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The Lake of Innisfree Extra Questions
Chapter – 4.1
By- W.B. Yeats
Introduction of the lesson- The Lake Isle of Innisfree
William Butler Yeats longs to live in a peaceful and beautiful place. In his imagination comes the name of Innisfree where he spent a lot of time as a boy. He knows that a place of natural beauty and peace like Innisfree makes the human soul light. One enjoys life fully in the lap of nature.

((विलियम बट्लर यीट्स एक शांत और सुंदर स्थान पर जीवन व्यतीत करने की कामना करता है । उसकी कल्पना में इनिसफ्री नामक स्थान का नाम आता है, जहाँ पर उसने एक बालक के रूप मेँ बहुत-सा समय बिताया था । वह जानता है कि इनिसफ्री जैसी प्राकृतिक सुंदरता और शांति वाला स्थान मनुष्य की आत्मा का भार हल्का कर देता है । मनुष्य प्रकृति की गोद में जीवन का पूर्ण आनंद लेता है ।)
Introduction of the lesson- The Lake Isle of Innisfree (2) :
“The Lake Isle of Innisfree”, written by W.B. Yeats in 1888, is a twelve-line poem composed of three quatrains. It reveals the poet’s nostalgia for the peace and tranquillity he enjoyed on the Lake Isle during his childhood. This desire to lead a simple life on the quiet island also presents the poet’s dislike for humdrum of life in cities and towns. So deep are the emotions of the poet that he can, in his mind, hear the waves striking against the banks of the Lake.
The Lake of Innisfree Theme
The poem revolves around the idea that the idyllic life in the countryside with beautiful, peaceful and natural surroundings gives much more pleasure than life in cities with its noise and din, sound and fury. The poet who had, during his boyhood, spent his summers on the green and watery landscape of the Lake Isle of Innisfree, feels a deep longing to shun the city life and to settle down in the peaceful environment on the island. A simple life with only a few simple needs will be more delightful than the complicated and hectic life in the city.
The Lake of Innisfree Title
The title of the poem refers to the place the poet longs to go to. An actual place in County Sligo, Ireland, Innisfree has a deep fascination for the poet who visited this place time and again during his young days. The title makes us curious about the dreamy and picturesque place and we get anxious to know what the poet has to say about it.

The Lake of Innisfree Word Meaning
Word-meanings : Innisfree = the name of an Island = द्वीप ; Isle = Island = टापू ; clay = mud = मिट्टी /गारा ; wattles = twisted/sticks = डंडे /लकड़ियाँ ; glade = open space = खुला मैदान । Dropping = falling in drops = टपकना ; veils = curtain = पर्दा , घूंघट ; cricket = a singing insect = झींगुर ; glimmer = twinkling = टिमटिमाना ; linnet = a small singing bird = एक गाने वाली चिड़िया l Lapping = sound of the water striking gently against shore = छप – छप ; pavements = footpath = पगडंडी I
The Lake Isle of Innisfree Rhyme Scheme
The rhyme scheme followed in this poem is ab ab. There is a very strong end rhyme in the Poem. In the first stanza, `Innisfree’ rhymes with ‘honeybee’ and ‘made’ rhymes with ‘glade’. The same rhyming scheme is repeated in the other two stanzas.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree Poetic Devices
- Alliteration
- ‘A hive for the honeybee’ and ‘live alone in the bee-loud glade’.
We see the repetition of consonants with a similar sound in these lines.
- Assonance
- I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree.
And a small cabin builds there, of clay and wattles made:
The ‘a’ sound in the lines creates a musical effect. There are many examples of assonance throughout the poem.
- Imagery
- Purple, hazy, full of birds.
- I hear lake water lapping with low sound by the shore.
He is actually not hearing the sound of lapping water.
- Metaphor
- ‘Veils of the morning’ means fog or news of the morning.
- ‘Deep hear’s core’ — the poet feels and dreams deeply.
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The Lake Isle of Innisfree Short Summary
- The poet has the desire to spend some time in the Lake Isle of Innisfree.
- He wants to build a small cabin made of clay and fence and to pass his time there.
- He will have the opportunity to hear the songs of crickets there.
- He will enjoy the songs of flying linnet in the evening.
- He also wants to feel the waves of lake water striking the shore.
- His purpose is to spend some precious time in the lap of nature.
- The poet wants to enjoy the beauty and charm of Innisfree.
Useful Expressions – The Lake Isle of Innisfree
- … And live alone in the bee-loud glade — The poet will live in the natural surrounding with the honey bees humming all around.
