If you are having trouble with the high school English literature exam, we also offer Mijbil the Otter Class 10 Extra Questions and Answers.

Extra Questions, Notes, Assignment and study material for Class 10th as Per Latest CBSE Syllabus

Chapter- 8 English Language and Literature- First Flight (Latest 2018-19)

Mijbil the Otter Class 10 Extra Questions and Answers

By Gavin Maxwell  

About the Author- Gavin Maxwell                     

Gavin Maxwell – A Short Biography

About the Author

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Gavin Maxwell (15 July, 1914-7 September 1969) was a Scottish naturalist.  He is best known for his work with otters. Maxwell was born and brought up in a small village near Port William in Scotland. He died due to cancer in 1969.

Introduction of the lesson- Mijbil the Otter

 Gavin Maxwell lives in a cottage in Camusfeama, in the West Highlands in Scotlands. He is fond of keeping pets. After the death of his pet dog Jennie, he was too sad to think of a dog again. The author is in Basra city of Iraq on a visit. There a friend of his presents him an otter. He takes this otter to England where he has a flat of his own. He has some interesting experiences during his air journey from Basra to Paris and London.

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(गेविन मैक्सवैल, स्कॉटलैंड की पश्चिमी पहाड़ियों में कैमस्फर्ना नामक स्थान पर एक छोटे घर में रहता है I वह पालतू जानवरों को रखने का शौकीन है I अपने पालतू कुत्ते जॉनी की मौत के बाद, वह इतना परेशान हो जाता है कि वह फिर से कुत्ते को पालतू बनाने के बारे में सोच भी नहीं सकता है I  लेखक एक यात्रा पर ईराक के बसरा शहर आया है I वहाँ पर उसका एक मित्र उसे एक ऊदबिलाव भेंट करता है I वह इस ऊदबिलाव को लेकर इंग्लैंड जाता है जहाँ उसका अपना एक फ्लैट है I बसरा से पेरिस और फिर लंदन की हवाई यात्रा के दौरान उसके साथ कुछ रोचक अनुभव घटित होते है I)

Plot/ Theme / Central Idea of the Lesson/ Literary Analysis of Mijbil the Otter/ Main Idea

The theme of the Story

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Mijbil the Otter Class 10 Extra Questions and Answers 8

 Gavin Maxwell lived in a cottage in Camusfearna, in the West Highlands in Scotland. When Maxwell’s dog Jonnie died, he became very sad. Life without a pet was quite lonely. When he visited Southern Iraq in 1959, he saw some Arab people having otters as pets. He also thought of having an otter. He named the otter, Mijbil. In the beginning, Mijbi was indifferent but he became quite intimate with the narrator. He faced a problem to transport the otter from Basra to England. Mijbil was packed in a box. Mijbil disappeared in the aeroplane when the box was opened. The air hostess helped him to find out Mijbil. In London, Mijbil remained a mystery for most of the people. They couldn’t recognise an otter. Some called Mijbil ‘a seal’ and some called him ‘a squirrel’. Others called him ‘a beaver’ and ‘a bear cub’. But the best question came from a labourer, “What is that supposed to be?” he asked.

Important Word-Meanings of difficult words from the lesson-  Mijbil the Otter


[PAGE 104] : Otter = a kind of animal (उदबिलाव); ringed by = surrounded by (से घिरा हुआ); at a stone’s throw = nearby (नजदीक); eminently = clearly (स्पष्ट); casually = non-seriously (गैर –गम्भीरता से); marshes = wetlands (गीला/दलदली इलाका); tamed = pet (पालतू); cabled = sent a telegram (तार भेजी); breakdown = being out of order (खराब होना); squatting = sitting on the haunches (उकडू होकर बैठना); squirmed = (हिलना) I


 Sack = a large bag (बोरी); thraldom = being in the control of (के नियंत्रण में); fixation = strong attachment (तीव्र लगाव); emerged = came out (बाहर आना); spacious = big (बड़ा); resembled = looked like (शक्ल का मिलना); conceived = thought (सोचा); dragon = monster (दानव/अजगर) I

[PAGE 105] : Symmetrical = in symmetry (एक सार); pointed = sharp(तीखा); armour = shield (ढाल/बचाव); velvet = soft cloth (मखमल); mole = an animal (मोल); previously =earlier(पहले);at length =at last (आखिर); christened  = named (नामकरण); hostile = unfriendly (गैर-दोस्ताना); aloof = alone (अकेला); indifferent = callous (उदासीन); Crook = bend (मोड़); apathy = lack of interest (रूचि की कमी); wild with joy = greatly in joy (बहुत खुश होना); plunging = diving (डुबकी लगाना); hippo = hippopotamus (दरियाई घोड़ा); characteristics = features (विशेषता); bowl = a container (बर्तन); static = fixed (स्थिर); provoking = causing anger (गुस्सा दिलाना)

 [PAGE 106] : Disappearing = vanishing (गायब होना); corridor = verandah (बरामदा); fumbling= making awakened movement (टटोलना); chromium = a metal (क्रोमियम); paws = front part of foot (पंजे); amazed = surprised (हैरान); trickle = thin stream (पतली धारा); chittering = a kind of sound (एक प्रकार की आवाज़); irritation = frustration (निराशा); lead = string (डोरी); shuffling = dragging (खींचना); soccer = football (फुटबॉल); dribble = take forwards (आगे ले जाना); flick = quick movement (तीव्र हरकत); juggles = plays with (खेलना); pastime = hobby (शौक) I


 [PAGE 107] : Dreaded = feared (डर लगा); prospect = possibility (सम्भावना); transporting = taking (ले जाना); insisted = stressed (जोर दिया); packed = put into (में डाल दिया); accustomed = habitual (आदतन); hurried = made haste (जल्दी की); appalling = shocking (खराब); spectacle = scene (द्दश्य); chinks = cracks (दरारें); lid = cover (ढक्कन); trickled = came in small quantities (थोड़ी मात्रा में आना); whipped off = quickly took off (जल्दी से खोला); exhaused = tired (थक गया); blood-spattered = blood covered (खून से लथपथ); whimpered = cried softly (हल्के-हल्के रोना); shreds = pieces (टुकड़े); miserable = sad (उदास); tore through = drove fast (तेज़ी से कार चलाई); ricochetting = changing direction (दिशा बदलना); infuriated = angry (गुस्से में); retained = kept (रखा); profound = deep (गहरा); admiration = praise (तारीफ); gratitude = thankfulness (कृतज्ञता) I

[PAGE 108] : In a flash = very quickly (बहुत जल्दी से); squawks and shrieks = cries (चीखें); screaming out = crying (चिल्लाना); portly = fat (मोटा); curry = a dish (एक सब्जी); charming = attractive (आकर्षक); resumed = started again (फिर से आरम्भ करना); craning my neck = raising (गर्दन उठाना); distressed = troubled (मुसीबत में); bounded = jumped (कूदा); nuzzle = rub gently with the nose (नाक से रगड़ना) I


 [PAGE 109] : Eventful = full of events (घटनापूर्ण); ping-pong balls = table-tennis balls (टेनिस-टेनिस की गेंदें); marbles = small glass balls (कंचे); terrapin shell = shell of a small turtle (छोटे कछुए का कवच); native = one’s place of birth (जन्म-स्थान); engrossed = busy (व्यस्त); damaged = broken (टूटा हुआ); at a slope = slanting (ढलान वाला); dash = run (भागना); ambush = to attack suddenly (अचानक हमला करना); crouching = keeping low (दुबकना); spring up = jump (कूदना); grab = hold, catch (पकड़ना); precisely = exactly (सही); compulsive = instinctive (प्रवृत्ति वाला); rituals = ceremonies (रस्में); squarely = exactly (एकदम सही); upright = straight (सीधा); railings = protecting fence (रेलिंग);frontage = front side (आगे का भाग); tug = pull (खींचना); gallop = run (भागना); distraction = diversion (रास्ता बदलना) I

 [PAGE 110] : Variety = newness (नयापन/विविधता); badger = an animal (एक प्रकार का जानवर); mongoose = an animal (नेवला); weasel = a kind of animal (एक जानवर); stoat = a kind of animal (एक जानवर) mink = an animal (एक जानवर); barrage = flood (बाढ़); conjectural = based on guess (अनुमान); sprayed = threw (फेंकना); random = casual (गैर-गम्भीर); guesses = interferences (अनुमान); seal = an animal (एक जानवर); walrus = an animal (एक जानवर); giggles = laughs (हँसना); beaver = an animal (एक जानवर); leopard = a wild animal (तेंदुआ); apparently = clearly (स्पष्ट); brontosaur = a prehistoric now extant (प्रागैतिहासिक लुप्त जानवर); awarded = gave out (देना); stare = look fixedly (एकटक देखना); affront = insult (अपमान करना); abreast = aide by side (साथ-साथ); spat . threw the spittle (थूकना); glared = stare(घूरना); growled = grumbled (बुड़बुड़ाना); I

