Hard Words : The Proposal Difficult Words in English with Hindi Meaning | First Flight | Class 10 | 2023-24 Updated

By | September 20, 2023
The Proposal Word Meaning with Hindi edumantra.net

In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from The Proposal. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying The Proposal Word Meanings from First Flight Class 10.”

Hard Words : The Proposal Page- 144

Drawing-room = sitting room, lounge (बैठक कक्ष), Dress-jacket = formal jacket, dinner jacket (आधिकारिक जैकेट), Extremely = very, highly (अत्यधिक), Formal = ceremonial, official (औपचारिक), Evening dress = formal attire, nightwear (शाम का वस्त्र),

Treasure = dear, darling (प्रिय), New Year’s Eve = year-end evening, last night of the year (नववर्ष की पूर्व रात)  , Privilege = special right, advantage (विशेष अधिकार)  ,

Excited = enthusiastic, eager (उत्सुक), Aside = to oneself, silently (चुपचाप), Aloud = audibly, clearly (जोर से)  , Awfully = very, extremely (बहुत ही)  , Deserve = merit, earn (लायक)  , Assistance = help, aid (मदद)  , Spit it out = express, state (जल्दी कह दो), Hand = proposal, offer (विवाह के लिए प्रस्ताव)  

Also Read:

The Proposal Difficult Words in English Page- 145

Joyfully = with happiness, cheerfully (खुशी से)  , Honour = respect, privilege (सम्मान)  , Interrupting = cutting off, breaking in (बीच में बोल पड़ना)  , Embraces = hugs, holds close (गले लगाना)  , Continual = constant, unending (निरंतर)  , Sheds a tear = cries, weeps (आँसू बहाना)  , Balance = stability, equilibrium (संतुलन)  , Greatly moved = deeply affected, emotionally stirred (अधिक प्रभावित)  ,

Consent = agreement, approval (सहमति)  , Lovesick = infatuated, enamoured (प्रेमरोगी)  , Trembling = shaking, quivering (कांपना)  , Examination = test, assessment (परीक्षा)  , Hesitate = pause, hold back (हिचकिचाना)  , Ideal = perfect standard, paragon (आदर्श)  , Real love = true affection, genuine love (असली प्रेम)  

The Proposal Lesson Good Word Meaning Page- 146

Housekeeper = manager of household tasks, homemaker (घर की देखभाल करने वाली)  , Excitement = agitation, enthusiasm (उत्तेजना)  , Critical age = crucial time, important phase (महत्वपूर्ण आयु)  , Palpitations = fast heartbeats, fluttering (दिल की धड़कन)  ,

Excitable = easily agitated, nervous (जल्दी उत्तेजित होने वाला)  , Trembling = shaking, quivering (कांपना)  , Twitch = sudden involuntary movement (अचानक हिलाव)  , Merchant = trader, dealer (व्यापारी)  , Apron = protective garment, cloth covering (एप्रन, पेटीकोट)  ,

Neglige = casual dress, informal attire (आराम का वस्त्र)  , Shelling peas = removing peas from pods (मटर छीलना)  , Matches = sticks for lighting fire, ignition tool (माचिस)  , Hay = dried grass, fodder (भूसा)  , Stacked = piled up, arranged in stacks (ढेर लगाना)  ,

Evening dress = formal attire for evening events (शाम का फॉर्मल वस्त्र)  , Ball = formal dance event, social gathering (नृत्य समारोह)  , Brief = short, concise (संक्षिप्त)  

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Privilege = special right, advantage (विशेषाधिकार)  , Inherited = received as an heir, got by lineage (विरासत में पाना)  , Respect = esteem, regard (सम्मान)  , Affectionate = loving, tender (स्नेहशील)  , Meadows = grassy fields, pastures (चरागाह)  ,

Birchwoods = forests of birch trees (भोजपत्र वृक्षों का जंगल)  , Interrupting = breaking into a conversation, intervening (बीच में बोल पड़ना)  , Wedged = stuck, tightly placed (फंसा हुआ)  , Burnt Marsh = charred wetland, scorched swamp (जला हुआ दलदल)  ,

Mistaken = wrong, in error (गलत समझना)  , Documents = official papers, records (दस्तावेज़)  , Dispute = disagreement, argument (विवाद)  , Perpetuity = forever, for all time (अनंतकाल के लिए)  , Peasants = farmers, rural workers (किसान)  , Bricks = building blocks, clay rectangles (ईंटें)  ,