- … bee-loud glade — A green place where the honey bees hum over.
- … come dropping slow/Dropping from the veils of the morning — peace comes slowly from everywhere when morning sets in.
- … to where the cricket sings — The cricket sings happily and greets the morning.
- … evenings full of the linnet’s wings — The linnets sitting in the tree flutter and fly, they create a pleasant sound.
- … lake water lapping with low sounds — The lake water striking the shore creates a pleasant murmuring sound.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree Paraphrase
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin builds there, of clay and wattles made: Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honeybee, And live alone in the bee-loud glade. | The poet longs for the peace and tranquillity of Innisfree. The natural beauty of the lake charms the poet greatly. He has already spent his childhood at this place. He also wishes to spend some more time here. He wants to live in the lap of nature. |
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; Their midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, And evenings full of the linnet’s wings. | The poet is fed up with the strident noise of city life. He wants to live in some natural surrounding where could enjoy the song of crickets and the peaceful atmosphere of morning, noon and midnight. Only the Lake Isle of Innisfree could provide him such gifts of nature. So, he wants to go there. |
I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear the lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey, I hear it in the deep heart’s core. | The poet has the desire to enjoy the music produced by lake water striking against the shore. In the natural surrounding of Innisfree, he wants to stare at the movements of nature in his heart. Perhaps, he may get relief from the noise of cities. |
Vocabulary of Lesson The Lake Isle of Innisfree
Arise—get up; Cabin—small hut; Clay—thick wet mud; Wattles—tree branches; Bean—a vegetable; Hive—structure made by bees; Honeybee—a stinging winged insect that collects nectar and pollen; Glade—grass-covered area without trees; Peace—calm; Veils—thin cloth covering something; Cricket—an insect; Glimmer—weak light; Purple—dark reddish blue colour; Glow—shine; Linnet—a small grey and brown bird with short beak; Lake—large body of water on land; Lap—hit gently; Shore—edge, bank; Pavement—sidewalk.
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The Lake Isle of Innisfree Literary Devices
Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at close intervals. The repetition may be at the beginning of successive words (initial alliteration) and within words (internal alliteration). Alliteration makes a poem lyrical.
- a hive for the honeybee
(here ‘h’ sound is repeatedly used)
- the lake water lapping with low sounds
(here ‘I’ and ‘w’ sounds are repeated)
The metaphor is a figure of speech in which two, unlike objects, are compared by identification or by substitution of one by another. It differs from a simile as in it, the words of comparison ‘as’ or ‘like’ are not used.
- veils of the morning
It is a metaphor for the clouds in the morning sky or maybe the fog of the early morning or mist, or maybe even the dew on the morning grass. These could all appear like veils that are lifted once the sun rises.
A poetic device in which human traits are attributed to something abstract or non-living.
- the veils of the morning
Here morning is personified as a woman whose face is covered by a veil. The fog, mist or dew drops in the morning atmosphere form the ‘veil’.
Anaphora is the repetition of an identical word or a group of words in successive verses. Poets often repeat single words or phrases, lines, and sometimes, even whole stanzas at intervals to create a musical effect; to emphasize a point; to draw the readers’ attention or to lend unity to a piece.
- And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow
Dropping from the veils of the morning…
Here the words ‘peace’ and ‘dropping’ are repeated. ‘Peace’ emphasizes the calmness and ‘dropping’ stresses the easy pace of things in nature which is in contrast to the rush and humdrum of city life.
- I will arise and go now
The expression has been used twice in the poem, once in the first stanza and then again in the last stanza. The repetition, apart from giving a smooth flow to the poem, brings out the poet’s decisiveness. He is clear in his mind that he would definitely get up and leave for Innisfree.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree Rhyme Scheme
The poem consists of 12 lines, separated into 3 quatrains, and an abab cdcd efef rhyme scheme. Another way to arrange the rhyme can be abab for each stanza.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree Summary in English
The Lake Isle of Innisfree is a beautiful lyric by W.13 Yeats. In this poem, the poet says that he is fed up with his present life. He will go to Innisfree, the land of his childhood. He will make there a small cabin with mud and wood. He will grow bean plants and have a beehive and live there alone.
