The Last Lesson Short Answer Type Question

                                              By- Alphonse Daudet

Q1. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?
Ans. That particular day Franz was expected to be prepared with participles as Mr Hamel, the French teacher was going to question the students in school and Franz didn’t know it at all.

 Q2. What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?
 Ans. There was no commotion and on that day everything was as quiet as a Sunday morning. Even Mr Hamel was not annoyed when. Franz walked into the classroom late. M. Hamel was in his Sunday best. There was village folk sitting on the back benches.

 Q3. What had been put up on the bulletin board?
 Ans. The crowd in front of the bulletin board indicated the presence of an important news item. Later, Franz realized that the news was that the order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. Mr Hamel announced that he would be teaching his last French lesson that day.

Q4. Why were Mr. 1101? Hamel’s words like a thunderclap to Franz?
 Ans. Franz was shocked when Mr Hamel announced that it would be the last French lesson that day. He realized that he hardly knew how to write and would not get a chance to learn any more French. He felt sorry for not having learnt his lessons and for having wasted his precious time. The thought that Mr Hamel would go away made him feel uneasy.

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Q5. What was Franz’s reaction when he learnt that he was attending his French lesson for the last time?
Ans. He felt sorry that he had not learnt his lessons and wasted his time in seeking birds’ eggs and going sliding on the Saar. He felt that his books which were such a nuisance a while ago and heavy to carry were now like old friends that he didn’t want to give up at all. The teacher whom he thought to be so cranky now appeared to be a friend.

Q6. Why were the old men of the village present in the classroom?
 Ans. The old men of the village were sitting in the classroom. Franz felt that they too, like him, we’re sorry for not having gone to school often. It was their way of thanking the master for his forty years of faithful service and showing their respect for the country that was no longer theirs.

Q7. What was Hamel’s reaction when Franz could not answer his question in class, correctly?
Ans. Franz was scared of Mr Hamel’s reaction when he was unable to answer the question. His heart started beating and he dared not look up. Mr Hamel, instead, told Franz that he would not scold him. He blamed all Frenchmen for not knowing how to speak or write their own mother tongue.

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Q8. Who did Hamel blame for not knowing French?
Ans. Hamel not only blamed Franz and other Frenchmen for not loving their mother tongue but held himself responsible for sending his students often to water his flowers instead of learning their lessons. He also fell guilty of having given them a holiday when he wanted to go fishing.

Q9. How had the teacher dressed on the day of the last lesson?
 Ans. He was dressed in his beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt and little black silk cap-all embroidered, something he never wore except on special days like prize days and inspection days.

Q10.Why was Franz afraid of being scolded?
 Ans. Franz was afraid of being scolded because his teacher M. Hamel was to question the students on participles. Franz was not prepared and he had started for school very late that morning.

 Q11.What did Franz find much more tempting than the rule of participles? What did Franz do?
Ans. It was a warm and bright day. The birds were chirping at the edge of woods. The Prussian soldiers were drilling in the open field at the back of sawmill. He could spend life out of doors. He resisted the temptation and hurried off to school.

Q12.What was the usual scene when Franz’s school began in the morning?
 Ans. Usually, there was a great bustle. The noise could be heard out in the school. Students opened and closed their desks. They repeated the lessons together very loudly. They kept their hands over their ears to understand better. The teacher would go on rapping the table with his great iron ruler.

Q13.What did Wachter tell Franz? What was the latter’s response?
Ans. Wachter, the blacksmith on reading the latest bulletin about the teaching of German told Franz not to go so fast. He added that he would get to school in plenty of time. Franz thought Wachter was making fun of him so he rushed to school.

Q14.What did M. Hamel tell the class about French language?
Ans. M. Hamel said that French was the most beautiful language in the world. It was the clearest and the most logical language. The French should guard it among them and never forget. He added that when people are enslaved, as long as they held fast to their language, they had the key to their prison.

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Q15.How was M. Hamel behaviour contrary to how he would usually behave?
 Ans. M. Hamel was solemn and gentle. He was no longer the ruler-wielding teacher. M. Hamel was wearing clothes he wore on special occasion. What he taught seemed so easy to Franz. He explained everything with a lot of patience. It seemed that he wanted to put into their heads at one stroke all that he knew.