Summary in English-  Mijbil the Otter


 The author lived in a cottage in Camusfeama in Scotland. He had a pet dog Jonnie. When Jonnie died, he did keep a dog again for some time. But life without a pet was lonely. So he decided to have another pet. He didn’t want to have a dog. In 1956, he went to Southern Iraq. He had decided by them that he would keep an otter as a pet instead of a dog. His home in Scotland had much water around it. So it would be suitable for an otter.
The author shared this idea with a friend. He supported the idea and suggested that he should take an otter from the Tigris marshes. He said that otters were in plenty at that place. He and his friend decided to go to Basra for an otter.
 His friend’s mail had arrived. But the author’s mail was late. There was a delay of a few days. In the meantime, his friend left. At last, the author’s mail came. He went to his room in order to read it. There he found two Arabs. They had brought a sack which was on the floor. In the sack, there was an otter. They said that it was for him.
 The otter was a small creature like a small dragon. It was covered with mud from head to tail. Under the mud, it had a soft velvet skin. He was like that of a chocolate-brown mole. It took the author many days to completely remove the mud from his body. He named the otter `Mijbil’. His race was unknown to scientists. At first, Mijbil was neither hostile nor friendly. He was simply aloof and indifferent. On the first night, it slept on the floor. The next night, he slipped on the author’s bed and slept between his knees. Mijbil started taking interest in its surroundings. The author made a body-belt for him. When Mijbil was taken to the bathroom he enjoyed his bath. He went wild with joy in the water of the tub. The author knew that the otters are fond of Water. Two days later, Mijbil escaped from the bedroom. It went to the bathroom. He sat into the bathtub and turned the tap on. He was happy under the running water.
 Soon the otter became habitual of being called as ‘Mij’. He followed the author when he called his name. It spent most, of its time playing with a rubber ball and marbles. He would throw the ball like a soccer player. His real play was when he lay on his back and played with small objects between his paws. Marbles were his favourite toys.
 Days passed peacefully at Basra. Then it was time for the author to come hack. He dreaded the prospect of transporting Mij to England and to Camusfeama. He knew that the British Airline would not fly animals to London. So he had to book a flight to Paris in another airline and another to London. The airline advised that Mij should be packed in a box. The author put Mij into it the box an hour before he started for the airport so that Mij would become accustomed to it. Then the author went for a meal. When he returned there was silence in the box. He noticed blood from the air holes. He at once opened it. He found Mij troubled and covered with blood. Mij had torn the inner lining of the box. It was just ten minutes to the flight and the airport was five miles away. So the author put it back in the box and hurried to the airport. The car driver drove very fast.
 The aircraft was waiting to take off. He rushed in. He covered the place near his seat with newspapers. He gave the parcel of fish to the air hostess for the otter. She cooperated with the author and advised him to keep the pet on his knee. But soon Mij was out of the box. He disappeared very soon. Suddenly, there was chaos in the plane. There were squawks and shrieks all around. A woman cried, “A rat, a rat!” The author saw the otter beneath the legs of an Indian. When he tried to catch the otter, his face got covered in curry. The air hostess assured him that she would find the otter. The author returned to his seat. After some time, the otter came to him and sat in his lap.
 The otter and the author remained in London for nearly a month. Mijbil used to play for hours with toys, ping-pong balls, marbles, rubber fruit, etc. He played with a suitcase and a ping-pong ball. He would place the ball on the sloping top of the suitcase. Then he would hurry and catch it before the bell fell off the suitcase. The author used to take otter out for exercise and walk. Both walked through the streets. Mij developed certain habits on those walks. He went with the author like children playing, running and touching things in the streets. When the author was near primary school. Mij would jump on the wall and gallop on it. In London, many people had not seen an otter. When they saw Mij, they guessed what kind of animal it was. The author faced a stream of questions filled with guesses. The people guessed that it could be a baby seal, a walrus, a hippo, a beaver, a bear cub, a leopard, etc. But nobody could guess that it was an otter.


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1.An Otter as Pet: It was in 1956 when the narrator travelled to Iraq. After the death of his pet dog, he wanted to have a new pet. But this time, he decided to keep an otter instead of a dog. A friend advised him to get an otter in the Tigris marshes. They were found in large numbers there. They were often tamed and kept by the Arabs. One day he found two Arabs squatting on the floor. Beside them lay a sack. They handed the narrator a note from his friend. It read “Here is your otter …”

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2. Otter Like a Small Dragon: A wonderful creature emerged from the sack. It resembled a very small dragon imagined in the Middle Ages. He was coated with pointed scales. Between the scales was visible a soft velvet fur. The narrator managed to remove the mud completely only after a month. Now the otter could be seen in his true colours.

3. Maxwell’s Otter: The pet otter was named Mijbil. It was christened by zoologistsLutrogaleperspicillatamaxwelli or Maxwell’s Otter. For the first twenty-four hours, Mijbil was quite indifferent. He chose to sleep on the floor as far

Main Points of the Story

  1. When Maxwell’s dog died, he became alone without a pet.
  2. In 1956, he travelled to Southern Iraq and there he thought of keeping an otter instead of a dog.
  3. His friend advised him to get an otter in Tigris marshes. They were found in plenty there.
  4. Two Arabs were squatting on the floor and a sack was lying beside them.
  5. They handed him a note from his friend. It read: “Here is your otter …”
  6. The narrator named the otter `Mijbil’.
  7. In the beginning, Mijbil was indifferent but started taking a keen interest in his surroundings.
  8. He came to his bed and remained sleep on Maxwell’s knees.
  9. Like every otter, Mijbil enjoyed splashing water like a hippo.
  10. Mijbil was successful in screwing up the tap to its full flow.
  11. The otter spent most of his time playing.
  12. It was really a difficult job to transport Mijbil from Basra to England.
  13. Mij was packed up in a small box.
  14. The air hostess was quite friendly and cooperative and suggested keeping the pet on his knee.
  15. As the box was opened, Mij was out of the box in a flash.
  16. Mijbil disappeared and later on, it was found beneath the legs of a turbaned Indian.
  17. Maxwell remained in London with Mijbil for nearly a month.
  18. Mij invented his own game with the ping-pong ball.
  19. Like school children, he would touch every block with his feet and touch every second lamp-post.
  20. The average Londoner could not recognise an otter and people started giving wild guesses about him.
  21. Mijbil was called ‘a baby seal’, ‘a squirrel’. ‘a walrus’, ‘a beaver’, etc.

DETAILED SUMMARY in Hindi –  Mijbil the Otter


 लेखक  स्कॉटलैण्ड में कैमस्फर्ना में एक बंगले में रहता था I उसके पास जॉनी नाम एक पालतू कुत्ता था I जब जॉनी की मृत्यु हो गई, तो उसने कुछ समय तक कोई कुत्ता नहीं रखा I मगर एक पालतू पशु के बिना जीवन अकेला था I इसलिए उसने फैसला किया कि वह एक अन्य पालतू जानवर रखेगा I वह कुत्ता रखना नहीं चाहता था I 1956 में, वह दक्षिणी ईराक में गया I तब उसने फैसला कर लिया था कि वह कुत्ते के बजाय एक ऊदबिलाव को पालतू पशु के रूप में रखेगा I स्काटलैंड  में उसके घर के आसपास काफी पानी था I इसलिए यह ऊदबिलाव के लिए उचित रहेगा I

लेखक ने अपना यह विचार अपने एक मित्र को बताया I उसने इस विचार का समर्थन किया और सुझाव दिया कि वह टिगरी के दलदली इलाके से एक ऊदबिलाव ले सकता है I उसने कहा कि उस स्थान पर ऊदबिलाव पर्याप्त मात्रा में है I उसने और उसके मित्र ने ऊदबिलाव लेने के लिए बसरा जाने का इरादा किया I

उसके मित्र की डाक आ गई थी I मगर लेखक की डाक लेट थी I इसमे कुछ दिनों की देरी हो गई थी I इस बीच उसका मित्र चला गया I आखिरी लेखक की डाक भी आ गई I वह अपने कमरे में इसे पढ़ने के लिए गया I वहाँ उसे दो अरब व्यक्ति मिले I वे अपने साथ एक बोरी लाए थे जो फ़र्श पर खड़ी थी I उस बोरी में एक ऊदबिलाव था I उन्होनें ने कहा कि वह उसके लिए है I

