In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from Reach for the Top Part 2. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying Reach for the Top Part 2 Word Meanings from Beehive Class 9.”

Hard Words : Reach for the Top Part 2 Page- 104

Disarming = making one feel at ease, removing suspicion (सजीव, अस्त्रहीन कर देने वाला) , Glamorous = attractive, stylish (आकर्षक) , Attire = clothing, dress (वस्त्र)  , Poised = composed, balanced (संतुलित)  , Siberian = related to Siberia, a region in Russia (साइबेरियाई)  , Professional = relating to a job or career, expert (पेशेवर)  , Pinnacle = highest point, summit (चरम बिंदु)  

Also Read:

Reach for the Top Part 2 Difficult Words in English Page- 105

Ascent = upward journey, progression (उत्कृष्टता की ओर यात्रा)  , Fiercely = with intensity, very competitively (उत्कृष्ट रूप से) , Competitive = rival-filled, challenging (प्रतिस्पर्धा भरा)  , Sacrifice = giving up, renunciation (त्याग)  , Endure = go through, face (सहन करना)  ,

Launched = set off, began (आरंभ किया)  , Heart-wrenching = deeply saddening, emotional (दुःखद)  , Compelled = forced, necessitated (मजबूर)  , Visa restrictions = official travel barriers, bureaucratic limits (यात्रा प्रतिबंध) , Excellence = high standard, outstanding quality (उच्च मानक)  ,

Lonely = feeling alone, missing family (अकेला महसूस करना) , Terribly = greatly, deeply (अत्यधिक) , Pupils = fellow trainees, young learners (छात्र)  

Good Word Meaning of the Chapter Reach for the Top Part 2 Page- 106

Tidy up = arrange neatly, organize (सुव्यवस्थित करना), Depress = dishearten, bring down (उदास करना), Determined = resolute, unwavering (ठान लिया)  , Mentally tough = psychologically strong, resilient (मानसिक रूप से मज़बूत) , Humiliation = embarrassment, disgrace (अपमान)  ,

Toughness = strength, resilience (मज़बूती) , Meteoric rise = rapid advancement, quick success (तेज़ उत्कृष्टता)  ,  Sentiment = emotion, feeling (भावना)  , Pronounced = noticeable, distinct (स्पष्ट) , Parades = showcases, displays proudly (गर्व से प्रदर्शित करना)  , Pigeonholed = labeled, typecast (ठप्पा लगाना) ,

Categorised = classified, sorted (श्रेणीबद्ध करना)  , Unwavering = steady, unchanging (अटल)  , Readiness = preparedness, willingness (तैयारी)  , Grudge = resent, envy (ईर्ष्या करना)  

Reach for the Top Part 2 English Difficult Words Page- 107

Riches = wealth, affluence (धन-संपत्ति), Reaping = obtaining, gaining (प्राप्त करना)  , Monetary = related to money, financial (मौद्रिक)  , Gains = earnings, benefits (लाभ)  , Motivation = driving force, reason (प्रेरणा)  , Business = trade, profession (व्यापार)  ,

Sport = game, athletic activity (खेल)  , Important = significant, crucial (महत्वपूर्ण)  , Dream = aspiration, ambition (सपना)  , Kept me going = motivated me, propelled me forward (मुझे आगे बढ़ाने वाला)