In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from The Mark on the Wall. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying The Mark on the Wall Word Meanings from Kaleidoscope Class 12.”
Table of Contents
Hard Words : The Mark on the Wall Page No.- 136
Perhaps = maybe, possibly (शायद), Steady = stable, constant (स्थिर), Film = layer, sheet (परत), Chrysanthemums = flowers, blooms (गुलदाउदी), Mantelpiece = shelf, ledge (मंडप),
Coals = embers, briquettes (कोयले), Crimson = red, ruby (लाल), Flag = banner, pennant (झंडा), Flapping = waving, fluttering (लहराता हुआ), Castle tower = fort spire, turret (महल की मीनार), Cavalcade = parade, procession (जुलूस)
The Mark on the Wall Difficult Words in English Page No.- 137
Knights = warriors, soldiers (शूरवीर), Relief = ease, comfort (राहत), Automatic = instinctive, reflexive (स्वत: स्फूर्त), Round mark = dot, spot (गोल निशान), Swarm = crowd, throng (भीड़), Feverishly = excitedly, eagerly (उत्सुकतापूर्वक), Nail = spike, pin (कील), Miniature = tiny, small (लघु),
Carnations = flowers, blossoms (गुलनार), Fraud = deception, scam (धोखा), Art = craft, skill (कला), Torn asunder = split, parted (फाड़ दिया), Suburban villa = house, residence (उपनगरीय घर), Mystery = puzzle, secret (रहस्य), Inaccuracy = errors, mistakes (गलतियाँ), Ignorance = unawareness, naivety (अज्ञानता),
Possessions = belongings, assets (संपत्ति), Civilization = society, culture (सभ्यता), Canisters = tins, jars (डिब्बे), Bird cages = aviaries, pens (पक्षी पिंजरे), Iron hoops = rings, bands (लोहे के छल्ले),
Steel skates = blades, skates (स्टील के स्केट), Coal-scuttle = bin, bucket (कोयला पात्र), Hand organ = music box, organ (हाथ से चलने वाला ऑर्गन), Opals = stones, gems (दूधिया पत्थर), Emeralds = green gems, jewels (पन्ने)
Good Word Meaning of English Class 12 Chapter The Mark on the Wall Page No.- 138
Scraping = scratching, skimming (खुरचना), Paring = trimming, peeling (छीलना), Naked = bare, uncovered (नग्न), Tumbling = falling, rolling (लुढ़कना), Rapidity = speed, swiftness (तेजी),
Casual = informal, nonchalant (औपचारिक) , Haphazard = random, unplanned (अव्यवस्थित), Stalks = stems, shafts (डंठल), Deluge = flood, inundate (बाढ़), Helpless = powerless, dependent (असहाय), Speechless = mute, silent (मौन), Groping = fumbling, feeling (टटोलना),
Giants = titans, very large (दैत्य), Spaces = areas, gaps (जगहें), Blots = spots, stains (धब्बे), Indistinct = unclear, vague (अस्पष्ट), Vigilant = watchful, alert (सतर्क), Housekeeper = caretaker, steward (गृहपालक), Mantelpiece = shelf, ledge (मंडप), Annihilation = destruction, obliteration (नाश),
Pane = glass, window (खिड़की का शीशा), Calmly = peacefully, serenely (शांति से), Hostility = aggression, opposition (शत्रुता), Obstacle = barrier, hurdle (बाधा), Surface = exterior, outside (सतह)
Class 12 kaleidoscope Chapter 2 The Mark on the Wall English Difficult Words Page No.- 139
Passes = goes by, moves (गुजरना), Solidly = firmly, strongly (मजबूती से), Armchair = chair, seat (कुर्सी), Heaven = paradise, bliss (स्वर्ग), Historical fiction = past story, narrative (ऐतिहासिक कथा),
Track of thought = thinking, reasoning (विचारधारा), Reflecting credit = earning praise, showing merit (प्रशंसा प्राप्त करना), Modest = humble, reserved (विनम्र), Praises = compliments, flattery (प्रशंसा), Botany = plant science, study of plants (वनस्पति विज्ञान), Dust heap = trash pile, waste (कूड़े का ढेर), Reign = rule, dominion (राज्य), Dressing up = adorning, decorating (सजाना),
Stealthily = covertly, secretly (गुप्त रूप से), Adoring = loving, admiring (प्रशंसा करना), Instinctively = naturally, spontaneously (सहज रूप से), Idolatry = worship, adoration (पूजा), Ridiculous = silly, foolish (हास्यास्पद), Original = first, initial (मूल), Looking glass = mirror, glass (दर्पण),
Smashes = breaks, cracks (टूटना), Romantic figure = idealized image, hero (रोमांटिक छवि), Omnibuses = buses, coaches (बसें), Novelists = authors, writers (उपन्यासकार)
The Mark on the Wall Page Word Meaning in English No.- 140
Importance = significance, value (महत्व), Reflections = thoughts, considerations (विचार), Infinite = endless, countless (अनंत), Depths = complexities, profundities (गहराई), Phantoms = ghosts, illusions (भूत), Pursue = follow, chase (पीछा करना), Reality = actuality, truth (वास्तविकता),
Granted = assumed, accepted (मान लिया गया), Generalisations = broad statements, simplifications (सामान्यीकरण), Damnation = condemnation, doom (नरक की सजा), Tapestry = woven fabric, embroidery (कढ़ाई का कपड़ा), Compartments = sections, divisions (खंड),
