In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from The Lost Child. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying The Lost Child Word Meanings from Moments Class 9.”

Hard Words : The Lost Child Page- 1

Festival = celebration, occasion (त्योहार), Spring = season after winter, a period of growth (बसंत), Wintry = relating to winter, cold (शीतल), Lanes = narrow roads, pathways (गलियाँ), Alleys = narrow passageways, often between buildings (गली), Gaily = cheerfully, brightly (खुशी से), Clad = dressed, clothed (पहना हुआ),

Humanity = people, mankind (मानवता), Bamboo = a type of tall, hollow grass, used as building material (बांस), Bullock carts = a traditional vehicle pulled by oxen (बैलगाड़ी), Brimming = full to the top, overflowing (लबालब), Laughter = the sound of laughing, merriment (हंसी)

The Lost Child Difficult Words in English Page- 2

Lagged = fell behind, delayed (पीछे रहना), Fascinated = strongly attracted, captivated (मोहित), Receding = moving back, retreating (पीछे हटता हुआ), Suppress = hold back, restrain (दबाना), Pleaded = requested earnestly, implored (विनती की),

Tyrant = a cruel, oppressive ruler or person (तानाशाह), Melted = became softened or tender (पिघलना), Mustard-field = field where mustard plants are grown (सरसों का खेत),

Gaudy = flashy, brightly colored (भव्य), Intercepting = stopping or interrupting the path of (रोकना), Cautionary = giving warning, advising caution (सतर्कता सूचक), Gaily = cheerfully, joyfully (हर्षित होकर), Abreast = side by side, aligned (बराबर में), Teeming = filled with, abundant (भरा हुआ),

Grove = a small group of trees (वृक्ष समूह), Cooing = the soft sound made by doves (कबूतर की कू कू करने की आवाज़), Capers = playful jumps or dances (छलांग), Banyan tree = a large tree with aerial roots (बरगद का पेड़), Winding = twisting, turning (मोड़दार)

Also Read:

Good Word Meaning of the Lesson The Lost child Page- 3

Nearing = approaching, coming close (नजदीक आ रहा), Village = small town or settlement, rural area (गाँव), Footpaths = pathways, pedestrian ways (पैदल पथ), Throngs = large crowds, groups of people (भीड़), Whirlpool = center of activity, vortex (घूर्णक),

Repelled = pushed away, disinclined (विरुद्ध भावना पाना), Fascinated = attracted, captivated (मोहित), Sweetmeat seller = vendor selling sweets, confectioner (मिठाई विक्रेता), Hawked = shouted out for sale, advertised loudly (चिल्लाकर बेचना),

Entrance = gateway, entry point (प्रवेश द्वार), Architecture = design, structure (वास्तुकला) [In the context of sweets arrangement], Open-eyed = with full attention, staring (ध्यान से देखते हुए), Watered = salivated, desired (मुंह में पानी आना), Garland = decorative chain of flowers, mala (माला),

Gulmohur = a type of tree with bright red flowers, flamboyant tree (गुलमोहर), Pole = a long stick, rod (खंभा), Balloon = an inflatable, often colorful rubber bag filled with air or helium (गुब्बारा), Rainbow glory = variety of colors, multicolored splendor (इंद्रधनुष की शोभा), Silken = soft and smooth, like silk (रेशमी),

Flute = a musical instrument, often made of wood (बांसुरी), Coiled = wrapped in a circular manner, curled (लपेटना), Graceful bend = elegant curve or arch (सुंदर मोड़), Swan = a large bird with a long neck, often found in lakes or rivers (हंस), Rippling = a gentle wave-like motion or sound, flowing (लहराता हुआ),

Roundabout = a carousel, a revolving machine with seats or stands (मेले की घूमने वाली झूला), Swing = moving back and forth, pendulum-like motion (झूला झूलना), Dizzy = feeling of spinning, lightheaded (चक्कर आना), Laughter = the act of laughing, giggling (हंसी)

English Difficult Words of the Chapter The Lost Child Page- 4

Reply = Response, Answer (जवाब), Turned = Changed orientation, Pivoted (दिशा बदली), Either = One or the other of two (दो में से कोई एक), Throat = Part of the neck where sounds are produced, Voice box (गला), Jerk = Sudden movement, Quick motion (अचानक चाल), Fear = Emotion of dread or anxiety (डर, भय), Rolled = Moved smoothly down, As in tears (बहकर आना),

Flushed = Turned red, especially from emotion (लाल पड़ना), Convulsed = Experienced violent movements or spasms (अचानक आंदोलन में आना), Panic-stricken = Overwhelmed with sudden fear (घबराया हुआ), Hither and thither = In various random directions (इधर-उधर),

Turban = Traditional head covering, especially in some cultures (पगड़ी), Untied = Loosened, not fastened (खुला हुआ), Muddy = Soiled with mud, Dirty (कीचड़ से लिपा हुआ), Suppressed = Held back, Restrained from expressing (रोक दिया),

Sobs = Cries expressing grief or pain (रोने की आवाज़), Shrine = A place considered sacred, often for worship (पुण्य स्थल), Congested = Overcrowded, Filled to excess (भरा हुआ), Jostled = Pushed or elbowed roughly (धकेला), Flashing = Emitting brief bursts of light (चमकता हुआ),