ऊदबिलाव  एक छोटे राक्षस की तरह का छोटा-सा प्राणी था I यह सिर से लेकर पूँछ तक कीचड़ से भरा हुआ था I कीचड़ के नीचे, इसकी त्वचा नर्म और मखमली थी I यह चाँकलेट-ब्राउन मोल प्राणी की तरह दिखता था I लेखक को उसके शरीर से कीचड़ उतारने में कई दिन लग गए I उसने उसे ऊदबिलाव  का नाम ‘मिजबिल’ रख दिया I वैज्ञानिकों को इसकी प्रजाति का ज्ञान नहीं था I आरम्भ में मिजबिल न तो हिंसक था और न ही दोस्ताना I वह अकेला और उदासीन था I पहली रात को वह फ़र्श पर सोया I अगली रात को वह लेखक के बिस्तर में आ गया और उसके घुटनों के बीच में सोया I मिजबिल  ने अपने आसपास के वातावरण में रूचि लेनी आरम्भ कर दी I लेखक ने उसके शरीर के लिए पेटी बनाई I  जब वह मिजबिल को बाथरूम में ले गया तो उसके नहाने का  आनन्द उठाया I पानी के टब में वह खुशी से पागल हो गया I लेखक जानता था कि ऊदबिलावों को पानी अच्छा लगता है I दो दिन बाद, मिजबिल  बेडरूम से भाग गया I वह बेडरूम में चला गया I वह पानी के टब में बैठ गया और उसने नल को चला दिया I वह चलते हुए पानी के नीचे बहुत प्रसन्न हुआ I

शीघ्र ही ऊदबिलाव को ‘मिज’ के नाम से पुकारे जाने की आदत पड़ गई I जब लेखक उसका नाम पुकारता था तो वह उसके पीछे-पीछे जाता था I वह अपना अधिकतर समय एक रबड की गेंद और कंचो से खेलने में बिताता था I वह गेंद को फुटबॉल के खिलाड़ी की तरह फ़ेंकता था I उसका वास्तविक खेल तब होता था जब वह पीठ पर लेट जाता था और अपने पंजो के बीच छोटी वस्तुओं से खेलता था I कंचे उसके प्रिय खिलौने थे I

बसरा में दिन शांति से बीत गया I फिर लेखक के वापिस जाने का समय आ गया I उसको मिज को इंग्लैण्ड और फिर वहाँ से कैमसफर्ना ले जाने के विचार से डर लगता था I वह जानता था कि ब्रिटिश एयरलाईन जानवरों को लंदन नहीं ले जाने देती I इसलिए उसने किसी अन्य एयरलाईन में पेरिस तक की फ्लाईट बुक करवाई और वहाँ से लंदन की I एयरलाईन  ने लेखक को सलाह दी कि वह मिज को एक डिब्बे में पैक कर दे I हवाई अड्डे पर जाने से एक घंटे पहले लेखक ने मिज को एक डिब्बे में डाल दिया ताकि उसे इसकी आदत पड़ जाए I तब लेखक भोजन करने चला गया I जब वह लौटकर आया तो डिब्बे में खामोशी थी I उसने देखा कि हवा के छिद्रों में खून लगा है I उसने उसे फौरन खोला I उसने देखा कि मिज खून से लथपथ है I मिज ने डिब्बे की अन्दरुनी लाइनिंग को फाड़ दिया था I उड़न में केवल दस मिनट पड़े थे और हवाई अड्डा पांच मील दूर था I इसलिए लेखक ने उसे फिर से डिब्बे में डाला और हवाई अड्डे के लिए जल्दी से रवाना हो गया I कार के ड्राईवर ने कार बहुत तेज चलाई I

जहाज उड़न भरने का इंतजार कर रहा था I वह भागकर अंदर गया I उसने अपने सीट के आसपास की जगह को अखबारों से ढक दिया I उसने ऊदबिलाव  के लिए लाई गई मछलियों का पैकेट परिचारिका को दे दिया I उसने लेखक के साथ सहयोग किया और उसे सलाह दी कि वह ऊदबिलाव  को अपने घुटनों पर रख लें I मगर शीघ्र ही मिज डिब्बे से बाहर निकल गया I वह फौरन गायब हो गया I अचानक, हवाई जहाज में अफरा-तफरी मच गई I चारो तरफ चिल्लाहटें और चीखें मचने लगी I एक औरत चिल्लाई, “चूहा, चूहा!” लेखक ने ऊदबिलाव  को एक मोटे भारतीय की टाँगों के पास देखा I जब लेखक ने ऊदबिलाव को पकड़ने की कोशिश की, तो उसका चेहरा कर्री से भर गया I परिचारिका ने उसे विश्वास दिलाया कि वह ऊदबिलाव को पकड़ लेगी I लेखक अपनी सीट पर लौट आया I कुछ समय के बाद ऊदबिलाव उसके पास लौट आया और उसकी गोद में बैठ गया I

लेखक और ऊदबिलाव लंदन में लगभग एक महीने तक रहे I मिजबिल घंटो तक खिलौनों, टेबल-टेनिस की गेंदों, कंचो, रबर के फलों आदि से खेलता रहता था I वह सूटकेस और टेबल-टेनिस की गेंद से खेलता था I वह गेंद को सूटकेस के ढलान वाले ढक्कन पर रख देता था I तब वह जल्दी करता था और उसे सूटकेस पर से गिरने से रोक लेता था I लेखक ऊदबिलाव को व्यायाम करवाने और सैर करवाने के लिए बाहर ले जाता था I दोनों गलियों में से गुजरते थे I इन भ्रमण पर मिज ने कई आदतें पाल लीं I वह लेखक के साथ इस प्रकार जाता था जैसे बच्चे गलियों में खेलना, भागना और चीजों को छुना पसंद करते है I जब लेखक प्राइमरी स्कूल के पास होता था तो मिज दीवार के ऊपर कूदकर चढ़ जाता था और उसके ऊपर भागता था I लंदन में बहुत-से लोगों ने पहले ऊदबिलाव नहीं देखा था I जब उन्होंने मिज को देखा तो उन्होंने अनुमान लगाए कि यह कौन-सा जानवर हो सकता है I लेखक को अनुमानों भरे बहुत-से प्रश्नों का सामना करना पड़ा I लोगों ने अनुमान लगाया कि यह सील का बच्चा है, एक वालरस है, एक दरियाई घोड़ा है, बीवर है, रीछ का बच्चा है, तेंदुआ आदि है I मगर कोई भी यह अनुमान नहीं लगा सका कि यह एक ऊदबिलाव है I

Main Characters of the Story-  Mijbil the Otter

Character Sketch

1. Gavin Maxwell: Maxwell was a naturalist and author, best known for his work with otters. Maxwell’s famous book Ring of Bright Water (1960) describes how, in 1956, he brought a smooth-coated otter back from Iraq and raised it in Camusfeama at Sandaig Bay on the west coast of Scotland. He took the otter, called Mijbil, to the London Zoological Society, where it was decided that this was a previously unknown sub-species of a smooth-coated otter. Maxwell named it Mijbil. He exercised Mijbil on a lead as if he had been a dog. Maxwell’s life changed due to the presence of the otter.

2. Mijbil, the Otter: The otter, Mijbil, was in fact, of a species previously unknown to science. At last, it was christened Lutrogale perspicillata Maxwell by zoologists. He resembled like a very small imaginary dragon of the Middle Ages. It was like a chocolate brown mole. The main characteristic of an otter is to extend and spread every drop of water. The real game which Mijbil enjoyed most was juggling with small objects with his paws lying on his back. His favourite toys for his play were marbles.


Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow :


 EARLY in the New Year of 1956 travelled to Southern Iraq. By then it had crossed my mind that I should like to keep an otter instead of a dog and that Camusfearna, ringed by water a stone’s throw from its door would be an eminently suitable spot for his experiment.

When I casually mentioned this to a friend, he as casually replied that I had better get one in the Tigris marshes, for there they were as common as mosquitoes, and were often tamed by the Arabs. We were going to Basra to the Consulate-General to collect and answer our mail from Europe. At the Consulate-General we found that my friend’s mail had arrived but that mine had not.

 Word-meanings: Otter = a kind of animal (ऊदबिलाव); ringed by = surrounded by (से घिरा हुआ); Casually = non-seriously (गैर-गंभीरता); marshes = wetlands (गीला,दलदली इलाका); tamed = pet (पालतू); I

 Questions :

  (a)   What crossed the author’s mind?

  (b)   Why did he think that his home would be suitable for an otter?

