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On Killing a Tree NCERT Solutions


Page No.111

Thinking about the Poem

1. Can a ‘simple jab of the knife’ kill a tree? Why not?

Ans. A tree’s life can’t be stopped by a simple jab; it must grow under a long and hard process of many years.

Go to the Extra Questions and Notes “ Reach for the top Part II”

2. How has the tree grown to its full size? List the words suggestive to its life and activity.

Ans. The tree has grown to its full size by consuming the earth. It has absorbed sunlight, air and water for years. During this process, it has gained its full size.

3. What is the meaning of ‘bleeding bark’? What makes it bleed?

Ans. When someone cuts a small part of the tree, sap starts oozing out. This is called bleeding bark. The bark bleeds when the tree is hacked or chopped.

 4. The poet says ‘No’ at the beginning of the third stanza. What does he mean by this?

Ans. The poet means to say that a tree can’t be killed until and unless it root is pulled out completely

5. What is the meaning of ‘anchoring earth’ and `earth cave’?

Ans. Like a tree’s roots, the earth coils around the stem of a trunk and gives support to it. This allows a tree to be more stable and grow well. Someone that lies under the earth is called an ‘earth cave’.

6. What does he mean by “the strength of the tree exposed”?

Ans. The real strength of a tree lies in its roots. When the roots of a tree are pulled out it means the strength of the tree is exposed.

7. What finally kills the tree?

Ans. If a tree is hacked and chopped, it can be killed with ease. To kill it permanently, the tree should be uprooted, let to wither outside in the sun, then finally die.