The Midnight Visitor Extra Question Answer English

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Chapter- 3 English Language and Literature- Footprints Without Feet

The Midnight Visitor Extra Question Answer English

Robert Arthur – A Short BiographyThe Midnight Visitor

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Robert Arthur Jr. was an American writer of mystery and speculative fiction. His fame rests on ‘The Mysterious Traveller’ radio series and his ‘Three Investigators’ series of novels. His stories were published in many magazines between 1930 and 1940. He also wrote mystery books for children. He was twice honoured by the ‘Mystery Writers of America’ with his writing partner Edgar. He died in 1969 in Philadelphia.

Introduction of the lesson- The Midnight Visitor

Following is the introduction English text for Chapter The Midnight Visitor Class 10,’ aimed to give you a clear grasp of its main ideas.”

Ausable is a secret agent. He is expecting to get an important paper. Max, an intruder, enters his room. He wants to get that paper from Ausable. He has a pistol in his hand. Ausable, being quite normal, plays upon a trick on Max and gets him killed without any fighting and shooting.

1. 1

Theme of the Lesson – The Midnight Visitor

 ‘The Midnight Visitor’ is a very thrilling account of a secret agent Ausable’s one particular episode. Ausable didn’t fit any description of a secret agent. He didn’t live up to the romantic picture of a secret agent that we read in books or see in films.


He was rather fat and sloppy. He lived in a very small room on the sixth floor. However, Ausable was gifted with a rare presence of mind. He was quick of action. His fertile brain could invent and cook up stories and situations that would confuse and unnerve his rivals. He cooked up the story of the balcony below the window of his room and the arrival of the police. He outwitted and outsmarted his rival and enemy secret agent, Max, who had come to take away a very important paper concerning some new missiles. Through his presence of mind, Ausable was able to get rid of his rival, Max.

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Summary in English- The Midnight Visitor

Take a look at the following summary example to better understand the chapter The Midnight Visitor crafted through careful summary writing.

 Ausable was a secret agent. He was staying in a French hotel. A young and romantic writer named Fowler came to meet him. Fowler was disappointed to see Ausable. He was a sloppy fat fellow. His room was at the top and sixth floor of that musty and gloomy hotel. When they both entered the room and Ausable switched on they found that a man was standing in the centre of the room. He had a pistol in his hand. It was the first thrill of the day for Fowler. The name of the man with a gun was Max.

 He said that he had come there to snatch the report from Ausable which he was expecting to receive. Ausable remained silent and cool. He seemed to be angry with the management of the hotel. He cocked-up a story about the balcony. He told him that there was a balcony just below the window of his room and last month too an unknown person had entered the room through that balcony.


 Max told Ausable that he had used a master key to enter the door. He wished that he should have entered through the balcony way. It would have been much easier. There was still half an hour for the report to arrive.

There was a sudden knocking at the door. Ausable smiled. He said it must be the police because he himself had called them for the protection of such an important report.

Max was nervous. He jumped through the window to the balcony. But there was no balcony as Ausable had told. He fell down to the ground from the sixth floor and was killed.

 Then the door opened. The waiter entered the room with a tray a bottle of wine and two glasses. Ausable had ordered for them. The waiter left. Fowler did not know anything about the balcony. He feared that Max would return soon. But Ausable told him the fact that he would never return. Thus, Fowler was much impressed by his cleverness and presence of mind.

Summary in English- The Midnight Visitor (2) :

1. Fowler Meets Secret Agent Ausable: Fowler was a young romantic writer. He came to meet a secret agent, Ausable, in his office. Actually, he had come to gather necessary material for his book on secret agents. Like all people, Fowler had also formed quite a romantic picture of the secret agent as represented in books and films. Ausable didn’t fit any description of a secret agent Fowler had ever read or imagined. Fowler felt let down. Ausable’s office was in a small room, on the sixth and top floor. He was a sloppy fat man. He had an American accent. Ausable himself felt that Fowler was disappointed after meeting him.

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2. Important Paper in Ausable’s Custody: Ausable told Fowler that he had a very important ‘paper’ in his custody. Someday that paper might well affect the course of history. Then, Ausable switched on the light. Fowler had his first authentic thrill of the day. He saw a man with a small automatic pistol in his hand.

3 Max Enters with a Pistol: Ausable was stunned to see Max in his room with a P’ pistol He had thought he was in Berlin. Max was slender, crafty and had the face of a fox. There was nothing menacing about Max except his pistol. Max demanded the important report concerning some new missiles that were in the custody of Ausable. He wanted to take it from Ausable.

4. Ausable Cooks up a Story about Balcony: On the spur of the moment, Ausable cooked up a story. He told Fowler and Max that his balcony below the window had become a big nuisance. It was the second time in a month that somebody had got into his room from there. Max showed his ignorance about the balcony and told that he entered through a passkey. Ausable told Max that the balcony actually belonged to the other apartment. It extended under his window.

5. Knocking at the Door: Max was standing erect not far from Ausable. He was waving his pistol with a commanding gesture. Soon, he heard a knocking at the door. Ausable cooked up another story at once. He told Max that it should be the police. He had a very important paper with him. It needed a little extra protection. He had told the police to check on him to make sure that everything was all right. Fowler jumped aside. Max bit his lip nervously. Ausable threatened Max that the police would enter soon as the door was unlocked. They would not hesitate to shoot.

6. Nervous Max Jumps Out of the Window: Max was nervous. He asked Ausable to send the police away or he would not hesitate to shoot. The knocking at the door became louder. Max kept his body twisted and pointed his gun at Ausable and Fowler. He put another leg over the windowsill. Then in desperation, he jumped out. As he dropped, he screamed once, shrilly.

