Hard Words : Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger Difficult Words in English with Hindi Meaning | Communicative | Class 10 | 2023-24 Updated

By | October 18, 2023

In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger Word Meanings from Communicative Class 10.”

Hard Words : Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger Page No.-  13

Intention = plan, purpose (इरादा), Lust = strong desire, craving (इच्छा), Deviation = departure, divergence (विचलन), Ostensibly = apparently, seemingly (प्रकट रूप से), Foreground = front view, prominent position (अग्रभूमि), Swayed = influenced, moved (प्रभावित) ,

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Hard Words : Two Gentlemen of Verona

Circumstances = situations, conditions (परिस्थितियां) , Propitious = favorable, auspicious (अनुकूल), Exertion = effort, strain (मेहनत), Antecedents = history, past (पूर्वगाथा), Infirmities = weaknesses, frailties (दुर्बलता),

Stimulated = encouraged, motivated (प्रेरित किया), Elaborate = detailed, intricate (विस्तृत), Venerable = respected, honored (सम्मानित)  

Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger Difficult Words in English Page No.-  14

Duly = properly, punctually (समय पर) , Moonlit = bright, lit (चंदनी से आलोकित), Crouched = squatted, stooped (झुककर बैठा हुआ)  , Persistent = continuous, enduring (दृढ़)  , Tethered = tied, bound (बाँधा हुआ)  , Accurately = precisely, exactly (सटीक)  , Sighted = aimed, targeted (निशाना लगाना)  ,

Quarry = target, prey (शिकार)  , Morbid = unhealthy, grim (अस्वस्थ)  , Spring = jump, leap (उछलना)  , Protective = shielding, guarding (सुरक्षात्मक)  , Denomination = category, type (प्रकार)  ,

Dissipating = scattering, spreading (विखरन)  , Irrespective = regardless, despite (पर्वाह किए बिना)  , Depreciation = decrease, reduction (मूल्य ह्रास)  , Ambush = trap, surprise attack (घात)  , Ambling = strolling, sauntering (आराम से चलना)  , Urged = pushed, encouraged (प्रेरित किया)

Chapter 2 Class 10 Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger English Difficult Words Page No.-  15

Flashed = glowed, shone (चमकना)  , Tawny = brownish-orange, tan (भूरा)  , Sprang = jumped, leaped (उछला)  , Stillness = quiet, calmness (ठहराव)  , Swarmed = crowded, flocked (झुंड बना कर आना)  ,

Thumping = pounding, beating (धड़ाकना)  , Immeasurably = greatly, boundlessly (अपमेय रूप से)  , Luncheon = lunch, meal (दोपहर का भोजन)  , Mortal = deadly, fatal (घातक)  , Decay = rot, deterioration (सड़ना)  , Pardonably = excusably, understandably (क्षमा योग्य रूप में)  ,

Connived = conspired, colluded (मिलीभगत करना)  , Repressed = suppressed, constrained (दबाया हुआ)  , Amused = entertained, pleased (मनोरंजित)  , Frightened = scared, terrified (डरा हुआ)  , Disagreeably = unpleasantly, annoyingly (अप्रिय रूप में)  , Patterns = designs, models (पैटर्न)  

Good Word Meaning of Class 10 Chapter 2 Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger Page No.-  16

Give away = reveal, disclose (प्रकट करना)  , Seeming = apparent, seeming (प्रतीत होने वाला)  , Irrelevance = unrelated, not pertinent (असंबंध)  , Freehold = ownership, possession (स्वामित्व)  , Bargain = deal, agreement (सौदा)  ,

Christened = named, baptized (नामकरण करना)  , Wonder = astonishment, amazement (आश्चर्य)  , Admiration = appreciation, respect (प्रशंसा)  , Verdict = decision, judgment (निर्णय)  ,

Indulges = partakes, enjoys (आनंद उठाना)  , Incidental = auxiliary, additional (आकस्मिक)  , Expenses = costs, expenditure (व्यय)  , Confides = admits, reveals (विश्वास करना)