In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from Tomorrow. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying Tomorrow Word Meanings from Kaleidoscope Class 12.”
Table of Contents
Hard Words : Tomorrow Page No.- 39
Seaport = harbor, dock (बंदरगाह), Colebrook = place name (कोलब्रुक), Favour = approval, liking (अनुकूलता), Circumstances = situations, events (परिस्थितियां) , Morbid = gloomy, dark (अस्वास्थ्यकर),
Plot = land piece, area (भूमि का टुकड़ा), Cottages = small houses, huts (कुटियां), Repute = reputation, status (प्रतिष्ठा), Tyrant = dictator, bully (तानाशाह),
Railing = fence, barrier (बाड़), Domestic = household, home (घरेलू), Apron = protective cloth, garment (एप्रन), Communicative = talkative, open (बातचीत करनेवाला)
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Hard Words : A Wedding in Brownsville
Tomorrow Difficult Words in English Page No.- 40
Remark = note, comment (टिप्पणी), Mildly = gently, softly (धीरे-धीरे), Privilege = right, benefit (विशेषाधिकार), Shapely = formed, attractive (आकार में सुंदर), Landlord = owner, lessor (मालिक) , Informed = aware, briefed (सूचित),
Unthrifty = wasteful, reckless (अव्यवस्थित), Forearms = arm part, limb (आधा बाजू), Clothes-line = drying rope, wire (कपड़े सुखाने की रस्सी), Exotic = foreign, rare (विदेशी), Clime = weather, region (जलवायु),
Upright = vertical, erect (सीधा), Hale = fit, hearty (तंदुरुस्त), Sailcloth = canvas, fabric (पाल पोषाक का कपड़ा), Uncouth = rude, crude (अशिष्ट), Granite = rock, stone (ग्रेनाइट पत्थर) , Chaffing = teasing, mocking (मजाक),
Distinguished = noted, famous (प्रमुख), Wit = humor, cleverness (हास्य रसिक), Insolently = rudely, brashly (अभिमान से), Handkerchief = cloth, tissue (रुमाल)
Good Word Meaning of Class 12 Lesson Tomorrow Page No.- 41
Queer = odd, strange (अजीब), Coasting-skipper = sea captain, mariner (तटीय जहाज का कप्तान), Davy Jones’s locker = seabed, deep sea (समुद्र की तलहटी) , Broadcloth = fine cloth, smooth fabric (मोटा कपड़ा),
Smoker = smoking car, tobacco user (धूम्रपान कक्ष), Hoax = deception, trick (छल), Joker = clown, comedian (मजाकिया), Sardonic = mocking, cynical (व्यंगपूर्ण), Gusto = zeal, enthusiasm (उत्साह) ,
Mourning = grieving, sorrowing (शोक), Timber ship = wood vessel, lumber carrier (लकड़ी परिवहन जहाज़) , Dangling = hanging, swinging (लटकता हुआ) , Forehead = brow, front head (माथा), Offended = upset, insulted (अपमानित), Tear = pull, rend (खींचना)
Class 12 Chapter 4 Tomorrow English Difficult Words Page No.- 42
Disappointment = sadness, setback (निराशा), Psychological = mental, emotional (मानसिक), Inducement = incentive, motivation (प्रेरणा), Craze = obsession, passion (जुनून), Youngsters = youth, children (युवक),
Tap-room = bar, pub (शराबघर), Frankness = openness, honesty (स्पष्टता), Establishment = business, setup (संस्थान), Sailorman = sailor, seaman (नाविक) , Harbour = port, dock (बंदरगाह), Cure = remedy, heal (उपचार),
Chaffing = teasing, mocking (ताना मारना), Rational = logical, reasonable (तर्कसंगत), Opinion = belief, viewpoint (विचार),
Judicious = wise, thoughtful (विवेकी), Matter = issue, subject (मुद्दा), Skipper = captain, leader (नाव का प्रमुख), Treatment = method, approach (उपचार)
Class 12 Chapter Tomorrow Word Meaning in English Page No.- 43