7. Waiter Appears: The door opened and a waiter stood there with a tray, a bottle and two glasses. Actually, it was not the police but it was the waiter whom Ausable had already ordered. Fowler was still white-faced. He asked about the man who jumped out on the balcony. Ausable assured Fowler that Max would not return as there was no balcony below the window.

Main Points of the StoryThe Midnight Visitor

  1. Fowler was a young and romantic writer.
  2. He wanted to meet Ausable because he wanted to write a book on detectives.
  3. Ausable was a detective in Paris who was fat and sloppy and hardly looked like a secret agent.
  4. When Ausable switched on the light, he found Max standing with a pistol in his hand in the room.
  5. Max had come to take a particularly important report concerning missiles forcibly from Ausable.
  6. Ausable cooked up a false story to entrap crafty Max.
  7. He told Max that the balcony below his window had become a big nuisance.
  8. It was the second time in a month that somebody got into his room through the balcony.
  9. He also made Max panicky by telling him that the knockings at the door were of the police, whom he had already informed.
  10. When Max become panicky, he came to the window and jumped out of it.
  11. A loud cry was heard and in this way, Ausable got rid of his crafty enemy.
  12. Later on, it was found that the knockings at the door were made by the waiter, who entered the room with a bottle and two glasses as ordered by Ausable.

Summary in Hindi – The Midnight Visitor

Here is the Hindi story summary of the chapter The Midnight Visitor Class 10,” designed to give you a clear understanding of its essential ideas in Hindi.

आसवल एक गुप्तचर था बह एक फ्रैंच होटल में ठैहरा हुआ था एक युवा और रोमांच कारी लेखक , जिसका नाम फाउलर था उससे मिलने आया फाउलर आसवल को देखकर निराश हुआ बह पिलपला मोटा व्यक्ति था उसका कमरा उस दुर्गन्ध और अँधेरे बाले होटल की सबसे ऊपरी और छती मंजिल पर था जब उन दोनों ने कमरे में प्रवेश किया और आसवल ने विजली जलाई , तो उन्होंने ने पाया कि कमरे के बीच में एक आदमी खड़ा था उसके हाथ में एक पिस्तौल थी फाउलर के लिए यह उस दिन का पहला रोमांच था बन्दूक बाले उस व्यक्ति का नाम मैक्स था

उसने कहा कि यह बहां आसवल से बह गुप्त सूचना छीनने आया है जिसको प्राप्त करने की बह प्रतीच्छा क्र रहा था आसवल शांत और ठंडा रहा यह होटल के प्रवंधको के प्रति गुस्सा करता प्रतीत हुआ उसने छज्जे के बारे में एक मनगढंत कहानी बनाई उसने उसे बताया कि उसके कमरे की खिड़की के नीचे एक छज्जा है और पिछले महीने भी एक अनजान व्यक्ति छज्जे के रास्ते से उसके कमरे में घुस गया था

मैक्स ने आसवल को बताया कि उसने कमरे में प्रवेश करने के लिए गुप्त चाबी का प्रयोग किया उसने इच्छा व्यक्त की कि उसने भी छज्जे के रास्ते से प्रवेश किया होता यह कुछ ज्यादा आसान होता

रिपोर्ट (सूचना) आने में अभी आधा घंटा शेष था दरवाजे पर अचानक जोर की दस्तक हुई आसवल मुस्कुराया उसने कहा कि यह अवशय ही पुलिस होगी क्योकि उसने ही उन्हें इतनी महत्तीपूर्ण सूचना की सुरछा के लिए बुलाया था

मैक्स घबरा गया बह खिड़की से छज्जे के ऊपर कूदा लेकिन जैसा आसवल ने बताया था बहा कोई छज्जा नहीं था बह छठी मंजिल से नीचे जमीन पर जा गिरा और मारा गया

 तब दरवाजा खुला बैरे ने ट्रे, शराब की बोतल और दो गिलास लेकर कमरे मे प्रवेश किया आसवल ने इन चीजों के लिए आदेश दिया था वैरा चला गया फाउलर को छज्जे के बारे मे कुछ मालूम नहीं थाउसे डर था कि मैक्स जल्दी ही छज्जे से वापस प्रवेश  कर  जाएगा लेकिन आसवल ने उसे सच्चाई बताई कि बह कभी वापस नहीं आएगा इस प्रकार फाउलर  उसकी चतुराई और सूझ बुझ से वहुत अधिक प्रभाबित हुआ  

Main Characters of the Story- The Midnight Visitor

1.Ausable: He is a different kind of secret agent. Generally, secret agents that are described in detective books and shown in films, are very smart and gun-friendly. Wine and dark-eyed beauties are associated with them. However, Ausable doesn’t present such a romantic picture. He is very fat and sloppy. Physically, he may be fat but mentally he is very agile and quick-witted. He knows all the tricks of his trade. He is very quick to react and can cook up stories that may fit in all kinds of situations. He convinces even the crafty Max that there is a balcony below the window of his room.

2. Max: Max is a secret agent and a rival and enemy of Ausable. He is slender, a little less than tall. He appears crafty and has a countenance of a fox. There is nothing especially menacing about him except his pistol. He enters Ausable’s room to take away a very important paper concerning some new missiles.

3. Fowler: Fowler is a young and romantic writer. He wants to write a book on detectives. Fowler forms a very romantic and grand picture of a secret agent in his mind. He finds Ausable not cracking pistols or surrounded by dark-eyed beauties like James Bond. He feels let down after meeting Ausable.

