Lencho had a feeling it was going to rain soon. He noticed large, dark clouds gathering in the sky. This was a sign that rain might come, and Lencho was hopeful. He believed the rain would be good for his corn plants, which were ready to be harvested.
At first, it started to rain and things happened as Lencho had predicted. But soon after that, something bad happened. The light rain turned into a harsh hailstorm. This storm was strong and continued for a whole hour. It hit Lencho’s fields hard.
By the time the storm was over, there was a lot of damage. The fields that once had ripe corn were now ruined.
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Lencho was right that it would rain. But he had not expected that it would be a hailstorm. He thought the rain would help his plants. But it didn’t help. Instead, the storm hurt all his crops.
Understanding how Lencho’s prediction about rain came true.
1. Initial Signs: Lencho observed the large clouds gathering, a typical sign of rain, which was important for his crops.
2. Confident Prediction: He was so sure of the rain that he even informed his wife, expecting it to benefit their ripe corn.
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3. Rain Begins: Lencho’s prediction seemed to be coming true when it started raining, just as he had anticipated.
4. Unexpected Turn: However, the situation quickly changed as the rain turned into a violent hailstorm.
5. Destructive Result: Instead of helping the crops to grow, the hailstorm destroyed everything, leaving Lencho’s fields with no yields.
Lencho’s initial prediction of rain came true, but the unexpected hailstorm that followed turned his hopeful anticipation into a tragic loss.