 Q16.How did Franz enjoy their lesson in writing?
 Ans. M. Hamel had made copies for the class. The words ‘France, Alsace, France, Alsace’ were written on them in a beautiful round hand. The pupils set to work quietly.

 Q17.Why did Franz not want to go to a school that day?
Ans. Franz was reluctant to go to a school that day as he was unprepared with his homework—the rules of participles. M. Hamel was to question the class on the topic and he was scared of the teacher.

Q18.Why was Franz not scolded for reaching the school late that day?                   
Ans. Franz was late for school. Usually, there was always a great hustle and bustle in the morning. He had hoped to take advantage of that noise and commotion. He wanted to get to his desk without being noticed. But that day he had to go in before everybody. M. Hamel only asked him very politely to take up his seat without scolding him as it was Hamel’s last lesson of French in that school.

Q19.What did Franz wonder about when he entered the class that day?                  
 Ans. M. Hamel was to question the students on participles. Franz knew nothing about them and feared a scolding. He also wondered about a big crowd he had seen around the notice board at the Town Hall. For a moment he was tempted to run away but he overcame his temptation and hurried off to school.

Q20.Why were some elderly persons occupying the back benches that day? [All India 2017]
 Ans. Some elderly persons occupied the last benches on the day as it was the last day of the teaching of French. They wanted to pay homage to their country and respect to M. Hamel for his dedicated service of forty years. They regretted having lost the opportunity to learn their own language.

Q21.”What a thunderclap these words were to me!” (Franz). What were those words and what was their effect on Franz?                                                                                                                    

 Ans. Franz reached the school late on the day of the ‘ant lesson. M. Hamel mounted on his chair. He spoke in a grave and gentle tone and made it clear that it was his last French lesson as an order had come from Berlin. All the schools of Alsace and Lorraine would teach only German from the next day when a German teacher would replace him. The news left Franz shocked and aggrieved as he was going to lose his teacher, and the opportunity to learn his language.

 Q22. How were the parents and M. Hamel responsible for the children’s neglect of the French language?                                                                                                                                       

 Ans. M. Hamel didn’t scold Franz for neglecting the learning of French. Most of the people of Alsace could neither speak nor write their own language. Their parents preferred to put them to work on a farm or at the mills. Mr Hamel didn’t even spare himself from blame. He had often sent his students to water his flowers instead of learning their lessons.

23. What shows M. Hamel’s love for the French language?
Ans.As a mark of his love for the French language. M. Hamel gave a tribute to his mother tongue in his Ian lesson. He called it ‘the most beautiful language’ in the world, which is the clearest and most logical. He appealed to the children and the people of the village to keep their mother-tongue close to their heart.

24. What tempted Franz to stay away from school?
 Ans. Franz was already late for school. He had not even prepared the topic of participles for which he was going to be tested that day. Moreover, it was a warm day and he was tempted by the chirping of birds and sounds of Prussian soldiers exercising at the back of the sawmill.

25. What changes came over little Franz after M. Hamel’s announcement?
Ans. Franz was shocked at M. Hamel’s announcement that it was their last lesson in French. Suddenly he felt his love for his mother tongue and realised that he could hardly write well enough in French. He was full of remorse and regret being so careless and unattentive in his class. Moreover, he also developed a liking for his teacher M. Hamel.

26. What was the mood in the classroom when M. Hamel gave the last French lesson?
Ans. There was complete silence in the class. Everyone was full of regret and remorse. Children as well the village elderly were gloomy and repentant for not giving importance to their mother tongue. The order from Berlin had caused a sea-change in the attitude of the people of Alsace and Lorraine to their language.

27. What had Franz counted on to enter class unnoticed?
Ans. Franz was late for school that day. But he was quite confident to enter the class unnoticed because usually there was a lot of confusion and noise at the beginning of the school. Every day there was a sound of opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison and teacher’s great ruler rapping on the table. So Franz thought that the word take advantage of the situation and enter the class unnoticed.

28. Why was M. Hamel kind to Franz even though he was late for school?
Ans. It was the last lesson of M. Hamel in the school as the new German teacher was arriving the following day. M. Hamel was sad and sentimental as he was to leave the school after forty years of service as a teacher in French. He was very emotional, kind and understanding. So, He did not scold Franz even though he was late.

