Here are The Last Lesson NCERT Solutions for Class 12 students. This comprehensive page-wise solution is from the Flamingo book and is designed to help you excel in your upcoming 2023-24 Board Exam and various other examinations. Dive into Chapter 1, The Last Lesson, and explore the insightful NCERT Solutions provided here.

The Last Lesson NCERT Solutions

Think-as-you-read Questions Page Number- 7 – The Last Lesson

1. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?
 Ans. Franz was expected to be prepared with the lesson on ‘participles. His teacher, M. Hamel, had announced an oral test on participles, but Franz didn’t know anything about the rules of participles.

2. What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?
Ans. When he reached the school, Franz was surprised to find everything still and quiet as if it was a Sunday morning. His teacher, M. Hamel, was dressed in his green coat, frilled shirt and black cap he used to wear this formal dress only on special days. Moreover, the last benches of the classroom were occupied by the village elders who looked very sad.

3. What had been put up on the bulletin board?
Ans. An order from Berlin had been put up on the bulletin board. It stated that from the next day only German would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.

Think as you read- Page Number- 8 The Last Lesson NCERT Solutions

1. What changes did the order from Berlin cause in the school that day?
Ans. The order from Berlin created an atmosphere of dismay at the school. Everything became quiet and still. Everyone was shocked and upset. The teacher, M. Hamel, was highly depressed. He had put on his finest dress which he used to wear only on special days. Some elders of the village also came to attend the class as a mark of respect to their mother tongue and to the teacher.

2. How did Franz feelings about M. Hamel and school change?
Ans. M. Hamel was a very strict teacher. Franz didn’t like him and always wanted to spend his time and outside and bunk his class.  But when he came to know that it was going to be the last lesson French would no more be taught to them, he felt a great love for the language and the teacher. He started understanding whatever M. Hamel taught.

Understanding the text- Page Number- 9 The Last Lesson NCERT Solutions

1. The people in this story suddenly realise how precious their language is to them. What shows you this, Why does this happen?

Ans. People of Alsace and Lorraine were shattered and shocked to read the order that came from Berlin As per this order French would no more be taught in schools. Only German was to be taught. This order made them realise what they were going to miss. Their basic right to learn the mother tangle was taken away from them. This evoked patriotism and love for mother tongue in them. They were full of remorse and regretted that they had not given importance to their mother tongue earlier.
As a mark of respect to their mother tongue and the French teacher, M. Hamel, the eminent people of the village came to attend the last lesson of M. Hamel, Hauser had brought an old primer. Even the little children were shocked. Franz who never liked to learn the language found himself in a state of shock and suddenly started developing a liking for the language as well as for his teacher.

Tips to Learn this question-

2. Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” What could this mean?
Answer 1. This shows the patriotic fervour and love of French people for their mother tongue. Even a small boy like Franz was very upset at the fact that he would be deprived of his own language. He wondered if the pigeons would also be made to sing in German. In fact, it is a remark on the hollowness of man’s authority. Man can exert authority only on human beings, but not on nature.

Answer- 2 When Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” it could imply a couple of things.
Firstly, it suggests the extent to which the German rulers want to impose their language and culture on the people. The idea of making pigeons sing in German symbolizes the forced assimilation and suppression of the local language.
Secondly, it highlights Franz’s sense of disbelief and the absurdity of the situation. He finds it difficult to accept that even the smallest aspects of their lives, like the birds singing, would be affected by this language change. It reflects his frustration and the overwhelming nature of the language imposition.

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Talking about the text- Page Number- 9 in NCERT Book

Question 1. “When a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their prison.”
Can you think of examples in history where a conquered people had their language taken away from them or had a language imposed on them?

Answer- Yes, there are several examples in history where conquered people had their language taken away from them or had a language imposed on them. Some notable examples include:
Example- 1 During the colonization of many countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, indigenous languages were suppressed or replaced by the languages of the colonizers. This was done to assert control and impose cultural dominance.
Example- 2 The policies of Russification in the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union aimed to impose the Russian language and culture on non-Russian ethnic groups. This led to the suppression of native languages and cultural practices.
Example- 3 In the aftermath of World War II, German-speaking populations in Eastern Europe were often forced to abandon their language and adopt the language of the conquering nations.
Example- 4 During the period of British colonial rule in India, English was imposed as the primary language of administration, education, and governance. Native languages were marginalized, and many Indians were discouraged or prohibited from using their own languages.
These examples demonstrate how language can be used as a tool of control and domination by those in power, often resulting in the loss of cultural identity and heritage for the conquered people.