Enrich Your VocabularyThe Midnight Visitor

PAGE 14:-

Fit— suitable, Secret agent— detective, Musty— bad smelling, Corridor— passageway Gloomy— dull, not bright, Romantic— full of romance, Scarcely—hardly, Adventure— a bold undertaking, Accent— pronunciation, tone, Passably— tolerably, Disappointed— frustrated, WheezIly— making a breathing sound, Spy— secret agent, teat, Espionage— doing the work of a spy, Mysterious— strange, Envisioned— imagined, Figure— personality, Sloppy— untidy, careless, Beauties— beautiful women, Chuckled— laughed secretly  Unlocked— opened, Aside— towards the side, Frustrated— disappointed,

PAGE 15:-  

Affect- influence, Authentic— real, genuine, Thrill—excitement, Automatic—self-working, Blinked—closing and opening of eyes, Start —surprised, Slender—lean and, Slightly—a little, Crafty—very clever, Countenance—facial expression, Menacing—threatening, Murmured—muttered, Concerning—related to,

PAGE 16:-

To raise the devil—deal with aggressively, Bet on it— to make a challenge, Grimly—seriously, Nuisance—that causes troubles, Inflection—rising accent  Irritation—in an irritating manner, Apartment—flat chamber, Glanced—viewed, Explanatorily—as if giving explanation, Extends—spreads out, Block—close, Stiffly—in a hardened voice, Gesture—bodily movement, Evilly—in an evil manner, Nervously—in a nervous manner, Swiftly—rapidly, Swung—moved, Sill—space at the bottom of window, Chances—opportunities,

 PAGE 17:-

misted—distorted Grasped—had a grip on, Screamed—cried, Shrilly—sharply, White- gold  Deftly—cleverly, Uncorked—opened Stared—gazed, faced—frightened,  t V. Stammered—spoke haltingly,

Important Word-Meanings of difficult words from the lesson- The Midnight Visitor

Here we give the word meaning with Hindi page wise for difficult words in the chapter The Midnight Visitor Class 10,” to help you understand it better.

[PAGE 14] : Description = written account(लिखित विवरण)  secret = mysterious(गुप्त)  agent = who works for some agency (अभिकर्ता) following = succeeding  (अनुशरण करते हुए )  musty = foul smelling(दुर्गन्ध बाला )  corridor = an open gallery  (गलियारा ) gloomy = dark (अंधकारमय ) accent = tone of voice (वोलने का लहजा) disappointed = frustrated(निराश )   romantic =imaginative(रोमांचकारी )     passably = just adequately (काम चलाऊ रूप से ) imagined = thought in mind  (कल्पना करना )   mysterious = curiously (रहस्य पूर्ण )  sloppy = unsystematic   (अव्यवस्थित ढंग से ) ordinary = simple (साधारण ) appointment = settlement (नियुक्ति )  chuckled = grinned (खिश्याया)   frustrated = disappointed  (निराश ) disillusioned = set free from false belief(भृममुक्त )

[PAGE 15] : Switched on = joined electric current (बिजली चालू कर देना) thrill = sensation  (रोमांच ) automatic = moving of itself  (स्याचालित ) blinked = closed and opened the eyes  (आँखों का झपकना )  wheezed = spoke breathing, noisily and heavily   (हाँफते हुए बोलना ) slender = lean and thin  (दुबला -पतला ) except = in addition to (के अतिरिक्त)  murmured = complained in low sound   (बुढ़-बूढाया)

[PAGE 16] : Heavily = sorrowfully (दुखी मन से)  management = governing body  (प्रवन्धक समिति )  grimly = seriously (गंभीर रूप से)  nuisance = troublesome (कस्टकारी)  curiously = with anxiety  (उत्सुकतापूर्वक ढंग से )  passkey = private key (गुप्त चावी )  explained = to clear the meaning of  (व्याख्या करना ) apartment = chamber  (कमरा)  glanced = viewed ( देखा )  explanatory = containing explanations (व्याख्यात्मक)   promised = gave assurance  (वायदा किया)  stiffly = straight  (तना हुआ) gesture = bodily movement (हाओ  भाव )  evilly = wicked   (दुस्टतापूर्वक ढंग से ) protection = safety (बचाव)  nervously = uneasily  (बेचैनी ) repeated = to do again (पुनः )  hesitate = to be doubtful  (हिचकिचाना) swiftly = quickly  (तेज़ी के साथ )  balcony = front side of a house on the roof  (छज्जा )

[PAGE 17] : Twisted = distorted (ऐठना ) grasped = hold tightly (जोर से पकड़ना)  swung = to move to and fro  (झूलना) doorknob = door handle  (दरवाजे की हत्थी) screamed = cried   (चिल्लाया) shrilly = with a sharp sound  (तीव्र ध्वनि के साथ ) deftly = quickly and cleverly  (तेज़ी और चतुराई से ) uncorked = opened (खोला )  stammered = spoke with halts (हकलाकर बोला)

Following is the complete question bank for The Midnight Visitor

Multiple Choice Questions- The Midnight Visitor

1.What was Ausable’s profession?