Corridors = hallways, passages (गलियारे), Royal = regal, kingly (राजसी), Phantoms = apparitions, specters (प्रेत), Illegitimate = unlawful, illegal (अवैध), Masculine = male, manly (पुरुष),
Governs = rules, controls (नियंत्रित करता है), Precedency = ranking, hierarchy (प्राथमिकता), Illegitimate = unauthorized, unlawful (अवैध), Intoxicating = exhilarating, heady (नशीला)
Class 12 Lesson The Mark on the Wall English To English Word Meaning Page No.- 141
Certain lights = specific beams, set glows (निश्चित प्रकाश), Project = jut out, protrude (उभरा हुआ), Perceptible = visible, noticeable (दृश्य), Tumulus = mound, hill (छोटा टीला), Barrows = graves, mounds (समाधि टीले),
South Downs = hills, uplands (दक्षिणी पहाड़ियाँ), Tombs = graves, crypts (मकबरे), Camps = sites, bases (शिविर), Melancholy = gloom, sadness (उदासी), Antiquary = collector, historian (पुरालेखविद), Clods = lumps, clumps (गांठें), Clergy = priests, clerics (धर्मगुरु),
Arrow-heads = tips, points (तीर के नोक), County towns = district cities, local centers (जिला शहर), Plum jam = fruit preserve, spread (बेर का जैम), Study = room, den (अध्ययन कक्ष),
Perpetual suspension = constant delay, ongoing pause (सतत विलंब), Philosophic = reflective, thoughtful (दार्शनिक) , Stroke = collapse, attack (ब्रेन स्ट्रोक), Museum = gallery, archive (संग्रहालय)
The Mark on the Wall Word Meaning English Page No.- 142
Wineglass = stemware, goblet (वाइन का गिलास), Proving = demonstrating, showing (सिद्ध करना), Ascertain = determine, confirm (निर्धारित करना), Gigantic = huge, enormous (विशाल), Attrition = wear, erosion (घिसाव), Housemaids = cleaners, servants (घरेलू नौकरानी),
Knowledge = information, understanding (ज्ञान), Speculation = conjecture, theory (अटकल), Learned = educated, scholarly (विद्वान), Witches = sorceresses, enchantresses (चुड़ैल), Hermit = recluse, solitary (संन्यासी), Superstitions = beliefs, myths (अंधविश्वास), Spacious = roomy, broad (विशाल),
Specialists = experts, professionals (विशेषज्ञ), Slices = cuts, divides (काटता है), Waterlilies = aquatic plants, flowers (पानी के फूल), Suspended = hanging, dangling (लटका हुआ), Gazing = looking, staring (निहारना),
Almanack = annual calendar, yearbook (पंचांग), Precedency = precedence, ranking (प्राथमिकता), Lord High Chancellor = high official, senior minister (उच्च न्यायविद)
The Mark on the Wall Chapter Class 12 Difficult Word Meaning English Page No.- 143
Philosophy = system of thought, principles (दर्शन), Comfort = consolation, relief (सांत्वना), Enraging = infuriating, angering (क्रोधित करना), Hour of peace = tranquil time, peaceful moment (शांति का समय), Prompting = urging, incitement (प्रेरणा), Excite = stimulate, arouse (उत्तेजित करना),
Contempt = scorn, disdain (तिरस्कार), Men of action = doers, active people (कर्मठ व्यक्ति), Full stop = end, period (पूर्ण विराम), Plank = board, slab (तख़्ता), Reality = factuality, actuality (वास्तविकता), Archbishops = senior bishops, church leaders (आर्कबिशप),
Shadows of shades = faint images, ghostly figures (छाया की परछाई), Quiescent = still, inactive (शांत), Chest of drawers = furniture, storage (दराज का संदूक) , Solidity = firmness, sturdiness (मजबूती), Impersonal = objective, detached (निष्पक्ष), Existence = being, life (अस्तित्व) , Meadows = fields, pastures (घास के मैदान), Moorhen = waterbird, marsh hen (पानी का पक्षी),
Water beetles = aquatic insects, pond bugs (पानी के कीट) , Storm = tempest, squall (तूफ़ान), Sap = plant fluid, juice (रस) , Naked mast = bare pole, exposed post (नंगा मस्तूल), Tumbling = rolling, pitching (लुढ़कती) , Strange = unusual, odd (अजीब)
Class 12 English The Mark on the Wall Word Meaning English to Hindi Page No.- 144
Insects = bugs, beetles (कीड़े), Laborious = hard, effortful (मेहनती), Progresses = advances, proceeds (आगे बढ़ता है), Creases = folds, wrinkles (सिलवटें), Bark = skin, cover (छाल), Sun themselves = bask, warm (धूप सेंकना), Awning = shade, cover (छाजन), Diamond-cut = sharp, clear (हीरे जैसा),
Fibres = strands, filaments (तंतु), Snap = break, crack (टूटना), Pressure = force, stress (दबाव), Storm = tempest, gale (तूफान), Branches = limbs, twigs (डालियाँ), Drive deep = penetrate, thrust (गहराई में जाना),
Patient = enduring, calm (धैर्यवान), Watchful = alert, vigilant (सजग), Living rooms = lounges, family rooms (बैठक), Separately = one by one, individually (अलग-अलग), Upheaval = disruption, chaos (उलट-पलट), Matter = substance, material (सामग्री)