In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from Ranga’s Marriage. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying Ranga’s Marriage Word Meanings from Snapshots Class 11.”

Hard Words : Ranga’s Marriage Page No.16 – 17

rare breeduncommon type, विरले किस्म के; folkpeople,लोग; pursuecarry on, go ahead with,आगे बढ़ने हेतु; millgather, make a crowd,भीड़ लगा लेते हैं; mouth fillingbig and high sounding,भारी भरकम; weddingmarriage,विवाह; hencetherefore,अतएव;

fancyattractive,आकर्षण; mentionreference,जिक्र; probablyperhaps,शायद; cartographerone who draws maps of a territory,नक्शा नवीस ; shadowtrace,चिह्न; karigadabua South Indian fried sweet,दक्षिण भारत की एक मिठाई; absolutelycompletely,पूर्णरूप से ;

objectoppose,प्रतिवाद करना,विरोध करना; stuck toclung to,अड़े रहना; glowinglyin a praising manner,प्रशंसात्मक तरीके से ; annayyaa respectful term for an elder, आदर सूचक शब्द; fleapesteredtroubled by flea or insects,पिस्सू द्वारा परेशान; rawunripe,कच्चा,हरा;

sournessthe tangy taste, खट्टापन; creepertrailing plant,लता,बेल; beholdsee,देखना; feastlovely, pleasant,सुखद; ramblinggoing off the point,भटकनाl

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Ranga’s Marriage Difficult Words in English Page No.18 – 19

disgracefulhumiliating, shameful,शर्मनाक; changeloose small coins,सिक्के,रेजगारी; mutteringmumbling not speaking clearly,बुड़-बुड़ करती; priceless commodityuseful thing,बहुमूल्य वस्तु; decadea period of ten years,दशक; immaturenot mature, childish,बचकाना;

janewalruathe sacred thread worn by the Brahmans,जनेऊ; melted awaydispersed,तितर-बितर हो गया; lump–  a shapeless mass,ढेला; blessinggood wishes,आशीर्वाद; aspectside, part, पहलू ; assessedestimated, judged,परखा हुआ था; stiffinflexible, hard and upright,सख्त; pleasantrieslight conversation,हल्की फुल्की बातें ; consideratethoughtful, विचारशील; generouscharitable,उदार मना;

recentlysometime back,पिछले दिनों ; troupeparty or company of performers,मण्डली ; matureintelligent, fully developed, परिपक्व बुद्धि वाला ; stainsspots,धब्बे ; bitter gourda vegetable,करेला; distressedpained,दुखी; chattingtalking,बतियाना made up my minddetermined,निश्चय कर लिया I

Good Word Meaning of the Lesson Ranga’s Marriage Page No. 20 – 21

frequentalmost regular,अक्सर; fetchbring, take,ले जाए; thresholddoorstep,दहलीज़; curiouseager, उत्सुक; peeped inlooked in secretly,झाँक ा; blockedcovered, stopped,बंद हो गया; abruptlysuddenly, all at once,बंद हो गया, savouringtasting,स्वाद लेना; peelouter skin,छिलका;

disappointmentloss of hope,निराशा,उदासी ; glancedlooked,देखा ; embarrassedashamed, upset,शर्मिन्दा ; overcome by shynessfeeling very shy,लाज से दबी ; shelterrefuge,शरण,आश्रय ; vowedtook a pledge, swore,शपथ लेना; fledran away, escaped,भाग गया;

betrayshow,दिखाई देना; shrivelledcontracted,सिकुड़ गया; roastedbaked on tire, भुना हुआ ; brinjala vegetable,बैंगन; tutoredinstructed, taught,सिखा दिया l

English Difficult Words of the Lesson Ranga’s Marriage Page No. 22 – 23

usualnormal, as on other occasions,सामान्य; processactivity,प्रक्रिया; protestobjection,विरोध ,प्रतिवाद ; rarelynot often or frequent,बहुत कम; paraphernaliabooks, etc., पोथी पत्र ; astrologythe science of foretelling, ज्योतिष विधा ; ancientvery old, अति प्राचीन;

indicatedshowed, told through movement of head,संकेत दिया ; mosssmall green plants,काई ; pearla precious round cream-coloured stone,रत्न; negotiationstalks about marriage,विवाह वार्ता ; bear fruitprove successful,सफल होना ; face had fallenlooked sad, उदास हो गय ा; marvellouswonderful, grand, भव्य; tinyvery small,छोटा I

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