(A) a tourist                        (B) secret agent

(C) diplomat                      (D) soldier

 Ans. (B) secret agent

2. Where was Ausable staying?

 (A) Inn                              (B) French hotel

 (C) Fowler’s home          (D) American hotel

Ans. (B) French hotel

3. Ausable was brought to Paris twenty years ago from :

(A) London                         (B) Moscow

(C) Bonn                              (D) Boston

Ans. (D) Boston

4. Who came to meet Ausable?

(A) Ausable’s father       (B) Policeman

 (C) Fowler                          (D) Max

Ans. (C) Fowler

5. What was Fowler’s profession?

 (A) writer                           (B) actor

(C) secret agent                (D) policeman

Ans. (A) writer

6. Fowler was………….. to meet Ausable.

 (A) happy                           (b)excited

(C) disappointed              (d)unaffected

Ans. (C) disappointed

7. Who is the guest in the story ‘The Midnight Visitor’?

 (A) Ausable                       (B) Max

 (C) Henry                            (D) Fowler

Ans. (D) Fowler

8. Who was Max?

 (A) the manager of the hotel (B) another secret agent

(C) Ausable’s friend                         (D) Fowler’s friend

Ans. (B) another secret agent

9. Where was Ausable’s room situated in the hotel?

 (A) on the ground floor                                (B) on the first floor

(C) on the sixth and top floor     (D) on the second floor

Ans. (C) on the sixth and top floor

10. Who knocked at Ausable’s door?

 (A) a policeman                               (B) Max

 (C) the waiter                                   (D) Fowler

 Ans. (C) the waiter

11. Ausable was a …………..fellow.

(A) active and smart                       (B)tall and handsome

(C) fat and sloppy                            (d) dull and boring

Ans. (C) fat and sloppy

12. Max entered Ausable’s room through the …………..

(A) balcony                                         (B) main door

(C) back door                                     (D) roof

 Ans. (B) main door

13. With whom was Ausable going to raise the issue of the balcony?

 (A) the French Government (B) the management of the hotel

(C) Max                                                (D) none of these

Ans. (B) the management of the hotel

14. Why did Max enter Ausable’s room?

(A) to meet Ausable                                       (B) to snatch an important report

(C) to give information to Ausable          (D) to spend the night

 Ans. (B) to snatch an important report

15. What was Max holding in his hand?

 (A) a pistol                                                         (B)a knife

(C) a stick                                                            (D) a piece of paper

Ans. (A) a pistol

16. What story Ausable cocked up to Max?

 (A) about the report                                      (B)about a balcony

 (C) about his fatness                                     (D)about Fowler

Ans. (B) about a balcony

17. Where was the balcony?

 (A) outside the window of the room     (B) on the roof of the room

(C) outside the back door of the room   (D) none of these

 Ans. (A) outside the window of the room

18. Who fell down from the top floor of the hotel?

(A) Fowler                                                          (B) Max

(C) Ausable                                                        (D) Waiter

Ans. (B) Max

19. Where did Max jump through the window?

(A) the roof of the other room                  (B) balcony

(C) inside the other room                            (D) office of the hotel

 Ans. (B) balcony

20. How did Fowler feel at the end of the story?

(A) disappointed                                             (B) thrilled

(C) sad                                                                  (D) unhappy

Ans. (B) thrilled

Extracts of the Lesson – The Midnight Visitor

Here are comprehension passage question and answer sets from the chapter The Midnight Visitor Class 10,” provided to deepen your understanding and help you prepare for exams.

 Read the extracts given below carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1. And as the light came on, Fowler had his first authentic thrill of the day. For halfway; across the room, a small automatic pistol in his hand stood a man.

(a) What was the turn of events?

 (b) What did they find?

 (c) Who was the man with a pistol in his hand?

(d) What was the first authentic thrill of the day for Fowler?

Ans. (a) Fowler and Ausable found a man with a pistol standing in the room. Ausable’: room.

(b) They found a man with a pistol in the room.

(c) Max

(d) Fowler saw a man with a pointed pistol waiting in the room. This was the first authentic thrill of the day for him.

2.”Max,” he wheezed, “you gave me quite a start. I thought you were in Berlin. What are you doing here in my room?”

 (a) In whose room was Max?

 (b) Why was he there?

 (c) Where and what is Berlin?

(d) How has Max got in?

Ans. (a) A sable’s room.

(b) He had come to get a very important report from him.

 (c) Berlin is the capital of Germany.

(d) Max has got in the room by using a pass-key for unlocking Ausable’s room.

3.”You are disappointed”, Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder. “You were told that I was a secret agent, a spy, dealing in espionage and danger. You wished to meet me because you are a writer, young and romantic. You envisioned mysterious figures in the night, the crack of pistols, drugs in the wine.”

(a) Who was disappointed and with whom?

(b) Why did ‘he’ want to meet Ausable?

(c) Why was Fowler disappointed?

(d) How was Ausable different from the other secret agents?

Ans. (a) Fowler was disappointed to see Ausable.

(b) Fowler wanted to meet him because he was a writer and wished to meet a real spy.

 (c) He was disappointed to meet Ausable who looked ordinary, slow, sluggish and a very fat person who lived in a small room on the top floor of a cheap hotel.

(d) Ausable, unlike other secret agents, was very fat with an accent of both French and German.

4.Ausable moved to an armchair and sat down heavily. “I’m going to raise the devil with the management this time, and you can bet on it,” he said grimly. “This is the second time in a month that somebody has got into my room through that nuisance of a balcony!” Fowler’s eyes went to the single window of the room. It was an ordinary window, against which now the night was pressing blackly.

(a) Why was Ausable disturbed?

 (b) What did he complain of?

 (c) What story did Ausable cook up to confuse Max?

 (d) When do you think Ausable thought up his plan for getting rid of Max?

