This page offers Mijbil the Otter Very Short Answer Type Question for Class 10 from the book First Flight. We’ve put together a bunch of Very Short answer type question based on assumption, creativity, extrapolation and critical thinking. These types of questions are introduced after 2024 in CBSE Board. So, practice to understand Mijbil the Otter Very Short answer type question
Mijbil the Otter Very Short answer Type Question
1. Why did Gavin Maxwell feel lonely after his dog Jonnie died?
Answer: He missed having a pet and the companionship it brought.
2. What might have motivated Maxwell to choose an otter over another dog?
Answer: He wanted to try something new and exciting.
3. How do you think Mijbil felt when he first arrived in Maxwell’s home?
Answer: Mijbil likely felt scared and confused in the new environment.
4. What does Mijbil’s love for water tell us about his nature?
Answer: He is playful and enjoys being in his natural element.
5. Why was it important for Maxwell to keep trying to get his mail in Basra?
Answer: He was determined to receive important information and get the otter.
6. What might have happened if Mijbil had not adjusted to his new home?
Answer: Maxwell would have tried to create a more suitable environment for him.
Also Read:
- Mijbil the Otter Value Points
- Hard Words : Mijbil the Otter
- Mijbil the Otter NCERT Solutions Class 10
- Extracts of Mijbil the Otter Class 10
- Character Sketch of Mijbil the Otter Class 10
7. Why was the air hostess’s help crucial during the flight with Mijbil?
Answer: She helped calm Mijbil and made the journey less stressful.
8. How did Maxwell’s creativity help him handle Mijbil’s behaviour on the plane?
Answer: He quickly thought of ways to calm and manage Mijbil during the chaos.
Q9. What can we learn from Mijbil’s playful behaviour with toys?
Answer: We can learn that animals need play and activities to stay happy and healthy.
10. Why do you think the Londoners had trouble identifying Mijbil’s species?
Answer: – They were not familiar with otters as pets or in the wild.
11. How might Mijbil’s escape on the plane have affected Maxwell’s travel plans?
Answer: – It added stress and urgency, but Maxwell managed to handle the situation.
Also Read:
- Mijbil the Otter Class 10 Summary in Hindi
- Class 10 English Mijbil the Otter Summary
- Describe the physical appearance of Mijbil, the otter.
- What happened when Maxwell took Mijbil to the bathroom? What did it do two days after that?
- Why did Maxwell put the otter back in the box? How do you think he felt when he did this?
12. What does Maxwell’s bond with Mijbil teach us about patience and understanding?
Answer: – Building a relationship with a pet requires time, patience, and empathy.
Q13. Why was it important for Maxwell to take Mijbil to London?
Answer: -It was important because Maxwell wanted to give Mijbil a stimulating and safe environment.
14. How do you think Maxwell felt when Mijbil first played with water?
Answer: -He likely felt happy and relieved to see Mijbil enjoying himself.
Q15. What lesson can be learned from Maxwell’s determination to keep Mijbil despite the challenges?
Answer: The lesson is that persistence and love for a pet can help overcome many difficulties.
16. What might have influenced Maxwell’s decision to travel to Basra for an otter?
Answer: He believed otters were common there and trusted his friend’s suggestion.
Also Read:
- Why was the otter named Maxwell’s otter’?
- How did Maxwell get the otter?
- When did the author decide to have an otter as a pet? How did he get an otter? describe the author’s experience with an otter in the aircraft?
- What did the otter look like class 10
- How does he get the otter? Does he like it? Pick out the words that tell you this.
17. Why do you think Maxwell was determined to keep Mijbil despite the challenges?
Answer: He felt a strong bond with Mijbil and wanted to give him a good home.
18. What could have been the impact on Maxwell if Mijbil had not adjusted to the new environment?
Answer: Maxwell might have felt frustrated but would likely have tried different ways to help Mijbil adapt.
19. What might Maxwell have done if the airline refused to transport Mijbil?
Answer: He might have found another mode of transport, like a ship or train.
20. How might the children at the school have reacted to seeing Mijbil run along the wall?
Answer: They probably found it amusing and exciting, adding fun to their day.
Also Read:
- What group of animals do otters belong to?
- What Game Had Mij Invented?
- How was Mij to be transported to England?
- Why does Maxwell say the airhostess “was the very queen of her kind “?
21. Why do you think the air hostess decided to help Maxwell with Mijbil?
Answer: She likely felt empathy and wanted to ensure a smooth journey for both.
22. How might Mijbil’s playful nature have affected Maxwell’s daily routine?
Answer: Maxwell likely spent more time playing and interacting with Mijbil, which strengthened their bond.
Q23. How does Maxwell’s dedication to Mijbil show the importance of commitment in relationships?
Answer: Maxwell’s dedication shows that strong commitment is key to building and maintaining meaningful relationships.
24. What lesson about empathy can be learned from the air hostess helping Maxwell with Mijbil?
Answer: The air hostess’s help teaches that showing empathy can make tough situations easier for others.
25. Why is patience important when caring for a new pet, as shown by Maxwell’s experience with Mijbil?
Answer: Patience helps build trust and allows the pet to adapt comfortably to new surroundings.
26. How does Maxwell’s dedication to Mijbil show the importance of commitment in relationships?
Answer: Maxwell’s dedication shows that strong commitment is key to building and maintaining meaningful relationships.
27. How does the bond between Maxwell and Mijbil highlight the value of companionship?
Answer: Their bond shows that companionship brings joy and emotional support, making life better.
31. What might have happened if Maxwell had not taken the time to understand Mijbil’s needs?
Answer: Mijbil could have become stressed and unhappy, making it harder for them to bond.
Q32. Why did Maxwell keep trying despite the problems of moving Mijbil?
Answer: Maxwell kept trying because he loved Mijbil and wanted to give him a good home.
33. How do you think Mijbil’s playful nature affected Maxwell’s perspective on life?
Answer: Mijbil’s playfulness likely brought joy and a renewed sense of wonder to Maxwell’s daily life.
34. Why were the Londoners curious about Mijbil, even though they didn’t know what he was?
Answer: They were curious because Mijbil was an unusual animal, and they wanted to learn more about him.
35. How might Maxwell’s experience with Mijbil change how he handles future challenges?
Answer: It likely taught him to be patient, think of new ideas, and adjust to solve problems.