Article on Lack of Civic Sense | Exact Meaning | Why People Have It?

By | December 23, 2022
Article on Lack of Civic Sense

Article on Lack of Civic Sense – The article discusses a lack of “civic sense,” or an understanding and knowledge of what’s happening in the local community. It discusses the need for people to be more engaged in their surroundings, and to take responsibility for the decisions they make.

Last week as you were coming back from school, you saw a huge plastic bag full of leftovers of food being flung into the middle of the road from a speeding car. You wonder how people can be so devoid of civic sense. Write an article in 150-200 words on, ‘Why we Lack Civic Sense and how Civic Sense can be Inculcated in Children at a very Young Age’. You are Shiva/Shivani.

Ans.                                                                     Lack of Civic Sense

by Shivani

Civic sense, or rather the lack of it, is a topic that has been widely discussed in our country. Somehow most of us don’t care much about civic sense. School and home do not teach children the importance of civic sense and how it can make a difference to the quality of life of the people. Every day we witness instances where people act against the norms, like throwing garbage on the road, or defecating in the open. Maybe it is due to the lack of infrastructure and awareness that we behave in this manner.
It is essential to inculcate civic sense in people from a very young age. This can be done only when the school curriculum includes the norms of civic behaviour and we teach our students how to behave. True change will come when everyone realises his responsibility to ensure a clean and livable environment for everyone. As Gandhi said:  ‘Be the change, you wish to see.

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Short Paragraph on the Lack of Civic Sense

Short Paragraph on the Lack of civic Sense

A lack of civic sense is one of the most troubling trends in our society. Too often, people are willing to disregard the law and put their own interests ahead of those of others. 
This can lead to dangerous consequences, including criminal activity and accidents. It’s not just individuals who are responsible for this problem. Many institutions have contributed to a culture of disregard for the law. 
Corporations frequently break laws with impunity, while governments often fail to provide adequate services to their citizens. This has serious implications for both individual safety and the overall quality of life in society. 
We need to work hard to restore a sense of civic responsibility in our society. We can start by encouraging people to respect the law and obey the rules established by authorities. 
We can also promote public education about the importance of obeying regulations and respecting other people’s rights. In short, we need to create a culture that values civic sense

Article on Lack of Civic Sense- 150 Words

Article on Lack of Civic Sense- 150 Words

Civic sense is the ability of individuals to have empathy for their fellow human beings and to act in accordance with those feelings. It is the foundation of a healthy democracy, and it is essential to a functioning society.
Lack of civic sense has been linked with a number of negative outcomes, including increased violence, decreased trust in institutions, and increased polarization between groups. In fact, research has shown that low levels of civic sense are one of the key predictors of political extremism.
There are many ways that civic sense can be developed or lost. One important factor is exposure to civics education. Unfortunately, too many children today lack even basic exposure to the principles of democracy and civic sense. 
This lack of exposure can lead to a decline in both individual and societal levels of civic sense. It is important for all citizens to participate in their community and help foster a strong sense of civic identity. 
By encouraging people to become more engaged in their communities, we can help promote a healthier society overall.

Article on Lack of Civic Sense- 200 Words

Article on Lack of Civic Sense- 200 Words

Civic sense refers to the qualities and habits that make a person civically responsible; it encompasses an individual’s understanding of the civic duties they have towards their community and nation. A lack of civic sense can lead to irresponsible actions, such as not voting or helping out in a time of crisis.
Civic sense is the ability to think and act in a way that promotes the common good. It is important for people to have civic sense because it helps them to be responsible citizens who care about their community and its well-being. 
There are many reasons why people may lack civic sense. Some people may never learn about the importance of voting or taking part in democracy, while others may be scared to express their opinions out of fear of being met with hostility. Regardless of the reason, a lack of civic sense can have negative consequences on society as a whole. 
Lack of civic sense can lead to problems in a community. For example, if people don’t care about their community, they may not report crimes or help clean up after them. This could lead to a community being less safe and more chaotic. 
In addition, people who lack civic sense may not participate in voting or other political activities. This could have a negative impact on the way democracy works in a country or municipality. 
It is important for people to develop civic sense so that they can become effective members of their communities. There are many ways to improve your civic sense, including reading books, watching TV shows, and participating in extracurricular activities. 
As you continue to grow as a citizen, you will be able to contribute more effectively to your community and make it a better place for everyone living there.

