Here are Extra Question Answers of the Chapter The Making of a Scientist . This question bank includes everything you need to master The Making of a Scientist .This is updated as per 2024- 25 pattern. Go through to gain deep understanding and achieve a great score in exam of Class 10 English.
Table of Contents
Here is the introduction for Chapter’ The Making of a Scientist Class 10. (Extra Question)
The chapter The Making of a Scientist is about the great scientist Richard Ebright and his journey to becoming a great scientist. He started collecting butterflies as a child. His mother encouraged his interest and.
Ebright also loved doing experiments. Even when he failed at a science fair yet he did not give up. He worked harder and started doing real experiments. His research on butterflies led him to discover an insect hormone.
Richard Ebright’s hard work, curiosity, and love for learning helped him achieve success. The chapter teaches that small hobbies and support from others can lead to big achievements.
1. Theme: The chapter is based on the theme of curiosity, hard work, and proper guidance to help in making a successful scientist.
2. Moral: The chapter Making of a Scientist teaches us that failures are a part of learning. If we stay curious and keep trying, we can achieve success.
3. Characters:
– Richard Ebright: A bright and curious child who became a great scientist through his passion and hard work.
– Ebright’s Mother: She played a big role by supporting his interest in learning and providing him with tools and books.
– Dr. Frederick A. Urquhart: He was a scientist from the University of Toronto, Canada. He conducted research on butterfly migrations and invited the public to assist by tagging butterflies for his studies. Richard Ebright’s mother reached out to Dr. Urquhart, which allowed Ebright to participate in tagging monarch butterflies, sparking his deeper interest in science.
4. Significance of Title: The title is appropriate as the chapter tells how Richard Ebright’s childhood interest and passion made him a scientist. It shows the steps in his journey from a curious boy to a successful scientist.
The Making of a Scientist Theme in Short
“The theme is: Encouragement and hard work lead to great achievements.”
Theme Justification
Let’s see how the theme is applicable to the chapter Making of a Scientist
The theme is shown through Richard Ebright’s journey. His mother’s support and his own hard work helped him achieve great success in science. Dr. Urquhart and Mr. Weiherer also encouraged him, showing how support and effort lead to big accomplishments.
List of Themes
Let’s see some more themes appropriately applicable on the chapter Making of a Scientist
1. Encouragement and Support
2. Curiosity and Learning
3. Hard Work and Dedication
Characters- of “The Making of a Scientist ” (Extra Questions)
Character – 1 Richard H Ebright from the Chapter Making of a Scientist
1. Richard H Ebright is Curious- Richard Ebright was always curious. He loved to learn new things and ask questions.
2. He was Determined – He was very determined. When he started something, he made sure to finish it, no matter what.
3. He is Intelligent- Richard was very smart. He understood things quickly and did very well in his studies.
Character – 2 Richard Ebright’s Mother from the Chapter Making of a Scientist
1. Richard’s mother was Supportive- His mother was always there for him. She supported him in everything he did.
2. She was Encouraging– She encouraged Richard to follow his interests and dreams. She always told him he could do anything.
3. She was very much Caring– She cared for Richard a lot. After his father died, she made sure he never felt alone.
Character – 3 Dr Urquhart from the Chapter Making of a Scientist
1. Dr Urquhart was Knowledgeable– He knew a lot about butterflies and science. He was very smart in his field.
2. He was Supportive – He supported young scientists like Richard Ebright. He helped them with their projects and ideas.
3. Dr Urquhart was very much Experienced– He had many years of experience in studying butterflies. He knew how to conduct good experiments.
Character – 4 Mr Weiherer from the Chapter Making of a Scientist
1. Mr Weiherer was Inspirational – Mr. Weiherer inspired Richard to think in new ways and explore new ideas.
2. He was Supportive – He supported Richard in his activities and helped him with his projects.
3. He was Full of Knowledgeable – Mr. Weiherer knew a lot about social studies and other subjects. He was very smart.
Short Summary of ” The Making of a Scientist ” (Extra Questions)
This short summary will help you to understand the chapter easily and quickly covering the main events of the chapter. Read in no time and understand quickly understand the chapter “The Making of a Scientist”
Richard Ebright lived in Reading, Pennsylvania. From a young age, he loved collecting butterflies, rocks, and fossils. His mother supported him by buying books and tools. In second grade, he collected all local butterfly species. Inspired by the book “The Travels of Monarch X,” he started butterfly research.