The poet says that he will have complete peace of mind at Innisfree land. the lie will enjoy the sweet weather of the morning time. Innisfree land glimmers at midnight becomes purple at noon and full of small sparrows in the evening. The poet says that he will go there forever and enjoy the beauty of nature all through his life. He will hear the lapping sound of the lake’s water and he will hear this sound in the deep heart’s core.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree Summary in English (2) :
William Butler Yeats spent most part of his life in Dublin and London. But as a young boy, he had frequently spent his summers on the Isle of Innisfree, a tiny uninhabited island within the Lake Lough Gill in County Sligo in northwestern Ireland. Later when he lived in the crowded and noisy city, he felt a strong desire to go back to the Isle of Innisfree.
In the first quatrain, the poet describes how he would live in Innisfree. The opening line suggests his determination to go there. This is followed by his plan to be away from the restless life of cities and lead a very calm and simple life all by himself. He will make a small cottage of clay and sticks and grow his own beans on a small piece of land in Innisfree. He will have honey from his own hive. The poet has a deep longing to lead the life in the lap of nature listening to the music of the bees.
In the second quatrain, the poet gives some glimpses of the life that he expects to find in Innisfree. In such a place, he will find peace. The pace of life will be slower and Nature will take over. He will thus breathe calmness in the morning and enjoy the brilliance of the midnight. The purple-coloured light of the noon, as well as the flying birds in the evening, will he delightful experiences for him. The magical qualities of day and night in Innisfree are the reasons that he wants to go there.
In the third and the last quatrain, the poet reiterates the need to fulfil his desire. It is strengthened by his memories of the waves of the Lake producing mild music while striking against the shore. His longing is further increased when he contrasts life in cities with that in the natural surroundings. Standing on the pavement or a roadway amidst traffic and crowds, he yearns for the idyllic island and listens to the music of the waves deep in his heart. His desire to escape urban life becomes an obsession in this quatrain and Innisfree lurks in his heart as a symbol of peace and happiness.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree Message
The poem conveys the message that a simple life amidst nature brings uninterrupted peace and joy. A life of material comforts offered by cities is marred by noise, pollution, and crowds while the life offered by nature is in harmony with the soul. Nature has magical qualities and offers an ideal way of living life.
Go to the NCERT Solution “A Truly Beautiful Mind”
The Lake Isle of Innisfree Summary in Hindi
“इनिसफ्री का झील टापू डब्ल्यू ० बी ० यीट्स द्भारा रचित एक सुंदर गीत है । इस कविता में कवि कहता है कि वह अपने वर्तमान जीवन से तंग आ चुका है । वह अपने बचपन के स्थान इनिसफ्री में जाएगा । वह वहॉ जाकर गारे और लकड़ी से एक छोटा सा कमरा बनाएगा । वह वहाँ सेम के पौधे उगाएगा और मधुमक्खियों के छत्ते को बनवाएगा तथा वहाँ पर अकेला रहना चाहेगा ।
कवि कहता है कि इनिसफ्री में उसे पूर्ण मानसिक शांति की प्राप्ति होगी । वह वहाँ पर प्रात: काल के मधुर मौसम का आनंद लेगा । इनिसफ्री क्षेत्र मध्यरात्रि के समय टिमटिमाता है, दोपहर को इसका रंग बेंगनी-सा लगता है तथा शाम के समय छोटी –छोटी चिडियों से भर उठता है । कवि कहता हैं कि वह हमेशा के लिए वहाँ चला जाएगा और जीवन पर्यंत प्रकृति की सुंदरता का आनंद प्राप्त करेगा । वह झील के पानी की छम-छम करती आवाजों को सुनेगा और इन आवाजों को तो वह ह्रदय की गहराइयों से सुनेगा ।
Following is the complete question bank for – THE LAKE ISLE OF INNISFREE
Extra Questions and Answers
The Lake Isle of Innisfree MCQ
Choose the correct answer.
1.Name the poet of The Lake Isle of Innisfree’.
(A) James Kirkup.
(B) Robert Frost.
(C) W.B. Yeats.
(D) Phoebe Cary.
2. What is the best thing about Innisfree?
(A) It is a big modem city.
(B) It is a place of many big industries.
(C) It has many places of historical interest.
(D) It is a place of great natural beauty.
3. Where does the poet want to go?
(A) To London.
(B) To Paris.
(C) To Innisfree.
(D) To Switzerland.
4. Where will he stay there?
(A) At a friend’s house
(B) At a hotel.
(C) At a big house of his own.
(D) In a small cabin that he will build with his own hands.
5. What does the poet hope to get there?
(A) Peace.
(B) Wealth.
(C) Friends.
(D) Name and fame.
6. What kind of music will he get to hear?
(A) The humming of bees.
(B) The song of the cricket.
(C) Both A and B.
(D) Neither A nor B.