Murderous = Extremely dangerous or harmful (घातक), Hefty = Heavy and strong, powerful (मजबूत), Brutal = Harsh or cruel (कठोर), Trampled = Stepped on heavily (पैरों तले कुचल दिया), Shrieked = Yelled with a high-pitched voice (चिल्लाया),

Surging = Moving forward powerfully, like a wave (लहर की तरह आगे बढ़ता हुआ), Stooping = Bending forward or downward (झुकाव में), Lifted = Raised up or picked up (उठाया), Steered = Directed or guided (दिशा दी), Mass = Large group or assembly of people (भीड़),

Bitterly = With intense grief or regret (दुःख से), Roundabout = A carousel or merry-go-round in amusement parks (मेले का घूमने वाला झूला ), Approached = Moved closer to something or someone (नजदीक आना), Soothe = To calm or relieve discomfort (शांत करना)

The Lost Child Word Meaning in English Page- 5

Headed = directed towards, moved in a direction (दिशा में बढ़ना), Snake-charmer = one who controls snakes with music, serpent tamer (सपेरा), Flute = a wind instrument, musical pipe (बांसुरी), Swaying = moving side to side, oscillating (डोलना), Pleaded = earnestly asked, implored (विनती की), Shut = closed, sealed (बंद कर दिया), Ears = organs of hearing, auditory parts (कान), Double-pitched = having two tones, dual-frequency (दोहरी प्रकृति की आवाज़), Strain = musical note, sound (संगीत की ध्वनि),

Balloons = inflatable objects, air-filled rubber (गुब्बारे), Distract = divert attention, sidetrack (ध्यान भटकाना), Quieten = make calm, pacify (शांत करना), Rainbow-coloured = multicolored, having many colors (इंद्रधनुषी रंग), Persuasively = convincingly, compellingly (प्रेरणा देनेवाला), Sobbed = cried with emotion, wept (रो पड़ा), Gate = entrance, doorway (द्वार), Flower-seller = one who sells flowers, florist (फूल बेचनेवाला), Garland = a string of flowers, floral necklace (हार)

The Lost Child Class 9 English to English Word Meaning Page- 6

Turned = changed direction, shifted position (मोड़ना), Nose = organ of smell, snout (नाक), Basket = container made of woven material, hamper (टोकरी), Reiterated = repeated, said again (दोहराया), Sob = cry with a convulsive catching of the breath, weep (रोना), Humour = to pacify or appease, cater to (मनोरंजन), Disconsolate = deeply unhappy, unable to be cheered up (दुखी),

Charge = a person entrusted to someone’s care, responsibility (जिम्मेदारी), Sweets = sugary treats, confections (मिठाई), Counter = a surface used in shops to conduct business, tabletop (काउंटर), Sweet shop = store selling candies and other sugary items (मिठाई की दुकान), Face = front of the head, visage (चेहरा)

The Lost Child Introduction

‘The Lost Child’ is one of the famous stories of Mulk Raj Anand. This story shows the working of the child’s mind. It shows that a child has great love for his parents. In this story, a child goes to see the village fair in the company of his father and mother. He is attracted by different things in the fair.

He asks his parents s, again and again, to buy him something or the other. But they don’t buy anything for him. By chance, the child gets separated from his parents. He starts He runs here and there shouting for his parents. A kind man sees him. He tries to console the child. He takes him to different shops. But the child goes on weeping. Now he has lost interest in everything. He only cries, “I want my mother, I want my father!”

(`The Lost Child’ मुलक राज आनंद की प्रसिद्ध कहानियों में से एक है । यह कहानी एक बच्चे के मन की कार्यप्रणाली को दर्शाती है । यह दर्शाती है कि बच्चे को अपने माता-पिता से बहुत प्यार होता है । इस कहानी मेँ एक बच्चा अपने माता-पिता के साथ गॉव का एक मेला देखने जाता है । वह मेले में बिभिन्न वस्तुओं की तरफ आकर्षित होता है । यह अपने माता –पिता को बार –बार कहता है कि वे ड़से कुछ खरीद दें । मगर वे  उसके लिए कुछ  नहीं खरीदते ।

संयोगवश बच्चा अपने माता-पिता से बिछुड़ जाता है । वह रोना आरम्भ कर देता है । बह अपने माँ-बाप के लिए चिल्लाता हुआ यहाँ-वहाँ दौड़ता है । एक दयालु व्यक्ति उसे देखता है । बह बच्चे को साँत्वना देने का प्रयत्न करता है । बह उसे कईं दुकानों पर ले जाता है । मगर बच्चा रोता रहता है । अब उसकी प्रत्येक वस्तु से रुचि समाप्त हो गई है । वह केवल चिल्लात्ता है, “मुझे मेरी माँ चाहिए, मुझे मेरे पिता चाहिए ।’ )

The Lost Child Introduction (2) :

Young children get attracted by little things around them and often press their parents with demands to buy those things. However, their real happiness lies in being with their parents. “The Lost Child” is a story about one such boy who cannot be tempted by anything in the absence of his parents.