Ans. (a) Ausable was disturbed with his room’s balcony window.

(b) He complained of strangers entering through the window into his rooms.

 (c) Ausable confused Max by framing a story about a balcony under his window. He told Max that it was being used by people for entering his room secretly.

(d) Ausable thought the plan when he encountered Max in his room. He showed a little surprise but he was not scared.

Short Answer Type Important QuestionsThe Midnight Visitor

1. What made the story of the balcony so convincing?

Ans. Ausable showed his annoyance for the nuisance created by the balcony. He said that this was the second time that someone had got into his room through it. He also said that the balcony was not his but belongs to the next apartment and earlier his room used to be a part of a large unit.

2. How did Max go out of Ausable’s room to save himself from the police?

 Ans. Max was very nervous to find the police at the door. He went out of the window saying that he would wait in the balcony. He warned Ausable to send them away or he would shoot him. Max did not confirm the balcony and stepped out of the window and died.

3. How did Ausable kill Max without using a weapon?

 Ans. Ausable was an intelligent spy. When he found Max waiting for him in his room, he made a story of a balcony under his window. He convinced Max about the balcony. And thus, when someone knocked at the door, Max fearing it to be the police, jumped out of the window and died.

4. How and why did Max come inside Ausable’s room?

Ans. Max had come into the room using a passkey. He had come to get the secret report about some new missiles which, he was sure, was with Ausable.

5. How was Ausable different from the other secret agents?

Ans. Ausable, unlike other secret agents, was very fat with an accent of German. Fowler was expecting a smart and active agent having messages slipped into his hand by a dark beauty. Whereas, Ausable received a telephone call making an appointment in his room.

6. Why was Ausable confident that Max would never return?

Ans. Believing Ausable’s story about the balcony to be true, Max stepped out, however, had concocted a very convincing story, and knew that what awaited hit° was a drop from the sixth floor. Hence, he was confident that Max would never return.

7. Did Max really deserve to get a chance to accomplish a risky task?

Ans. I do not believe that Max deserved a chance to accomplish a risky task, as he his err very smart, gun. A spy without these nor very intelligent. He did not even look threatening to Fowler except seeing apparent qualities will most likely be a failure.

8. How did Ausable befool Max about the balcony?

Ans. Ausable was a very intelligent spy agent. When he found Max waiting for him in his room, he immediately thought of the plan. He told Max that there is a balcony from where people enter his room that Max must have also entered from there. Max got convinced about the story and hence when someone knocked at the door, he ran towards the balcony to hide and died.

9. Why did Fowler come to meet Ausable? Was he able to achieve his target?

Ans. Fowler was a young and romantic writer. He had come to see Ausable know about the life of a secret agent. Fowler was fascinated n by them and thought of them as mysterious and romantic. He was not able to achieve his target as Ausable was a boring man.

10. Why did so many people risk their lives?

 Ans. Ausable had received a paper which had certain important information about new missiles. The paper was so important that several men and women had risked their lives to get it.

11. Why did Fowler feel let down when he met Ausable?

Ans. Fowler felt let down and disappointed to meet Ausable. He had a different picture of a secret agent in his mind. He thought they should look to be very mysterious and romantic but he found Ausable a very fat and boring man.

12. What was someone expected to bring to Ausable’s room?

Ans. Someone was expected to bring a paper containing important information to Ausable’s room.

13. Who was in Ausable’s room? What was in his hand?

Ans. A man named Max was there in Ausable’s room. He was another secret agent. He had an automatic pistol in his hand.

14. What did the secret agent tell Max when he heard the knock?

Ans. He told Max that it would be the police. He said that he had called the police for the protection of such an important paper that he was going to receive that night. He wanted to have extra protection for the report.

15. Did Ausable know that it was the waiter who had knocked at the door?

Ans. Yes, Ausable knew that the man knocking at the door was the waiter. He had ordered him to bring a bottle of wine. And he knew that the waiter must have come with the drinks.

16. Was there a balcony outside the window? Give instances from the text in support of your answer.

Ans. No, actually there was not a balcony outside the window. Ausable had falsely told Max about the balcony. When Max dropped himself to the balcony, he screamed. He fell down to the ground from the sixth floor. In the end, Ausable told Fowler, “No, he won’t return.”

17. Did Fowler find this episode, thrilling or disappointing? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans. Fowler found this episode very thrilling. He was much surprised by the tactful nature of Ausable. He cocked-up a story about the balcony and the police. He got the intruder, Max, killed without firing a shot.

18. How did Ausable get rid of Max?

Ans. Ausable cocked-up a story. He told Max that there was a balcony just below his window. He told him that the balcony was a part of the next room. When the waiter knocked at the door, Ausable told Max that it would be the police. Max was nervous. He dropped himself to the balcony through the window. But outside there was no balcony. He fell down and died.

19. How did Ausable behave to see Max in his room?

Ans. To see Max in his room Ausable remained cool and silent. He was not afraid of Max. He seemed to be angry with the management of the hotel regarding the balcony below the window of his room.

20. Describe Ausable.

Ans. Ausable was a secret agent. He was a fat and sloppy fellow. He was not a romantic figure. He had Wine to Paris from Boston twenty years ago. He could speak French and German passably. He had a style of his own in the American language.

21. Fowler said that Max would soon come back from the balcony. What did Ausable tell him?

Ans. Ausable told Fowler that Max would never return. He said so because he knew that there was not any balcony outside. He said that Max had fallen down to the ground to meet his end.

