Hard Words : If I Were You Difficult Words in English with Hindi Meaning | Beehive | Class 9 | 2023-24 Updated

By | September 21, 2023

In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from If I Were You. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying If I Were You Word Meanings from Beehive Class 9.”

 Hard Words : If I Were You Page 138

Lonely = solitary, अकेला ; cottage = a small bungalow,छोटा बंगला ; intruder = one who enters forcibly,घुसपैठिया ; criminal =one who commits crime, अपराधी ; bears = maintains, कायम रखना ; resemblance = similarity,समानता ; interior = inner part,आंतरिक भाग ; entrance = door, दरवाज़ा ; curtained = covered with curtains, पर्दों से ढका ; practical = of daily use, व्यावहारिक ; consisting = made, बना हुआ ; divan = a kind of bed, दीवान ; upstage = on the the side of the stage, स्टेज के पीछे का भाग I

 If I Were You Difficult Words in English Page 139

Rimmed = frame,फ्रेम वाला ; lounge = sitting room,बैठक ; cultured = refined,सुसंस्कृत; count on = depend on, निर्भर होना ; engaged = busy, व्यस्त ; flashily = in a gaudy manner,तड़क –भड़क से ; bumps = strikes, टकराना , accidentally = by chance,संयोग से ; put those paws up = raise your hands, हाथ ऊपर करो ;

Melodramatic = sensational,सनसनीखेज ;  original = genuine ; मूलभूत nonehalant= careless manner,लापरवाह ; smart = clever, चालाक ; crawl = creep, रेंगना  I

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Good Word Meaning of the Lesson If I Were You Word Meanings Page 140

Funny = humorous,हास्यप्रद ; motions = gestures, इशारे ; sympathetic = kind, दयालु ; audience = listeners, श्रोता ; gypsies = nomads,खानाबदोश ; inflection = change of voice,लापरवाह ; unfamiliar = not intimate, परिचित न होना ; emphasis = stress,जोर देना ; hurt = injured, घायल ; guy = man,व्यक्ति ;

imitation = copy, नकल assist = help,सहायता करना ; garage = covered space for parking cars,गैराज ; rarely = very infrequently,बहुत कम ; baker = one who bakes,बेकर ; greengrocer = vegetable seller,सब्जी वाला ; charming = attractive,आकर्षक  I

 English Difficult Words of the Lesson If I Were You Page 141

Considerable= a lot of, बहुत अधिक ; modest = humble, विन्रम ; plenty = much, अधिक ; precisely = exactly,एकदम ; require = need, आवश्यकता होना ; to break into = to intrude,घुसपैठ करना ; figuring = appearing,नजर आना ; embrace = have adopted,अपनाना ; treat = joy, प्रसन्नता ; dandy = excellent,शानदार ; jewels = diamonds,हीरे ; cops = policemen,सिपाही ; retire = live in comfort,आराम से रहना ;

trifle =a bale,कुछ I harsh = cruel,क्रूर ; sarcasm = bitter satire, व्यंग्य; taken a fancy = have started liking,चाहना आरंभ कर देन ा; grave  =serious, गंभीर; hunted =chased, पीछा करना ; gratuitous = without good reason,बिना कारण के  ; admitted = confessed,स्वीकार करना  ; at the sight of = on seeing,देखने पर ; melodrama = sensational drama, सनसनीखेज नाटक ; villain = bad character, खलनायक ; frustrated = disappointed,निराश I

If I Were You Word Meaning in English Page 142

Posh = belonging to the upper class,उच्च वर्ग का ; stuff = material,माल ; pantomime = silent imitation,खमोश नक़ल ; decorative = fine looking,अच्छा देखने वाला ; specs = eyeglasses, चश्मा ; tribute = praise,प्रशंसा ; intelligence = wisdom,बुद्दिमत्ता  ; on your mind = in your thoughts,तुम्हारे विचारों में  ; conversation = talk,बातचीत ; elude = escape,बचना ; dodge = escape, बचना ; queer = strange,अजीब ; mystery = strange/ unexplained, रहस्य ; propose = suggest,सुझाव देना ; invested in (here) = adopted,अपनाया

If I Were I Were You Class 9 English to English Word Meaning Page 143

Crook = rogue, ढंग; disguise = hiding in a false identity, भेष; musinglythoughtfully,विचारशीलता स े; muddled = confused, परेशान

Beehive If I Were You Word Meaning English with Hindi Page 144

Slams = shuts, बंद करता ह ै; cupboard = almirah, अलमार ी; rattles = knocks, खटखटाता ह ै; props = lines spoken in a drama, नाटक में बोली गई पक्तिया ँ; probably = perhaps,शायद; leans = bends, झुकता है