In seventh grade, he realised he needed real experiments to win science fairs. Dr. Urquhart gave him ideas, leading to many awards. In high school, he discovered an insect hormone and developed a new theory on cell life. Richard’s curiosity, hard work, and support from his mother and mentors helped him succeed.
Word Meanings of ” The Making of a Scientist -(Extra Questions)
Hard Words : The Making of a Scientist [PAGE 32] :
Scout = young member of a youth organization, observer (नव-युवक संगठन का सदस्य, अवलोकक), Theory = a system of ideas, explanation (विचारधारा, समझाया गया सिद्धांत), Proceedings = series of actions, official records (क्रियावली, आधिकारिक अभिलेख),
Journal = publication, periodical (पत्रिका, मासिक), Leagues = associations, clubs (संघ, क्लब), Butterflies = winged insects, beautiful flying creatures (तितलियाँ), Only child = a person with no siblings (एकल संतान), Reading (as a place name) = a town or city name (एक शहर का नाम), Football = a game played with a round ball, soccer (फुटबॉल),
Baseball = a game played with a bat and ball (बेसबॉल), Collect = gather, acquire (इकट्ठा करना, प्राप्त करना), Determination = firmness of purpose, resolve (निश्चय, संकल्प), Rocks = hard substances of the earth, stones (चट्टानें), Fossils = remains of prehistoric organisms, ancient imprints (जीवाश्म),
Coins = metal money, currency pieces (सिक्के), Astronomer = person who studies stars, celestial expert (खगोलशास्त्री), Star-gazing = looking at stars, observing celestial bodies (तारों को देखना), Excited = ecstatic (उत्साहित), Cells = a very minute unit of living matter (कोशिकाएँ), String = line (तार),
Kindergarten = school for children (बालकों के लिए स्कूल), Activity = action (क्रिया), Former = earlier (पूर्ववर्ती), Explain = elaborate (व्याख्या करना), Article = non-fictional prose (लेख), Proceeding = institution of a sequence of steps (प्रक्रिया), Academy = a school for special training (अकादमी),
Publish = to put into print (प्रकाशित करना), Achievement = the action of accomplishing something (साधना), Certainly = indeed (बिल्कुल), Eager = curious to know (जिज्ञासु), Gazing = to watch (देखना)
Extract Based Questions of ” The Making of a Scientist -(Extra Questions)
The Making of a Scientist Extract- 1
AT the age of twenty two, a former ‘scout of the year’ excited the scientific world with a new theory on how cells work. Richard H. Ebright and his college roommate explained the theory in an article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
Question: 1 Why was Richard H. Ebright’s new theory significant to the scientific world? Answer in about 40 words.
Answer: Richard H. Ebright’s new theory was important because it gave a new way to understand how cells function. He made this discovery when he was just twenty two years old, showing his great talent and adding useful information to science.
Question: 2 State True or False.
None of the terms (a)(d) can be applied to the statement — “At the age of twenty two, a former ‘scout of the year’ excited the scientific world with a new theory on how cells work.”
(a) Achievement a notable success through skill or effort
(b) Discovery finding out something new
(c) Theory an idea system to explain phenomena
(d) Prediction a forecast based on knowledge
Answer: False.
Reason- The term (c) A theory, a system of ideas intended to explain something can be applied to the statement.
Question: 3 The information in the extract suggests that Richard H. Ebright was a _____.
Answer: genius / prodigy/ innovator/ researcher/ visionary/ scholar or any other similar response.
Question:4 How could Richard’s youth influence his scientific ideas?
Answer: His youth allowed him to be open to trying new things.
Extract from The Making of a Scientist- 2
An only child, Ebright grew up north of Reading, Pennsylvania. “There wasn’t much I could do there,” he said. “I certainly couldn’t play football or baseball with a team of one. But there was one thing I could do — collect things.”
Question: 1 Why did Richard H. Ebright start collecting things as a child? Answer in about 40 words.
Answer: Richard H. Ebright started collecting things because he was an only child and there wasn’t much to do in his hometown. Collecting was an activity he could do alone, which kept him engaged and interested.
Question: 2 State True or False.
None of the terms (a)(d) can be applied to the statement — “There wasn’t much I could do there.”