  (c)   What did the author mention to his friend?

  (d)   From where could he get the otter?

  (e)   Find a phrase from the passage which means ‘surrounded by’.

 Answers :

   (a) The idea crossed the author’s mind that instead of a dog, he would keep an otter as a pet.

 (b)   He thought that his house would be suitable for an otter because it was surrounded by water.

 (c)   The author mentioned to his friend that he wanted to have an otter as a pet.    

 (d)   He could get one from Tigris.

  (e)   ‘ringed by’.


 With the opening of that sack began a phase of my life that has not yet ended, and may, for all I know, not end before I do. It is, in effect,  a thraldom to otters, an otter fixation, that I have since found to be shared by most other people, who have ever owned one.

 The creature that emerged from this sack on to the spacious tiled floor of the Consulate bedroom resembled most of all a very small, medievally-conceived, dragon. From the head to the tip of the tail he was coated with symmetrical pointed scales of mud armour, between whose tips were visible a soft velvet fur like that of a chocolate-brown mole. He shook himself, and I half expected a cloud of dust, but in fact, it was not for another month that I managed to remove the last of the mud and see the otter, as it were, in his true colours.

 Word-meanings : Sack = a large bag (बोरी); fixation = strong attachment (तीव्र लगाव); emerged = came out (बाहर आना); spacious = big (बड़ा); resembled = looked like (शक्ल का मिलना); conceived = thought (सोचा): dragon = monster (दानव): armour = shield (ढाल,बचाव); velvet = soft cloth (मखमल) I

 Questions :

 (a) What was there in the sack?                      [(H.B.S.E. March 2017 (Set-D)]

 (b)  What started for the author with the opening of the sack?

 (c)  How did the otter look like?

 (d)  How long did it take the author to remove the mud from the other’s body?

 (e)  Find a word from the passage which means ‘came out’.

 Answers :

 (a)  There was an otter in the sack.

 (b)  With the opening of the sack, a phase of life started for the author.

 (c)  The otter looked like a very small medievally-conceived dragon.

 (d)  It took him a month to remove the mud from the other’s body.

 (e)  ’emerged’.


 The second-night Mijbil came on to my bed in the small hours and remained asleep in the crook of my knees until the servant brought tea in the morning, and during the day he began to lose his apathy and take a keen, much too keen, interest in his surroundings. I made a body-belt for him and took him on a lead to the bathroom, where for half an hour he went wild with joy in the water, plunging and rolling in it, shooting up and down the length of the bathtub underwater, and making enough slosh and splash for a hippo. This, I was to learn, is a characteristic of otters; every drop of water must be, so to speak, extended and spread about the place; a bowl must at once be overturned, or, if it will not be overturned, be sat in and sploshed in until it overflows. Water must be kept on the move and made to do things; when static it is wasted and provoking.

 Word-meanings: Crook = bend (मोड़); apathy = lack of interest (रूचि की कमी); plunging = diving (डुबकी लगाना); hippo = hippopotamus (दरियाई घोड़ा) I

 Questions :

 (a)  Where did the otter sleep on the second night?

 (b)  What happened when the author took the otter to the bathroom?

 (c)  What is a characteristic of otters?

 (d)  What did the author make for Mijbil?

 (e)  Find a word from the passage which means ‘absence of interest’.

 Answers :

 (a)  On the second night, the otter slept on the author’s bed between his knees.

 (b)  The otter became very happy when he was put into a bathtub.

 (c)  They spread and splash water all over the place.

(d)  The author made a body belt for the otter.

(e)  ‘apathy’.


Very soon Mij would follow me without a lead and come to me when I called his name. He spent most of his time in play. He spent hours shuffling a rubber ball around the room like a four-footed soccer player using all four feet to dribble the ball, and he could also throw it, with a powerful flick of the neck, to a surprising height and distance. But the real play of an otter is when he lies on his back and juggles with small objects between his paws. Marbles were Mij’s favourite toys for this pastime: he would lie on his back rolling two or more of them up and down his wide, flat belly without ever dropping one to the floor.

 Word-meanings : Lead = string (डोरी); shuffling = dragging (खींचना); soccer = football (फुटबॉल ). dribble = take forwards (आगे ले जाना) I

 Questions :

 (a)  When would Mijbil follow the author?

 (b)  What did the otter do to a rubber ball?

 (c)  How did he throw the ball?

 (d)  What is the real play of an otter?

 (e)  Find a word from the passage which means `football’.

 Answers :

 (a)  Mijbil would follow the author when he called his name.

 (b)  The otter shuffled it around the room like a four-footed soccer player.

 (c)  He threw the ball with a powerful push of the neck.

 (d)  It is to lie on its back and juggle with small objects between its paws.

 (e)  ‘soccer’.


Two days later, Mijbil escaped from my bedroom as I entered it, and I turned to see his tail disappearing round the bend of the corridor that led to the bathroom. By the time I got there he was up on the end of the bathtub and fumbling at the chromium taps with his paws. I watched, amazed: in less than a minute he had turned the tap far enough to produce a trickle of water, and after a moment or two achieved the full flow. (He had been lucky to turn the tap the right way: on later occasions, he would sometimes screw it up still tighter, chittering with irritation and disappointment at the tap’s failure to cooperate.)

 Word-meanings Disappearing = vanishing (गायब होना): corridor = verandah (बरामदा); fumbling = making awake an rd movement (टटोलना); tickle = thin stream (पतली धारा)

 Questions :

 (a)  Name the chapter and the author.

 (b)  Who was Mijbil?

 (c)  Where did Mijbil go?

 (d)  What did he do with the tap?

 (e)  How had he been lucky?

 Answers :

(a)  Chapter: Mijbil the Otter.

        Author: Gavin Maxwell.

(b)  Mijbil was an otter.

 (c)  Mijbil went to the bathroom.

(d)  He opened the tap to a full flow of water.

 (e)  He had been lucky to turn the tap the right way.


 The days passed peacefully at Basra, but I dreaded the prospect of transporting Mij to England, and to Camusfearna. The British airline to London would not fly animals, so I booked a flight to Paris on another airline, and from there to London. The airline insisted that Mij should be packed into a box not more than eighteen inches square, to be carried on the floor at my feet. I had a box made, and an hour before we started, I put Mij into the box so that he would become accustomed to it, and left for a hurried meal.

 Word-meanings : Dreaded = feared (डर लगा): prospect = possibility (संभावना); transporting = taking (ले जाना); insisted = stressed (जोर दिया); packed = put into (में डाल दिया) I

 Questions :

 (a)  What did the author dread?

 (b)  Why did the author book a flight to Paris instead of going directly to London?

 (c)  What did the airline suggest?

 (d)  When did the author put Mij into the box?

 (e)  Find a word from the passage which means ‘feared’.

 Answers :

 (a)  The author dreaded the prospect of taking the otter to London and to his home.

 (b)  He did not book a flight to London as the British airline would not fly an animal.

 (c)  The airline suggested that he should put the otter into a box.

 (d)  The author put the otter into the box an hour before the time of the flight.

 (e)  ‘dreaded.’


 I sat in the back of the car with the box beside me as the driver tore through the streets of Basra like a ricocheting bullet. The aircraft was waiting to take off; I was rushed through to it by infuriated officials. Luckily, the seat booked for me was at the extreme front. I covered the floor around my feet with newspapers, rang for the air hostess, and gave her a parcel of fish (for Mij) to keep in a cool place. I took her into my confidence about the events of the last half hour. I have retained the most profound admiration for that Mr hostess; she was the very queen of her kind. She suggested that I might prefer to have my pet on my knee, and I could have kissed her hand in the depth of my gratitude. But, not knowing otters, I was quite unprepared for what followed.

Word-meanings: Tore through = drove fast (तेजी से कार चलाई) ricochetting = Changing direction (दिशा बदलना); infuriated = angry (गुस्से में); profound = deep (गहरा) I

 Questions :

 (a)  What was beside the author in the car?

 (b)  Where did the author sit in the aircraft?

 (c)  What did the author give the air hostess?

 (d)  What did the air hostess suggest?

 (e)  Find a word from the passage which means ‘deep’.

 Answers :           

 (a)  There was a box beside the author in the car.

 (b)  The author sat at the extreme front in the aircraft.

 (c)  The author gave the air hostess a parcel which contained fish for the otter.

 (d)  She suggested that he should have his pet on his knees.

 (e)  ‘profound’.