Write an article on lack of civic sense

Here is an article on the Lack of Civic Sense- 250 Words

In recent years, there has been a growing concern among many that young people in America are losing their sense of civic responsibility. This lack of civic sense is often seen in adolescents and young adults who do not participate in voting or taking part in other civic activities. 
It is often believed that this lack of interest in civic life can be traced back to the way our schools teach about civics. Too often, students are taught about government without giving them an understanding of how government functions or how citizens can have a role in it. 
In addition, too few young people are exposed to the importance of community service. The lack of interest in civics among adolescents and young adults has also been linked to a lack of socialization within families. Many parents do not encourage their children to get involved in politics or community service because they believe that these activities are not important.
Others believe that their children should focus on their education first before getting involved with anything else. However, if teens and young adults don’t develop a strong sense of civic responsibility early on, it will be much harder for them to learn and become active citizens when they are older.
There are many ways that we can help promote a strong sense of civic responsibility among adolescents and young adults. For example, we can provide more education about civics at school and encourage kids to get involved in community service projects. We can also try to raise awareness about the importance of voting and encourage kids to take part in elections.

Article on Civic Sense for Students

Civic sense is a powerful tool that students can use to create positive change in their communities. Civic sense can be defined as the ability to understand and appreciate the importance of politics, civic engagement, and public service. It is also about having an understanding of how government works and the responsibility that comes with being a citizen.
There are many ways that students can develop civic sense. Some examples include reading about politics and government, participating in civics classes, and engaging in community service projects. However, it is important to note that not everyone will develop civic sense at the same rate or in the same way. Therefore, it is important for students to find whatever works best for them in order to become engaged citizens.
One of the most important things that students can do to develop civic sense is to get involved in their community. This means attending local events, voting, and signing up for government alerts. It also means becoming friends with people who live near them so they can learn more about their community and share resources when needed. By getting involved in their community, students will increase their chances of creating positive change.

Article on Lack of Civic Sense 400 + Words


We’ve all been there – stuck behind a slow-moving car in the fast lane or waiting in line as someone hogs the photocopier. It’s frustrating, and it seems like there’s an increasing lack of civic sense everywhere we go. But what exactly is civic sense? And why does it seem to be on the decline? In this article, we will explore the concept of civic sense and its importance in society. We will also discuss some of the reasons why it seems to be lacking in recent years.

What is Civic Sense?

Civic sense is the basic awareness of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. It includes understanding and following rules and laws, being respectful and considerate of others, and taking an active role in making one’s community a better place. Civic sense is not just about obeying rules and laws. It also involves being a good neighbor and looking out for the common good. It means being aware of the impact of one’s actions on others and taking responsibility for one’s own behavior. Civic sense is something that all citizens should strive for. It makes communities stronger and helps ensure that everyone can enjoy the rights and privileges of citizenship. 

Examples of a Lack of Civic Sense

There are many examples of a lack of civic sense. Here are some examples:

1. Littering: Littering is a major problem in many communities. It is not only unsightly, but it can also be harmful to the environment.
2. Graffiti: Graffiti is another form of littering. It can be very difficult to remove, and it can make a community look run-down and unsafe.
3. Vandalism: Vandalism is another form of littering. It can damage property and make a community look unsafe.
4. Loitering: Loitering is when people congregate in public places without any apparent purpose. This can make a community feel unsafe and can lead to crime.
5. Not voting- Not voting in elections or choosing not to engage in other political activities.
6. Refusing to cooperate- Refusing to cooperate with law enforcement or participate in community service projects
7. Behaving Rudely – Behaving rudely or disrespectfully towards people who are simply trying to do their jobs.
8. Disobedience- One woman regularly parks her car in a spot reserved for residents with disabilities. When asked to move her car, she refused, citing “my right to park where I want.”
9. Blocking Traffic- Another man illegally blocks traffic on a busy street by parking his truck in the middle of the street. When told to move, he allegedly replied “I don’t care if I get towed; this is my spot.”
10. Smoking at Public Places- A group of teenagers regularly congregate outside an abandoned building at night, smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. When asked to leave by local police, they reportedly responded with threats and insults.
In each of these cases, the individuals displayed a lack of respect for their community and its laws. These attitudes could lead to conflicts and even violence if not corrected soon.

