In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from The Adventure. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying The Adventure Word Meanings from Hornbill Class 11.”
Table of Contents
Hard Words:The Adventure
Speed along–moving fast, वेग से भाग रही थी; a considerably–a lot, काफ ी; roared–screamed as it rolled on, शोर करती जा रही थ ी; browse through–read for enjoyment, मन बहलाने के लिए पढ़ना; eventually– Finally, अंततः; assuming—taken for granted. मानकर चलन ा;
tunnel—passage built underground. सुरंग; permits—permission slips, आज्ञा पत्र: presume—think, guess. अनुमान लग ा; factually—Indeed. वस्तुतः ventured—asked. पूछ ा; flavour—taste, स्वाद; tiny—small, छोटे आकार क ा; Union Jack—the British flag,इंग्लैण्ड का ध्वज; destination—endpoint, मंजिल; handfulof—a few, कुछेक; emerged—came out.बाहर निकला; imposing—impressive,शानदार ;
letters—writing on,लेख ;proclaimed—announced, told,बताना ; identity—mark of recognition, पहचान; landmarks—notable signs or marks, विशेष स्थान; shocks—jerks, आघात; wound up—finished, packed up,समाप्त हो चुकी थ ी; flourishing—prospering, पनप रही थी ;
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Shook–हिलाय ा; blow—shock, आघात; make his way—reach, पहुँचा ;riddle—puzzle,पहेली ; grabbing—eating, खाकर ;relief—comfort, राहत ; evidently—it Was clear, स्पष्ट था ;occured—taken place, घटित हुआ ; converged—reached a point,पहुँचे ;precise—exactly,सही –सही;
handsomely—finely,भव्य तरीके से ; routed—defeated, पराजित हुआ ; chased—pushed, भगाया गया ; triumphant—victorious, विजयी ; blow by blow account—systematic description, क्रमबद्ध विवरण ; elaborated—worked out, gave, विस्तृत विवरण दिया ; consequences—results, परिणाम ; avidly—eagerly, keenly,रूचिपूर्वक;
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Morale booster—promoter. मनोबल बढ़ाने वाल ा; supremacy—lordship, प्रभुसत्त ा; shelved—put aside. एक तरफ कर दिय ा; expansionist—widening its range of hold. विस्तार करन े; eventfully—succeeded after a struggle, संघर्ष के बाद पहुँच ा; relegated—pushed down, नीचे गिरा दिया गय ा;
eventually—finally, अंतत ः; dismay—depair. निराश; met its match—found its strong opponent. प्रबल विरोधी पाय ा; acumen—mental keenness.बुद्धि प्रखरत ा; valour—bravery; expanded—spread, बढ़ाय ा; rivals—opponent, प्रतिद्वन्द ी; puppet—weak, ineffective figurehead ruler, हाथों की कठपुतल ी; regime—rule, शासन; de facto–virtual, real, वास्तविक; astute—crafty. Shrewd. धूर्त, घाघ;
dawning—spreading, taking birth, जन्म लेता हुआ; aid–help, सहायत ा, enterprise—bold undertaking. उधम; gradually—by and by; transition—change, परिवर्तन; wielded—exercised managed; figurehead—a nominal head, rubber stamp, नाम मात्र का अध्यक्ष; appreciate—admire, understand, प्रशंसा करन ा; retain—keep, बनाये रखना ;
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Outpost–चौक ी; subcontinent—a land with several countries, उपमहाद्वीप; lease—licence,पट्ट ा; expire—end, finish, अंत होने वाला ;journals—magazines, पत्रिकाएँ; clue—hint, संकेत ; seldom—rarely, बिरले ही ; relied on—trusted, भरोसा करना ; evidence—proof, प्रमाण;
entertaining—interesting, रोचक; graphic—vivid, विस्तृत; doctored accounts—manipulated, untrue. असत्य विवरण; melee–confused light,दंगा,भिड़ंत; elite—select body, श्रेष्ठ योद्ध ा; emerged—came out: magnificent—grand.भव्य ; shoved—thrust, ठूँस लिया ; absent–mindedly—unknowingly, अनजाने में ; frugal—economical, सस्ता ; stroll—walk, सैर ; throng—crowd.भीड़ ,audience—listeners, श्रोतागण ; staring—looking,ताक रहे थे ;mesmerised—hypnotized, सम्मोहित होकर ; unoccupied—empty, vacant, खाली ;