29. How had the teacher dressed on the day of the last lesson?
 Ans. He was dressed in his beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt and little black silk cap-all embroidered, something he never wore except on special days like prize days and inspection days.

30. Why was Franz afraid of being scolded?
 Ans. Franz was afraid of being scolded because his teacher M. Hamel was to question the students on participles. Franz was not prepared and he had started for school very late that morning.

 31. What did Franz find much more tempting than the rule of participles? What did Franz do?
Ans. It was a warm and bright day. The birds were chirping at the edge of woods. The Prussian soldiers were drilling in the open field at the back of sawmill. He could spend life out of doors. He resisted the temptation and hurried off to school.

32. What was the usual scene when Franz’s school began in the morning?
 Ans. Usually, there was a great bustle. The noise could be heard out in the school. Students opened and closed their desks. They repeated the lessons together very loudly. They kept their hands over their ears to understand better. The teacher would go on rapping the table with his great iron ruler.

33. What did Wachter tell Franz? What was the latter’s response?
Ans. Wachter, the blacksmith on reading the latest bulletin about the teaching of German told Franz not to go so fast. He added that he would get to school in plenty of time. Franz thought Wachter was making fun of him so he rushed to school.

34. What did M. Hamel tell the class about French language?
Ans. M. Hamel said that French was the most beautiful language in the world. It was the clearest and the most logical language. The French should guard it among them and never forget. He added that when people are enslaved, as long as they held fast to their language, they had the key to their prison.

35. How was M. Hamel behaviour contrary to how he would usually behave?
 Ans. M. Hamel was solemn and gentle. He was no longer the ruler-wielding teacher. M. Hamel was wearing clothes he wore on special occasion. What he taught seemed so easy to Franz. He explained everything with a lot of patience. It seemed that he wanted to put into their heads at one stroke all that he knew.

 36. How did Franz enjoy their lesson in writing?
 Ans. M. Hamel had made copies for the class. The words ‘France, Alsace, France, Alsace’ were written on them in a beautiful round hand. The pupils set to work quietly.

 37. Why did Franz not want to go to a school that day?
Ans. Franz was reluctant to go to a school that day as he was unprepared with his homework—the rules of participles. M. Hamel was to question the class on the topic and he was scared of the teacher.

38. Why was Franz not scolded for reaching the school late that day?                   

Ans. Franz was late for school. Usually, there was always a great hustle and bustle in the morning. He had hoped to take advantage of that noise and commotion. He wanted to get to his desk without being noticed. But that day he had to go in before everybody. M. Hamel only asked him very politely to take up his seat without scolding him as it was Hamel’s last lesson of French in that school.

39. What did Franz wonder about when he entered the class that day?                  

 Ans. M. Hamel was to question the students on participles. Franz knew nothing about them and feared a scolding. He also wondered about a big crowd he had seen around the notice board at the Town Hall. For a moment he was tempted to run away but he overcame his temptation and hurried off to school.

40. Why were some elderly persons occupying the back benches that day? [All India 2017]

 Ans. Some elderly persons occupied the last benches on the day as it was the last day of the teaching of French. They wanted to pay homage to their country and respect to M. Hamel for his dedicated service of forty years. They regretted having lost the opportunity to learn their own language.

41.”What a thunderclap these words were to me!” (Franz). What were those words and what was their effect on Franz?                                                                                                                     

 Ans. Franz reached the school late on the day of the ‘ant lesson. M. Hamel mounted on his chair. He spoke in a grave and gentle tone and made it clear that it was his last French lesson as an order had come from Berlin. All the schools of Alsace and Lorraine would teach only German from the next day when a German teacher would replace him. The news left Franz shocked and aggrieved as he was going to lose his teacher, and the opportunity to learn his language.

 42. How were the parents and M. Hamel responsible for the children’s neglect of the French language?                                                                                                                                       

 Ans. M. Hamel didn’t scold Franz for neglecting the learning of French. Most of the people of Alsace could neither speak nor write their own language. Their parents preferred to put them to work on a farm or at the mills. Mr Hamel didn’t even spare himself from blame. He had often sent his students to water his flowers instead of learning their lessons.

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