 Mij was out of the box in a flash. He disappeared at high speed down the aircraft. There were squawks and shrieks, and a woman stood up on her seat screaming out, “A rat! A rat!”  I caught sight of Mrs tail disappearing beneath the legs of a portly white-turbaned Indian. Diving for it, I missed, but found my face covered in curry. “Perhaps,” said the air hostess with the most charming smile, “it would be better if you resumed your seat, and I will find the animal and bring it to you.”

Word-meanings: In a flash = very quickly (बहुत जल्दी से); squawks and shrieks = cries (चीखें): screaming out = crying (चिल्लाना); portly = fat (मोटा); curry = a dish (एक सब्जी) I

 Questions :

 (a)  How did the woman in the aircraft react on seeing the otter?

 (b)  What happened when the author dived for the otter?

 (c)  What did the air hostess say to the author?

 (d)  The Indian traveller in the aircraft was very thin. True/False.

 (e)  Find a word from the passage which means ‘fat’.

 Answers :

 (a)  She stood up on her scat and screamed out ‘A rat A rat! “.

 (b)  His face was covered with curry.

 (c)  She said that she would find the animal and bring that to him.

 (d)  False.

 (e)  ‘portly’.


 Mij and I remained in London for nearly a month. He would play for hours with a selection of toys. ping-pong halls, marbles, rubber fruit, and a terrapin shell that I had brought back from his native marshes With the ping-pong ball he invented a game of his own which could keep him engrossed for up to half an hour at a time. A suitcase that I had taken to Iraq had become damaged on the journey home so that the lid. when closed, remained at a slope from one end to the other. Mij discovered that if he placed the ball on the high end it would run down the length of the suitcase. He would dash around to the other end to ambush its arrival, hide from it, crouching, to spring up and take it by surprise, grab it and trot off with it to the high end once.

 Word-meanings: Native = one’s place of birth (जन्म-स्थान); engrossed = busy (व्यस्त); crouching = keeping low (दुबकना) I

 Questions :

 (a)  How long did Mij and the author remain in London?

 (b)  What were Mij’s playthings in London?

 (c)  What game did the otter invent?

 (d) What would Mij do after placing the hall on the high end of the suitcase cover?

 (e)  Find a word from the passage which means ‘catch’.

 Answers :

 (a)  Mij and the author remained in London for one month.

 (b)  His playthings were: toys, ping-pong balls, marbles, rubber fruit and a terrapin shell.

 (c)  He had invented the game of ball. He put it on the sloping suitcase cover and ran to the other side to catch the ball.

 (d)  He would dash around to the other end of the suitcase cover to ambush the ball.

 (e)  ‘grab’.



 Outside the house, I exercised him on a lead, precisely as if he had been a dog. Mij quickly developed certain compulsive habits on these walks in the London streets, like the rituals of children who on their way to and from school must place their feet squarely on the centre of each paving block; must touch every seventh upright of the iron railings, or pass to the outside of every second lamp post. Opposite to my flat was a single-storied primary school, along whose frontage ran a low wall some two feet high. On his way home, but never on his way out, Mij would tug me to this wall, jump on to it, and gallop the full length of its thirty yards, to the hopeless distraction both of pupils and of staff within.

 Word-meanings : Compulsive = instinctive (प्रवृत्ति वाला); railings = protecting fence (रेलिंग): gallop = run (भागना)

 Questions :

 (a)  How did the author exercise Mij?

 (b)  Where did Mij develop certain compulsive habits?

 (c)  What was the size of the front wall? Where was it situated?

 (d)  What was the ‘play’ the otter indulged in?  

 (e)  Find a word from the passage which means ‘diversion’.


  It is not, I suppose, in any way strange that the average Londoner should not recognise an otter, but the variety of guesses as to what kind of animal this might come as a surprise to me. Otters belong to a comparatively small group of animals called Mussel lines, shared by the badger, mongoose, weasel, stoat, mink and others. I faced a continuous barrage of conjectural questions that sprayed all the Mussel lines but the otter, more random guesses hit on ‘a baby seal’ and ‘a squirrel’. ‘Is that a walrus, mister ?’ reduced me to giggles, and outside a dog show I heard ‘a hippo’. A beaver, a bear cub, a leopard—one, apparently, that had changed its spots—and a ‘brontosaur’: Mij was anything but an otter.

Word-meanings: Badger = an animal  (एक प्रकार का जानवर); mink = an animal (नेवला); conjectural = based on a guess (a अनुमान): walrus = an animal (एक जानवर); beaver = an animal (एक जानवर)

 Questions :

 (a)  What surprised the author?

 (b)  To which family do the otters belong?

 (c)  What other animals belong to the otter’s family?

 (d)  What did the author hear outside a dog show about his otter?

 (e)  What is the full form of the word ‘hippo’?

Extract Based / comprehension test  Questions and Answers of  Mijbil the Otter

 Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow.

1. Two days later, Mijbil escaped from my bedroom as I entered it, and I turned to see his tail disappearing round the bend of the corridor that led to the bathroom. By the time I got there he was up on the end of the bathtub and fumbling at the chromium taps with his paws. I watched, amazed; in less than a minute he had turned the tap far enough to produce a trickle of water, and after a moment or two achieved the full flow.

(a) Who was Mijbil?

 (b) What was the cause of the narrator’s surprise?

(c) What do you know about Mijbil?

 (d) Where did Mijbil go?

Ans. (a) The otter.

 (b) The narrator was surprised to find the otter turning the tap on to play with water.

(c) Mijbil was an otter that the author had kept as a pet.

(d) Mijbil went to the author’s bathroom.

2. With the opening of that sack began a phase of my life that has not yet ended, and may, for all I know, not end before I do. It is, in effect, a thralldom to otters, an otter fixation, that I have since found to be shared by most other people, who have ever owned one.

 (a) Which creature emerged from the sack?

(b) With what was the otter coated?

 (c) What was the new phase’ of the author’s life?

(d) Why does the otter named ‘Maxwell’s otter’?

Ans. (a) An otter.

 (b) Symmetrical pointed scales of mud armour.

 (c) It was a thralldom to otters. It was a strong attachment and feelings for the otter.

(d) The otter was of a race previously unknown to science and was at length christened by zoologists as Maxwell’s otter.

3. But the real play of an otter is when he lies on his back and juggles with small objects between his paws. Marbles were Mij’sfavourites toys for his pastime. He would lie on his back rolling two or more of them up and down his wide, flat belly without ever dropping one to the floor.

(a) What is the real play of an otter?

 (b) What are the Mij’s favourite toys?

(c) How did he conduct with them?

 (d) What do you know about Mij?

 Ans. (a) He lies on his back and juggles with small toys between his paws.

 (b) Marbles.

(c) He would lie on his back rolling two or more of them up and down his wide, flat belly without ever dropping one to the floor.

(d) Mij is an otter that the author had kept as a pet.

4. Early in the New Year of 1956, I travelled to Southern Iraq. By then it had crossed my mind that I should like to keep an otter instead of a dog and that Camusfearna, ringed by water a stone’s throw from its door, would be an eminently suitable spot for this experiment. When I casually mentioned this to a friend, he as casually replied that I had better get one in the Tigris marshes, for there they were as common as mosquitoes and were often by the Arabs.

(a) Where did the writer go?

(b) That did he want as a pet?

 (c) What ‘experiment’ did Maxwell think Camusfearna would be suitable for?

(d) Why did the author think of keeping an otter in place of a dog as a pet?

Ans. (a) Southern Iraq.

 (b) An otter.

 (c) Maxwell thought of buying an otter instead of a dog and thought Camusfearin ringed with water would be suitable for keeping an otter.

 (d) The author’s pet dog had died, he was too sad to think of keeping a dog again.

5. I cabled to England, and when, three days later, nothing had happened, I tried to telephone. The call had to be booked twenty-four hours in advance. On the first day, the line was out of order. On the second day, the exchange was closed for a religious holiday. On the third day, there was another breakdown. My friend left, and I arranged to meet him in a week’s time. Five days later, my mail arrived. I carried it to my bedroom to read, and there, squatting on the floor, were two Arabs; besides them lay a sack that squirmed from time to time. They handed me a note from my friend; “Here is your otter”.

(a) What was the main problem in getting the mail?

(b) What did the writer get in the package?

(c) What did he see when he entered his room?

 (d) Why did the sack squirm from time-to-time?

 Ans. (a) On the first day the line was out of order, then exchange was closed for a religious holiday and then another breakdown.

 (b) A pet — an otter.

(c) He saw two Arabs with an otter in a sack.

(d) This was because there was an otter in it.