7. What beautiful sight will he get to see there?
(A) The glimmer of midnight stars.
(B) The linnets flying about in the evening.
(C) The purple glow of the noon.
(D) All the above.
8. Where is the poet at the time of the writing of the poem?
(A) In London.
(B) In Paris.
(C) In Switzerland.
(D) In Innisfree.
9. What does the poet hear night and day in the core of his heart?
(A) The sound of the lake water lapping against the shore of Innisfree.
(B) The cries of his children telling him to come back home.
(C) The cries of his countrymen to fight for his country
(D) The cries of birds and animals to come and live with them in the forest.
Hints : 1.C 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.A 9. A.
Go to the NCERT Solution “ The Snake and the Mirror”
The Lake Isle of Innisfree Extract Questions and Answers
I will arise and go now,
and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there,
of day and wattles made :
Nine bean-rows will I have there,
a hive for the honeybee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
हिंदी अनुवाद – कवि कहता है कि अब वह उठकर इनिसफ्री द्वीप पर जाएगा और वहाँ जाकर मिट्टी और मोड़दार छड़ों से एक छोटा –सा कक्ष बनाएगा । सेम के नौ पौधों की श्रंखला और मधुमक्खियों का एक छत्ता वहाँ होगा और उस खुले स्थान पर मधुमक्खियों के शोर के बीच वह अकेला वहाँ रहेगा ।
Questions :
(i) Name the poem and the poet.
(ii) Where does the poet wish to go?
(iii) What sort of house will the poet build there?
(iv) What will the poet do for the honeybee?
(v) Who else will live with the poet there?
Answers :
(i) The name of the poem is `The Lake Isle of Innisfree’ and the name of the poet is ‘William Butler Yeats’.
(ii) He wishes to go to Innisfree Island.
(iii) He will build a house of clay and wood.
(iv) He will make a hive for them.
(v) He will live there all alone.
And I shall have some peace there,
for peace comes dropping slow
Dropping from the veils of the morning
to where the cricket sings;
Their midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evenings full of the linnet’s wings.
हिंदी अनुवाद – और मैं वहाँ चैन से रहूँगा , क्योंकि शांति सुबह के समय वायु के पर्दे से फूलों के बीच में जहाँ झींगुर गाते हैं , ओंस की बूँदों के रूप में गिरती है l वहाँ आधी रात के समय में टिमटिमाना लगा रहता है और दोपहर को बैंगनी रंग की चनक होती है और शाम को आसमान गाने वाली छोटी चिड़ियों से भरा होता है l
Questions :
(i) Who does ‘I’ refer to in the first line?
(ii) What will the speaker have there?
(iii) What is the special feature of that land at midnight?
(iv) How is the evening at that land?
(v) What land is the speaker talking about?
Answers :
(i) ‘I’ refers to the poet.
(ii) He will have peace of mind there.
(iii) That land glimmers’ at midnight.
(iv) The evenings of that land are MI of small birds.
(v) The speaker is talking about ‘Innisfree’ island.
I will arise and go now,
for always night and day
I hear the lake water lapping
with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway,
or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart’s core.
हिंदी अनुवाद– मैं अभी उठकर हमेशा के लिए जाता हूँ I मैं दिन – रात वहीँ रहूँगा और झील के पानी के तट के साथ होने वाली छप – छप की आवाज को सुनूंगा I जब मैं कहीं पर भी सड़क के किनारे या पगडंडी पर खड़ा होता हूँ तो मुझे ह्रदय की गहराइयों से यहीं आवाजें आती रहेंगी I
Questions :
(i) Where will the poet go?
(ii) For how long time will the poet go there?
(iii) What will the poet hear?
(iv) How the poet will hear this sound?
(v) Name the poet.
Answers :
(i) The poet will go to Innisfree Island.
(ii) He will go there forever.
(iii) The poet will hear the lapping sound of the water against the shore.
(iv) The poet will hear this sound through the very core of his heart.
(iv) W.B. Yeats.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree Very Short Questions and Answers
1. Where had the poet, W.B. Yeats, spent his childhood?
Ans. The poet had spent his childhood at Innisfree Island.
2. Where does W.B. Yeats wish to go?
Ans. He wishes to go to Innisfree Island.
3. What sort of a house will Yeats build at Innisfree?
Ans. He will build there a house of clay and wood.
4. What will Yeats do for the honeybee?
Ans. He will make a hive for them.
5. Which trees will the poet grow at Innisfree?
Ans. He will grow bean trees at Innisfree.
6. Who else will live at Innisfree with the poet?
Ans. He will live there all alone.