Importance of Civic Sense

Civic sense is the basic knowledge of what is right and wrong that one acquires from parents, family, friends, school and community. It is the sense of responsibility towards the society that one lives in.
Civic sense instills a feeling of ownership towards public property and concern for fellow human beings. A person with civic sense is always considerate towards others and takes care not to inconvenience them. He or she does not litter or spit in public places, does not block footpaths or entries/exits to buildings, does not make loud noise and respects the privacy of others. 
A person with civic sense also follows traffic rules and regulations, pays taxes on time and takes care of public property. Civic sense is important for the smooth functioning of any society. 
It helps maintain cleanliness and orderliness in public places and prevents crime. A lack of civic sense can lead to a rise in anti-social activities and a deterioration of the quality of life in a community. 
Thus, it is essential that children are taught civic sense from an early age so that they grow up to be responsible citizens.

Causes of Lack of Civic Sense

  1. Increasing Individualism- It is One of the main causes of lack of civic sense is the increasing individualism in society. With more and more people focusing on their own needs and goals, there is less concern for the common good.  This individualistic attitude can be seen in many aspects of life, from the way people drive to how they dispose of trash. Another cause of lack of civic sense is the anonymity of modern life. 
  2. surrounded by strangers– In large cities, people are often surrounded by strangers and don’t feel a sense of community or responsibility for their surroundings. This can lead to littering, graffiti, and other forms of vandalism. 
  3. Increased Pace of Life- The third cause of lack of civic sense is the increased pace of life. With busy schedules and long work hours, people have less time to get involved in their communities or take care of their surroundings. This can lead to neglected public spaces and a general feeling of apathy towards community issues. 

All these causes contribute to a lack of civic sense and a decline in community spirit. To reverse this trend, it is important to encourage people to be more active citizens and take pride in their communities.

How to Improve Civic Sense

Civic sense is the basic awareness of the rights, duties and responsibilities of a member of a community. It is the ability to see beyond one’s own self-interest and work for the common good. Civic sense is developed through education, socialization and exposure to diverse people and cultures. It is important to improve civic sense to create more cohesive, sustainable and just communities. 

Here are some ways to do so:

1) Encourage critical thinking and questioning: Teach children to question what they see and hear, and to think critically about the world around them. This will help them to be more informed citizens who are able to participate in civic life effectively.
2)Expose children to different cultures and perspectives: It is important for children to understand that there are many different cultures and perspectives in the world. This will help them to be more tolerant and respectful of others, and to understand the importance of working together for the common good.
3)Promote active citizenship: Encourage children to get involved in their communities, and to participate in civic life through volunteering, voting, etc. This will help them to develop a sense of responsibility for their community and its wellbeing.
4)Model good civic behavior: As parents, teachers, etc., it is important that we model good civic behavior for children. This includes respecting the rights of others, obeying laws and rules, being tolerant and respectful of differences, etc.


Lack of civic sense is a huge problem in our society today. It leads to littering, graffiti, and other forms of vandalism that make our cities and towns look dirty and run down. It also creates an atmosphere of disrespect and general lawlessness. This lack of civic sense is detrimental to our community spirit and makes it difficult for us to work together to improve our collective situation. We need to do better at teaching people the importance of respecting public spaces and taking pride in their community if we want to create a better world for everyone.

People Also Ask:

1.What are the 5 importance of civic education?
Ans : 1. Helps to inculcate good values
2. It develops responsible citizens
3. Civic education helps promote national unity.
4. Civic education helps instill patriotic values.
5. Civic education helps people understand the need for effective and responsible government.

2. How can we maintain civic sense in our daily life?
Ans: We should be taught about the importance of civic sense from a young age. We should be instilled with a sense of responsibility to our community and its members. We should be encouraged to participate in activities that contribute to the betterment of society.

3.What is the true value of civic sense at school?
Ans: School is the first place where young children learn about the importance of being a good citizen. It is through their interactions with classmates and teachers, and the opportunities to engage in service projects and other activities, that they learn how to be contributing members of society. The value of civic sense cannot be underestimated; it is essential for the development of a well-rounded individual.

4.What are the 6 civic duties?
Ans: The six civic duties are to vote, to attend jury duty, to pay taxes, to obey the law, to respect the rights of others, and to participate in the democratic process.