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Sample Question Paper 2018-19
Full Term Exam Set- 1- (Solved)
Maximum Marks: 80 Time 3 hours
(I)There are 26 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against the question.
(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 7 are very short Answer type Questions. The answer these questions should not exceed 30 words limit. Each question carries one mark.
(iv) Question from serial number 8 to 18 is 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80 words each.
(v)Question from serial number 19 to 25 is 5 marks questions. Answers of these questions should not exceed 100 words each.
(vi) Question number 26 is a map question. It has two parts 26(A) and 26(B) 26 (A) of 2 marks from History and 26(B) of 3 marks from Geography. After completion attaches the map inside your answer book.
1. What was proposed by Montesquieu in his book ‘The Spirit of the Laws’? (1)
Ans. Montesquieu proposed the division of powers between the Legislative, the executive and the judiciary.
2. Who are Rakias?
Ans. The Rakias are a pastoral community of Rajasthan.
3. Why are days and nights almost of equal duration at Kanyakumari? (1)
Ans. The days and nights are almost equal at Kanyakumari because it lies near the equator.
4. What is ‘Duns’? (1)
Ans. The longitudinal valleys lying between lesser Himalayas and the Shiwaliks are known as Duns.
5. Which drainage pattern describes the resembling with the branches of a tree? (1)
Ans. Dendrite.
6. What does ‘referendum’ mean? (1)
Ans. The referendum is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal.
7. What is known as ‘Working Capital’? (1)
Ans. Production requires a variety of raw material. Money is also required during production to make payments and buy other necessary items. These are called working capital.
8. State any three effects of the First World War on the Russian economy. (3)
Ans. (i) Russia was cut-off from other suppliers of industrial goods by German control of the Baltic Sea.
(ii) Large supplies of grain were sent to feed the army. Bread and flour became. scarce for the people in the cities. Riots at bread shops were common.
(iii) Able-bodied men were sent to fight the war. Thus, labour shortages resulted in shutting down industries and small workshops producing essentials.
9. Who was called the ‘November Criminals’? Why they were targeted? (3)
Ans. The first world war had a great impact on Europe by both psychologically and financially From a continent of creditors, Europe turned into one of the debtors. Unfortunately-ant’ Weimar Republic was being made to pay for sins of the old empire. The republic carried the burden of war guilt and national humiliation and was financially crippled by being forced to pay compensation.
Those who supported the Weimar Republic, mainly Socialists, Catholics and Democrats became easy targets of attack in the conservative nationalist circles. They were called the ‘November Criminals.’
10. How were the northern plains formed? (3)
Ans. The northern plains have been formed by the interplay of three major river systems—the Indus, the Gang and the Brahmaputra along with their tributaries.
The Himalayan uplift out of the Tethys sea and subsidence of the northern flank of the peninsular plateau resulted in the formation of a large basin.
In due course of time, this depression gradually got filled with deposition of sediments by the rivers flowing from the mountains in the north and the peninsular plateau in the south. A flat land of extensive alluvial deposits led to the formation of the northern plains of India.
11. What are ‘Western Cyclonic Disturbances’? How do they affect the climate of India? (3)
Ans. The western cyclonic disturbances are weather phenomena of the winter months brought in by the westerly flow from the Mediterranean region. These are low-pressure systems, move into India, along with the westerly flow.
They cause the much-needed winter rains over the plains and the snowfall in the mountains. Although the total amount of winter rainfall locally known as ‘mehawat’ is small, they are of immense importance for the cultivation of ‘rabi’ crops. These western disturbances cause snowfall in the mountains.
12. Describe in brief about biodiversity in India. (3)
Ans. India is rich in biodiversity. It is one of the twelve mega bio-diverse countries of the world It has 47,000 species of plants including 15,000 flowering plants. India also has many species of non-flowering plants.
Besides its floral diversity, India is also home to about 90,000 species of animals. India also has a rich variety of fishes in its fresh and marine water.
India has about 2000 species of birds. It also has a large number of the world’s amphibians reptiles and mammals.
13.”Democracy improves the quality of decision-making.” Illustrate. (3)
Ans. Democracy is based on consultation and discussion. A democratic decision always involves many persons, discussions and meetings. When a number of People put their heads together, they are able to point out possible mistakes in any decision. This takes time. But there is a big advantage in taking time over important decisions. This reduces the chances of rash or irresponsible decisions. Thus democracy improves the quality of decision-making.
14. What is the significance of the ‘Preamble’ to the Indian Constitution? (3)
Ans. Indian Constitution begins with a short statement of its basic values. This is called the Preamble to the constitution. It guides all the articles of the Indian Constitution. It is very significant.
(i) The Preamble to the Indian Constitution is like a poem on democracy. It contains the philosophy on which the entire constitution has been built.
(ii) It is regarded as the soul of the Indian Constitution. It provides a standard to examine and evaluate any law and action of government to find out whether it is good or bad.
15. ‘In India, a value of free and fair election has always been promoted.’ Support the statement with facts. (3)
Ans. The following facts support the statement that the value of free and fair election has always been promoted in India.
(i) A choice is offered to the voter.
(ii) Each vote has the same value.
(iii) The choice is offered at regular intervals of time.
All the above rules/principles show that elections are free and fair in India.
16. How is human resource different from other resources like land and physical capital? (3)
Ans. (i) Human resource is different from other resources like land and physical capital because only human can use other resources.
(ii) Human makes other resources valuable.
(iii) Human resource adds to the productive power of a country.