Habit = routine, practice (आदत)  , Reckoned = believed, thought (मानना)  , Extended = spread out, stretched (फैलाव)  , Argue = debate, discuss (तर्क करना)  , Silly = foolish, nonsensical (मूर्खता)  

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Documents = official papers, records (दस्तावेज़)  , Surprise = sudden unexpected event, astonishment (आश्चर्य)  , Dessiatins = a measure of land area (ज़मीन का माप)  , Roubles = currency unit, money (रूबल)  , Unfairness = injustice, inequity (अन्याय)  ,

Implore = beg earnestly, request urgently (प्रार्थना करना)  , Honour = respect, privilege (मान्यता)  , Head or tail = sense, understanding (समझ)  , Principle = basic belief, moral standard (सिद्धांत)  , Jackets = coats, outer garments (जैकेट)  ,

Behaviour = conduct, manner of acting (व्यवहार)  , Neighbour = person living nearby, adjacent (पड़ोसी)  , Threshing-machine = equipment for separating grain from husks (अनाज अलग करने की मशीन)  , Gypsies = nomadic people, wanderers (बंजारे)  , Impudent = disrespectful, cheeky (धृष्ट)  , Landgrabber = person who takes land illegally (भूमि अधिग्रहितकर्ता)  ,

Carafe = a container for holding and serving water (पानी रखने का बर्तन)  , Accuse = blame, allege (आरोप लगाना)  , Joking = speaking humorously, not serious (मजाक)  , Excuse = pardon, overlook (क्षमा करना)  

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Prove = demonstrate the truth, verify (साबित करना)  , Mowers = people or machines that cut grass or crops (घास काटने वाले)  , Neck = the part of a person’s or animal’s body connecting the head to the rest of the body (गर्दन)  , Dare = have the courage to do something (साहस करना)  ,

Clutches = grabs or seizes suddenly (पकड़ना)  , Shout = cry out loudly, yell (चिल्लाना)  , Hoarse = having a rough voice, typically as a result of a sore throat or shouting (बैठ गयी आवाज़)  ,

Restrain = prevent from doing something, keep under control (रोकना)  , Excruciating = intensely painful (अत्यधिक पीड़ादायक)  , Palpitation = a noticeably rapid, strong, or irregular heartbeat (धड़कन)  , Yells = shouts loudly (जोर से चिल्लाना)  ,

Enter = come or go into a place (प्रवेश करना)  , Matter = a subject or situation under consideration (विषय)  , Gentleman = a courteous, polite, or honorable man (सजीवन पुरुष)  , Darling = a term of endearment (प्रियजन)  

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Reasonable = Sensible, Fair (समझदार)  , Temporary = Not permanent, Short-term (अस्थायी)  , Accustomed = Usual, Habitual (अभ्यस्त)  , Dispute = Argument, Contention (विवाद)  , Plan = Blueprint, Scheme (योजना)  , Prove = Confirm, Validate (सिद्ध करना)  ,

Yell = Shout, Scream (चिल्लाना)  , Propose = Suggest, Offer (प्रस्तावित करना)  , Property = Belongings, Assets (संपत्ति)  , Agitating = Upsetting, Disturbing (व्याकुल करना)  , Fool = Idiot, Simpleton (मूर्ख)  , Polite = Courteous, Civil (शिष्ट)  ,

Grabber = Hoarder, Taker (लोभी)  , Mowers = Cutters, Reapers (घास काटने वाले)  , Court = Judiciary, Tribunal (अदालत)  , Pettifogger = Quibbler, Trickster (तुच्छ वकील)  , Beloved = Loved, Dear (प्रिय)  , Neighbour = Adjacent person, Nearby resident (पड़ोसी)  , Darling = Loved one, Sweetheart (प्रियजन)  , Precious = Valuable, Cherished (अनमोल)  , Look-out = Watch, Vigil (अवसर देखना)  

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Pettifogger = Quibbler, Shifty person (छोटे-मोटे मामलों में उलझनेवाला)  , Embezzlement = Misappropriation, Theft (धन की चोरी या दुरुपयोग)  , Lunacy = Insanity, Madness (पागलपन या उन्माद)  , Architect = Designer, Planner (निर्माणकला विशेषज्ञ)  , Hump-backed = Having a hunched back, Crooked-backed (कुबड़ा पीठ वाला)  , Guzzling = Drink greedily, Swig (लालच से पीना)  ,

