You can try the full form of PVC and gain confidence at least in PVC full form. Edumantra takes good care of you so buying books for competitive exams is not necessary. Additionally we would like to tell that the full form of PVC is Polyvinyl Chloride.
PVC — Polyvinyl Chloride
PVC Full-Form stands for Polyvinyl Chloride. PVC is among the widely made plastic polymers in the world. There are two forms of this synthetic polymer, which are the flexible form and the rigid form. The rigid form is utilized in constructing pipes, windows, and doors. Some of its additional uses include cards (membership cards or bank cards) non-food packaging and bottles. Sometimes, plasticizers are added to make it flexible and softer. Phthalates are one such widely used form. Phthalates are utilized in inflammable products, insulation of electric cables, plumbing, imitation leather, and other applications.
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PVC is quite hard and has high mechanical properties. These properties increase with the increase in molecular weight. But the same decreases with the increase in temperature. Raw PVC has very poor heat stability. Hence, a heat stabilizer is added for ensuring the properties of the product.
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When the temperature rises to one hundred and forty-degree Celsius or more, PVC decomposes. Its melting point is nearly one hundred and sixty degree Celsius. The insulation properties of PVC are of high level. Since it has a high polar nature, its electrical insulation property is less as compared to polypropylene, polyethene, and other non-polar polymers.
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The corona resistance of PVC is not excellent, since its volume resistivity, dielectric constant and loss tangent value are high. Hence, it is usually used in insulation materials of low frequency and voltage. PVC is resistant to alcohols, bases, acids, fats and salts. Hence, it is utilized in making sewage pipes. It is resistant to paint thinners and fuels. However, acetone may degrade it. Half of the total PVC made annually in the world is used in industrial and municipal applications.
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In the market of water distribution, it occupies sixty-six per cent of the US market and seventy per cent in applications related to sanitary pipes. Its use of electrical cables as insulation is also very common. But to use PVC for insulation purposes, it must be plasticized. PVC is now also used for making clothing materials. PVC clothing is quite popular in alternative, punk, and Goth fashions. Since PVC fabric is resistant to water, it is utilized in aprons, shoes, coats, bags, jackets, and skiing equipment.