6. Mijbil, as I called the otter, was, in fact, of a race previously unknown to science, was at length christened by zoologists Lutrogale perspicillataMaxwell, or Maxwell’s o For the first twenty-four hours Mijbil was neither hostile nor friendly; he was simply al and indifferent, choosing to sleep on the floor as far from my bed as possible. The s night Mijbil came on to my bed in the small hours and remained asleep in the crook of knees until the servant brought tea in the morning and during the day he began to lose apathy and take a keen, much too keen, interest in his surroundings.

(a) ‘Maxwell’s otter’. Why was the otter given this name?

 (b) What was his behaviour during the first twenty-four hours?

 (c) What shows that the otter tried to be friendly on the second night?

 (d) When did Mijbil come to the writer’s bed?

 Ans. (a) The zoologists had christened it as Lutrogale perspicillata Maxwell, or M otter after the author as it was of a race previously unknown to science.

(b) Neither friendly nor hostile.

 (c) He came to the writer’s bed and slept in the groove of his knees.

 (d) Mijbil came to the writer’s bed in the early hours of the morning.

7. The creature that emerged from this sack on the spacious tiled floor of the bedroom resembled most of all a very small, medieval conceived, dragon. From the tip of the tail, he was coated with fur like pointed scales of mud armour’ whose tips were visible a soft velvet e that of a chocolate-brown mole.

 (a) Which creature is being talked about here?

(b) What did it resemble?

 (c) Why was he covered with mud?

(d) What does ‘mud armour’ imply here?

Ans. (a) Otter.

 (b) It looked like a small medieval-conceived dragon.

(c) This was because nobody gave him a bath.

(d) This implies fur that formed pointed scales as the mud had dried over them.

8. Very soon Mij would follow me without a lead and come to me when I called his name. He spent most of his time in play. He spent hours shuffling a rubber ball around the room like a four-footed soccer player using all four feet to dribble the ball, and he could also throw it, with a powerful flick of the neck, to a surprising height and distance. But the real play of an otter is when he lies on his back and juggles with small objects between his paws. Marbles were Mij’sfavourite toys for this pastime: he would lie on his back rolling two or more of them up and down his wide, flat belly without ever dropping one to the floor.

(a) How did Mij play with the rubber ball?

(b) What is the real play of the otter?

 (c) How did the otter spend most of his time?

(d) What did he look like while playing?

Ans. (a) By shuffling a rubber ball around the room.

(b) To lie on his back and juggle with small objects between his paws.

 (c) He spent most of his time in play.

(d) It looked like a four-footed soccer player.

9. When I returned, there was an appalling spectacle. There was complete silence from the box, but from its air holes and chinks around the lid, blood had trickled and dried. I whipped off the lock and tore open the lid, and Mij exhausted and blood-spattered, whimpered and caught at my leg. He had torn the lining of the box to shreds when I removed the last of it so that there were no cutting edges left, it was just ten minutes until the time of the flight, and the airport was five miles distant. I put the miserable Mij back into the box, holding down the lid with my hand.

 (a) Why did the writer call it an appalling spectacle?

 (b) Why was the writer nervous?

(c) What were the observations of the writer when he returned?

 (d) Why did the writer put Mij back into the box?

 Ans. (a) Because he saw that blood had trickled and dried all over the box.

(b) Because only ten minutes were left to take the flight.

(c) There was complete silence in the box, blood had trickled around the lid and air holes and dried.

(d) There was no cutting edge left, just ten minutes for flight. The airline had specified that the animal is kept in a box.


Q.1. Why was the author’s home at Camusfearna a fit place for an otter?

 Ans. It was a fit place for an otter because it was surrounded by water.

 Q.2. From where could Maxwell get an otter?      [H.B.S.E. Man-h. 2017 (Set-B)]

  Ans. He could get an otter from Tigris marshes.

 Q.3. Why did the author go to Basra?

  Ans. He went to Basra to collect and answer his mail from Europe.

  Q.4. Who visited his room in Basra?

  Ans. Two Arabs visited his room in Basra.

  Q.5. What was there in the sack?

  Ans. There was an otter in the sack.

 Q.6. Where did the otter sleep on the second night?

 Ans. On the second night, the otter slept on the author’s bed between his knees.

 Q.7. Why did the author book a flight to Paris instead of going directly to London?

Ans. He did not book a flight to London as the British airline would not fly an animal.

 Q.8. What did the author give the air hostess?

Ans. He gave the air hostess a parcel which contained fish for the otter.

Q.9. What name did the scientists give to Mij’ species?

 Ans. They gave his species the name of ‘Maxwell Otter’.

Q.10. How did the woman in the aeroplane react on seeing the otter?

Ans. She stood up on her seat and screamed out ‘A rat! A rat!’.

Q.11. Why was the otter named ‘Maxwell’s, Otter?

 Ans. The otter was named Maxwell’s otter because it was Maxwell who made this species know to the scientists.

Q.12. Where could Maxwell get an otter from?

Ans. Maxwell could get an otter from the Tigris marshes in Iraq.

Short Answer Type Important Questions

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:

1. Describe the havoc created by Mijbil on the aeroplane when it came out of the box.

Ans. When Maxwell opened the box, Mijbil in out and disappeared at high speed Own the aircraft. He caused a great hue and cry n the aircraft. There were sounds of shrieks across the flight.

2. What were the guesses made by the Londoners about Mijbil? 

Ans. According to Maxwell, the average Londoner does not reclog another. Whosever saw Mijbil made different guesses about who he was. They go squirrel, a walrus, a hippo, a beaver, a bear cub, a leopard and a brontosaur.

3. How was `Mijbil’ a source of amazement on London streets?

Ans. The otter was a constant source of amazement to the Lon do y few p nears a strange as very had ever seen an otter. They were filled with surprise on seeing such animal. They guessed it with different names of animals.

4.She was the very queen of her kind’. Explain the reason behind admiration for the air hostess.

Ans.The air hostess whom the narrator called for assistance suggested to him that he could keep Mijbil on his knee during the flight, so as to comfort him.

5. Why was the author not allowed to take a flight of British Airways?

Ans. The British Airways did not allow pets on its flight, while the author had to carry his pet otter along with him.

6. Why were Maxwell and his friends going to Basra?

 Ans. Maxwell and his friends went to Basra to the Consulate-General (of Iraq) to collect and answer their mail from Europe.

7. Give an example from the text to show that Mijbil is an intelligent animal.

Ans. Mij loved to play. He had invented many games of his own. One was rolling marbles on his flat belly, another was keeping a ball on the high end of the suitcase and waiting at the other end for its arrival.

8. What happened when Mij disappeared at speed down the aircraft?


What happened when Maxwell opened the box on the plane?

Ans. When Maxwell opened the box, Mijbil flashed out and disappeared at high speed down the aircraft. He caused a great hue and cry in the aircraft. There were sounds of shrieks across the flight.

9. Prove that Mijbil loved the water, giving two instances in support of your answer.


How did Maxwell learn of Mijbil’s love for water?

 Ans. Mij loved to play in the water. Only once did the author lead him to the bathroom. Mex$ time he went to the bathroom on his own. He went wild in water, plunged and rolled in e’, He shot up and down the bathtub and made enough slosh and splash in it.

10. Why the otter was named ‘Maxwell’s otter’?

Ans. The otter was of a race previously unknown to science and was at length christened by zoologists as ‘Maxwell’s otter’.

11. Mijbil, the otter invented a game. What do you think would be the game that he invented?


What game did Mijbil invent?


Describe some of the games Mij liked to play.

 Ans. Mij invented his own game with a ping-pong ball. He used to keep the basilica lid of the damaged suitcase which when closed, remained at a slope from one end. He to play in the water and also liked to jump and gallop the full length of the 30-yard school well

12. What is the most common characteristic of an otter?


Which groups of animals do otters belong to?

Ans. Otters belong to a small group of animals called Mussel lines. They are water-loving animals and are generally found in marshy areas. They are intelligent, fun-loving and playful and are harmless beautiful creatures.

13. What routine did Mijbil follow everyday while on the walk in London?


 What were the ‘compulsive habits’ of Mijbil?


 How did Mijbil pass his time in London?

Ans. Mij on his way home every day used to tug Maxwell to the low wall of a primary school opposite to his flat. Mij would jump on to it, gallop the full length of its thirty yards and cause a hopeless distraction to both pupils and staff within the primary school.

14. When did it come to the author’s mind to have an otter?


Why did Maxwell keep an otter as a pet?

Ans. The author’s pet dog had died and hence he was not willing to keep another dog as a pet. So, he thought of buying an otter and thought Camusfearna, ringed by water would be suitable for keeping an otter.

15. Why did Maxwell put the otter back in the box? How do you think he felt when he did this?

 Ans. Maxwell was getting late for the flight. There were only ten minutes left for the flight to take off and the airport was five miles away. Hence he had to put the otter back into the box. He felt bad on doing so but he had no other option.