22. Why did Fowler want to meet Ausable? Why was he disappointed?

Ans. Fowler was a young and romantic writer. He wanted to meet Ausable because he was a secret agent. He was disappointed to meet Ausable because he was a fat sloppy fellow. He was not romantic. He lived in a small room in a gloomy hotel.

Q23.Who was Ausable?

Ans. Ausable was a secret agent. A very important document concerning some new missiles was under his safe custody. He didn’t look like a secret agent as we read in books or see in films. He was fat and sloppy. His office was in a small room on the sixth and top floor. Fowler was very disappointed to meet him.

Q24. Ausable did not fit any description of a secret agent. Comment.

Ans. Ausable did not fit any description of a secret agent. He did not seem to be so smart, active, movable, aggressive and romantic as we read in books or see in films. He was very fat and sloppy. The crack of pistols, wine and dark-eyed beauties are normally associated with secret agents like James Bond. These qualities had nothing to do with Ausable.

 Q25. Why did Fowler feel let down after meeting Ausable?

Ans. The young writer, the Fowler, had formed a very romantic and grand picture of a secret agent in his mind. This picture was based as it is found in books or shown in films. He found Ausable not cracking pistols or surrounded by dark-eyed beauties like James Bond. Rather he was a fat and sloppy man. He lived in a very small room on the sixth floor. Fowler felt rather let down after meeting Ausable.

Q26. What is the important paper that Ausable talks of?

 Ans. Ausable is a secret agent. He has been assigned an important job. He has an important paper regarding some new missiles under his custody. The paper may well affect the course of history. It is of so much importance that several men and women have risked their lives to get them. Even Max, a secret agent himself, comes to grab them from Ausable’s room.

Q27. How did Fowler have his first authentic thrill of the day?

 Ans. Fowler was rather bored and disillusioned after meeting the secret agent, Ausable. But soon, he had his first authentic thrill of the day. The moment Ausable switched on the light, he found a man standing halfway across the room. He had a small automatic pistol in his hand. Fowler was stunned. The man demanded the report concerning some new missiles from Ausable. Fowler had his first authentic thrill of the day.

Q28. Why and how did Max enter Ausable’s room?

 Ans. Max’s entry was not merely accidental. He had entered Ausable’s room through a passkey. When Ausable switched on the light, he found him standing with a small automatic pistol in his hand. He had come to grab a very important paper that was related to some new missiles. Several men and women had already risked their lives to get that report.

Q29. Describe Max as a secret agent.

Ans. Max was a secret agent and a rival and enemy of Ausable. He was slender, a little less than tall. He appeared crafty and had pointed countenance of a fox. There was nothing especially menacing about him except his pistol. He came to Ausable’s room to steal a very important paper concerning some new missiles. He is outwitted by Ausable and made to jump out of his window.

Q30. What was the real story of the balcony below the window of Ausable’s room?

Ans. Ausable had an instant and fertile mind. He could cook up all kinds of stories that fit in different situations. Actually, there was no balcony below the window of his room. Ausable cooked up a story that the balcony below his room had become a big nuisance. It was the second time that someone had got into his room through it. Actually, he wanted to confuse Max and make him jump out of the window to get rid of him.

 Q31. What position did Max take before he jumped out of the window?

 Ans. Max kept his body twisted. In this way, he could keep his gun pointed at Ausable and Fowler. He grasped the frame with his free hand to support himself. He swung his other leg up and over the windowsill. The moment he heard the knocking getting louder at the door, he positioned himself to jump out of the window.

Q32. What story did Ausable cook up regarding the arrival of the police? How did it affect Max?

 Ans. Ausable was very quick of mind. His sharp brain could cook up any story that could fit in a particular situation. When Max heard a loud knocking at the door, he got nervous. Ausable told Max that the knocking at the door announced the arrival of the police. After all, he was holding an important paper concerning missiles. He had sought police protection. He told the police to check on him to make sure that everything was all right. This unnerved and confused Max.

Q33. How did Max react when Ausable told him that the loud knockings at the door were of the police?

Ans. Ausable cooked up the police’s story. He told that he himself had sought the protection of the police. The knockings at the door signalled their arrival. Max’s face was black with anger. Max swung a leg over the windowsill and shouted to send the police away. He threatened him to obey. If not, he would take his chances and shoot.

Q34. How did clever Ausable outwit and get rid of his rival or enemy secret agent Max?

 Ans. Ausable very cleverly convinced Max that there existed a balcony below the windowsill of his room. Actually, it was a trap to make Max jump out of the window. He unnerved Max by cooking up a false story of the arrival of the police. Confused and panicky, Max jumped out on the balcony which did not exist. In this way, Ausable got rid of his enemy or rival.

Q35. Who was actually knocking at the door? Was it pre-planned?

Ans. Ausable could cook up any false story to suit his mission. He cooked up the story of the police. He told Max that he himself sought the protection of the police. He had a very important report with him. Actually, the knocking at the door was of Henry, the waiter. When the door opened, he was standing there with a bottle and two glasses. It was all cleverly planned in advance to outwit the crafty rival, Max.

Q36. What happened to Max after he jumped out of the window?

Ans. At last, the crafty Max was trapped in. He was outwitted by the cleverer secret agent Ausable. Ausable, the quick-witted secret agent, made Max believe that there was a balcony below his windowsill. He also made him believe that the knockings at the door were made by the police. The confused, panicked and unnerved Max jumped out of the window. He cried only for once. That was the end of the crafty rival secret agent and Ausable got rid of him forever.

Q37. How do you judge Ausable as a secret agent?

