Theme of the Last Leaf Class 9

By | February 21, 2023
Theme of the Last Leaf Class 9

This content was prepared by the experts to make sure that high quality is being provided. The study material comes from Theme of the Last Leaf Class 9 in order to help learners. Go through it and add the most value to your studies.

Theme of the Last Leaf Class 9

Life is precious and hope should never be lost. We come across many obstacles in life and they should be overcome by fighting back with faith and high spirits. Depression can lead to disaster even when the situation isn’t bad
Another theme in the story is that with friends, one is never alone. It’s always good to have someone who understands you and looks out for you. The old painter knowingly sacrifices his life for his fellow artist’s work in order to create a masterpiece.

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Theme of the Last Leaf Class 9

It is difficult to not view life negatively when we think about the causes of suffering among those around us. But, this attitude can cause a lot of pain for people who are close to us, sometimes even leading them to harm themselves.
This story talks about how we need to have a positive attitude in life in order to be fruitful. This story also discusses how selfishness can be frustrating, so that our lives are as full as possible. The protagonist of the short story Painter Behrman sacrifices his life for Johnsy.

Justify the title ‘The Last Leaf’

“The Last Leaf,” the title of the story, raises curiosity in the reader to a certain event that has happened or is happening. “The last” refers to the concept conveyed by the story–the dying Johnsy. The last leaf becomes the last hope of survival and keeps the reader hooked until the end.
Throughout the story, the last ivy leaf remains central. In the early part of the story it emphasizes Johnsy’s ailment and depression, but later on it connotes courage, hope and optimism. The last leaf saves Johnsy’s life and fulfills Behrman’s lifelong dream to paint a masterpiece. However, it also turns out to be his last masterpiece, too. Hence, the title is very apt.

Justify the title ‘The Last Leaf’

The leaves of the ivy creeper have been dwindling over time. Every time a leaf falls, Johnsy, the sick girl believes that she will soon die. One night, there were only one leaf remaining on the ivy and it would fall that night. Johnsy’s artist neighbor tells her to expect rain anytime now and suggests creating an artificial leaf for the ivy to hold in its final moments.
The title “The last leaf on the ivy helps one person to survive but results in the death of another person.” is appropriate because the last leaf on the ivy helps one person to survive but results in the death of another person.

The Last Leaf Message

The chief message this short story presents is the spirit of sacrifice we need to have in our life. The old artist, Behrman sacrificed his life so that Johnsy could live. In this process, he also achieved his ambition of painting a masterpiece.
The message is that we should have a positive attitude in life. Johnsy was under depression and she felt her life was linked to the leaves on the ivy creeper. This prevented her from getting better from her illness. She was also causing harm to her friend, Sue. Had she adopted a positive attitude, Behrman would not have died. Our thinking and attitude affect the lives of other people too.

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