This page offers Two Stories About Flying Part-II Black Aeroplane long answer type question for Class 10 from the book First Flight.
We’ve put together a bunch of long answer type question based on assumption, creativity, extrapolation and critical thinking. These types of questions are introduced after 2024 in CBSE Board. So, practice to understand Two Stories About Flying Part-II Black Aeroplane long answer type question
Two Stories About Flying Part-II Black Aeroplane Long Answer Type Question
1. Imagine you were flying the plane instead of the narrator. How would you feel when you saw the storm clouds ahead? What would you do?
Answer: If I were flying the plane, I would feel really scared seeing those big, dark storm clouds coming in front of me. They were almost like big giants. They seemed like they would swallow the sky. The thought of turning around and heading back to safety would definitely cross to my mind. At the same time I would be tempted to meet my family. In my heart, I really would want to go back home to my family and my comfortable room.
I have strong courage inside me so I would take a big breath and try to be as brave as I can. I would hold the plane’s controls tightly and steer towards the middle of the storm. Even though there are bright flashes of lightning and loud thunder, I would keep thinking about my warm bed at home and the happy laughter of my family and I would take a change like the narrator did.
I believe that beyond this scary storm, there’s safety waiting for me. Even though I feel scared, I would hold onto the hope that everything will turn out okay.
2. What do you think the strange black aeroplane represents in the story? Use your imagination.
Answer: In the story, there’s a black airplane that feels like a good friend to the narrator. It appears when things turned to be dangerous, an unknown friend came out of the storm. It’s like having a brave but unknown friend who knows just what to do when things get tough.
The strange aeroplane and its pilot guided the narrator safely through the dark clouds and wild winds. They make sure he’s okay. It seems like a tough situation comes in our life and someone comes and says, “Don’t worry, I have got your back!”
This makes me think the aeroplane is like a secret guardian. It’s a really nice idea. Even when we’re scared, there might be someone watching over us, ready to help us find our way through the storm and back to safety. This thought gives us comfort and reminds us that we’re never truly alone, even in the scariest moments.
Also Read:
- Two Stories about Flying Part-II Extra Questions and Answers
- Two Stories about Flying Part-II- Line To Line Explanation in Hindi
- Two Stories about Flying Part-II MCQ
- Two Stories about Flying Part-II Short Summary
- Hard Words : Black Aeroplane
3. How do you imagine the narrator felt when he landed safely but couldn’t find the mysterious plane or pilot?
Answer: The narrator must have felt puzzled and surprised when he landed safely but couldn’t find the mysterious plane or pilot anywhere. It’s like when you solve a tricky puzzle but can’t find the last piece to complete it.
You’re relieved that you made it through, but also wondering where that missing piece went. He might have also felt thankful for the help he got. It’s like when you’re struggling with a heavy bag, and someone unexpectedly comes along and helps you carry it. You feel grateful for their kindness. Plus, he must have been a little curious about who or what it was that helped him.
It’s natural to wonder about mysterious things, like finding a secret treasure map and wanting to know where it leads. So, even though he couldn’t see the mysterious plane or pilot anymore, the memory of their help would stay with him, like a warm glow in his heart.
4. If you could ask the mysterious pilot one question, what would it be and why?
Answer: I would ask the mysterious pilot, “Who are you and where did you come from?” because I would be really curious to know who helped the narrator in such a magical and mysterious way, especially since no one else saw the plane on the radar.
It’s like when you receive a surprise gift, and you want to know who it’s from so you can thank them properly. The mysterious pilot appeared out of nowhere and guided the narrator through the storm, leaving behind a sense of wonder and gratitude.
Asking the mysterious pilot about his identity and origin would satisfy my curiosity and deepen the mystery of unexpected appearance. It’s a question that holds the key to opening the secret of the black airplane and its helpful pilot.
5. Imagine what the control center woman thought when the narrator asked about the other plane. (Black Aeroplane)
Answer: The woman in the control center probably thought the narrator was making up a story or was confused because of the storm. She knew that no other planes were flying that night, so she might have found it strange.
She might also have found it a bit funny that the narrator mentioned another plane. It’s like when you tell a serious thing , but someone doesn’t get it because they didn’t hear the beginning.
The woman might have thought the narrator’s story was too strange to believe, especially since there was no sign of another plane on the radar. She might have chuckled and brushed it off, thinking it was just a figment of the narrator’s imagination.
6. What do you think happened to the mysterious black aeroplane after it helped the narrator?
Answer: I think that the mysterious black aeroplane disappeared into the clouds and went off to help someone else who was in trouble. It’s like a superhero plane that appears whenever someone needs help in the sky.
Just like how superheroes swoop in to save the day when there’s trouble, this plane might fly off to save the others who are lost or scared in the storm. It’s a comforting thought that there might be a silent guardian watching over us from above, ready to lend a hand when we need it most.