Contradicted = disagreed, refuted (विरोध किया), Grey = ashen, pale (धूसर), Broadcloth = dense fabric, material (मोटा कपड़ा), Sensation = stir, excitement (संवेदना), Dailiness = routine, everydayness (रोज़मर्रा),
Infirmity = weakness, frailty (दुर्बलता), Furtively = secretly, stealthily (चुराया हुआ), Embarrassing = awkward, uncomfortable (शरमनाक) , Skinflint = miser, penny-pincher (कंजूस), Hesitations = doubts, uncertainties (संकोच),
Costume = outfit, attire (वेशभूषा), Disease = ailment, malady (रोग) , Paternally = fatherly, protectively (पितृवत), Arbitrariness = randomness, unpredictability (मनमानी), Confidence = trust, assurance (विश्वास), Authenticated = verified, confirmed (प्रमाणित)
English To English Word Meaning of Class 12 Lesson 4 Tomorrow Page No.- 44
Affectionate = loving, fond (स्नेहशील), Wink = blink, gesture (आंख मारना), Discomposed = unsettled, disturbed (असंतुलित), Vulgarly = crudely, coarsely (अशिष्ट ढंग से), Upright = erect, straight (सीधा), High-spirited = lively, energetic (उत्साही),
Apprenticed = trained, learning (शिक्षार्थी), Coasting-skipper = captain, sailor (तटीय कप्तान), Animosity = hatred, hostility (वैर), Expounded = explained, clarified (व्याख्या की), Convicts = criminals, prisoners (अपराधी), Weariness = tiredness, fatigue (थकावट) , Incredulous = doubtful, skeptical (अविश्वासी),
Bankrupt = insolvent, broke (दिवालिया), Hale = healthy, fit (स्वस्थ), Pursue = follow, chase (पालन करना), Emotional = passionate, fervent (भावनात्मक), Element = component, aspect (तत्व)
Kaleidoscope Class 12 Chapter Tomorrow Word Meaning English Page No.- 45
Voyages = journeys, travels (यात्रा), Anchor = moor, secure (लंगर), Inherited = received, obtained (विरासत में पाया), Galley = ship, vessel (जहाज़), Fathom = measure, gauge (फैथम/नाप), Undersized = small, tiny (अधिक छोटा),
Sewing = stitching, mending (सिलाई), Explicitly = clearly, directly (स्पष्ट रूप से), Vague = unclear, ambiguous (अस्पष्ट) , Charm = allure, attraction (आकर्षण), Raving = ranting, delirious (उन्मत्त), Sacking = coarse cloth, bagging (बोरा), Weary = tired, fatigued (थका हुआ) , Sheltering = protecting, shielding (आश्रय देना),
Collier = coal ship, freighter (कोयले की जहाज़) , Boasts = brags, claims (डींग मारना), Ash = tree type, hardwood (आश वृक्ष) , Formula = method, procedure (सूत्र) , Pity = compassion, sympathy (दया),
Fence = barrier, wall (बाड़), Gentle = soft, mild (महीन), Determined = resolute, decided (ठान लिया), Warehouse = storage place, storehouse (गोदाम), Wrapped = covered, encased (लपेटा हुआ)
Difficult Word Meaning English of Class 12 Chapter 4 Tomorrow Page No.- 46
Marble = stone, polished rock (संगमरमर), Fence = barrier, enclosure (बाड़), Drying-line = clothesline, cord (सुखाने की डोर), Impulse = urge, sudden desire (आवेग), Reasonable = logical, rational (तर्कसंगत),
Doomed = destined, fated (नियत), Disappointment = dissatisfaction, letdown (निराशा) , Incredulity = disbelief, skepticism (अविश्वास), Firmament = sky, heavens (आकाश), Drowned = submerged, underwater (डूबा),
Paternal = fatherly, father-like (पितृसमान), Complacent = self-satisfied, smug (आत्मसंतुष्ट), Cunningly = craftily, slyly (चालाकी से)
Chapter Tomorrow Class 12 Word Meaning English to Hindi Page No.- 47
Sensible = wise, practical (समझदार), Humoured = indulged, appeased (मनोरंजन किया), Crocheting = knitting, crafting (क्रोशिया), Opulence = wealth, luxury (समृद्धि), Carroty = orange, ginger-like (गाजर के रंग का),
