The Aravalis are still under attack

 Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.                              

A casual disregard for the law and callousness towards the environment is again on display in the sensitive Aravali region of Mewat in Haryana. The number of stone crushers working along public roads in several villages like Uttarwar, Gudawali and Bajida Pahri, in blatant violation of regulations, is a pointer to how apathetic the efforts to contain damage to the environment have become. These crushers, reportedly well-connected, have not only not obtained the necessary permission from the Haryana Pollution Control Board but are also violating norms which demand that they maintain a certain minimum distance from the road.

The 615-kilometre-long Aravali range stretches from Southern Gujarat to Haryana via Rajasthan. They are a natural barrier against ensuring that the desert sands of the Thar do not invade the Indo-Gangetic plains. A few decades ago, they were densely forested and rich with wildlife. Greedy and extensive logging, mining and quarrying activities have destroyed the eco-system. Not only do we have less of its flora and fauna, but soil fertility, quality topsoil, and the water-table have also all been affected. Rainfall has been reduced, river channels and reservoirs have silted up.

 Regions like Mewat, socio-economically one of the most backward in Haryana, are already suffering from the effects. There is acute water scarcity in the area, with only a small percentage of its villages possessing potable water sources. Haryana has committed itself to enforce the Supreme Court’s order on banning mining, and it must ensure that there is no laxity in this regard. Stone quarries pose other challenges as well. The unscrupulous among the quarry owners have been known to employ bonded labour at extremely low pay. There have been many deaths from serious lung disorders, and young children continue to be employed on them. The government needs to act against the prevailing cocktail of complicity, cynicism and apathy, or the region will be irretrievably ruined.

1 What is the attitude of the people towards the environment?                                            


2What shows that the efforts to contain damage to the environment are apathetic?


3 Give two causes of the destruction of the eco-system.                                                     


4 What are the effects of the destruction of our eco-system                                     





 5 What other challenges do the stone quarries pose?                                   



6 Which words in the passage mean the same as

(a) concerned only with your own interests

(b) breaking a rule or formal agreement

(c) cut down an area of forest to use wood commercially

(d) without morals, dishonest or unfair

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