stirred—moved. उद्वेलित कर दिय ा; magnet–चुम्बक लोह ा; vacate—quit leave,छोड़ द ो; symbolic— सांकेतिक; dignitary—person of high rank; abolished—did away with, खत्म कर दिय ा; hostile—opposing, विरोधी ;target—object a mark to fire at, निशाना ;
valiantly—bravely: sacrilege—spoiling a holy place, अपवित्रीकरण ;dumbfounded—speechless, confused,बेजुबान ;prior to—betfore,पूर्व ; collision—accident, टकराव;
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Catastrophe theory-pertaining to a sudden ruin of calamity,विध्वंस वाली अवधारणा ; implication–hidden meaning, निहित अर्थ ; smugly–In a self satisfied manner, आत्म संतुष्ट भाव से ; running amok–going mad. पागल की तरह दौड़ना;triumphantly–with a sense of victory, विजय भाव से ;
evidence–proof, प्रमाण ; grave–serious. गंभीर ; Inadvertently–unknowingly, अनजाने में ; error–mistake,गलती ; omen–presage,शकुन ; fantasy–imagination, कल्पना या अनुमान ; motioned–told him by movement of hand, इशारा किया ; obviously–clearly, स्पष्ट रूप से ; strain–pressure, दबाव;
rationalise–to explain with reason, तर्क संगत व्याख्या करना ; fantastic–odd,विचित्र ;
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Catastrophe-theory, a turning point, the point at which the tables were turned and the rain set in,विनाश की घड़ी की अवधारणा ; seminar–meeting to discuss or study a particular topic with a teacher, शिक्षालय; disparity–difference, inequality, अंतर ; armour–a defensive covering, कवच;
morale–spirit,मनोबल juncture–the point of time, संकटकाल ; melee–confusion, disorderly state of troops, भीड़भाड़; crucial–critical, नाजुक ; rout–defeat; utter–total, पूर्णरूपेण ; impetus–encouragement, momentum. प्रोत्साहन; unique–strange, अनूठी; speculation–mental view, guess, अटकलबाज़ी;
okay–alright; take issue with-beg to differ, disagree; expectantly–anxiously, बेसब्री से; via–through: manifestations–revelations, अभिव्यक्ति; constituent–composing, संघटक; particles–small parts, भाग; startling–surprising, चौंका देने वाल ा; predicted–told beforehand, पूर्वानुमान लगाना
The Adventure Word Meaning English Page 68-69
Assertion–claim, affirmation, दावा ; specified–definite, निर्दिष्ट; quote odds–give stray examples; determinism–definiteness; quantum–the required amount or portion, मात्र; Ignoramus–Ignorant, अज्ञानी ;alternative– विकल्प वाले ; marshall–arrange suitably, क्रमबद्ध करना;
orbiting–moving round, परिक्रमा करता हुआ ; nucleus–central part,केंद्रक,नाभिक ; Interjected–Intervened, टोक दिया ; identity–recognise, know, पहचानना ; radiation–throwing of rays, किरण फेंकना ; transitions–change; pulse–throbbing, स्फुरण ; macroscopic–visible to naked eyes, द्रष्टिगोचर होने लायक ; microscopic–very small, not visible to naked eye; radically–basically,तत्वरूप में ; fantastic—odd, विचित्र ; alternatives–substitutes, विकल्प ; viable–capable of living, practicable, व्यवहार्य ;
bifurcation–split in two parts,विभाजन ; token—sign, mark, symbol, लक्षण चिन्ह; interaction—process of meeting and affecting one another, अन्योन्य क्रिया ; collision–मुठभेड़ ;neurons—nerve cells, तंत्रिकाएँ ; trigger–a lever for firing a gun, घोड़ा ; recouting—recalling. याद करना; speculating—guessing, अनुमान लगान ा; grave–serious, गंभीर; rudely interrupted–badly disturbed
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