7. What happens to the Innisfree Island at midnight?
Ans. The whole island glimmers at midnight.
8. What do the crickets do?
Ans. They sing at midnight.
9. What preview does the noon of Innisfree Island present?
Ans. The noon of Innisfree Island presents a purple glow preview.
10. What does the poet hear at Innisfree?
Ans. He hears the pleasing noise of the bees in the orchard of Innisfree Island.
11. What does the poet see in the evening at Innisfree?
Ans. He sees that the sky of Innisfree Island is filled with small singing birds.
12. Who is the poet of the poem ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’?
Ans. W.B. Yeats.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree Short Question Answer
Q1. Where does the poet want to go and why?
Ans:-The poet wants to go to the solitary and silent Isle of Innisfree in the Lake Lough Gill of his native country, Ireland. He wants to go there because he is fed up with the restless, noisy world of cities and feels strongly nostalgic about the life on the island which, by contrast, will be a life of quietness and pleasure.
Q2. What kind of a life does the poet want to lead on the Lake Isle?
What three things does the poet want to do when he goes back to Innisfree?
Ans:-The poet wants to lead a life of serenity and contentment, away from the bustle and loudness of urban life. He longs for living in a simple cabin made of clay and sticks. A small piece of land with a few bean-rows and some honey fresh from the bee-hive will be enough to satisfy his needs.
Q3. What kind of music will the poet enjoy on the Lake Isle of Innisfree?
Ans:-On the Isle of Innisfree, the poet will enjoy the loud music of the bees and the mild music of the waves striking against the shore.
Q4. How does the poet describe the mornings on the lonely island?
Ans:-The poet describes the mornings on the lonely island to be very peaceful and quiet. The atmosphere of the morning is hazy with fog or mist. Out of the hazy heavens, peace comes on the land falling softly and noiselessly.
Q5. What does the poet imply by “….from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings.
Ans:-By this expression, the poet implies that the span of time from morning to evening is full of peace on the Lake Isle of Innisfree. Here, quietness reigns supreme. The singing of the cricket adds to the music of nature and can be enjoyed on this island.
Q6. How does the poet describe the midnight and noon on the island?
Ans:-Both the midnight and the noon on the island are visualized by the poet to be very bright with only different hues of brilliance – the twinkling light of the moon and the stars in the midnight and the bright purple shine in the noon.
Q7. What does the poet dream of enjoying in the evenings?
Ans:-The poet dreams of enjoying the songs of the linnets and the sound of the flapping of their wings as they fly back to their nests. He also hopes to enjoy the song of the cricket in the peaceful surroundings.
Q8. What is it that fascinates the poet day and night?
Ans:-Day and night the poet is fascinated by the gentle and pleasant sound of the waves lapping against the shore. He hears this delightful music in his imagination.
Q9. Why does the poet hear the music of the waves standing on the roadway?
Ans:-The poet hears the music of the waves standing on the roadway because their gentle and soothing sound is recalled involuntarily by his mind as a defence against the deafening, unpleasant and jarring sounds of the traffic that have a sickening impact on him.
Q10. What are the roadways and the pavements a symbol of?
Ans:-The roadways and the pavements are a symbol of the urban, noisy, and crowded places like London where the poet lived. They stand in contrast to the peaceful, soothing and colourful nature found back home on the Lake Isle of Innisfree.
Q11. Why is the music on the island made by the waves in the lake low?
Ans:-The music made by the waves of the lake is low and gentle because it is a peaceful lake and the waves are not very high. These waves hit against the shore very lightly producing a piece of mild music.
Q12. What do the “low sounds” emphasize the atmosphere on the Isle of Innisfree?
Ans:-The low sounds emphasize the quiet, placid waves of the lake which strike against the shore and produce a piece of mild music. The impression of a peaceful and calm atmosphere of the Isle is enhanced by these sounds. Besides, they present a stark contrast to the unpleasant sounds in the cities.
Q13. What pictures do the words expressing sights and sounds, as used by the poet, create in your mind?
Ans:-The poet uses ‘bee-loud glade’, ‘evenings full of linnet’s wing’, and ‘lake water lapping with low sound to present the sights and sounds on Innisfree. These words evoke the pictures of a wide and open natural place that is full of beautiful sights, smells, colours and music.
Q14. Why does the poet repeat “I will arise and go now”?
