Edumantra has the best explained FATHER full form. Take advantage of freely available Full form of Father at our website. Remain full of knowledge of meaning of FATHER. We would like to tell that the full form of FATHER is Faithful And Trustworthy Honoring Every Responsibilities.


FATHER Definition

Faithful And Trustworthy Honoring Every Responsibility

There is no fixed abbreviation or full form of Father. The full form of Father is defined by considering or taking into view the role a Father plays in one’s life.

Abbreviation or Full Form of Father

FATHER Full-Form | What is Faithful And Trustworthy Honoring Every Responsibilities (FATHER)
Full-Form of FATHER in English | FATHER Quotes in English 2

Father is the one who guides his child on the right path. A father feels that it is his responsibility to take care of his children. He is the child’s first teacher who teaches the kid what is right and what is wrong. For me, my father is a person who holds my hand when I am in trouble. He assures that he is there for me in whatever decision I make. He stands by me whenever I am at risk. He gives me suggestions based on his experience.

So a father as a whole can be described as-

FForever with his Family

AAlways there for you no matter what

T The only one who’s there

HHe’s my hero till the end

EEncouraging in everything I do

RReally a great person

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