In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from Patol Babu, Film Star. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying Patol Babu, Film Star Word Meanings from Communicative Class 10.”

Hard Words :  Patol Babu, Film Star Page No.- 55

Shopping-bag = carrier, pouch (खरीददारी का थैला), Genial = friendly, warm (मिलनसर)

Patol Babu, Film Star Difficult Words in English Page No.- 56

Nonsentity = Unimportant, Insignificant (तुच्छ व्यक्ति)  , Provisions = Groceries, Essentials (सामग्री)  , Passion = Strong interest, Zeal (जज्बा)  , Obsession = Fixation, Mania (अधिक आसक्ति)  , Jatras = Folk theatre, Regional play (जात्रा)  , Handbills = Flyers, Leaflets (पत्रिका)  ,

Kanchrapara = Place name, Location (कांचरापाड़ा)  , Clerical post = Office role, Admin job (लिपिक पद)  , Smooth sailing = Easy going, Unhindered (सहज यात्रा)  , Toying = Considering, Pondering (सोच रहे हैं)  

Also Read:

Hard Words : A Shady Plot

Good Word Meaning of Chapter 5 Patol Babu, Film Star Page No.- 57

Retrenchment = Reduction, Downsizing (नौकरी में कटौती)  , Variety store = Retail shop, General store (मिश्रित दुकान)  , Wind up = Close, Terminate (बंद कर देना)  , High-handed = Bossy, Arrogant (अभिमानी)  ,

Sigh = Long breath, Exhale (आह भरना)  , Whizzing = Rushing, Zooming (तेज़ी से चलना)  , Diffidence = Shyness, Hesitation (आत्म-संदेह)  , Shooting = Filming, Capturing (फ़िल्म बनाना)  ,

Crossing = Junction, Intersection (चौराहा)  , Entrance = Doorway, Gateway (प्रवेश द्वार)  , Anxiously = Nervously, Eagerly (चिंतित रूप में)  

Class 10 English Patol Babu, Film Star English Difficult Words Page No.- 58

Pedestrian = Walker, Foot traveler (पैदल यात्री), Absent-minded = Forgetful, Distracted (असावधान), Woollen = Made of wool, Fuzzy (ऊनी)  , Crucial = Vital, Critical (महत्वपूर्ण)  , Dialogue = Conversation, Talk (संवाद)  ,

Ladder = Steps, Progression (सीढ़ी)  , Better-half = Spouse, Partner (जीवन संगिनी)  , Esplanade = Promenade, Open area (चौराहा)  , Equipment = Tools, Apparatus (उपकरण)  , Pavement = Sidewalk, Footpath (पथ)  , Pole = Rod, Stake (खम्भा)  

Class 10 English Patol Babu, Film Star English To English Word Meaning Page No.- 59

Oblong = Elongated, Rectangular (आयताकार)  , Beehive = Hive, Nest (मधुमक्खी का छत्ता)  , Tremor = Shudder, Quiver (कंपकंपी)  , Perspiration = Sweat, Moisture (पसीना)  , Nickname = Moniker, Alias (उपनाम)  ,

Punctual = On time, Timely (समय पर)  , Shade = Shelter, Cover (छाया)  , Entrance = Entryway, Doorway (प्रवेशद्वार)  , Youngster = Youth, Juvenile (युवक)

Word Meaning English of Class 10 English Lesson 5 Patol Babu, Film Star Page No.- 60

Nervous = Anxious, Apprehensive (बेचैन)  , Muffed = Bungled, Mistake (ग़लती कर देना), Short = Brief, Concise (संक्षिप्त)  , Stout = Portly, Bulky (मोटा)  , Telescope = Binoculars, Spyglass (दूरबीन)  ,

Abruptly = Suddenly, Hastily (अचानक), Hubbub = Noise, Uproar (कोलाहल), Recognised = Identified, Acknowledged (पहचाना), Lead = Main role, Star (मुख्य भूमिका)  , Crossing = Intersection, Junction (चौराहा)  ,

Series = Sequence, Chain (श्रृंखला), Action = Movement, Gesture (क्रियावली), Resumed = Continued, Restarted (पुनः आरंभ हुआ)  , Fellow = Guy, Individual (आदमी)  

Patol Babu, Film Star Chapter Difficult Word Meaning English Page No.- 61

Whisper = Murmur, Hush (सरसराहट) , Acted = Performed, Played (अभिनय किया), Clay = Mud, Earthen (मिट्टी), Instrument = Tool, Apparatus (उपकरण)  , Scribbled = Jotted, Scrawled (सरझाना)  ,

Throbbing = Pulsating, Beating (धड़कन)  , Unbearable = Intolerable, Overwhelming (असहनीय)  , Pleased = Happy, Satisfied (प्रसन्न)  , Hoax = Deception, Prank (धोखा)  , Cruel = Harsh, Brutal (क्रूर)  , Audible = Hearable, Perceptible (सुनाई देने वाला) , Strange = Odd, Unusual (अजीब)  

