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Indigo MCQ

                                          By- Louis Fischer

1.Why did Gandhi start out on the back of an elephant?

(a) a peasant had been maltreated in a village nearby

(b) he set out to meet the secretary of British Landlords Association

(c) he set out to meet British official commissioner

(d) he was summoned by Sir Edward Gait, the Lt. Governor

2. What did the police superintendent’s messenger serve Gandhi?

(a) an invitation                                                          (b) an official notice

(c) summon to appear in court                              (d) an arrest warrant

3. How did Gandhi behave with the officials outside the court?

(a) demonstrated his power                                  (b) was firm and resolute

(c) he said that he would disobey the order

(d) cooperated with them

4. What was the beginning of liberation from fear of the British?

(a) the people gathered in large numbers

(b) the support of lawyers

(c) Gandhi’s presence                                               (d) the prevailing laws

5. The magistrate asked Gandhi to furnish bail for—— minutes

(a) 30                                                                         (b) 60

(c) 90                                                                         (d) 120

6. Gandhi was informed by the magistrate that the case

 (a) had been dropped                                            (b) had been postponed

(c) was a weak one                                                  (d) would be heard immediately

7. Who were ready to follow Gandhi into jail?

(a) peasants                                                              (b) lawyers

(c) Shukla                                                                  (d) J.B. Kriplani

8. How many peasants deposed?

(a) about a hundred                                              (c) about ten thousand

(b) about a thousand                                             (d) about hundred thousand

9. Gandhi was summoned by—— the Lt. Governor

(a) Sir Edward Gait                                                (b) Sir Henry Gait

(c) Sir Richard Andrews                                       (d) Sir Freer Andrews

10. How many times did Gandhi meet the Lt. Governor?

(a) four times                                                         (b) six times

(c) eight times                                                      (d) ten times

11. When did Gandhiji go to Lucknow?

(a) December 1917                                                (b) October 1916

(c) February 1917                                                    (d) December 1916

12. What did he go to Lucknow for?

(a) to attend the annual convention of the INC

(b) to meet Rajendra Prasad

(c) to look into the sharecropper’s problems

(d) to go to Champaran via Lucknow

13. What was the full name of the peasant from Champaran?

(a) J.B Shukla                                                            (b) Rajkumar Shukla

(c) Ramkumar Shukla                                             (d) Roopkumar Shukla

14. In 1917, Gandhi and Shukla boarded a train in Calcutta for

(a) Patna                                                                  (b) Ahmedabad

(c) Cawnpore                                                           (d) Champaran

15. Shukla led Gandhi to the house of a lawyer who later became the President of India. He was

(a) J.B Kriplani                                                        (b) Rajendra Prasad

(c) Zakir Hussain                                                     (d) Mahadev Desai

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16. Gandhi decided to— to obtain complete information about the go first to conditions of Champaran

(a) Patna                                                                (b) Calcutta

(c) Muzaffarpur                                                   (d) Lucknow

17. Who received Gandhi at the Muzaffarpur station?

 (a) Shukla                                                            (b) J.B Kriplani

(c) Rajendra Prasad                                           (d) Nehru

18. Gandhi —–the lawyers for collecting big fees from the sharecroppers

(a) condoned                                                      (b) rebuffed

(c) chided                                                             (d) admired

19. What were the places visited by Gandhi between his first meeting with Shukla and his arrival at Champaran?

(a) Cawnpore, Ahmedabad, Calcutta, Patna, Muzaffarpur

(b) Calcutta, Patna, Gaya, Muzaffarnagar

(c) Cawnpore, Ahmedabad, Gaya, Calcutta, Patna, Muzaffarpur

(d) Cawnpore, Ahmedabad, Patna and Muzaffarnagar

20. What did the peasants pay the British landlords as rent?

 (a) 25% of the crop                                             (b) Indigo

(c) 50% of their produce                                    (d) 10% of their indigo produce

21.What amount of repayment did the big planters think Gandhi would demand?

