3. He is Intelligent- Richard was very smart. He understood things quickly and did very well in his studies.

Hard Words : The Making of a Scientist [PAGE 32] : 

Scout = young member of a youth organization, observer (नव-युवक संगठन का सदस्य, अवलोकक), Theory = a system of ideas, explanation (विचारधारा, समझाया गया सिद्धांत), Proceedings = series of actions, official records (क्रियावली, आधिकारिक अभिलेख),

Journal = publication, periodical (पत्रिका, मासिक), Leagues = associations, clubs (संघ, क्लब), Butterflies = winged insects, beautiful flying creatures (तितलियाँ), Only child = a person with no siblings (एकल संतान), Reading (as a place name) = a town or city name (एक शहर का नाम), Football = a game played with a round ball, soccer (फुटबॉल),

Baseball = a game played with a bat and ball (बेसबॉल), Collect = gather, acquire (इकट्ठा करना, प्राप्त करना), Determination = firmness of purpose, resolve (निश्चय, संकल्प), Rocks = hard substances of the earth, stones (चट्टानें), Fossils = remains of prehistoric organisms, ancient imprints (जीवाश्म),

Coins = metal money, currency pieces (सिक्के), Astronomer = person who studies stars, celestial expert (खगोलशास्त्री), Star-gazing = looking at stars, observing celestial bodies (तारों को देखना), Excited = ecstatic (उत्साहित), Cells = a very minute unit of living matter (कोशिकाएँ), String = line (तार),

Kindergarten = school for children (बालकों के लिए स्कूल), Activity = action (क्रिया), Former = earlier (पूर्ववर्ती), Explain = elaborate (व्याख्या करना), Article = non-fictional prose (लेख), Proceeding = institution of a sequence of steps (प्रक्रिया), Academy = a school for special training (अकादमी),

Publish = to put into print (प्रकाशित करना), Achievement = the action of accomplishing something (साधना), Certainly = indeed (बिल्कुल), Eager = curious to know (जिज्ञासु), Gazing = to watch (देखना)