Ans:-The repetition of “I will arise and go now” emphasizes that the poet is extremely keen on abandoning the city and leave for the quiet, idyllic atmosphere of the Lake Isle. The use of ‘arise’ and ‘go’ reveal the intensity of his longing to escape from the restlessness and noise of the cities and reach the harmony and serenity of the world of nature available on the Lake Isle of Innisfree.
Q15. What does the poet hear in the deep “heart’s core”? What is his reaction to it?
Ans:-The poet hears the sweet and gentle music made by the placid waves of the lake striking softly against the shore of the island. This music is so soft and powerful that the poet hears it in the core of his heart. It triggers in him a keen desire to go to the island of Innisfree and enjoy this melody amidst a harmonious environment.
Q16. Do you think Innisfree is only a place or a state of mind? Does the poet actually miss the place of his boyhood days?
Ans. The natural beauty of Innisfree is not the creation of the poet’s fancy. It is a real place that gives solace to the frustrated souls. The poet longs to live at such a beautiful and peaceful place. He misses it a lot.
Q17. What is the central idea/theme of the poem ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’?
Ans. The poet, W.B. Yeats deeply longs for peace in the natural surroundings. Innisfree is an island on the Lake Isle. The poet had spent a lot of time there as a boy. He seems to be fed up with the hectic and noisy city life. Now he wants to go to Innisfree to live in the lap of nature. He will enjoy the water playing in the lake. The humming of bees and their beehives would please him. The sum and substance are that living in nature provides us with peace and happiness.
Q18. Why does the poet want to have ‘bean rows’ and a ‘hive’ at Innisfree?
Ans. Nature has great healing power. When we sit in the lap of nature, we forget our sorrows. Our mind becomes fresh and we start our days with new energy. Besides, nature fills new hopes in human beings. For this, as human beings, our friendship with nature is quite essential.
Q19. How does the poet describe midnight, noon and evening?
Ans. Apparently, in Innisfree, midnight is shimmering and beautiful and midday is a purple glow—this is starting to sound a little fairy-tale gorgeous. Saying that the evening is full of linnet’s wings makes us think not only of one bird but also of all of them in flight.
Q20. How will the poet enjoy the night and day in Innisfree?
Ans. In the morning, the poet will hear the song of the cricket. He will have the opportunity to enjoy the purple glow of the noon. He will also watch and enjoy the glimmer of midnights.
Q21. What three things does the poet want to do in Innisfree?
Ans. When he will to Innisfree, he will build a small cabin made of clay and fence. He will grow nine bean rows. Finally, he will like to have a hive for the honey bees.
Q22. How will the poet have calmness and tranquillity in Innisfree?
Ans. In Innisfree, the poet will live in a cabin made of clay and wattles. He will also have nine bean-rows and a beehive. He will get the opportunity to live in the glade with the sound of bees. He will certainly live in peace because it will drop from the veils of the morning where he can hear the songs of cricket.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree Long Questions and Answers
Q1. How does the poet capture the sights and sounds of the Lake Isle of Innisfree?
Ans:-The poet, W.B. Yeats, had spent many summers during his childhood on the Lake Isle of Innisfree. His memories are so vivid that the sights and sounds seem to have left an indelible impression on his mind. He beautifully portrays the vast, open stretch of land with a very tranquil environment prevailing from morning till evening. The midnight is aglow with the glimmering of the moon and the stars. The noons are bright with a purplish light. In the evening, the linnets, fluttering their wings in flight make a very captivating sight.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree echoes with the alluring, soothing music of the insects, birds and waves. The bees sing loudly and the linnets make the evenings energetic with their music. Moreover, there is soft music of the waves striking gently against the shore day and night. Thus, the sights and sounds described by the poet make the island an enthralling and alluring place.
Q2. How does the poet contrast city life with life in natural surroundings?
Ans:- Although the poet does not describe the city life in detail, his obsession to go to the beautiful island full of pleasing sights and sounds makes it clear that he wants to leave the noisy life in the city and lead a simple life. The contrast between the crowded cities and the calm, natural surroundings of Innisfree justifies his desire.
The description of green glades and pastures, along with birds and insects singing on Innisfree stand in contrast to the dull looking roadways and pavements that are full of vehicles and people. This contrast hints at the noise pollution and congestion in cities.
Further, the picture of the island surrounded by the calm water of the lake and its gentle waves present a beautiful sight. In contrast, people in cities are lost in a race of accumulating material possessions. The fewer needs of people living close to nature indicate greater contentment as compared to the city dwellers’ never-ending chase of wealth and material possessions. The poet’s urge to return to natural surroundings for a peaceful life hints at the problems and restlessness of people in cities.
