Fire and Ice- About the Author & Introduction

By | February 10, 2023
Fire and Ice- About the Author & Introduction

Fire and Ice

By Robert Frost  

About the Author- Robert Frost

About the Poet 

Robert Frost was a famous American poet. He was born in San Francisco on March 26, 1874. His father belonged to New England, and his mother was a Scottish emigrant from Edinburgh. By 1920s, Frost was the most celebrated poet in America. His poetical works ‘A Boy’s Will’ (1913), ‘North of Boston’ (1914), `New Hampshire’ (1923), ‘A Further Range’ (1936) ‘Steeple Bush’ (1947) and ‘In the Clearing’ (1962) increased his fame and honour. The poem ‘Dust of Snow’ was published in ‘New Hampshire’ in 1923. This collection gave him the Pulitzer Prize.

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Introduction of the lesson- Fire and Ice


‘Fire and Ice’ is a highly symbolic poem by Robert Frost. This poem is a meditation about how the world will end the poet says that the fire of lusts and endless desires and ice of hatred among human beings will put this world to an end one day.

(‘Fire and Ice’ रॉबर्ट फ्रॉस्ट द्वारा रचित एक अति प्रतीकात्मक कविता है।यह कविता इस विषय में एक चिंतन है कि संसार का अंत कैसे होगा आकांक्षा और असीम इच्छाओं की अग्नि तथा एक मनुष्य की दूसरे मनुष्य से घृणा करती बर्फ इस संसार को एक दिन नष्ट कर देगी।)

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