16. When and why did Maxwell think of keeping an otter as a pet?

Ans, Maxwell had travelled to Southern Iraq early in the year of 1956. There he thought of keeping an otter as a pet. He thought so because of Camusfearna. surrounded by water, could be a suitable place for this purpose.

17. How did the otter look?

Ans. the otter was a small creature and it resembled with a medically conceived dragon. It was coated with symmetrical seals at mud from head to the rip at the tail.

18. How did the otter behave in the beginning?

Ans. In the beginning, the otter was neither hostile nor friendly. He was simply aloof and indifferent. He referred to sleep on the floor as far from the writer’s bed as possible.

19. What are ‘compulsive habits’? What does Maxwell say are the compulsive habits of school children?

Ans. Things that one feels competed to do are ‘compulsive habits’. For example, school children try to-nr place their feet on the centre of each paving block on the way. They touch every seventh upright of the iron railings. Or, they pass to the outside of every second lamp post.

20. What would Mij do on the low wall adjoining the school opposite to Maxwell’s flat in London?

Ans. Along frontage of the school ran a low wall about two feet high. Mij would tug Maxwell to this wall. Then Mij would jump on to it, and run with leaps the full length of its thirty yards.

21. What happened when Maxwell would call the otter by his name?

Ans. Mij would follow Maxwell without a lead and come to him when his name was called.

Q22.    What had crossed the author’s mind and why? Or why did Maxwell think of keeping an otter as a pet?

Ans.    Maxwell’s favourite dog Jonnie died. It left him alone without a pet. He travelled to Southern Iraq in 1956. By then it has crossed his mind that he should like to keep an otter instead of a dog. The place he lived in was ringed by water. It was quite a suitable place for his new experiment.

Q23.    What did his friend advise Maxwell?

Ans.    Maxwell had already decided to keep an otter as a pet instead of a dog. He casually mentioned it to a friend. He advised Maxwell that he should try to get an otter in the Tigris marshes. Otters were as common there as were mosquitoes. They were often tamed by the Arabs.

Q24.    Why were they going to the Consulate-General in Basra? Why did he wait for five days there?

Ans.    Maxwell and his companions were going to Basra to the Consulate-General to collect and answer their mail from Europe. He found that his friend’s mail had arrived but that he had not. He cabled to England but nothing happened. He tried to telephone but didn’t get any success. His mail came only after five days. Q4. Why did Maxwell get his mail after five days and what he did to get it? Ans. Maxwell cabled to England. But even after three days, nothing happened. He then tried to telephone. The call had to be booked twenty-four hours in advance. On the first day, the line was out of order. On the second day, the Exchange was closed for a religious holiday. On the third day, there was another breakdown.

Q25.    How did Maxwell get Mijbil, the otter?

Ans.    Maxwell had changed his idea of keeping a dog as his pet. He decided to have an otter. He had asked one of his friends to arrange for an otter. He went to his bedroom to read his mail. Two Arabs were squatting on the floor. Beside them lay a sack. They handed him a note which said, “Here is your otter …”. The sack was opened. In this way, Maxwell got his new pet — an otter.

Q26.    Describe the physical appearance of Mijbil, the otter.

Ans.    The creature that emerged from the sack was a unique one. He resembled like a very small imaginary dragon of the Middle Ages. Its body was coated with pointed scales. Between them a soft velvet fur was visible. It was like a chocolate brown mole.

Q27.    Why has Mijbil christened Maxwell’s otter?

Ans.    The narrator called his pet Mijbil. The otter, in fact, belonged to a race unknown to science so far. It was christened at length by zoologists Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli or Maxwell’s otter. It was christened after the name of his master.

Q28.    How did Mijbil behave in the beginning? Did some change come in the otter afterwards?

Ans.    During the first 24 hours, Mijbil was neither hostile nor friendly. He was aloof and indifferent. He slept on the floor far away from Maxwell’s bed. However, a change came in Mijbil afterwards. Ile started taking a keen interest in his surroundings. He went to Maxwell’s bed on the second day and remained asleep in it.

Q29.    How did MINI behave when he was taken to the bathroom?

Ans.    The narrator took Mijbil on a lead to the bathroom. He went wild with joy in the water for half an hour. He continued plunging and rolling in it. He splashed up and down the length of the bathtub underwater. He made enough slosh and splash a fora hippo.

Q30.    What is a characteristic of otter and how did Mijbil behave in the water?

Ans.    The main characteristic of an otter is to extend and spread every drop of water about the place. A bowl full of water must be overturned. He would sit in and splash in until it flows.

Q31.    How did Mijbil fumble at the tap in the bathroom? Did he succeed?

Ans.    Maxwell saw Mijbil standing up on the end of his bathtub. He was fumbling at the taps with his paws. Very soon he turned the tap to produce a trickle of water. And soon after he achieved the full flow.

Q32. How would Mijbil play with a rubber ball, and jiggle with small objects and marbles?

Ans. Mijbil spent hours shuffling a rubber ball around the room like a four-footed soccer player. But the real game which Mijbil enjoyed most was juggling with small objects with his paws lying on his back. Mijbil’s favourite toys for his play were marbles.

Q33.How was Mijbil transported from Basra to London?

Ans. It was a difficult job for Maxwell to be transported from Basra to London. The British airline wouldn’t fly animals. He booked a flight to Paris on another airline. Mijbil was put into a small box an hour before so that he would become accustomed to it.

Q34. Why did Maxwell call the air hostess “the very queen of her kind?”

Ans. The air hostess was very friendly and cooperative. Maxwell took her into his confidence and gave her a parcel of fish for Mijbil. He admired her and called her “the very queen of her kind”. The air hostess suggested that he could keep his pet on his knee.

Q35.    Where did Mijbil disappear and how was he found?

Ans. The moment the box was open Mij was out of it in a flash. He disappeared soon

down the aircraft. There were squawks and shrieks. A woman stood up crying for “A rat! A rat!” Mijbil was found beneath the legs of a turbaned Indian. Maxwell dived for him but found his face covered in curry. In the end, Mijbil himself came and sat on Maxwell’s knee.

Q36.What compulsive habits like children did Mijbil develop during walks in the London streets?

Ans.  Mij developed some compulsive habits like children during the walks in the streets of

London. Children touched each pairing block or pass to the outside of every second lamp-post. Mijbil would jump on to the low wall of a primary school. Doing so, he would distract both the students and the staff.

Q37.What were the wild guesses that the average Londoners make in recognising Mijbil? Whose remark was adjudged best by Maxwell?

Ans. The average Londoners were surprised to see such a unique animal. They made wild guesses about the otter. Some called him ‘a baby seal’, ‘a squirrel’, ‘a walrus’. Others called him ‘beaver’, ‘a bear cub’ and ‘a leopard’. The best remark came from a labourer. On seeing Mijbil, he asked, “What is that supposed to be?”

Important Long/ Detailed Answer Type Questions- to be answered in about 100 -150 words each

Answer the following questions in 100-120 words:

1. Mijbil did things which demonstrated its personality. Which qualities of the narrator are shown in his care for Mijbil?

Ans. Mijbil was an intelligent, fun-loving and playful otter. It was fond of water. When Maxwell took it to the bathroom, for half an hour, it went wild with joy in the water, plunging and rolling in it. Maxwell treated Mijbil like his own son. He took care of him very well. He gave him lots of toys including marbles, rubber balls, rubber fruits and a terrapin shell to play with. He also noticed Mijbil’s habits and traits. Maxwell encouraged Mijbil to do whatever he liked to do. He took him out for exercise every day. When Maxwell saw him in blood, he was horrified. He took him out of the box; he jumped all over and then sat on Maxwell’s lap quietly.

2. Why did Maxwell want to have an otter for a pet? How did he get one?

Ans. Gavin Maxwell, the author, wanted to own a pet. His pet dog had died recently and he was feeling too sad to think of keeping a dog as a pet again. So when he travelled to Southern Iraq, he decided to keep an otter instead of a dog. His friend suggested to Maxwell that he could get an otter in the Tigris marshes for they were very common there, like mosquitoes. Moreover, the friend also informed, that otters were often trained by the Arabs. venally Maxwell and his friend went to Basra to the Consulate-General to collect their mail. Later on, i.e., a few days later the author received his mail and took it to his bedroom to ‘iced. There, he found two Arabs squatting on the floor with the sack that contained the otter with a letter from his friend that said, “Here is your otter….”