2.What happens to a linguistic minority in a state? How do you think they can keep their language alive? For example:
Punjabis in Bangalore
Tamilians in Mumbai
Kannadigas in Delhi
Gujaratis in Kolkata

Answer. Linguistic minorities in a state often face challenges in preserving their language and cultural identity. They may experience a gradual erosion of their language due to various factors such as language policies, migration, assimilation, and the dominance of the majority language.

To keep their language alive, linguistic minorities can take several steps:

Language Education: Establishing and supporting schools, community centers, or language institutes that provide education in their native language can help in preserving the language among younger generations.
Cultural Events and Festivals: Organizing cultural events, festivals, and language-focused celebrations can create awareness and pride in the language among the community members and promote its usage.
Media and Publications: Promoting the creation and distribution of books, newspapers, magazines, and digital content in the native language can contribute to its preservation and usage.
Language Associations and Organizations: Forming associations and organizations that specifically focus on language preservation and advocacy can provide a platform for linguistic minorities to come together, support each other, and work towards language revitalization.
Inter-generational Language Transmission: Encouraging families to pass on their native language to younger generations through oral traditions, storytelling, and everyday conversations within the household is crucial for language continuity.

For the specific examples mentioned:

Tips to learn this answer-

Linguistic minorities in a state face challenges in preserving their language. To keep their language alive, they can:

  1. Establish language schools, centers, and institutes.
  2. Organize cultural events and festivals.
  3. Promote media and publications in their language.
  4. Form language associations and organizations.
  5. Encourage inter-generational language transmission.

For the specific examples:

3.Is it possible to carry pride in one’s language too far? Do you know what ‘linguistic chauvinism’ means?

Answer- Yes, it is possible to carry pride in one’s language too far. When pride in one’s language becomes excessive and leads to the denigration or dismissal of other languages, it can lead to linguistic chauvinism.
Linguistic chauvinism refers to an extreme and exaggerated belief in the superiority of one’s own language over others. It often involves a sense of linguistic entitlement, where speakers of a particular language assert dominance and look down upon or devalue other languages and their speakers. This attitude can lead to linguistic discrimination, cultural superiority, and hinder effective communication and understanding among diverse linguistic communities.
While it is important to take pride in one’s language and cultural heritage, it is equally important to respect and appreciate the richness and diversity of other languages. Encouraging multilingualism, promoting language harmony, and fostering inclusive communication are essential to avoid the pitfalls of linguistic chauvinism and create a more inclusive and understanding society.

Working with words NCERT Book Page number 9 and 10 The Last Lesson NCERT Solutions

1.English is a language that contains words from many other languages. This inclusiveness is one of the reasons it is now a world language, For example:
petite – French
kindergarten – German
capital – Latin
democracy – Greek
bazaar – Hindi

Find out the origins of the following words.

  1. Answer- tycoon – Japanese
  2. barbecue – Spanish (via Taino)
  3. zero – Arabic
  4. tulip – Persian
  5. veranda – Portuguese (via Hindi)
  6. ski – Norwegian
  7. logo – Greek
  8. robot – Czech
  9. trek – Afrikaans/Dutch
  10. bandicoot – Telugu/Tamil

English is indeed a language that has borrowed words from various other languages throughout its history. This borrowing of words from different languages has contributed to the richness and diversity of the English vocabulary, making it a truly global language.

2.Notice the underlined words in these sentences and tick the option that best explains their meaning.

(a) “What a thunderclap these words were to me!”
The words were
(i) loud and clear.
(ii) startling and unexpected.
(iii) pleasant and welcome.

Answer- (ii) startling and unexpected.

(b) “When a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their prison”
It is as if they have the key to the prison as long as they
(i) do not lose their language.
(ii) are attached to their language.
(iii) quickly learn the conqueror’s language.

Answer- (i) do not lose their language.