Human resource development is necessary for all countries.
17. Identify the social and economic groups which are most vulnerable to poverty in India. (3)
Ans. The social groups more vulnerable to poverty are the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes households. The Scheduled Castes are not allowed to avail the facilities given to others due to the prevailing caste system, leading to poverty. The economic groups vulnerable to poverty are the rural agricultural labour and urban casual labour households. The rural agricultural labour have no land of their own and thus not able to earn enough to meet their daily needs, leading to poverty
18. Why is buffer stock created by the government? (3)
Ans. (i) Buffer stock helps to resolve the problem of food shortage during adverse weather conditions, a disaster or a calamity.
(ii) Governments create buffer stock so that food can be distributed in food deficit areas.
(iii) Buffer stock is also maintained to ensure food security.
19. Why did the Tsarist autocracy collapse in 1917? (5)
Ans. The Tsarist autocracy collapsed due to the following reasons:
(i) The defeat of the Russian army in the First World War was shocking and demoralising. There were over 7 million causalities and 3 million refugees by 1917. The rest of the population became hostile to the Tsar.
(ii) There was labour shortage due to the participation of able-bodied men in which led to the shut down of many small factories.
(iii) Large quantities of grain were sent to feed the army. For the people in cities, breed and flour became expensive and scarce. People were not satisfied with the policies of Tsar.
(iv) Tsar Nicholas II was an autocratic, inefficient and weak ruler who believed in the divine rights of the king. The bureaucracy got special rights and privileges, but the general public got none.
(v) Tsar had imposed Russian language and culture on diverse nationalities. A large section of the Russian empire became hostile to the Tsar and his corrupt bureaucracy.
All these factors led to the end of Tsarist autocracy.
20. The Treaty of Versailles humiliated the Germans”. Explain this statement. (5)
Ans. (I) The peace treaty at Versailles with the Allies was a harsh and humiliating one. Germany lost its overseas colonies, a tenth of its population.
(ii) Germany lost its 13% territories, 75% of its iron and 26% of its coal to France, Poland Denmark and Lithuania.
(iii) The Allied Powers demilitarised Germany to weaken its power.
(iv) The war guilt clause held Germany responsible for the war and damages the Allied countries suffered.
(v) Germany was forced to pay compensation amounting to 6 billion dollars.
(vi) The Allied armies also occupied the resource-rich Rhineland for much of the 1920s.
21. Explain any five significant characteristics of the adolescent population of India.
Ans. (i) Adolescent population is generally grouped in the age group of 10 to 19 years.
(ii) It constitutes one-fifth of the total population of India.
(iii) They are the most important resource for the future.
(iv) Nutritional requirements of adolescents are higher than those of normal child or adult
(v) In India, a large number of adolescent girls suffer from anaemia. The adolescent girls have to be sensitised to the problems they confront.
22. Why is there a need for political institutions?
Ans. (i) A democracy works well when the political institutions, like the Prime the Minister and the Cabinet, the Civil Servants etc. perform functions assigned to them.
(ii) We need political institutions to take decisions regarding the welfare of the people These political institutions make various policies and welfare schemes.
(iii) We need political institutions to implement the decisions.
(iv) Political institutions are needed to solve different types of disputes.
(v) These institutions help the government to take right decisions.
23.”Right to Freedom is not only a right but also a group of many rights.” Justify.
Ans. (I) Every citizen has the freedom of speech and expression.
(ii) Citizens have the freedom to hold meetings, processions, rallies, and demonstration peacefully.
(iii) Citizens have the freedom to form associations, unions to promote their interests.
(iv) Citizens have the freedom to travel to any part of the country.
(v) Citizens are free to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India
(vi) Citizens have the freedom to practice any profession or to carry any occupation, trade or business.
24. Describe the role of cooperatives in food security. (5)
Ans. The role of cooperatives is important in the Southern and Western part of the country. For example, out of all fair price shops running in Tamil Nadu, around 94% are being run by the cooperatives.
(i) In Delhi, Mother Dairy is making progress by providing milk and vegetables to the consumers at the controlled rate.
(ii) Amul is another success story of cooperatives in milk and milk products from Gujarat. It has brought about the White Revolution in the country.
(iii) In Maharashtra, Academy of Development Science (ADS) has facilitated a network of NGOs for setting up grain banks in different regions. ADS organises training and capacity building programmed on food security for NGOs. The ADS Grain Bank programmed is acknowledged as a successful and innovative food security intervention.
25. Describe the global poverty scenario as studied by the World Bank. (5)
Ans. (i) The proportion of people in developing countries living in extreme economic poverty defined by the World Bank as living off less than $1.25 per day has fallen from 43% in 1999 to 22% in 2008.
(ii) Poverty declined substantially in China and South-East Asian countries as a result of rapid economic growth and massive investment in human resource development.
(iii) In the countries of South Asia, the decline has not been as rapid.
(iv) In sub-Saharan Africa, poverty, in fact, declines from 51% in 1981 to 47% in 2008.
(v) In Latin America, the ratio of poverty remained the same.
(vi) Poverty has also resurfaced in some of the former socialist countries like Russia, where officially it was non-existent earlier.
26. (A) On the outline map of the world locate and label the following: (2)
(i) Poland
(ii) France
(B) On the given political outline map of India, three regions namely A, B and C are marked. On the basis of the given information identify the regions on the map: (3)
(A) The southernmost point of the mainland of India
(B) A Bird Sanctuary
(C) A Union Territory.
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