Bestial = brutal, savage (पशु समान), Roaring = loud, booming (दहाड़), Haste = hurry, rush (जल्दी) , Hippopotamus = large mammal, river horse (हिप्पोपॉटमस),
Widowed = bereaved, spouseless (विधवा) , Blindness = sightless, vision loss (अंधता), Incurable = untreatable, chronic (असाध्य), Bellow = shout, roar (गरजना)
Kaleidoscope Chapter Tomorrow Word Meaning Vocabulary Page No.- 48
Defy = resist, challenge (विरोध करना), Fiendish = wicked, cruel (दुष्ट), Extravagant = wasteful, lavish (फिजूलखर्च), Dutifully = obediently, loyally (कर्तव्यनिष्ठता से), Knitting = crafting, weaving (बुनाई),
Vacantly = emptily, blankly (खाली नजर से) , Maritime = naval, nautical (समुद्री), Deposed = dethroned, ousted (हटाया हुआ), Trident = three-pronged spear (त्रिशूल), Idol = statue, image (मूर्ति), Tenant = renter, occupant (किरायेदार),
Supply = provide, furnish (आपूर्ति), Dutifully = obediently, loyally (कर्तव्यनिष्ठता से), Vacantly = emptily, blankly (खाली नजर से), Resembled = mirrored, matched (समान दिखना) , Winked = blinked, gestured (आँख मारना), Absorbed = engrossed, immersed (मग्न), Chuckled = giggled, snickered (खिलखिलाना),
Monstrous = huge, massive (राक्षसी), Superstition = myth, belief (अंधविश्वास), Abuse = insult, offend (गाली), Moderate = temperate, mild (मध्यम) , Mouthpiece = part, extension (मुँह का हिस्सा),
Bellowed = roared, yelled (दहाड़ना), Infirm = weak, frail (अस्थिर), Bulk = mass, volume (भारी भरकम) , Toilful = laborious, strenuous (परिश्रमी), Penance = repentance, atonement (प्रायश्चित)
English Class 12 Chapter Tomorrow Word Meaning with Hindi Page No.- 49
Harbour = port, haven (बंदरगाह), Imperceptibly = unnoticeably, subtly (धीरे-धीरे), Embankment = mound, barrier (तटबंध) , Sturdy = strong, robust (मज़बूत), Nets = webs, mesh (जाल), Cobwebs = spiderwebs, silk (मकड़ी का जाला), Gait = stride, pace (चाल), Committing = pledging, promising (प्रतिबद्ध करना) ,
Ascending = climbing, rising (चढ़ना), Channel = strait, waterway (जलमार्ग), Neglected = ignored, overlooked (अवगत), Sturdy = strong, robust (मज़बूत) , Emerging = appearing, surfacing (उभर कर आना), Sink = descend, drop (डूबना),
Promenade = stroll, walk (सैर), Pottering = dawdling, meandering (सुस्ती से चलना), Aimlessly = without purpose, haphazardly (लक्ष्यहीनता से), Advertised = promoted, announced (प्रचारित), Sheets = papers, leaflets (पत्रिका),
Expense = cost, charge (खर्च), Argumentation = debate, reasoning (तर्क), Appeals = requests, pleas (अनुरोध), Column = section, pillar (स्तंभ), Relatives = family, kin (रिश्तेदार), Impatient = restless, eager (अधीर)
Word Meaning of Class 12 Chapter Tomorrow Page No.- 50
Patience = tolerance, endurance (धैर्य), Lucidity = clarity, transparency (स्पष्टता), Derangement = insanity, madness (असंतुलन), Conviction = belief, assurance (विश्वास), Delusion = misconception, illusion (भ्रांति),
Blinded = unable to see, obscured (अंधा), Doubt = uncertainty, skepticism (संदेह), Assent = agreement, concurrence (सहमति), Inattention = neglect, disregard (अवहेलना), Tantrums = outbursts, fits (आक्रोश),
Patronising = condescending, superior (तुच्छ दृष्टिकोण से देखना), Splendours = magnificence, brilliance (भव्यता), Jealously = enviously, resentfully (ईर्ष्या से), Smuggled = secretly transported, sneaked (चोरी चुपे ले जाना), Drudgery = hard work, toil (भारी मेहनत),
