In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Word Meanings from Honeycomb Class 7.”
Hard Words : The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Page No.-56
Daimios = Feudal Lords, Old Rulers (सम्राट), Pet = Domestic Animal, Companion (पालतू जानवर), Cushion = Soft Pillow, Seat Pad (तकिया), Crape = Crinkled Fabric, Soft Cloth (क्रेप कपड़ा), Tidbits = Small Morsels, Tasty Bits (स्वादिष्ट टुकड़ा), Chopsticks = Food Sticks, Eating Utensils (चामच्च),
Dumb = Mute, Silent (गूंगा), Protectors = Guardians, Defenders (रक्षक), Hoe = Digging Tool, Gardener’s Instrument (हल), Spade = Digging Blade, Flat Shovel (फावड़ा), O Tento Sama = Sun, Day Star (सूर्य)
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The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Difficult Words in English Page No.-57
Harming = Hurting, Injuring (चोट पहुंचाना), Heron = Tall Waterbird, Wading Bird (बगला), Footsteps = Steps, Tracks (पैरों के निशान), Sod = Turf, Grassy Surface (घास की टहनी), Paws = Animal Feet, Foot of a Mammal (जानवर के पैर), Motioning = Signaling, Indicating (संकेत करना),
Lively = Energetic, Spirited (जीवंत), Scratching = Scraping, Marking with Claws (खुजलाना), Hoe = Digging Tool, Garden Instrument (हल), Gleamed = Shone, Sparkled (चमकना)
Good Word Meaning of Leeson The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Page No.-58
Smothered = Overwhelmed, Stifled (धकेलना), Wicked = Evil, Malicious (दुष्ट), Sensitive = Empathetic, Caring (संवेदनशील), Coaxed = Lured, Persuaded (मनाना), Dainties = Delicacies, Treats (स्वादिष्ट चीज), Spade = Shovel, Digger (फावड़ा), Paw = Foot, Pad (जानवर का पैर),
Covetous = Greedy, Desiring (लालची), Crone = Old Woman, Hag (बुढ़िया), Furious = Enraged, Very Angry (क्रोधित), Carcass = Corpse, Dead Body (मृत शरीर), Mourning = Grieving, Lamenting (शोक)
The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Chapter English Difficult Words Page No.-59
Bamboo = Tall Grass, Woody Plant (बांस), Tubes = Pipes, Cylinders (नलियाँ), Tombs = Graves, Burial Places (समाधियाँ), Incense = Aromatic Resin, Fragrance Stick (अगरबत्ती),
Mourned = Lamented, Grieved (शोक मनाना), Spirit = Ghost, Soul (आत्मा), Mortar = Grinding Bowl, Vessel (मूसल), Pastry = Dough, Baked Dish (पेस्ट्री), Mill = Grinder, Machine (चक्की)
Chapter 7 The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Word Meaning in English Page No.-60
Chopped = Cut, Cleaved (काटना), Trunk = Main Stem, Tree Body (वृक्ष का तना), Chisel = Carving Tool, Cutter (छेनी), Mortar = Grinding Bowl, Vessel (मूसल), Pastry = Dough, Baked Dish (पेस्ट्री), Envious = Jealous, Covetous (ईर्ष्यालु), Hag = Old Woman, Crone (बुढ़िया),
Dripping = Dropping, Trickling (टपकता हुआ), Stingy = Miserly, Tightfisted (कंजूस), Foul = Disgusting, Offensive (घिनौना), Worms = Larvae, Small Crawlers (कीड़े)
The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom English To English Word Meaning Page No.-61
Dreamed = Saw in Sleep, Envisioned (सपना देखना), Spirit = Ghost, Soul (आत्मा), Ashes = Burnt Remains, Residue (राख), Withered = Dried Up, Shriveled (सूखा हुआ), Bloom = Flourish, Blossom (खिलना), Wicked = Evil, Malicious (दुष्ट), Miserable = Unhappy, Pitiable (दुखी),
Neighbour’s = Next-Door, Adjoining Resident (पड़ोसी), Fireplace = Hearth, Place for Fire (चिमनी), Blaze = Fire, Flame (ज्वाला), Square = Four-Sided Shape, Rectangle (चौकोर), Smoking = Inhaling Tobacco, Puffing (धूम्रपान करना), Spinning = Twirling, Rotating (कताई)
Honeycomb Chapter 4 The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Word Meaning English Page No.-62
Bits = Pieces, Small Parts (टुकड़े), Humbly = Modestly, Without Pride (विनम्रता से), Ashes = Burnt Remains, Residue (राख), Covetous = Greedy, Desirous (लालची), Sprinkled = Scattered, Spread (छिड़का), Blossoms = Flowers, Blooms (फूल), Perfumed = Scented, Fragrant (सुगंधित),
Wonder = Amazement, Surprise (आश्चर्य), Withered = Dried Up, Shriveled (सूखा हुआ), Lord = Ruler, Master (स्वामी), Daimio = Feudal Lord, Japanese Noble (जापानी सामंत), High Road = Main Road, Highway (मुख्य सड़क)
The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Class 7 Difficult Word Meaning English Page No.-63
Village = Town, Hamlet (गाँव), Approached = Neared, Came Closer (नजदीक आना), Withered = Dried, Shriveled (सूखा हुआ), Custom = Tradition, Habit (परंपरा), Impertinence = Rudeness, Insolence (अभद्रता), Prostrate = Bow, Kneel (साष्टांग प्रणाम), Train = Procession, Parade (जुलूस), Procession = Parade, March (जुलूस), Palanquin = Litter, Sedan (पालकी), Burst = Explode, Pop (फटना),
Delighted = Happy, Pleased (प्रसन्न), Rewards = Gifts, Prizes (पुरस्कार), Castle = Fortress, Palace (महल), Gleefully = Happily, Joyfully (हर्ष से), Leader = Chief, Head (नेता), Aged = Old, Elderly (बुजुर्ग), Notice = See, Observe (ध्यान देना), Invited = Called, Asked (आमंत्रित करना), Joy = Happiness, Delight (आनंद), Share = Divide, Distribute (बाँटना)
The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Class 7 Word Meaning English to Hindi Page No.-64
Greedy = Covetous, Avaricious (लालची), Highway = Road, Freeway (राजमार्ग), Kneeling = Bowing, Stooping (घुटनों के बल बैठना), Withered = Dried Up, Shriveled (सूखा हुआ), Particle = Bit, Speck (कण), Pomp = Show, Display (आडंबर), Dignity = Honor, Pride (गरिमा),
Procession = Parade, March (जुलूस), Collar = Neckband, Neckline (कॉलर), Ditch = Trench, Gutter (खाई), Beating = Thrashing, Hitting (पीटना), Mud = Sludge, Dirt (कीचड़), Peace = Calm, Tranquility (शांति), Plenty = Abundance, Bounty (प्रचुरता), Green = Fresh, Young (हरा)