This page presents “The Road Not Taken” MCQs for Class 9 from the book Beehive. Perfect for quick Poem review and checking your Poem understanding. We have given answers and explanation also for better understanding. Read and enrich yourself.
MCQs of The Road Not Taken
1.What does the ‘yellow wood’ symbolise in the poem The Road Not Taken?
A) Summer season
B) The morning sun
C) A phase of life with choices
D) A literal forest with yellow leaves
Answer: C) A phase of life with choices
Reason: The ‘yellow wood’ is a metaphor for a point in life where one must make a choice, reflecting the theme of decisions and their impacts.
2. What does the road ‘less travelled by’ imply in the poem The Road Not Taken?
A) A path filled with obstacles
B) A less popular or unconventional choice
C) A newly constructed road
D) A dangerous path
Answer: B) A less popular or unconventional choice
Reason: The road ‘less travelled by’ symbolises the choices that are not commonly made by others, highlighting individuality.
3. Why does the traveller in the poem feel regret in the poem The Road Not Taken?
A) He chose the wrong path
B) He cannot travel both paths
C) He got lost in the woods
D) He dislikes the scenery
Answer: B) He cannot travel both paths
Reason: The traveller’s regret stems from the impossibility of exploring every path and the choices one must forgo.
4. What does ‘wanted wear’ suggest about the road in the poem The Road Not Taken?
A) It requires maintenance
B) It is less used
C) It is a difficult path to travel
D) It is worn out
Answer: B) It is longing to be chosen
Reason: ‘Wanted wear’ metaphorically suggests that the road is less travelled and yearns for use, indicating a less popular choice.
5. What does ‘I shall be telling this with a sigh’ imply about the speaker’s future feelings?
A) Satisfaction
B) Indifference
C) Not Clear
D) Excitement
Answer: C) Not Clear
Reason: The sigh indicates a sense of nostalgia but it cannot be said that the poet was happy or sad.
Also Read:
- The Road Not Taken Extract Based MCQ Questions
- The Road Not Taken NCERT Solutions
- Figure of Speech in The Road Not Taken
- Hard Words : The Road Not Taken
- The Road Not Taken Summary in English
- The Road Not Taken-Theme, Title & Literary Devices
6. How does the poet use the phrase ‘how way leads on to way’ to describe life’s journey?
A) Life is straightforward and easy
B) One choice inevitably leads to more choices
C) Life is circular and repetitive
D) Choices in life are limited
Answer: B) One choice inevitably leads to more choices
Reason: The phrase suggests the complexity of life, where one decision leads to another, creating a web of paths and choices.
7. What emotion does the ‘sigh’ convey in the poem?
A) Joy
B) Anger
C) Contentment
D) A mix of contentment and regret
Answer: D) A mix of contentment and regret
Reason: The ‘sigh’ suggests a complex emotion that includes both satisfaction for the path taken and a wistful regret for the path not chosen.
8. What does the repetition of the word ‘I’ in the last stanza emphasise in the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’?
A) The importance of companionship
B) The significance of personal choice
C) Confusion of the traveller
D) The beauty of the woods
Answer: B) The significance of personal choice
Reason: The emphasis on ‘I’ highlights the individual’s responsibility in making choices and the personal nature of those decisions.
9. Why does the traveller doubt if he should ever come back in the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’?
A) The road is too long
B) He does not like the road
C) Choices lead to new paths and experiences
D) He plans to settle in the new place
Answer: C) Choices lead to new paths and experiences
Reason: The doubt stems from the understanding that each choice leads to new directions, making it unlikely to return to the initial point of decision.
10. What does ‘equally lay’ in leaves no step had trodden black tell about the roads?
A) Both are equally dark
B) Both are equally untraveled
C) Both are equally dangerous
D) Both lead to the same destination
Answer: B) Both are equally untravelled
Reason: The phrase suggests that neither path shows signs of frequent travel, implying an equal level of unfamiliarity and potential.
11. What metaphorical significance does the ‘road’ have in the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’??
A) Life’s journey
B) A literal road in a forest
C) Historical pathways
D) Academic career
Answer: A) Life’s journey
Reason: The ‘road’ symbolises the journey of life, with its choices and divergent paths, reflecting the decisions we must make.
12. What does the traveller’s long standing at the fork tell about decision-making in the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’?
A) It’s often done quickly
B) It requires careful consideration
C) It’s insignificant
D) It’s always easy
Answer: B) It requires careful consideration
Reason: Thinking hard before deciding shows that making choices is important and can be tricky. It tells us we need to take our time to think things through.
Also Read:
- The Road Not Taken-Value Based Questions
- The Road Not Taken- Paraphrase
- The Road Not Taken Author
- The Road Not Taken Extract Questions
- The Road Not Taken Short Question Answer
- Road not Taken Extract Based MCQ Questions
13. What overall message does the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’?convey about choices in life?
A) They are irrelevant
B) They define our journey
C) They are always clear
D) They should be avoided
Answer: B) They define our journey
Reason: The poem underscores the impact of choices on our life’s path, suggesting that the decisions we make shape our experiences and identity.
14. What can we guess about the traveller because he thinks a lot at the fork in the road?
A) He makes quick decisions
B) He can’t easily decide
C) He likes nature
D) He likes trying new things
Answer: B) He can’t easily decide
Justification- The traveller thinks for a long time, which shows he has a hard time making choices.
15. What can be assumed about the poem’s setting based on the description of the woods? Ref. The Road Not Taken
A) It is set in winter
B) It is a tropical forest
C) It is during autumn
D) It is early morning in spring
Answer: D) It is early morning in spring
Reason: The mention of ‘a yellow wood’ and leaves suggests it’s not winter, and the freshness of the scene hints at morning in a spring setting.