(c) Don’t go so fast, you will get to your school in plenty of time. You will get to your school
(i) very late.
(ii) too early.
(iii) early enough.

Answer- (iii) early enough.

(d) I never saw him look so tall.
M. Hamel
(a) had grown physically taller
(b) seemed very confident
(c) stood on the chair

Answer- (b) seemed very confident

Writing Page Number 11 The Last Lesson NCERT Solutions

1.Write a notice for your school bulletin board. Your notice could be an announcement of a forthcoming event, or a requirement to be fulfilled, or a rule to be followed.


Upcoming Annual Science Exhibition

Attention Students!
Date: [Date] Time: [Time]
Venue: [Location]
Dear Students,
We are excited to announce that our school will be hosting its annual Science Exhibition on [Date]. This event aims to showcase the brilliant scientific projects and discoveries made by our talented students.
We encourage all students from grades [Specify Grades] to actively participate in this exhibition by presenting their innovative projects, scientific experiments, and research findings. This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and creativity.
To register for the Science Exhibition, please submit your project proposal to the Science Department by [Submission Deadline]. Ensure that your proposal includes a brief description of your project, materials required, and any special equipment needed.
Selected projects will be displayed during the exhibition, and the top projects will be recognized with awards and certificates. So, put on your thinking caps and let your scientific curiosity shine!

Please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Projects should be related to any branch of science.
  2. Ensure your project is safe, ethical, and follows proper scientific methods.
  3. Prepare an informative display board and any necessary materials or equipment for demonstration.
  4. Be prepared to explain your project to visitors and judges during the exhibition.

We look forward to witnessing your innovative ideas and scientific achievements. Let’s make this year’s Science Exhibition a resounding success!
For any further details or inquiries, please contact the Science Department.
Thank you.
[Your Name]
[Your Designation]
[School Name]

2.Write a paragraph of about 100 words arguing for or against having to study three languages at school

Answer- I believe that requiring students to study three languages at school is a topic that warrants thoughtful consideration. Personally, I feel that learning multiple languages can provide valuable benefits such as improved cognitive abilities, cultural awareness, and enhanced communication skills. It enables students to engage with diverse cultures and navigate an interconnected global society. However, it is important to acknowledge differing viewpoints. Some individuals may argue that focusing on one or two languages allows for greater depth of understanding and proficiency. Ultimately, the decision should be made by carefully evaluating educational goals and available resources, while considering the individual needs and aspirations of students.

3.Have you ever changed your opinion about someone or something that you had earlier liked or disliked? Narrate what led you to change your mind

Answer- One incident that stands out in my memory is when I changed my opinion about a classmate named Sarah. Initially, I had a negative impression of Sarah based on some rumors I had heard from other students. I believed she was unfriendly and arrogant. However, during a group project, we were assigned to work together. As we collaborated, I noticed Sarah’s dedication, creativity, and willingness to listen to others’ ideas. We had discussions about various topics, and I discovered her depth of knowledge and passion for learning. Through our interactions, I realized that my initial judgment was completely wrong. Sarah turned out to be a genuinely kind and intelligent person. This experience taught me the importance of giving people a chance and not letting preconceptions cloud my judgment.

Things to do Page No.11 The Last Lesson NCERT Solutions

1. Find out about the following (You may go to the internet, interview people, consult reference books or visit a library.)

(a) Linguistic human rights.
(b) Constitutional guarantees for linguistic minorities in India.

Ans :

1.Language is a vital part of identity, and linguistic human rights recognize its importance in cultural expression.
2.Linguistic human rights advocate for equal treatment and non-discrimination based on language.
3.Linguistic human rights include the right to education in one’s native language.
4.Linguistic human rights aim to preserve endangered languages and promote revitalization efforts.
5.Linguistic human rights ensure access to legal representation and translation services in legal proceedings.
6.Linguistic human rights promote the use of different languages in public and official contexts.
7.Linguistic human rights protect and promote the language rights of indigenous communities.
8.International declarations and conventions support linguistic human rights on a global scale.”
9.Linguistic human rights empower linguistic minorities and marginalized communities, fostering inclusion.
10.Linguistic human rights call for language planning and policies that promote diversity, inclusion, and equality.