Plus, thinking about the mysterious plane coming through the clouds, spreading hope and safety wherever it goes, adds a touch of magic to the story. It’s like a secret hero, hidden in the sky, ready to come to the rescue whenever we look up and need a little help.
7. Why do you think the story is called “The Black Aeroplane”? What does the black color represent?
Answer: The story is called “The Black Aeroplane” because the mysterious plane plays a big role in helping the narrator. The black color might represent the mystery and unknown parts of the story, like how we never find out who the pilot was or where the plane came from.
It’s like when you’re reading a book and the title gives you a clue about what the story might be about. The black aeroplane stands out as something mysterious and important. It is just like the way the color black can be connected to secrets and hidden things.
It adds to the sense of excitement in the story. It also makes us wonder about the plane’s origins and the pilot’s identity. So, the title “The Black Aeroplane” gives a hint that the central black aeroplane is the central thing in the story.
8. If you were to tell a friend about this story, what lesson would you say it teaches? (Black Aeroplane)
Answer: If I were to tell a friend about this story, I would say it teaches us about trust and courage. The narrator had to trust the mysterious pilot to get through the storm, and it also shows us to be brave even when we’re in danger and facing big challenges.
It’s like when you’re learning to ride a bike for the first time, and you’re really scared, but you have to trust yourself and keep going.
The story reminds us that sometimes we have to trust others and believe in ourselves, even when things seem scary or uncertain. It’s a valuable lesson about facing our fears with courage and relying on the support of others when we need it most.
9. Why did the mysterious pilot decide to help the narrator through the storm? Express your own views
Answer- The mysterious pilot decided to guide the narrator because he understood the understood the dangers of flying alone through a storm. This act of unseen kindness shows the idea that in our toughest and most difficult times, there are always be a unseen force ready to help us.
The mysterious pilot also must have faced the similar dangers in his past. So he felt a sense of duty to ensure the narrator reaches his destination safely. This scene teaches us about the value of help and the unseen connections that bind all of us, especially in times of extreme need. It’s like when you’re feeling really lost and someone without any hope reaches out to help you find your way.
You realise that even in the toughest times, there are people who care about you and want to help. The story reminds us to be kind and helpful to others. These actions can make a big difference, even if we don’t always see the effect of the help quickly.
10. How do you think the experience with the black aeroplane changed the narrator’s perspective on flying or dealing with unexpected situations?
Answer- I think that in the beginning of the story, the narrator felt a sense of confidence in his abilities as a pilot. He must have believed that he could handle whatever challenges came his way.
After some time the encounter with the mysterious plane in would have likely shaken this confidence. It would have made him realize the limitations of his own knowledge and experience, as well as the uncertainty of the skies.
The experience might have taught him the importance of being prepared for the unexpected and accepting the existence of unknown forces which are out of his control. He must have started believing in others, even when they are unseen. The mysterious plane served as a guiding light in his moment of need, demonstrating the value of seeking help and support from unexpected sources.
This experience must have made the narrator feel less proud and more thankkful. He might be more careful and humble when he flies next time. He could also be more ready to believe in help that he can’t see when he’s in a tough spot.
11. Suppose the narrator had a chance to meet the pilot of the black aeroplane after the incident. What would he want to ask or say, and why?
Answer- We can imagine the emotions and questions that would arise from such an extraordinary experience. After being guided through the storm, the narrator would likely feel a deep sense of thankfulness and wonder towards the unseen pilot.
In a conversation between the two, the narrator might express his heartfelt thanks. He would also express his curiosity about the identity and motives of the mysterious pilot. He might ask questions like, “Who are you?” and “Where did you come from?” He would be eager to understand the circumstances that led to their meeting. The mysterious pilot, in turn, might offer very heart touching response, emphasizing the importance of trust and resilience in the face of difficulties.
As they would share their experiences, the conversation might focus on the lessons learned in their lives. They would definitely talk about newly framed friendship. The narrator might express his newfound appreciation for the value of trust and on others, even when they are unseen.
Overall, the conversation between the narrator and the mysterious pilot would be one of mutual respect, gratitude, and understanding.
12. How does the narrator’s decision to fly into the storm despite the risks reflect on the value of perseverance and facing fears?
Answer- Reflecting on the narrator’s internal conflict and decision-making process, one can see the importance of facing challenges and how perseverance can lead to unexpected outcomes.
When the narrator saw the storm and realised his instruments were not functioning properly, he faced a moment of intense internal conflict. He had to decide whether to turn back or continue flying into the unknown. Despite his fear and uncertainty, the narrator chose to persevere and continue flying, trusting in his instincts and abilities as a pilot.
This decision to face the challenge led to an unexpected help. By persevering through the storm, the narrator was able to receive guidance and assistance from an unseen source.
