The Adventure
By- Jayant Narlikar
Important Long/ Detailed Answer Type Questions- to be answered in about 100 -150 words each Value based questions-
Long Answer Questions
1. Describe Gangadharpant’s journey by train from Pune to Bombay.
Ans. Professor Gaitonde (Gangadharpant) travelled from Pune to Bombay by train. The Jijamata express had its first stop at Lonavala. The ghat section was quite familiar to him. The train passed through Kalyan.
He made a plan of action in Bombay. He was a historian. He had written five volumes. He planned to go to a big library and read history books to find out how the present state of affairs had been reached. Thereafter, he would discuss his findings with Rajendra Deshpande.
The train stopped beyond the long tunnel at a small station, Sarhad. An Anglo-Indian checked the permits. This was the place where the British Raj began. Pant had not been to this Bombay before. He talked with his fellow passenger Khan sahib. The professor got some information on life in British India. He also noticed the words written and the Union Jack painted on the carriage. He had not expected all that.
2. Give a brief account of Professor Gaitonde’s stay and study of history books at Town Hall library. What riddle was he keen to solve?
Ans. In Bombay, the professor went to the Town Hall library. He asked for the five volumes he had written. Up to the death of Aurangzeb, there was no change in history. The change had taken place in the last volume. Turning over the pages, he reached the exact point where history had taken a different turn. It was the Battle of Panipat in which the Maratha army had defeated Abdali. The victorious army was led by the young Vishwasrao. Thereafter began the power struggle in India. It was his own style of writing.
The Maratha victory dampened the spirit and plans of the East India Company. its influence was reduced to Bombay region. In the 19th century, the Peshwas needed the help of the British at their centres for science and technology. They gave an opportunity to the company to extend its influence. Then came democracy. The professor could not help comparing the country he knew with what he was witnessing around him.
3. How did Rajendra Deshpande apply his theory of catastrophic experience regarding the Battle of Panipat?
Ans. Gangadharpant narrated to Rajendra his experience at the Azad Maidan meeting. For two days he was in a coma. He had met with an accident. He had now returned to the world he was familiar with. He asked Rajendra to explain where he had spent those days.
He admitted that just before the collision he had been thinking of the catastrophic theory and how it could change the course of history. He produced a page from the Bakhar to prove that his mind was working normally. The page described that Vishwasrao had not escaped the bullet, he had rather been hit and killed by the bullet. It was just contrary to what his own history book said. And he wanted to know the facts.
4. How did Rajendra explain the concept of reality with the example of movement of an electron?
Ans. Rajendra Deshpande tried to rationalise the professor’s experience on the basis of two scientific theories. It was true that Gangadharpant had passed through a strange catastrophic experience. The juncture at which Vishwas Rao was killed in the Battle of Panipat proved to be the turning point. The Maratha soldiers lost their morale and fighting spirit. They lost the battle.
Rajendra then moved to his second point about reality. Reality is not exactly what we experience directly with our senses. Reality can have other manifestations also. For example, the electron does not follow the laws of science when it moves. It is called the lack of determinism in quantum theory. The electron can be found in different places, and each is real. It happens by making a transition. The professor had also experienced two worlds—one that was present, the other that might have been.
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