 Ans. Ausable was fat in the body but exceptionally quick in mind and manipulations. He might look fat and sloppy but was much more than that. His sharp mind could cook up any story that could fit in a particular situation. The story of the balcony and the police were cooked up only to confuse and unnerve Max. Although he didn’t look like secret agents as described in books or shown in films, he was a highly competent and sharp-witted secret agent.

Important Long/ Detailed Answer Type Questions- to be answered in about 100 -150 words eachThe Midnight Visitor

1. With reference to `The Midnight Visitor’, do you think the presence of mind should be developed and to what advantage? Elaborate highlighting the values possessed by Ausable.


Presence of mind and intelligence are more powerful than a gun. How far is it true in the case of Ausable, the secret agent?

Ans. Max lay in wait for Ausable to steal the important paper from him. As Fowler observed, apart from the pointed gun he didn’t look very menacing. Even this proved useless for him as Ausable outwitted him with his presence of mind and intelligence. Ausable cleverly found out how Max had entered the room and created an extremely believable story about a non-existent balcony. He kept calm, and, hearing the waiter knock, declared it to be the police. Max, in an attempt to hide, fell to his death. Thus, Ausable got rid of Max without moving a muscle.

2. Pride before a fall befits Max, who said: “I will get it back tonight.” Was he successful? What lesson can be learnt from this?

 Ans. Max was a spy who was overconfident and too proud. His pride blinded him, and he thought that wielding a gun would give a further edge over the seemingly slow Ausable. However, despite this apparent pride and confidence, Max was utterly unsuccessful. Ausable outwitted him without lifting a finger. Max, in fact, jumped to his own death by taking Ausable’s Words at face value. Thus, one learns that one should not be proud and must pay attention to the finer details before attempting to do anything.

3. Ausable was a successful secret agent. What qualities can be attributed to him? Give some examples.

Ans. Ausable was very fat. He appeared to be a slow and sluggish person. But inside that fat body, he had a very sharp brain.

It was throwing his presence of mind, intelligence and cleverness that he got rid of Max easily. When Max heard a knock at the poor Ausable told in hat t was the police whom he had called for the extra protection of the papers.

 Max wanted him to send them off quickly till he waited on the balcony.

Ausable had ordered a drink and it was the waiter with the drink knocking at the Able used the false story to mislead Max. the poor fellow was neither police law jumped through the nor the below, not one n the balcony but on the ground from the sixth Max lost his life and with him died that he was his mission a clever secret agent. Way Ausable got rid of Max.  They may assemble got rid of max proves that he was clever secret argent.

4. At the beginning of the story, Fowler felt disappointed with Ausable. Do you think Fowler had the same feeling towards the end of the story? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans. At the beginning of the story, Fowler felt disappointed with Ausable because he did not at all look like a secret agent of his imagination. He found him quite boring. He did not want to be with him any more. But when he found Max in his room with a gun, he was thrilled. He found that Ausable was not at all perturbed. He cocked-up a story about the balcony outside his window. When the waiter knocked at the door, Ausable told Max that it would be the police. He told him that he had called the police for the security of that important paper. Hearing this Max jumped outside the window to the balcony. But there was no balcony. He fell down from the sixth floor and died. Thus, Fowler was thrilled to see all this. So towards the end of the story, he was not disappointed with Ausable.

5. Describe the incident leading to the death of Max.

Ans. Ausable was a secret agent. He was living in a French hotel. His room was on the sixth and top floor of the hotel. One evening a young writer named Fowler came to meet him. When they entered the room and switched on the light, they found a man standing in the centre of the room. He had a pistol in his hand. His name was Max. He came there to grab the important report from Ausable. Seeing Max, Ausable remained cool and silent. But he seemed to be angry with the management of the hotel. He said that because of the balcony just below his window anyone could enter the writ

When there was a sudden knock at the door, Ausable said that it might be the police. He said that he himself had called the police. Max jumped through the window to the balcony. But in reality, there was no balcony. So, Max fell down to the ground from the sixth floor and was killed.

6. Write a character sketch of the secret Agent Ausable.

Ans. Ausable was a secret agent. He was fat and sloppy fellow. In his appearance, he did not seem to be a romantic figure. He came to Paris from Boston twenty years ago. He could speak French and German passably. He had not lost the American accent. Ausable was a very intelligent person. He had a great presence of mind. He did not lose heart in a difficult situation when he faced a man with a pistol in his hand. He remained cool. He cocked-up a story about the balcony. He made Max nervous by telling him about the police. He got Max killed without any fighting and shooting. Fowler who was disappointed to meet him at the beginning of the story was very much impressed with his intelligence and presence of mind at the end of the story.

7. What makes you think Max was a careless and foolish fellow?


Though Max was very cunning, still he was but ‘a little spy’ before Ausable. Explain.

Ans. Though Max was very cunning, he was indeed no match to Ausable. He was easily misled by Ausable into believing that there was a balcony attached to the room. He also made him fool by cocking up a false story about the police knocking at the door though he knew that it was the waiter. Ausable’s facial expressions were so normal that Max could not believe he was telling lies to him. Ausable was able to get rid of Max with very little efforts. So we can say that Max was “a little spy” before Ausable.

8. How did Ausable use ‘the knock’ at the door in his favour? What light does it throw on his character?

Ans. Ausable was a secret agent. He was staying in a hotel. A guest named Fowler comes to meet him. Ausable gives an order to the waiter for a bottle of wine and two glasses. When they entered the room, they were surprised to see an intruder named Max in the room. That man had a pistol in his hand. After some time there was a knock at the door. Ausable knew that it was the waiter but he told Max that it would be the police. He said that he himself had called the police for the protection of the important report. Hearing this Max jumped out of the window on to the balcony. There was no balcony. He fell down and died. This episode shows that Ausable had great presence of mind. He was a clever spy indeed.