3. What did Maxwell do to transport Mijbil to England?

Ans. After the British Airways refused to take a pet on its flight, the narrator booked a flight to Paris by another airline. This airline insisted that the pet should be packed into a box not more than eighteen inches square, to be carried on the floor near his feet. Maxwell had a box made, and an hour before they started, put Mij into the box so that he would become accustomed to it and then left for a hurried meal. But when he returned he was terrified. There was an appalling silence. Maxwell found blood had trickled and dried around the air holes of the box. He tore open the box to find Mij exhausted, and blood splattered, and whimpering and he caught hold of Maxwell’s leg. However, since he had very little time left to board the flight, Maxwell just put Mij back into the box, holding down the lid with his hand. On the flight, the stewardess, on hearing the author’s tale, permitted him to travel with Mij on his knee. After the initial chaos, Mijbil travelled to London on the author’s knee.

4. Describe the relationship between the otter and Maxwell in your own words.

 Ans. Maxwell and the otter Mijbil shared a lovely relationship. Maxwell treated Mij like his own son. He took very good care of him. He gave him many toys including marbles, rubber bans, rubber fruits and a terrapin shell to play with. He took him to the bathtub to play in the water knowing the fascination of otters with water. He noticed his habits and traits. Mijbil hesitated on the first day but then became very friendly. Maxwell encouraged Mijbil to do whatever he liked to do. He took him out for exercise every day. When Maxwell saw blood on the box in which Mij was packed, he was horrified. When Mij came out of the box he jumped all over but then came and sat on Maxwell’s knees quietly.

5. How did it come to the mind of the writer that an otter can be substituted for dogs or cats?

Ans. The author’s pet dog had died, he was too sad to think of keeping a dog again. Maxwell’s friend suggested him to get an otter from Tigris marshes for they were as common as mosquitoes over there. Moreover, they were often trained by the Arabs. He had to go to Basra to the Consulate-General to collect and answer his mail. His mail had not arrived yet so he had to wait. There he received an otter sent by his friend through two Arabs. The author felt a strong attachment and feelings for it. He liked it and kept it.

6. When did the author decide to have an otter as a pet? How did he get an otter?

Ans. The author had a pet dog. Jonnie. When Jonnie died, his life without a pet was lonely. In 1956. he went to Southern Iraq. He had decided by then that he would keep an otter as a pet instead of a dog. His home in Scotland had much water around it. So it would be suitable for an otter. The author shared this idea with a friend. He supported the idea and suggested that he should take an otter from the Tigris marshes. He said that otters were in plenty at that place. One day, the author found two Arabs in his room. They had brought a sack with them. In the sack, there was an otter. They said that it was for him.

7. How did the otter look when the author got it? What name did he get it? How did the otter enjoy being in the bathroom?

Ans. The otter was a small creature like a small dragon. It was covered with mud from head to tail. Under the mud, it had soft velvet skin. The author named the otter ‘Mijbil’. His race was unknown to scientists. On the first night, it slept on the floor. The next slipped on the author’s bed and slept between his knees. Mijbil started taking interest in its surroundings. When Mijbil was taken to the bathroom he enjoyed his bath. He went wild with joy in the water of the tub. The author knew that the otters are fond of water. Two days later, Mijbil escaped from the bedroom. It went to the bathroom. He sat into the bathtub and turned the tap on. He was happy under the running water.

8. How did the author make arrangements for transporting his otter to London?

Ans. It was time for the author to come back from Iraq. He dreaded the prospect of transporting Mij to England. He knew that the British Airline would not fly animals. So he had to book a flight to Paris in another airline and another to London. The airline advised that Mij should be packed in a box. The author put Mij into it the box an hour before he started for the airport so that Mij would become accustomed to it. Then the author went for a meal. When he returned there was silence in the box. He noticed blood from the air holes. He at once opened it. He found Mij troubled and covered with blood. Mij had torn the inner lining of the box. It was just ten minutes to the flight and the airport was five miles away. So the author put it back in the box and hurried to the airport. The car driver drove very fact.

9. Describe the author’s experience with the otter in the aircraft. I [H.B.S.E. March. 20I7(Ser-C)]

Ana. When the author reached the airport, the aircraft was wailing to take off. He rushed in. He covered the place new his scat with newspaper. lie gave the parcel of fish to the air hostess for the otter. She cooperated with the author and advised him to keep the pet on his knee. But soon Mij was out of the box. He disappeared very soon. Suddenly, there was chaos in the plane. There were squawks and shrieks all around. A woman cried, “A rat, a rat!” The author saw the otter beneath the legs of an Indian. When he tried to catch the otter, His face got covered in curry. The air hostess assured him that she would find the otter. The author returned to his seat. After some time, the otter came to him and sat in his lap.

Q10.    Why did Maxwell decide to have an otter as a pet? How did he get it?

Ans.    Maxwell’s pet dog Jonnie died. He felt alone without a pet. This time he decided to change his pet. He decided to own an otter as his pet. His place, Camusfearna was ringed by water. It would be a suitable place for this new experiment. One of his friends suggested that he could get an otter in the Tigris marshes. Otters were as common in the Tigris marshes as were mosquitoes. They were often tamed by the Arabs as pets. Maxwell got his mail after five days. He carried it to his bedroom to read. There he found two Arabs squatting on the floor. A sack lay beside them. There was something moving and twisting in it. The Arabs handed him a note from his friend. It read, “Here is your otter …” The sack was opened. And there emerged a

unique creature from the sack. Later on, this otter was named Mijbil by Maxwell.

Q11.    Why was Mijbil, the otter was christened Maxwell’s otter by zoologists? How did the otter behave in the beginning and afterwards?

Ans.    The otter. Mijbil was, in fact, of a race previously unknown to science. At last, it was christened Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli by zoologists. It was also called Maxwell’s otter after the name of its master.

In the beginning, Mijbil was neither hostile nor friendly. He was totally aloof and indifferent. He chose to sleep on the floor as far from Maxwell’s bed as possible. But the change started coming from the second night. He came on to his bed and remained asleep in the crook of his knees. He began to lose his indifference and apathy. He started taking a keen interest in his surroundings. Later on, he became playful and started enjoying his stay with his owner.

Q12.    What is a characteristic of otters? How did Mijbil enjoy himself by playing different games?

Ans.    Maxwell learnt that extending and spreading every drop of water about the place is the main characteristic of otters. And Mijbil was no exception. He went wild with joy in the water. He continued rolling and plunging in the bathtub. He made enough slosh and splash for a hippo. A bowl must be overturned. Water must be kept on the move until it overflows. Mijbil enjoyed himself doing funny things. He would stand up on the end of the bathtub and turn the tap to its full flow. He spent hours shuffling a rubber ball around the room like a four-footed soccer player. He would lie on his back juggling with small objects between his paws. He enjoyed playing with marbles which were his favourite toys for this pastime.

Q13.    How was Mijbil transported from Basra to London? What scenes did the otter create in the aircraft?

Ans.    Transporting Mijbil from Basra to London was really a problem. The British airline would not fly animals. Maxwell had to book a flight to Paris on another airline. According to the instructions, Mijbil was put into a box not more than eighteen inches square. Luckily, the seat booked for him was at the extreme front. He covered the floor around his feet with newspapers. The air hostess was very friendly and cooperative. Maxwell gave her a parcel of fish for Mij to be kept in a cool place. She suggested that he should keep his pet on his knee. The moment the box was opened, Mij was out in a flash. He disappeared at high speed down the aircraft. The noisy scene was created. There were squawks and shrieks all around. A woman stood up from her seat crying. “A rat!A rat!” Maxwell saw Mijbil disappearing beneath the legs of a portly turbaned Indian. The air hostess requested Maxwell to resume his scat. She hoped to find the animal and bring it to him. Suddenly, he heard Mijbil’s voice from his feet. Mijbil bounded on to his knee and began to nuzzle the face and neck of his owner.

Q14.    What were strange and funny wild guesses that Londoners made about Mijbil? Who made the best remark about the otter?

Ans.    It was rather difficult for an average Londoner to recognise such a strange animal as an otter. Most of them had never seen such a unique animal. The thing that surprised Maxwell that Londoners made such funny and wild guesses about Mijbil, the otter. He faced a continuous barrage of questions from the anxious but ignorant people. They made random guesses about the animal. Some of them guessed that he was ‘a baby seal’ or ‘a squirrel’ or ‘a walrus’. Others also made fantastic guesses. One called Mijbil ‘a beaver’. Another called it ‘a bear cub’. The third guessed that it was `a leopard’. Mij was anything but an otter.

The question that was awarded the highest score came from a labourer. The surprised labourer spat, glared and growled out, “Here, Mister—what is that supposed to be?”