Gambler = Bettor, Player (जुआखोर या सट्टेबाज)  , Backbiters = Slanderer, Talebearer (पीठ पीछे बुराई करनेवाला)  , Intriguer = Schemer, Plotter (षड्यंत्रकारी या कपटी)  , Doublefaced = Deceitful, Hypocritical (दोहरे चरित्र वाला)  , Rascal = Rogue, Scoundrel (बदमाश या धूर्त)  ,

Scarecrow = A figure to frighten birds, Gaunt person (पक्षियों को भगाने वाली पुतली)  , Monster = Beast, Ogre (डरावना प्राणी या राक्षस)  , Impudence = Insolence, Cheekiness (अभिमान या अक्खड़पन)  , Proposal = Offer, Suggestion (विवाह प्रस्ताव या सुझाव)  , Evening clothes = Formal attire, Dress for special occasions (विशेष अवसर के वस्त्र)  ,

Stuffed sausage = Overdressed person, Pompous person (अधिक सजा-धजा वाला व्यक्ति)  , Wizen-faced = Shriveled face, Wrinkled (झुर्रियों से भरा हुआ चेहरा)  , Frump = Dull, Unfashionable woman (फीकी या पुरानी शैली की महिला)  , Turnip-ghost = Pale, Uninteresting person (फीका या बेजान व्यक्ति)  ,

Hen = Female bird, especially chicken (मुर्गी)  , Villain = Wicked person, Culprit (खलनायक या दुष्ट)  , Cheek = Impudence, Audacity (धृष्टता या साहस)  , Dying = Near death, Expiring (मर रहा हूँ)  

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Propose = Suggest, Offer for consideration (प्रस्तावित करना)  , Fetch = Go and bring back, Retrieve (लाना)  , Unhappy = Sad, Miserable (असुखमय या दुखी)  , Ill = Unwell, Sick (बीमार)  , Yell = Shout loudly, Scream (चिल्लाना या जोर से पुकारना)  ,

Wails = Cries of sorrow or grief, Moan (विलाप या कराहना)  , Burden = Heavy load, Responsibility (भार या जिम्मेदारी)  , Cursed = Expressed a wish of harm against, Swore (श्राप दिया या गाली दी)  , Heated = Angry, Agitated (क्रोधित या उत्तेजित),

Exhausted = Very tired, Drained of energy (थका हुआ)  , Palpitating = Beating rapidly, Throbbing (तेजी से धड़कना)  , Evidence = Proof, Confirmation (सबूत या प्रमाण)  , Aside = To oneself, In a low voice (अलग से या मुंह बंद करके)  , Shooting = Hunting game with a gun, Firing (बंदूक़ से शिकार करना या गोली चलाना)  ,

Land = Ground, Territory (भूमि या पृथ्वी)  , Meadows = Grassland, Pasture (चरागाह), Twitching = Making a sudden jerky movement, Spasm (अचानक झटका मारना या फड़फड़ाना)  , Principle = Fundamental truth, Moral stance (सिद्धांत या मौलिक तत्त्व)  

The Proposal Class 10 Word Meaning Vocabulary Page- 153

Go = attempt, try (प्रयास करना)  , Harvest = crop gathering, season of reaping (फसल काटने का समय)  , Misfortune = bad luck, unfortunate event (दुर्भाग्य)  , Lame = disabled, unable to walk properly (लंगड़ा)  , Twisted = bent, misshapen (मोड़ा हुआ)  , Bitten = pierced by teeth, attacked (काटा हुआ)  , Expense = cost, price (खर्च)  , Cheap = low in price, inexpensive (सस्ता)  ,

Pedigree = family lineage, ancestry (वंशावली)  , Overshot = where the upper jaw extends over the lower (उपरी जबड़ा निचले से बाहर)  , Thoroughbred = purebred, especially of horses (शुद्ध नस्ल का)  , Ugly = unattractive, unpleasant (भद्दा)  ,

Cab-horse = horse used for pulling cabs (टैक्सी घोड़ा)  , Demon of contradiction = urge to oppose, habitual disagreement (विरोध की भावना)  , Pretend = claim falsely, feign (दिखावा करना)  

