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Summary of The Laburnum Top

The laburnum tree top is silent and motionless. On a September afternoon, the golden sunlight is spread on it. The few leaves left on the tree are turning yellow in autumn. All the seeds have already fallen to the ground.
But the silence is broken with this arrival of a small singing mother bird goldfinch. She has returned to meet and feed her young chicks. It makes a jerky chirping sound from the branch end. The mother’s arrival creates a sudden stir and noise that startles the silence spread all around. The little young ones are there in a nest.

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The little bird has a smooth and shiny body as that of a lizard. She is extremely watchful and swift. The nest is built securely. The bird enters a thick bunch of leaves and twigs. And at once the tree comes alive like a noisy machine or engine. It is the engine of her little ones. They too start chirruping in excitement. They flap their little wings and put up a confusing noise.
It is the mother bird who creates all such noise to a high pitch. Then having fed her chicks, she flies out of the nest to a branch. Her face bears strips which are its identity marks, a sort of mask on her face.
The purpose of her visit is fulfilled. The bird once again flies away towards some unknown place, far away. Silence as usual returns to the little tree again.

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