(a) Expression of boredom – showing few activities
(b) Challenge – difficult situation
(c) Exaggeration – overstating facts
(d) Complaint- expressing dissatisfaction
Answer: False.
Reason- The term (a) Expression of boredom can be applied to the statement.
Question: 3 Richard’s enjoyment in collecting things, despite limited options, shows his strong sense of _______.
Answer: curiosity/ imagination/ initiative/ adaptability or any other similar
Question: 4 How might Richard’s environment have shaped his hobbies and interests?
Answer: Limited activities led him to explore and collect different items.
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)- of ” The Making of a Scientist ”
1. Question: What inspired Richard Ebright to start tagging butterflies?
a) A school project
b) A book called “The Travels of Monarch X”
c) His teacher’s advice
d) A TV documentary
Answer: b) A book called “The Travels of Monarch X”
Reason: The book introduced him to the idea of tagging butterflies to study their migration.
2. Question: How did Richard’s mother contribute to his interest in science?
a) By enrolling him in a sports club
b) By taking him to science fiction movies
c) By providing him with books and tools
d) By sending him to summer camps
Answer: c) By providing him with books and tools
Reason: She nurtured his scientific interests by providing educational resources like books and scientific tools.
3.Question: What lesson did Richard learn from not winning his first science fair?
a) Presenting welldesigned displays is key
b) Real experiments are necessary
c) Networking at fairs boosts chances of winning
d) More complex topics always win
Answer: b) Real experiments are necessary
Reason: He realised that conducting actual experiments and not just displaying information was essential to succeed in science fairs.
4 Question: What quality did Dr. Urquhart see in Richard that made him decide to mentor him?
a) Richard’s curiosity
b) Richard’s meticulous recordkeeping
c) Richard’s organisational skills
d) Richard’s problemsolving approach
Answer: a) Richard’s curiosity
Reason: Dr. Urquhart was impressed by Richard’s strong curiosity and genuine interest in science, which prompted him to provide mentorship.
5. Question: How did Richard’s participation in debating help him in science?
a) Improved his mathematical skills
b) Enhanced his communication and critical thinking
c) Made him more competitive
d) Taught him artistic techniques
Answer: b) Enhanced his communication and critical thinkingReason: Debating helped him develop skills valuable for presenting scientific findings.
Short Answer Type Important Questions
Question: How did Richard Ebright’s early hobby of collecting butterflies help him in his scientific career?
Answer: Richard’s hobby made him very interested in nature. He learned a lot about butterflies from a book called “The Travels of Monarch Rel.” This helped him start his own butterfly experiments, which began his career in science.
2. Question: Why was the book “The Travels of Monarch X” important to Richard Ebright?
Answer: The book “The Travels of Monarch X” was important because it taught Richard about butterfly migration and scientific research. It inspired him to start tagging butterflies, which became a key part of his early scientific work.
3. Question: How did Richard’s mother support his interests in science?
Answer: Richard’s mom helped him a lot in science. She bought him science books and tools, and took him on trips to learn more. She also helped him with his science projects. Her support made him love science even more.
4. Question: What lesson did Richard learn from his first science fair experience in seventh grade?
Answer: Richard learned that winning required conducting real experiments, not just making neat displays. This motivated him to work harder and do better experiments in the future, leading to his later successes.
5. Question: How did Richard’s participation in the Debating and Model United Nations clubs help him as a scientist?
Answer: These clubs helped Richard develop public speaking, critical thinking, and teamwork skills. These skills were valuable in presenting scientific findings and collaborating with others in his scientific research.
6. Question: Why was Dr. Urquhart’s mentorship important for Richard Ebright?
Answer: Dr. Urquhart’s mentorship provided Richard with valuable ideas and suggestions for experiments. This guidance helped Richard learn proper scientific methods and conduct meaningful research.
7. Question: What was the significance of Richard’s discovery of the insect hormone in high school?
Answer: Richard’s discovery of the insect hormone was significant because it showed his ability to conduct advanced research. It won him first place at the International Science Fair and opened opportunities for further scientific studies.
8. Question: How did Richard’s mother create a good learning environment for him?
Answer: Richard’s mother created a good learning environment by providing him with books, tools, and educational trips. She encouraged his curiosity, helped with his projects, and praised his efforts.
