The Road Not Taken
By- Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;(Lines 1-5)
अनुवाद : (पतझड़ में) पीले वन में से दो सड़कें दो अलग – अलग दिशाओं की ओर अलग कर रही थीं | मुझे अफसोस है कि मैं दोनों सड़कों पर (एक ही समय ) नहीं चल सकता था | मैं कभी देर तक वहाँ खड़ा उस सड़क को जितनी दूर देख सकता था देखता रहा जहाँ से वह झाडियों और छोटे – छोटे पेड़ों में मुड़ कर लुप्त हो गयी थी
Paraphrase: The poet was standing at a junction in a yellow forest where two roads separated in two different directions. The poet feels sorry that being the lonely traveller, he could not walk on both the roads at the same time. He stood there for a long time looking at the road down as far as he could. The road then bent and disappeared from his eyes in bushes and the undergrowth.
Word-Meaning: Diverged—separated, अलग होती थी | Yellow wood—the forest turned yellow in autumn,पतझड़ में वन के पेड़ों के पत्ते पीले हो गये थे | Bent—took a turn, मुड़ी | Undergrowth—bushes and low trees, झाड़ियाँ तथा छोटे पौधें |
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And having perhaps the better claim,Then took the other, as just as fair,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same, (Lines 6-10)
अनुवाद : मैंने दूसरी सड़क पकड़ ली , जो कि पहली जितनी ही सुन्दर थी | और शायद वह अपने पर चलने का बेहतर दावा पेश करती थी क्योंकि वह घास से ढकी हुई थी और घिसी भी नहीं थीं | यधपि जहाँ तक उन पर यात्रियों के चलने से घिसने का प्रश्न था , वे दोनों समान रूप से ही घिसी हुई थीं |
Paraphrase: Then the poet took the other road which was as beautiful as the first one. The second road presented a better claim because it was (still) grassy and had not worn off due to walking of the travellers. As far as the question of their being worn due to the walking of the travellers, both of them had worn in the same way.
Word-Meaning: The other—the other road, दूसरी सड़क I Just—exactly the same, ठीक वैसी ही | Fair—beautiful,सुन्दर | About the same—equally, बराबर | Wanted wear—has not been used and worn so frequently, जो इतनी इस्तेमाल न की गयी हो और घिसी हुई न हो | Passing—the passing of travellers, यात्रियों का उन सड़कों से गुजरना | Worn them really about the same—both of them were worn equally or the same,दोनों एक जैसी ही घिसी हुई थीं |
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves, no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back. (Lines 11-15)
अनुवाद : उस सुबह दोनों सड़कें मेरे सामने बराबर रूप से फैली हुई थीं | दोनों गिरे हुए पत्तों से बराबर ढकी हुई थीं | यह स्पष्ट था कि दोनों के ऊपर पड़े हुए पत्तों को यात्रियों के पैरों ने अभी मैला नहीं किया था | हाँ मैंने पहली सड़क को किसी और दिन के छोड़ दिया | हाँलांकि मैं यह जानता था कि एक रास्ते से दूसरा रास्ता निकलता जाता है और मुझे सन्देह भी था फिरकभी लौटकर (छोड़ी हुई ) पहली सड़क पर चल पाऊंगा |
Paraphrase: Both the roads lay in front of the poet almost in the same condition. They were covered with the fallen leaves. And the leaves had not been blackened by the steps of the walkers. The leaves still lay there uncrushed by the steps. The poet left the first road thinking that he would use it on some other day. When he was doing so, he knew that how one way leads to another. He would go so far from the first road that he doubted if he would ever come back to walk on it.
Word-Meaning: Both—both the roads,दोनों सडकें Equally lay—lying in the same manner, ठीक वैसे ही पड़ी थीं | Trodden—walked,चला था | First—the first road, पहली सड़क For another day—to be used on any other day, किसी और दिन के प्रयोग के लिये |
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.(Lines 16-20)
अनुवाद : कवि अपने निर्णय से अधिक प्रसन्न नहीं है | एक दम क्षण भर में यह निर्णय लेना बहुत कठिन है | शायद अनेक वर्ष बाद , वह दुख के साथ जाहिर कर पायेगा कि उसका फैसला उचित नहीं था | वहां दो सड़क थीं जो दो विपरीत दिशाओं की ओर जा रही थीं | और उसने उस सड़क पर चलने का फैसला किया जिसका कम प्रयोग किया गया था | यह उसका अपना फैसला था , और इसी फैसले ने उसके जीवन में अंतर ला दिया था |
Paraphrase: The poet does not seem to be very happy with his choice. Just now, it is very difficult to pass the judgement on the spur of the moment. After many years, perhaps he will be telling with a sigh that his choice was not very rewarding. There were two roads that separated into two different directions. And he chose the road which had been less travelled by. The choice was his own. And this choice has made all the difference in his life.
Word-Meaning: Sigh— the deep breath of sorrow, अफसोस की गहरी साँस, आह | Ages and ages—(after) many years, बहुत सालों बाद | Hence—from now, अब के बाद I
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