Hard Words : From the Diary of Anne Frank Page- 50

WRITING = act of composing text, penning down (लेखन), Experience = event or occurrence that leaves an impression (अनुभव), Interested = having or showing curiosity (रुचि रखनेवाला), Chest = reference to feelings or thoughts one wants to express (विचार या भावनाओं का संचय), Depressed = feeling very sad, disheartened (अवसादित), Listless = lacking enthusiasm or zest, unenergetic (निरुत्साह),

Brooding = thinking deeply about something that’s troubling (गहन विचार में डूबा हुआ), Prompted = inspired or caused by (प्रेरित किया), Confide = share secrets trustingly (विश्वास के साथ रहस्य साझा करना), Liable = likely or susceptible to (संभावना),

Enhance = to increase or improve in value (मूल्य में वृद्धि करना), Imagination = the ability to form new images and sensations in the mind (मन में नई छवियों और संवेदनाओं का निर्माण करने की क्षमता),

Ordinary = normal or usual, not special (सामान्य), Surface = the outward appearance as opposed to the real nature (बाह्य प्रतिति), Long-awaited = something that one has been waiting for a long time (लंबे समय से प्रतीक्षित), Kitty = a pet name or affectionate term (स्नेहपूर्वक उपनाम)