(a) repayment in full                                             (b) double the amount

(c) fifty percent of the amount                          (d) no payment, just an apology

22. What was the result of Gandhi’s meetings with the Lt. Governor?

(a) the Lt. Governor rejected Gandhi’s plea

(b) an official commission of inquiry was appointed

(c) a compensation of 25% was set

(d) the Lt. Governor dropped the cases against Gandhi

23. For how long did Gandhi remain in Champaran?

 (a) seven weeks                                                      (b) three months

(c) one and a half year                                          (d) seven months

24. Gandhi asked the big planters for—– percent refund to the peasants.

(a) 10                                 (b) 25                            (c) 50                          (d) 65

25. The representative of the planters offered to refund—– percent to the peasants

(a) 5                                  (b) 10                             (c) 20                          (d) 25

26. Why did Gandhi appeal for teachers?

(a) to remove the cultural and social backwardness

(b) to increase the literacy standard

(c) he did not trust teachers of Champaran

(d) he contented himself with large political and economic solutions

27. Who volunteered to work in Champaran?

(a) two disciples of Gandhi and their wives

(b) Kasturba and the eldest son of Gandhi

(c) Mahadev Desai and his wife

(d) Narhari Prasad and his wife

28. Kasturba taught rules of——

(a) basic learning                                               (b) mathematics

(c) personal cleanliness                                    (d) civil disobedience were

29. Health conditions in Champaran

(a) miserable                                                      (b) tolerable

(c) under control                                               (d) fairly good

30. What lesson did Gandhi teach by opposing Andrew’s stay in Champaran? equals

(a) British could not be trusted                       (b) self-reliance

(c) civil disobedience                                       (d) a fight should always be amongst

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31.’Indigo’ emphasizing on the fact that effective leadership can solve any kind of problem is written by _____.

(A) Louis Fischer

(B) Robert Geroge

(C) Ogden Nash

(D) Ruskin Bond

32. ‘Indigo’ is an extract from the book _____ which won the National Book Award written by Louis Fischer in 1965.

(A) Life of Mahatma Gandhi

(B) Mahatma Gandhi

(C) Gandhi the great

(D) Mahatma Gandhi’s principles

33. Who shows leadership in securing justice for oppressed people, as in the chapter ‘Indigo’?

(A) Louis Fischer

(B) Mahatma Gandhi

(C) Britishers

(D) None of the above

34. What did Mahatma Gandhi show effective leadership in, as in the chapter ‘Indigo’?

(A) Securing justice for oppressed people

(B) Dandi March

(C) Salt satyagraha

(D) Fight for independence

35. How did Mahatma Gandhi secure justice for oppressed people, as in the chapter ‘Indigo’?

(A) Through convincing argumentation

(B) Through convincing negotiation

(C) Through satyagraha

(D) Both (A) & (B)

36. What fact does the chapter ‘Indigo’ emphasize on?

(A) That effective leadership can solve any kinds of problems without any harm to anybody

(B) That one must follow satyagraha always

(C) That one must fight & quarrel if need be

(D) All of the above

37. What can effective leadership do, as per Mahatma Gandhi in the chapter ‘Indigo’?

(A) It can solve any problem without any harm to others

(B) It can bring you loads of accolades

(C) It can bring you fame and fortune

(D) None of the above

38. What does the chapter ‘Indigo’ deal with?

(A) Mahatma Gandhi solved the problem of poor sharecroppers of Champaran

(B) Mahatma Gandhi did so in a non-violent way

(C)Mahatma Gandhi was an effective leader

(D) All of the above

39. The chapter ‘Indigo’ focuses our attention on the _____.

(A) Satyagraha by Mahatma Gandhi

(B) issues of exploitation of indigo sharecroppers

(C) salt satyagraha by Mahatma Gandhi

(D) None of the above

40. The indigo sharecroppers were being exploited ________ , as in the chapter ‘Indigo’.

(A) by neighbouring farmers

(B) Landlords

(C) by rich businessmen

(D) by cruel British planters

41.What long term agreement was signed by the indigo sharecroppers, as in the chapter ‘Indigo’?