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Consider = regard, perceive (मानना)  , Blind = unable to see, sightless (अंधा)  , Fool = person lacking judgement, idiot (मूर्ख)  , Realise = understand, recognize (समझना)  , Overshot = where the upper jaw extends over the lower (उपरी जबड़ा निचले से बाहर)  , Shout = yell, scream (चिल्लाना)  , Rot = nonsense, absurdity (बकवास)  , Palpitating = beating rapidly, throbbing (तेज धड़कन)  ,

Hunters = people who hunt game or wildlife (शिकारी)  , Bursting = breaking open, exploding (फटना)  , Acknowledge = admit, recognize (स्वीकार करना)  , Hanged = executed by hanging, suspended (फाँसी पर चढ़ाना)  , Implore = beg, plead (गुज़ारिश करना)  , Excite = agitate, stir up (उत्तेजित करना)  , Purebred = of pure ancestry, pedigree (शुद्ध नस्ल का)  ,

Muzzle = snout of an animal, especially a dog (मुखनासिका)   Verst = an old Russian measure of distance, roughly 1.1 km (रूसी दूरी का माप)  , Whipper-in = person responsible for keeping hounds from straying during a hunt (शिकार के दौरान कुत्तों को संभालने वाला)  

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Liable = likely, prone (प्रवृत्त)  , Jealous = envious, resentful (ईर्ष्यालु)  , Blameless = innocent, guilt-free (दोषरहित)  , Teasing = mock, make fun of (चिढ़ाना)  , Palpitations = fast heartbeats, fluttering (दिल की तेज धड़कन)  , Intrigue = plot, scheme (साज़िश)  ,

Intriguer = schemer, conspirator (साज़िशकारी)  , Jesuit = member of a Roman Catholic order, often used to suggest cunning or deceit (जेजूइट संत समुदाय का सदस्य, अक्सर धूर्तता या कपट से संकेत के लिए प्रयुक्त)  , Partridge = a type of game bird (तीतर पक्षी)  ,

Slipper = under someone’s control or influence, referring to the footwear (चप्पल, यहां पर पूरी तरह से नियंत्रित होना)  , Milksop = a person who is timid or weak (कायर)  , Armchair = comfortable chair, often upholstered (कुर्सी)  , Temple = side of the forehead (माथे का किनारा)  ,

Intriguer = one who plots or schemes (साज़िश करने वाला)  , Matter = issue, concern (मुद्दा)  , Acknowledge = admit, recognize (स्वीकार करना)  , Rat = derogatory term for someone viewed as deceitful, also a rodent (चूहा, धूर्त व्यक्ति)  ,

Bursting = breaking or shattering forcefully (फटना)  , Hunter = one who hunts game or wildlife (शिकारी)  , Whipper-in = a huntsman’s assistant in charge of the hounds (शिकार में सहायक)  , Fox = a wild mammal known for its cunning (लोमड़ी)  , Sick = unwell, not feeling good (बीमार)  

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Sleeve = part of a garment covering the arm, cuff (आस्तीन)  , Hysterics = uncontrollable emotion, especially laughter or panic (आत्यंत उत्तेजना)  , Wails = mournful cries, laments (विलाप)  , Tumbler = drinking glass, cup (ग्लास)  ,

Bullet = a projectile for firing from a gun (गोली)  , Throat = front part of the neck (गला)  , Pistol = a small gun (पिस्टल)  , Blessing = approval, good wishes (आशीर्वाद)  ,

Kiss = touch with the lips as a sign of love or greeting (चुंबन)  , Eh = a sound or exclamation asking for repetition or confirmation (ए?)  , Bliss = great joy, happiness (परम सुख)  , Champagne = sparkling wine from the Champagne region of France (शैम्पेन)  , Weight off my shoulders = a relief from a burden or worry (चिंता से मुक्ति)  , Admit = accept, confess (स्वीकार करना)  ,

Shout down = try to silence someone by yelling over them (चिल्ला-चिल्ली करके चुप कराना)  , Alive = living, not dead (जिंदा)  , Palpitations = fast or irregular heartbeats (दिल की तेज धड़कन)  , Intrigue = plot, scheme (साज़िश)   Temple = side of the forehead (कनपटि)  ,

Damned = cursed, condemned (शापित)  , Ouf! = exclamation of relief or exhaustion (अह!)  , Interfere = meddle, intervene (हस्तक्षेप करना)