Fog- Short & Detailed Summary in English & Hindi

By | August 20, 2020
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Fog poem has been well explained by Edumantra which includes Introduction of the poem Fog , Message, Theme of the poem Fog, Title, Characters of Fog, Fog Summary in English, Summary in Hindi, Word meanings, Fog analysis Complete lesson in Hindi, Extracts from Fog, Long answers in the poem Fog, Short answers, Very short Answers, MCQs of the poem Fogand much more.


By Carl Sandburg

Summary in English- Fog


 A poem Fog’ the poet Carl Sandburg has portrayed nature and its silent working. To prove his point the poet gives a comparison of the fog and a cat. The poet says that the fog comes silently and slowly like a cat. When it comes it does not disturb us. It sits silently as a cat does. It goes on falling and looking silently over harbour and city. (Then it moves on all at once with a gust of wind)


1. Fog Comes As a Cat: The poet sees the fog as a cat. It comes on its tiny silent feet as a cat does when it is stalking. Like a cat, it moves in imperceptibly and in complete silence. So, the poem ‘Fog’ becomes an extended metaphor.

2. Sits on Silent Haunches: The fog comes silently and engulfs the whole landscape in its fold. The poem presents the dual imagery of fog and cat. The fog turns into a cat. And the cat turns back into the fog. The fog moves in at a slow pace and then stops and gradually covers the whole landscape or seascape and the harbour. The fog like a cat keeps on lying for hours, It keeps on overlooking the harbour and the city below. The atmosphere all around is filled with silence and mystery. And then, like a stalking cat, it moves on. It disappears silently unnoticed.



कबिता में कबि कार्ल सैंडबर्ग ने प्रकृति और उसके शोर -रहित कार्य का चितरड़ किया है अपनी बात को सिद्ध करने के लिए कबि कोहरे और एक बिल्ली की तुलना प्रश्तुत करता है कबि कहता है कि कोहरा एक बिल्ली की भांति चुपके से और धीरे से आता है जब ये आता है तो ये हमे तंग नहीं करता है ये एक बिल्ली की भांति चुपचाप बैठ जाता है यह बंदर गाहा और शहर के ऊपर चुपचाप गिरता रहता है तब यह हबा के साथ एकदम से आगे बढ़ जाता है

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