Endurance = tolerance, perseverance (सहिष्णुता), Blush = reddening, flush (लालिमा), Advertised = promoted, publicized (प्रचारित) , Rewards = prizes, compensations (पुरस्कार) ,
Muddled = confused, jumbled (गड़बड़) , Guarded = protected, shielded (संरक्षित), Intimacy = closeness, familiarity (आत्मीयता), Accumulated = gathered, amassed (जमा हुआ) ,
Inspection = examination, review (जांच), Apologetically = regretfully, remorsefully (खेद से), Impatient = restless, eager (अधीर)
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Bashfulness = shyness, modesty (लज्जा), Uneasily = uncomfortably, anxiously (बेचैनी से) , Greedily = eagerly, voraciously (लालची तरीके से), Grudged = resented, begrudged (अभिशप्त), Mistrusted = doubted, suspected (विश्वास नहीं करना),
Queerness = strangeness, oddity (अजीबता), Allusion = reference, mention (संकेत), Saturated = soaked, drenched (पूरी तरह से भिगा हुआ), Quagmire = swamp, mire (दलदल), Disconsolate = unhappy, dejected (उदास),
Exasperated = irritated, frustrated (क्रोधित), Extravagant = wasteful, profligate (फिजूलख़र्च) , Wearily = tiredly, exhaustedly (थक कर), Smudgy = smeary, dirty (धब्बेदार), Shadows = shades, silhouettes (छाया),
Craze = obsession, mania (दीवानगी), Mock = ridicule, deride (उपहास), Aptness = appropriateness, suitability (उपयुक्तता), Irritation = annoyance, vexation (चिढ़)
Tomorrow Class 12 English Chapter Word Meaning in Hindi Page No.- 52
Self-mockery = self-ridicule, self-derision (स्व-उपहास), Sane = rational, of sound mind (समझदार), Throaty = guttural, deep (गले की गहरी आवाज़ में) , Affected = pretended, feigned (दिखावटी), Cackle = laugh loudly, chuckle (खिलखिलाहट),
Howled = yelled, screamed (चीख पड़ा), Laziness = sloth, idleness (आलस्य), Atrocious = terribly, extremely (अत्यधिक), Affliction = suffering, misery (पीड़ा), Dusk = twilight, evening (संध्याकाल),
Lingered = remained, stayed (टिका रहा), Leisurely = slowly, unhurriedly (आराम से), Assurance = confidence, certainty (आत्म-विश्वास)
Word Meaning from the Chapter Tomorow Class 12 English Page No.- 53
Spun = turned quickly, rotated (तेजी से घूमना), Nervously = anxiously, uneasily (बेचैनी से), Mumbled = whispered, muttered (धीरे और अस्पष्ट तरीके से बोलना), Resentfully = begrudgingly, with displeasure (नाराज़गी से),
Timidly = shyly, hesitantly (डरपोकता से), Equilibrium = balance, stability (संतुलन), Self-esteem = self-worth, pride (आत्म-सम्मान) , Disturbance = interruption, disorder (विघ्न), Notions = beliefs, ideas (विचार) ,
Grins = smiles, smirks (मुस्कान), Outraged = offended, angered (आक्रोशित), Trespassing = intruding, invading (अनधिकृत प्रवेश), Inexpressible = unspeakable, indescribable (अव्यक्त) ,
Gesticulated = signaled, gestured (इशारे करना), Silhouette = outline, profile (प्रतिचाया), Stranger = outsider, unfamiliar person (अजनबी), Muffled = subdued, softened (धीमा हो जाना), Craze = obsession, madness (पागलपन),
Inadvertently = unintentionally, accidentally (अनजाने में), Marvelled = wondered, was amazed (आश्चर्यचकित होना), Atrocious = terrible, dreadful (भयानक)
English Tomorrow Class 12 Word Meaning in Hindi Page No.- 54
Flitted = moved quickly, darted (तेजी से हिलना), Emotion = feeling, sentiment (भावना), Cage = enclosure, prison (पिंजरा), Squelched = squashed, crushed (कुचलना), Puddles = small pools, water collections (कीचड़),
