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Two Stories About Flying Part-II Black Aeroplane
By- Frederick Forsyth
Short Summary of Black Aeroplane from Two Stories About Flying Part-II- Easy Language- 100 Words
Fredrick Forsyth, a pilot, was flying his old plane back to England from France. It was night, and he wanted to get home quickly. Suddenly, he saw storm clouds ahead but decided to fly through them instead of going around.
Inside the storm, his radio and compass stopped working, making it hard to see and navigate. Then, a mysterious black aeroplane appeared and signalled him to follow. Forsyth trusted this unknown pilot, who led him safely out of the storm. When he landed, he found out there was no record of the black aeroplane, leaving him puzzled about who helped him.
Point Wise Summary of the Chapter Two Stories About Flying Part-II Black Aeroplane. This is also Called Value Points of the Story
- The narrator was flying his old Dakota aeroplane over France back to England.
- He called Paris control and was asked to turn 12 degrees west.
- He thought he would be with his family and be in time for breakfast.
- Everything was going well and it was an easy flight.
- Suddenly he saw dark black storm clouds.
- He took the risk and the plane went straight into the storm.
- Everything looked black inside the mountains of clouds.
- The old plane jumped and twisted in the air.
- He couldn’t believe it when he found his compass and other instruments totally dead.
- Suddenly, another aeroplane appeared and he could see the face of the pilot.
- The pilot of the black plane asked the narrator to follow him.
- The narrator was frightened as there was fuel enough that could last only five to ten minutes.
- Suddenly he came out of the clouds and saw two long straight lines in front of him.
- It was a runway where he could land safely.
- On landing, he asked the lady in the control room where he was and who the other pilot was.
- The lady replied that no other aeroplane except his Dakota flew that night.
- The pilot of the black aeroplane remained an unsolved mystery for the narrator.
Let’s Also read a little about the Author of Frederick Forsyth Two Stories About Flying Part-II
Two Stories About Flying- About the Author–
Frederick Forsyth was born on 25 August 1938, in Ashford, Kent, England. He was educated at Tonbridge School and later joined the University of Granada in Spain. He joined the RAF and became a jet fighter pilot. He became a journalist and joined the BBC in 1965, where he served as an assistant diplomatic correspondent.
Detailed Summary of Two Stories About Flying Part-II Black Aeroplane
1.On his Way to England: The moon was coming in the clear sky. The narrator was flying his old Dakota aeroplane over France back to England. He contacted Paris Control for instructions. He was asked to turn twelve degrees west. He thought that he would be in time for English breakfast.
2. Storm Clouds: Paris was 150 kilometres behind him. He saw the clouds in the sky. They were storm clouds. They looked like black mountains standing in front of him. He couldn’t avoid by flying up and over them. He didn’t have enough petrol (fuel) to fly around the north and south. He thought of going back to Paris. But he wanted to go home for breakfast.
3. Instruments Dead: The narrator took the risk. He flew that old Dakota straight into the storm. Inside the clouds, everything was suddenly black. He couldn’t see anything outside. The old aeroplane jumped and twisted in the air. He looked at the compass. It was dead. The other instruments were suddenly dead too. He tried the radio to contact Paris control. There was no answer. He didn’t know where he was. He was in a very hopeless situation.
4. Black Plane for Help: He was lost in the storm. Suddenly, he saw another aeroplane. The black aeroplane was flying next to him. He could see the pilot’s face. He was glad to see another person. “Follow me”, he said waving his one hand. The narrator followed him like an obedient child.
5. Landed Safely: He followed the black aeroplane for half an hour. Now there was only enough fuel in the old Dakota’s last tank to fly for five or ten minutes. Then he started going down. He saw two straight lines of lights before him. It was a runway. “An airport,” he cried in joy. He turned to look for his friend in the black aeroplane, but the sky was empty. He wanted to say ‘Thank you” to his rescuer.
6. The mystery about the Black Aeroplane: After landing, he went to the control tower. He asked the lady there where he was. He also asked who the other pilot was. She looked at him strangely and then laughed. She replied that no other aeroplane was flying that night. She could only see his aeroplane on the radar. Who helped the narrator to arrive there safely without a compass or a radio, and without any more fuel in his tanks? It remained an unsolved mystery.
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