Thus, the poet contrasts every aspect of city life with the life in natural surroundings that are full of pleasure, contentment and peace.
Q3. What ideas do you form the personality of the poet from the poem?
Discuss the character of the speaker in the poem.
Which values of life do the poet support?
Ans:-The poet W. B. Yeats who himself is the speaker in “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” gives us a peep into his mind and soul. His desire to return to a peaceful, quiet, and natural place, away from the bustle of urban life, brings forth the positive values that govern his life. In the poem, he emerges as a peace-loving fellow who is sick of the hectic, restless, noisy and materialistic life of the cities.
He emerges as a profound lover of natural beauty and tranquillity. His strong nostalgia for the beautiful sights and sounds on the Lake Isle and his desire to lead a simple life of unbroken solitude and peace on the island reveal the simplicity of his heart and mind.
The poet is endowed with profound imagination and sensitive observation. With very keen senses, he sees, observes and presents the beauty of the island in the morning, in the noontime, in the evening, and even in the midnight. He can hear the sounds of the bees, the cricket, the linnet, and the sea-waves. He can visualize the tranquil glade, the glimmering light of the midnight and the purple glow of the afternoon. He can also hear the loud, unpleasant sounds of the traffic in cities and contrast it with the captivating and soothing music of the waves.
Further, the poet lacks a materialistic attitude towards life. He wants to evade the hectic activities of the materialistic life of the cities and live in a small cabin of clay and wattles. He wants to have only enough to fulfil the basic needs of life.
Thus, the poet comes forth as a person with a profound imagination, minute observation, strong memories and a deep love for nature. He is inspired by the values of contentment and harmony.
Q4. How can we make our lives enjoyable? Discuss with reference to the poem “The Lake Isle of Innisfree”.
Ans:-The world is full of beauty and pleasures. It has a rich feast for our eyes, ears, noses and tongue. God has provided us with beautiful sights and sounds. But it is regrettable that we have only added misery into our lives by being blind to the beauties of the world. We have become much too materialistic and are always lost in a race for more and more riches. We do not have time to enjoy calmly the beauties of nature. We have even spoilt natural surroundings in the name of development. As William Wordsworth beautifully wrote: “The world is too much with us”; we have cut off our bond with nature.
However, we may enjoy a tranquil life if we check our desires. We must realize that contentment is a source of real happiness. We must curtail our greed, jealousy and hatred. A life of simple needs, near the beautiful surroundings of nature away from the madding crowd of cities can give us soothing delights.
Love for nature, faith in God, and affection for fellow human beings can restore the peace of our minds. We should develop a keen sense to perceive beauty all around and spare time to enjoy these beauties. The soft feelings of pity, sympathy, consideration, kindness, and affection can overpower all the sorrows of life and make life thrilling and pleasant.
Q5. The Isle of Innisfree is both a place and the poet’s state of mind. Discuss. (Textual)
Ans:-The Isle of Innisfree is a tiny uninhabited island within the Lake Lough Gill in County Sligo in northwestern Ireland. The poet, William Butler Yeats, had spent his summers over here when he was a young boy. The calm, quiet, soothing environment of this Isle impressed him so much that he developed a spiritual kinship with this place. He can now hear voices calling within himself just as he heard the sounds of nature in Innisfree. The existence of Innisfree as the poet’s state of mind is as true as the real Innisfree. The images of this place haunt the poet in such a manner that he can visualize everything not in his mind but in his heart. The real place has given him such beautiful memories that he cherishes them even when he is amidst the roadways and pavements of a city. His desire to escape to Innisfree is so strong that his thoughts are overpowered by it. Thus, the poet’s state of mind itself Innisfree which stands as a symbol of peaceful existence amidst nature.
Q6. Suppose you are the poet W.B. Yeats and have reached your dreamland – the Isle of Innisfree. Write a diary entry in about 150 words expressing your real experiences and emotions.
In your diary entry, you should say
- how you felt immediately as you landed on the Isle
- what sights and sounds you experienced there
- what effect they had on you
(Day and Date) (Time)
Dear Diary
I am extremely delighted that my dream of coming back to the Isle of Innisfree has been fulfilled. I have actually reached this idyllic world far away from the disturbing and restless life of London. My first glimpse of the island was extremely fulfilling. As I landed on the green, grassy place, I inhaled the fragrant, refreshing air. I felt as if I were in some fairyland. I ran about enjoying the sight of dense green trees and then sat down to bask in the brilliant sunlight. The rustling of the leaves, the chirping of the birds and the beautiful hues of flowers left me spellbound. I heard the soft music of the waves which, reflecting the sunlight, looked extremely beautiful as they hit the shore and made ripples. I had a nap on the open ridge. In the evening, the linnets, fluttering their wings in the sky, were a breathtaking sight. From under a rock, some crickets were singing. Tonight, I will sleep under the stars and tomorrow I’ll build a cottage for myself.