Q9. Give a character-sketch of Ausable highlighting his presence of mind and intelligence.

Ans. Ausable is a different kind of secret agent. Generally, secret agents that are described in detective books and shown in films, are very smart and gun-friendly. Wine and dark-eyed beauties are associated with them. However, Ausable doesn’t present such a romantic picture. He is very fat and sloppy. He lives in a small room on the sixth floor. Fowler is disappointed after meeting Ausable.

They say that appearances are often deceptive. This is quite true in the case of Ausable. Physically, he may be fat but mentally he is very agile and quick-witted. He knows all the tricks of his trade. He is very quick to react and can cook up stories that may fit in all kinds of situations. He convinces even the crafty Max that there is a balcony below the window of his room. This is a well thought out trap and Max unwittingly falls into it. Then he cooks up the story of the police. He again succeeds in convincing Max that the loud knockings at the door are that of the police. He tells Max that he himself has sought the protection of the police as he has the important report concerning some new missiles with him. In this way, he gets rid of his rival and enemy Max who jumps out of the window only to cry for the last time in his life.

Q10. Presence of mind and intelligence are more powerful than a gun. How far is it true in case of Ausable, the secret agent?

Ans. Ausable is actually not of that kind as we read in detective stories and books. Nor is he like the heroes of James Bond films. Ausable is an exception. The young writer Fowler is disappointed after meeting Ausable. Ausable does not fit any description of a secret agent. He is fat and sloppy. His room is rather small and that too on the sixth floor. However, appearances are generally deceptive. Ausable proves that presence of mind and intelligence are more powerful than a gun.

Presence of mind and intelligence are the assets of Ausable. His sharp reaction, particularly to a dangerous situation, is very quick and thorough. When he finds crafty Max in the room with a pistol in his hand, he at once understands the purpose of his visit. The rival secret agent who has come to take away the important report that concerns with some new missiles must be outwitted and defeated in his own game. Ausable cooks up the stories of the balcony and the police so convincingly that Max falls into his trap. While there is no balcony below the window of his room, the knockings at the door are not of the police but of his waiter. The confused and unnerved Max jumps out of the window in desperation. Thus, through his presence of mind and intelligence, Ausable proves himself more powerful than a gun.

Q11. How did crafty and foxy Max fail to take away the all-important report concerning some new missiles from Ausable? Or How did Ausable outsmart and outwit the crafty Max and got rid of him?

Ans. Naturally, it was a fight between two secret agents belonging to two different organisations. The bone of contention was the all-important report concerning some new missiles. It was with Ausable, and Max wanted to take it away by the use of his gun. The report was so important that several men and women had risked their lives to get it. Someday that report might well have affected the course of history.

 No doubt, Max had come prepared. When Ausable switched on the light, he found Max standing halfway across the room with a small automatic pistol in his hand. Ausable had to use his presence of mind and fertile brain to outwit Max. His cooking up of two stories related to the balcony below his window and the police were his masterstrokes. In his simple way, Ausable succeeds in convincing Max that both the stories were true. Actually, there was no balcony below his window. He wanted to unnerve Max by planting the false story that the loud knockings at the door were of the police. In desperation, Max jumped out of the window and Ausable got rid of his crafty rival forever.

Q12. Describe in detail the two false stories planted by Ausable to get rid of Max, the secret agent of the rival organisation. Did the false stories have the desired effect? Give a reasoned answer.

Ans. Presence of mind, quick reactions and a fertile brain more than compensated the fat and sloppy man, Ausable. His fertile brain and the stories he cooked up proved more than a match for a gun-wielding rival Max. Ausable started in a simple but natural way the story of the balcony below the window of his room. He was able to convince Max that his balcony had really become a nuisance. It was the second time in the month that somebody had got into his room. Actually, it was a clever trap for Max to fall in and the desperate and nervous Max did fall into the trap. He jumped out of the window in desperation to avoid being arrested or shot at by the police.

The second story related to the police was a masterstroke. It was the product of his fertile brain. Ausable knew that he could unnerve his gun-wielding rival by showing the threat of the police. He planted a false story that he himself sought the protection of the police. After all, the all-important report about the new missiles needed some extra protection. The loud knockings at the door signalled the arrival of the police. Max asked Ausable to send the police away. Ausable convinced Max that the police wouldn’t hesitate to shoot. In desperation, he jumped out, never to be able to come back again. Later on, Fowler found that the knockings at the door were done by the waiter. He entered with a tray, a bottle and two glasses.

Q13. Sometimes, appearances can be very deceptive. How does this statement prove with this story?

Ans. Yes, it is true that sometimes we fail to identify the real personality of a man due to his different appearances. So, it can be said that appearances can be deceptive. Fowler was young and romantic. He was a writer of adventurous stories. Ausable was a secret agent—a detective. He faces danger in his work. So, Fowler wanted to meet him for some adventurous stories. But when he met Ausable in a French hotel with a damp corridor, Fowler felt disappointed. But Ausable proved himself after reaching his room. A man named Max was found inside Ausable’s room with a gun in his hand. Ausable at once proved that he possessed the quality of a true detective. He told Max about a balcony next to the window, and police at the door. Max believed him because Ausable’s way of talking was so real.

 Thus, we find that sometimes appearances can be deceptive.

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