9. Question: What qualities did Dr. Urquhart see in Richard that made him decide to mentor him?
Answer: Dr. Urquhart saw Richard’s strong curiosity, dedication, willingness to learn, and perseverance. These qualities showed Richard’s potential to make significant contributions to science.
10. Question: How did Richard’s early failures contribute to his later successes?
Answer: Richard’s early failures taught him important lessons about the need for real experiments. These experiences motivated him to work harder and smarter, leading to his later successes in science fairs and research.
Long Answer Type Important Questions
Question: 1 How did Richard Ebright’s early interests and hobbies help shape his future career in science?
Answer: Richard Ebright’s hobbies like collecting butterflies helped him become a scientist. As a kid, he loved to explore and learn about nature. His mother helped by getting him books and taking him on trips. This made him very curious about how things worked.
He learned to be patient and careful while collecting and studying butterflies. This helped him develop important skills like observing carefully and working hard. These skills were very useful when he became a scientist and started doing his own experiments.
His early success with collecting butterflies and learning from books like “The Travels of Monarch X” made him more interested in science and helped him choose it as a career. These experiences made him good at scientific research, leading to big discoveries later on.
Question: 2 ‘Success is failure turned inside inside out.’ How does Richard Ebright’s journey from science fair losses to international wins show this?
Answer: Richard Ebright’s story shows that failure can lead to success. He didn’t win his first science fair in seventh grade when he presented slides of frog tissues. Instead of getting upset, he used this loss to push himself to do better.
The next year, he won a prize with his project on how diseases affect monarch caterpillars. He kept improving and studying butterflies. By trying harder each year and learning from each failure, Richard eventually won first place at an international science fair. His journey proves that working through failures can lead to great success.
Also Read:
- The Making of a Scientist Value Points
- The Making of a Scientist Moral and Message
- The Making of a Scientist Very Short answer Type Question
- The Making of a Scientist Class 10 NCERT Solutions
- The Making of a Scientist Short Answer Type Question
- Dr Urquhart Character Sketch
Question: 3. How did the book “The Travels of Monarch X” influence Richard Ebright’s scientific journey?
Answer: The book “The Travels of Monarch X” had a huge influence on Richard Ebright’s scientific journey. When Richard was young, his mother gave him this book, which talked about how monarch butterflies migrate to Central America. This book opened a new world of science for him.
It explained how scientists were studying butterfly migration and invited readers to help by tagging butterflies. Richard was very excited by this idea and started tagging butterflies himself. This activity gave him hands-on experience in scientific research and taught him about the life cycle of butterflies.
It also connected him to Dr. Urquhart, a scientist studying monarch butterflies, who later became a mentor to him. It was a key turning point that inspired him to pursue science more seriously, leading to many of his future scientific achievements and discoveries.
Question: 4. Explain the significance of Richard Ebright’s first science fair experience and how it motivated him.
Answer: Richard Ebright’s first science fair experience was very important in his scientific journey. In seventh grade, he entered a county science fair with slides of frog tissues but did not win any prize. This disappointment made him realise that winners did real experiments, not just neat displays.
Motivated to do better, Richard decided to conduct a real experiment for the next fair. He wrote to Dr. Urquhart for ideas and received many suggestions. This experience taught Richard the importance of proper research and experimentation.
It sparked his competitive spirit and pushed him to work harder and smarter in his future projects, setting a strong foundation for his scientific career.
Also Read:
- MCQs of The Making of a Scientist
- The Making of a Scientist Summary Class 10 pdf
- Richard Ebright’s Mother Character Sketch
- Richard H Ebright Character Sketch
- The Making of a Scientist Theme
Question: 5. How did Dr. Urquhart contribute to Richard Ebright’s growth as a young scientist?
Answer: Dr. Urquhart helped Richard Ebright become a better scientist. When Richard started studying butterflies, his mother contacted Dr. Urquhart, an expert on monarch butterflies. Dr. Urquhart gave Richard many ideas and experiments to try, which moved him beyond simple projects to real scientific research.
This guidance let Richard do important work, like tagging butterflies and learning about their lives, which won him awards at science fairs. Dr. Urquhart also encouraged Richard to think deeply and ask important questions about his studies. This mentorship was key to Richard growing his scientific skills and confidence, pushing him to tackle more complex research and make new discoveries in the future.