This highlights the importance of perseverance in the face of difficulty. Sometimes, when we confront challenges with courage and determination, we may find unexpected solutions or assistance that helps us overcome problems.
Overall, the narrator’s internal conflict and decision-making process show the power of perseverance.
13. What can we learn about the value of helping others from the mysterious pilot’s actions?
We can see a great lesson it teaches us about selflessness and the impact of helping others in need. It also teachers that we should not expect any anything in return while helping ithers.
The mysterious pilot’s decision to guide the narrator through the storm demonstrates an act of selflessness. Despite the risks and challenges, the pilot chose to give a helping hand to the narrator in need. This highlights the importance of helping others. It also shows that even in the most difficult circumstances, there are those who are willing to go out of their way to help others.
This help not only ensures the narrator’s safety but also instills in him a sense of gratitude and wonder. The experience leaves a lasting impression on the narrator, reminding him of the importance of kindness and generosity towards others.
We also learn that the acts of kindness, can have a great impact on those who are around us. It encourages us to look out for one another and offer help and support whenever we can, knowing that our actions can make a difference in someone’s life.
14. How can the mystery surrounding the black aeroplane teach us about the value of embracing the unknown and the unseen?
Answer- The black aeroplane in the story is like a big question mark. We don’t know where it came from or why it appeared to help the narrator. But that’s okay! Sometimes, in life, there are things we can’t explain, like how a bird knows where to fly or why the stars shine at night.
This story teaches us that it’s okay not to have all the answers. Sometimes, we just have to trust that things will work out, even if we don’t understand why or how. Just like the narrator trusted the black aeroplane to guide him through the storm, we can trust in things we can’t see or fully understand.
So, even when things seem confusing or mysterious, it’s important to keep believing and have faith that everything will be okay in the end. That’s the big lesson from the story of the black aeroplane!
15. How does the act of following the mysterious black aeroplane serve as a metaphor for seeking guidance during uncertain times?
Answer – When the narrator started to follow the mysterious black aeroplane in difficult time, it showed how humans often look for guidance when things get tough. It’s like when you’re lost in a big forest and you see a friendly animal that leads you out. The narrator trusted his instincts and followed the aeroplane, even though he didn’t know where it came from or who was flying it.
This tells us that humans have a natural tendency to seek help and guidance when they’re in trouble. We rely on our intuition and instincts to guide us through difficult situations, even if we don’t fully understand what’s going on. It’s kind of like a built-in compass that helps us find our way when we’re lost.
The story teaches us that it’s okay to trust ourselves and follow our intuition, even when things are not certain. Sometimes, the unknown things or people can lead us to new and safe places and help us find solutions to our problems. By trusting in ourselves and the guidance we receive, we can come out of the toughest challenges with courage.
16. If the mysterious black aeroplane had been a figment of the narrator’s imagination, what would that suggest about the human mind’s ability to find solutions in desperate situations?
Answer- The possibility that the black aeroplane was a creation of the narrator’s mind opens up an interesting power of the human mind. It suggests that even in the most difficult time, our minds can guide us through difficult situations.
In the story, the narrator is facing a terrifying storm and struggling with instruments. The appearance of the black aeroplane could be explained as a creation of the narrator’s subconscious mind. His mind provided him with a sense of hope and guidance during the moments of crisis.
This interpretation highlights the goodness of the human spirit and its capacity to find inner strength. It suggests that even when we feel powerless or overwhelmed, our minds can create solutions or sources of comfort to help us.
The idea that the black aeroplane was a creation of the narrator’s mind tells the importance of maintaining a positive mindset. Positive mindset creates the possibility of overcoming problems. It reminds us that hope and determination can be powerful tools in times of hardship.
Overall, considering the possibility that the black aeroplane was a product of the narrator’s imagination proves the power of human mind.
17. What does the story suggest about the importance of unseen forces in our lives, such as luck, fate, or divine intervention?
Answer – The role of the mysterious black aeroplane and its pilot, holds a significant symbol in the story. They represent unseen or unexplained forces that can profoundly influence the outcomes of our efforts and shape our destinies.
The black aeroplane’s sudden appearance and disappearance without a trace suggests that there are unseen forces in the world beyond our comprehension. Just as the narrator cannot explain where the aeroplane came from or where it went, there are aspects of life that are mysterious and beyond our understanding.
This tells the idea that our destinies are not completely determined by our own actions or efforts. There are unseen forces that guide us in unexpected ways.
The significance of the black aeroplane lies in its ability to provide hope and guidance to the narrator in his moment of need. Its presence offers an assurance that even in the face of adversity, there are unseen forces working in our favor.
It reminds us that while we may not always understand or control these forces, they can play a crucial role in shaping our destinies and the outcomes of our endeavors.