English Class 10 Patol Babu, Film Star Word Meaning English to Hindi Page No.- 62

Executive = Manager, Official (कार्यकारी)  , Embezzlement = Misappropriation, Theft (गबन) , Pavement = Sidewalk, Footpath (फुटपाथ)  , Pedestrian = Walker, Foot-traveler (पैदल चालक)  , Preoccupation = Engrossment, Distraction (पूर्व-व्यस्तता)  ,

Crucial = Important, Vital (महत्वपूर्ण) , Crowd = Group, Gathering (भीड़)  , Shade = Shelter, Shadow (छाया)  , Crumpled = Wrinkled, Crushed (सिकुड़ना)  , Drain = Ditch, Sewer (नाली)  ,

Sigh = Exhale, Moan (सिसकी)  , Stifling = Suffocating, Smothering (दबाव पूर्वक), Steps = Stairs, Staircase (सीढ़ी)  , Useless = Unproductive, Futile (बेकार)  

Class 10 Communicative English Chapter 5 Patol Babu, Film Star Word Meaning Vocabulary Page No.- 63

Trivial = Not important, Minor (तुच्छ)  , Dignity = Respect, Pride (गरिमा)  , Opportunity = Chance, Occasion (अवसर)  , Mentor = Guide, Advisor (मार्गदर्शक)  , Vanity = Pride, Arrogance (अहंकार)  , Edification = Moral improvement, Enlightenment (उन्नति), Obeisance = Respectful gesture, Bow (प्रणाम)  ,

Inflection = Change in pitch, Modulation (संघटन)  , Despair = Hopelessness, Misery (निराशा) , Thesis = Dissertation, Research paper (शोध पत्र)  , Impatient = Restless, Eager (अधीर)  , Pompous = Self-important, Pretentious (अभिमानपूर्ण)  , Mellow = Soft, Warm (मधुर)  ,

Beneath = Below, Underneath (नीचे)  , Saintly = Virtuous, Holy (संत समान)  , Devoid = Lacking, Empty of (रहित)  , Astonishing = Amazing, Surprising (आश्चर्यजनक)  , Patient = Calm, Tolerant (धैर्यशील)  

Class 10th English Patol Babu, Film Star Word Meaning with Hindi Page No.- 64

Sneak = Move quietly, Clandestine (चुपके से जाना)  , Apathy = Lack of interest, Indifference (उदासीनता)  , Anticipation = Expectation, Foreseeing (पूर्वानुमान)  , Cue = Signal, Hint (संकेत) , Collision = Crash, Impact (टक्कर)  ,

Impatiently = Restlessly, Eagerly (अधीरता से), Patch = Spot, Area (धब्बा), Rehearsing = Practicing, Going over (अभ्यास करना)  , Bystander = Onlooker, Spectator (दर्शक)  , Rehearsals = Practice, Training (अभ्यास सत्र)  ,

Suppressed = Restrained, Held back (दबाना) , Excitement = Thrill, Eagerness (उत्साह) , Position = Place, Location (स्थिति)

Word Meaning of Class 10 Lesson Patol Babu Page No.- 65

Moustache = Facial hair, Whiskers (मूंछ)  , Snappy = Quick, Brisk (तेज़)  , Spirit-gum = Adhesive, Glue (गोंद) , Collision = Impact, Crash (टक्कर), Wrestle = Grapple, Tussle (कुश्ती करना)  ,

Perspicacity = Insight, Acumen (तीक्ष्ण बुद्धिता), Spectators = Viewers, Observers (दर्शक), Bystanders = Onlookers, Witnesses (तमाशबीन)  , Pedestrian = Walker, Foot-traveler (पैदल चालक)  ,

Elderly = Senior, Aged (वृद्ध)  , Provoked = Caused, Instigated (उत्तेजित किया)  , Comments = Remarks, Observations (टिप्पणियां)  

Patol Babu Class 10 Word Meaning Page No.- 66

Action = Movement, Activity (कार्रवाई)  , Wham = Loud noise, Bang (ज़ोरदार आवाज़)  , Excruciating = Intense, Torturous (अत्यधिक पीड़ादायक)  , Anguish = Agony, Distress (संताप)  , Anxiously = Worriedly, Nervously (चिंतित रूप में)  ,

Jolly = Happy, Cheerful (खुशमिजाज)  , Elbowed = Pushed, Jostled (कोहनी मारकर)  , Satisfaction = Contentment, Pleasure (संतोष), Sensibility = Sensitiveness, Awareness (संवेदनशीलता) , Motions = Movements, Gestures (गतिविधियां)  , Dedication = Commitment, Devotion (समर्पण)