Edumantra has the best explained the Full Form of CR. Take advantage of freely available CR Full-Form at our website. Remain full of knowledge of what is CR. We would like to tell that the full form of CR is the Conversion Rate.

CR full form in Banking, railway, what does CR stand for?

CR Full form various possible CR related to Banking, railway, college, school, accounting etc, Abbreviation, acronym, short-form list and what does cr means, given below. Let’s see and clear doubts.

CR  Full-Form | What is Conversion Rate (CR)

CR Full Form in Banking

CRConversion Rate (Currency)

CRCrore (Banking)

CRCredit (Banking)

CRCurrent Ratio (Banking)

CRCredit Records (Banking)

CRCard Rate (Banking)

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CR Full Form in railway

CRCentral Railway

CRCaledonian Railways 

CR in college

CRClass Representative 

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CR in accounting

CRCash Receipts (Accounting)

CRCost Reduced (Accounting)

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CRCosta Rica (Country)

CRSerum Creatinine (Medical)

CRCompression Ratio (Mathematics)

CRConserved Region (Mathematics)

CRCommand Response (Computing)

CRCurvature Radiation (Physics)

CRCommercial Register (Business)

CRConversion Rate (Business)

CRCarriage Return

CRConference Room

CRColumbia River

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