Everything on this island seems to be heavenly. Every moment spent here is a blessing. After coming here I have realised that the race for money can never give me any pleasure. The environment here is full of contentment and happiness. I wish I had come here earlier. But better late than never!
(W. B.)
Q7. Life in a city is fast and hectic. Nevertheless, people prefer to live in a city. Why?
Ans. City life is fast and hectic. People can be seen busy with their daily routines. Lots of people live in the city. There are schools, colleges and offices. Students find a good opportunity for education and make their career. When they complete their education they can find jobs in these offices. Besides, people get recreation from different sources. There are cinema halls and theatres in cities. People in great number can be seen at these places. They want to give the same life to their children. They get their children married in the cities and have relatives. They have a liking for the showy life of the city. So they like to live in these cities with their family.
Q8. Why is the poet deeply attached with the Lake Isle of Innisfree? Explain.
Ans. Innisfree is a simple island in the lake where the poet has spent his childhood days. The poet is in search of peace and calmness which the Lake Isle of Innisfree can provide him. The environment is natural and peaceful and the poet desires to visit this island. According to the poet, on this island, peace comes down slowly in the small drops. Moreover, he is very much attracted by the melodious sounds made by cricket. In fact, that sound has a deep impact on the poet. The poet believes the lake’s waves hit the shore and crease at the low sound which gives aesthetic pleasure. Really, he wants to live on this island. Thus, it can be said that he is deeply attached to the Lake Isle of Innisfree.
Q9. What moral lesson do you take from the poem, ‘The Lake Isle Innisfree’?
Ans. ‘Go back to nature’ is the message of this poem. This poem teaches us that we should build a cabin in a solitary place and enjoy nature. Nature has magical power. Obviously, nature unfolds itself in a solitary place and allows us to enjoy its music. We must take this immortal lesson from this poem.
Q10. Why is the Lake Isle of Innisfree so attractive to the poet? Describe.
Ans. The poet is very fond of nature. The Lake Isle of Innisfree is the abode of peace. He wants to live in a place which may afford a sense of contentment and relaxation far from busy modern life. The poet with his power of imagination beautifully empresses this dreamy land. The vivid description of the colours and beauties of this place and soothing stir of nature is quite different from the strident noise of the city.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree Quick Review Questions
1. What kind of land is Innisfree?
(A) stormy and dusty (B) peaceful and loving
(C) very hot and humid (D) unfit for human habitation
Ans. (B) peaceful and loving
2. Who else will live on Innisfree with the poet?
(A) his mother (B) his father
(C) his friends (D) he will live alone
Ans. (D) he will live alone
3. What thing will the poet not do on the Innisfree land?
(A) build a restaurant (B) build a small cabin
(C) plant nine bean rows (D) build a hive for the honeybee
Ans. (A) build a restaurant
4. With what will the poet make his house?
(A) bricks and cement (B) clay and wattles
(C) bamboo (D) wooden slates
Ans. (B) clay and wattles
5. Where will the poet have peace?
(A) in his home (B) in heaven
(C) in Innisfree land (D) in a lake
Ans. (C) in Innisfree land
6. When do the crickets sing?
(A) in the morning (B) in the evening
(C) in the rainy season (D) they never sing
Ans. (A) in the morning
7. What does the poet see in Innisfree land?
(A) glimmering midnight (B) purple noon
(C) the evening full of linnet’s wings (D) all the options are correct
Ans. (D) all the options are correct
8. How long the poet will live at the Lake Isle of Innisfree?
(A) forever (B) for a night and day
(C) for two days (D) none of these options
Ans. (A) forever
9. What does the poet hear at Innisfree Island?
(A) the sound of raindrops (B) the noise of the wind
(C) the lapping low sounds of the (D) none of these three options lake water
Ans. (C) the lapping low sounds of the lake water
10. How does the poet find Innisfree Island?
(A) simple, natural place (B) full of beauty
(C) full of peace (D) all options are correct
Ans. (D) all options are correct
11. Select the name of the poet of the poem ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’.
(A) Robert Frost (B) Subramania Bharati
(D) W.B. Yeats (C) Coates Kinney
Ans. (D) W.B. Yeats