(A) plant indigo on 15% of their land

(B) surrender the entire harvest as rent

(C) sell the entire harvest for free

(D) Both (A) & (B)

42. What happened after the development of synthetic indigo by Germany, as in the chapter ‘Indigo’?

(A) the British planters extracted money from the peasants

(B) money as compensation for being released from the 15% agreement

(C) peasants lost their jobs

(D) Both (A) & (B)

43. What did the peasants do in order to get back their money in the chapter ‘Indigo’?

(A)Fought with the British planters

(B) Filed civil suits

(C) Sold off their harvest at a higher price

(D) All of the above

44. Who persuaded Mahatma Gandhi to take up the case of Indigo sharecroppers, in the chapter ‘Indigo’?

(A) Rajkumar Rao

(B) Raj Kundra

(C) Raj Kapoor

(D) Rajkumar Shukla

45. In the chapter ‘Indigo’, indigo sharecropping exemplifies the _______.

(A) injustice of the British

(B) the Indians’ submission to British authority

(C) Effective role of Mahatma Gandhi

(D) Both (A) & (B)

46. Which movement led to justice for the oppressed farmers in the chapter ‘Indigo’?

(A) Satyagraha

(B) Champaran

(C) Dandi

(D) None of the above

47. The story ‘Indigo’ highlights the _____.

(A) Champaran movement led by Mahatma Gandhi

(B)unequal economic system that existed during colonial British rule

(C) fight for justice & equality

(D) production of synthetic indigo

48. What led to the unequal economic system during the British rule, as in the chapter ‘Indigo’?

(A) Indian peasants suffering

(B) British planters exploiting Indian peasants

(C) Champaran movement

(D) All of the above

49. The story ‘Indigo’ highlights the importance of _____.

(A)Gandhi’s decision to take up the peasant’s case

(B) Mahatma Gandhi

(C) Champaran movement

(D) All of the above

50. What was the result of Gandhi’s decision to take up the case of Indian peasants in the chapter ‘Indigo’?

(A) It led to satyagraha

(B) It exposed the unjust system

(C) It led to a strong fight

(D) All of the above


1.(a) a peasant had been maltreated in a village nearby

2.(b) an official notice

3. (d) cooperated with them

4. (a) the people gathered in large numbers

5.(d) 120

6.(a) had been dropped

7. (b) lawyers

8.(c) about ten thousand

9. (a) Sir Edward Gait

10.(a) four times

11.(d) December 1916
12.(a) to attend the annual convention of the INC
13.(b) Rajkumar Shukla
14. (a) Patna
15.(b) Rajendra Prasad
16. (c) Muzaffarpur
17.(b) J.B. Kriplani
18. (c) chided
19.(a) Cawnpore, Ahmedabad, Calcutta, Patna, Muzaffarpur
20.(b) indigo
21.(a) repayment in full
22.(b) an official commission of inquiry was appointed
23.(d) seven months      
24. (c) 50
25.(d) 25
26.(a) to remove the cultural and social backwardness
27.(a) two disciples of Gandhi and their wives
28.(c) personal cleanliness
29. (a) miserable
30.(b) self-reliance
31.Louis Fischer
32. (A) Life of Mahatma Gandhi
33. (B) Mahatma Gandhi
34. (A) Securing justice for oppressed people
35. (D) Both (A) & (B)
36. (A) That effective leadership can solve any kinds of problems without any harm to anybody
37. (A) It can solve any problem without any harm to others
38. (D) All of the above
39. (B) issues of exploitation of indigo sharecroppers
40. (D) by cruel British planters
41.(D) Both (A) & (B)
42. (D) Both (A) & (B)
43. (B) Filed civil suits
44. (D) Rajkumar Shukla
45. (D) Both (A) & (B)
46. (B) Champaran movement
47. (B) unequal economic system that existed during colonial British rule
48. (D) All of the above
49. (A) Gandhi’s decision to take up the peasant’s case
50. (B) It exposed the unjust system

Want to Read More Check Below:-

Indigo- About the Author

Indigo- Message & Chapter Nutshell

Indigo- Important Extra Questions Short Answer Type

Indigo- Important Extra Questions Value-Based Answer Type