70. RTO Full-Form | What is Regional Transport Office (RTO)

By | January 17, 2020
RTO Full-Form | What is Regional Transport Office (RTO)

Everyone should know full forms of words related to everyone. This page provides best full form and tells what the full form of RTO is. So your search for  RTO full form is over. Page is dedicated to a basic full form. Go through and get meaning of RTO


The (abbreviation) full form of RTO is Regional Transport Office

RTO Full Form, Abbreviation & Meaning

RTO Full-Form | What is Regional Transport Office (RTO)Most of the used vehicles. We have to learn them and get a license in order to drive them. This ensures that we know the way through which we can drive and also are aware of road safety rules. At the same time, our vehicles need certain permissions.

All the above tasks are taken care of by RTO. Regional Transport Office is an Indian Government Bureau which is responsible for testing individuals before issuing licenses and vehicles before giving the permissions.

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