your school magazine on how to get the best out of a team.

Ans.                                                       Team Spirit —Must for Victory

Working in a team is generally believed to bring out the best in an individual, and can be very effective. This is because teamwork can be both a healer as well as a stress buster. Each member works towards a set target and if communication is effective it can be really fruitful as everyone is striving towards the same goal.

For good teamwork conflicts and negative attitudes should be discouraged. It should be made clear to one and all that they are playing for the team and not for themselves as individuals. If they have respect for one another it can improve their creativity. They will then realize that being a part of a team is the best thing about their work.

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Education policies in schools today are student friendly. Now, the move is on to do away with school uniforms. You are Anamika/Anand studying in Kendriya Vidyalaya. Write an article on ‘Uniforms are Essential in Schools’ using the inputs given and your own ideas.

Hints :

Ans: ‘Uniforms are Essential in Schools’

In many countries, uniforms are not essential in schools and students to come dressed in casuals. According to these schools they are being student friendly. What these schools don’t realize is that they can IX. Student-friendly even if students are wearing uniforms. Uniforms help in identification and maintain uniformity among students instead of disparity. After all, a school is a place where there should be no class distinction. If students are allowed to come dressed in what they like, it would lead to class distinctions. Secondly, it would be the cause of distraction, as children would comment on each other’s clothes. Students from the venous strata of society cannot afford to wear new dresses every day which could lead to an inferiority complex in them. School Uniforms should be made essential in schools, as it helps in identifying schools and acts as its brand name.

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More Sample Articles-

1. Short Essay and Article on : Children and Obesity
2. Short Essay and Article on : Books—Our Best Companions
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