17. What can be assumed about the traveller’s future actions based on the poem The Road Not Taken?
A) He will return to explore the other path
B) He will stay on his chosen path without looking back
C) He will regret his decision forever
D) He will often wonder about the path not taken
Answer: D) He will often wonder about the path not taken
Reason: The reflective nature of the poem suggests a tendency to ponder past decisions, implying he might often think about the alternate path.
18. Based on the traveller’s choice, what can be assumed about his approach to life? Ref. The Road Not Taken
A) He prefers a well-planned and predictable life
B) He values tradition and following others
C) He embraces risk and the unknown
D) He avoids making any significant decisions
Answer: C) He embraces risk and the unknown
Reason: Choosing the less travelled path suggests a willingness to explore and face the uncertainties of less conventional choices.
19. What assumption can be made about the impact of this decision on the traveller’s life? Ref. The Road Not Taken
A) It will lead to immediate success
B) It has little to no impact
C) It fundamentally shapes his identity
D) It leads to financial wealth
Answer: C) It fundamentally shapes his identity
Reason: The poem’s emphasis on the road taken ‘making all the difference’ suggests that such choices are pivotal in defining one’s self and life trajectory.
20. How do you think the traveller feels when he’s making his choice? Ref. The Road Not Taken
A) Very happy
B) Sad about something
C) Doesn’t care much
D) Thinking deeply
Answer: D) Thinking deeply
Reason: The traveller takes his time and the poem sounds like he’s really thinking things over, showing he’s in a deep-thinking mood, not really happy or sad.
21. What assumption can be made about the poem’s message regarding life’s journey? Ref. The Road Not Taken
A) It’s about the destination, not the journey
B) Every choice is right in its own way
C) The path less travelled always leads to success
D) Life’s journey is defined by the choices we make
Answer: D) Life’s journey is defined by the choices we make
Reason: The poem’s focus on a pivotal decision point and its long-term impact implies that the essence of life’s journey is shaped by our choices.
22. What does the traveller’s choosing a path show about making our own decisions individually? Ref. The Road Not Taken
A) Not needed
B) Makes choosing harder
C) Very important
D) Not as important as fitting in
Answer: C) Very important
Reason: It shows how important it is to make your own choices.
23. What value is reflected in the traveller’s decision? Ref. The Road Not Taken
A) Impulsiveness
B) Regret
C) Self-awareness
D) Discontent
Answer: C) Self-awareness
Reason: Indicates thoughtful consideration of decisions.
24. How is courage emphasised in the poem The Road Not Taken?
A) Popular path
B) Quick decision
C) Riskier path
D) Desire to turn back
Answer: C) Riskier path
Reason: Illustrates facing uncertainties.
25. What’s an important thing for growing, as per the poem The Road Not Taken?
A) Doing what everyone else does
B) Waiting too long before deciding
C) Thinking about things
D) Being too comfortable
Answer: C) Thinking about things
Reason: It suggests that thinking about our choices helps us learn and grow.
26. How does the poem The Road Not Taken illustrate embracing uncertainty?
A) Through Safer path
B) Through Reluctance
C) Through Less travelled path
D) Through Predictability
Answer: C) Through Less travelled path
Reason: Shows value in uncertain ventures.
27. What does the sigh suggest about acceptance? Ref. The Road Not Taken.
A) Complete satisfaction
B) Lack of acceptance
C) Acceptance of decisions
D) Desire to change complaints
Answer: C) Desire to change complaints
Reason: Indicates coming to terms with choices.
28. What does choosing the road ‘less travelled by’ suggest about personal growth? Ref. The Road Not Taken.
A) It’s unnecessary
B) It’s risky but rewarding
C) It’s to be avoided
D) It’s easy
Answer: B) It’s risky but rewarding
Reason: Implies that growth often comes from taking risks and exploring less conventional paths.
29. How does the traveller’s thinking at the fork reflect on decision-making in life? Ref. The Road Not Taken.
A) Decisions are trivial
B) Quick decisions are best
C) Every decision requires deep thought
D) Avoid making decisions
Answer: C) Every decision requires deep thought
Reason: Highlights the importance of careful consideration in life’s choices.
30. What does the road represent in the broader context of human experience?
A) A predetermined path
B) Life’s journey filled with choices
C) A meaningless wander
D) A path free of obstacles
Answer: B) Life’s journey filled with choices
Reason: Symbolises the various paths life can take based on our decisions.
31. How does the poem challenge the idea of a ‘right’ choice?
A) By showing clear benefits of one path
B) Through regret of the chosen path
C) By depicting both paths as equally viable
D) By highlighting societal approval
Answer: C) By depicting both paths as equally viable
Reason: Questions the concept of a universally correct choice by showing the equality of paths.
32. How does the poem reflect on the impact of choices on one’s identity?
A) Choices have no real impact
B) Choices are dictated by fate
C) Choices define what we become
D) Identity is fixed, unaffected by choices
Answer: C) Choices define who we become
Reason: Suggests that the paths we choose significantly shape our personal narrative and identity.
33. What might the undergrowth signify about untaken opportunities?
A) They are always undesirable
B) They hold unseen potential
C) They should be feared
D) They are always better than chosen paths
Answer: B) They hold unseen potential
Reason: Implies that unexplored paths or choices might offer unexpected benefits.
34. What does the traveller’s reflection ‘ages and ages hence’ suggest about the lasting impact of decisions?
A) Decisions are quickly forgotten
B) Decisions echo throughout our lives
C) Only immediate consequences matter
D) Decisions have no real impact
Answer: B) Decisions echo throughout our lives
Reason: Indicates that the choices we make resonate long into the future, shaping our life story.