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You have watched the recent total solar eclipse (last eclipse of the Millennium) from the Planetarium through the arrangements made by the Planetarium Authorities. Write a report.

Ans.                                                     A RARE HEAVENLY EVENT

(by Rakesh: Class XI)

 I was lucky to get a rare privilege to view the recent total solar eclipse—the last eclipse of the Millennium—from the Planetarium. The Planetarium Authorities had made elaborate and necessary arrangements to enable the general public to watch the heavenly event. It was a breath-taking and marvellous sight to see the total eclipse when the sun was hidden by the shadow of the moon. Only its glittering outer ring was visible behind the black circle that was the moon. This amazing phenomenon of the heavenly bodies was witnessed of thousands of enthusiasts all over the subcontinent. All viewers termed it a unique and awesome experience. This view reminds us that we are but a tiny dot in this vast universe.

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