Stumbled = tripped, faltered (ठोकर लगना), Gravely = seriously, solemnly (गंभीरता से), Rig = equipment, gear (उपकरण) , Character = personality, individual (व्यक्तित्व), Jerked = pulled quickly, twitched (अचानक खींचना),
Crestfallen = disheartened, dejected (निराश) , Daunted = intimidated, discouraged (धमकाना) , Allusion = reference, mention (संकेत), Startled = surprised, shocked (चौंकाना), Slamming = banging, shutting loudly (जोर से बंद करना), Bolts = fasteners, locks (कुंडली) ,
Gurgling = bubbling, flowing sound (गुलगुलाहट) , Upset = disturb, unsettle (परेशान करना), Worrying = troubling, stressing (चिंता करना), Landlord = property owner, lessor (मकान मालिक), Faltered = hesitated, wavered (हिचकिचाना)
Class 12 English Chapter 4 Tomorrow Word Meanings Page No.- 55
Owns = Possesses, has (मालिक होना), Scornfully = Disdainfully, contemptuously (तिरस्कारपूर्णता से), Swindle = Cheat, defraud (ठगना), Helpless = Powerless, impotent (असहाय), Appalled = Horrified, shocked (भयभीत),
Serenity = Calmness, peacefulness (शांति), Upsetting = Disturbing, unsettling (उलझन), Tower = Loom, stand tall (ऊँचा होना), Railings = Fences, barriers (रेलिंग), Trembling = Shaking, quivering (कांपना),
Wrap = Cover, cloak (लपेटना), Indulgence = Leniency, tolerance (लालन-पालन) , Baffled = Confused, puzzled (व्याकुल), Loaf = Idle, laze (आलस्य करना) , Breathless = Panting, gasping (सांस फूलना),
Pondering = Thinking, contemplating (विचार करना), Perplexed = Baffled, confused (चकित), Queried = Asked, questioned (प्रश्न करना)
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Understand = Comprehend, grasp (समझना), Impatiently = Anxiously, eagerly (अधीरता से), Streak = Stripe, line (पट्टी), Attentive = Alert, watchful (ध्यानपूर्ण), Contiguity = Adjacency, closeness (सन्निकटता),
Caress = Stroke, touch gently (प्यार से छूना), Cavalierly = Arrogantly, dismissively (अहंकारपूर्णता से) , Encouraging = Supporting, promoting (प्रोत्साहन), Notion = Idea, concept (धारणा),
Contradicted = Denied, disputed (विरोध करना), Miserable = Unhappy, wretched (दुखी), Harm = Damage, injury (हानि) , Quarrel = Dispute, argue (झगड़ा), Good-hearted = Kind, compassionate (अच्छा दिल),
Nervously = Anxiously, apprehensively (घबराये हुए), Good-humouredly = Amiably, cheerfully (अच्छे दिल से), Recognise = Identify, acknowledge (पहचानना), Dead-alive = Dull, lifeless (मुर्दा-जीवित), Racket = Noise, commotion (शोर), Advertising = Promoting, publicizing (विज्ञापन)
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Nonsense = Foolishness, absurdity (बकवास), Clear out = Leave, exit (बाहर जाना), Chum = Friend, buddy (दोस्त), Breathing = Inhaling, exhaling (साँस लेना), Suggested = Proposed, advised (सुझाव देना),
Squeaked = Creaked, squealed (चरमराना), Frisky = Playful, lively (चुलबुला) , Harmless = Safe, innocuous (हानि-रहित), Leather = Hide, skin (चमड़ा), Strap = Belt, band (पट्टी), Subdued = Quiet, soft (दबा हुआ), Rat-tat-tat = Knocking, tapping (कट-कट की आवाज), Knocker = Rapper, door piece (खटखटानी),
Grinning = Smiling, beaming (मुस्कराना), Information = Data, knowledge (जानकारी), Spoil = Ruin, mar (बिगाड़ना), Clanging = Clashing, ringing (कोलाहल करने वाली ध्वनि), Clatter = Rattle, noise (कोलाहल), Confound = Confuse, mix-up (उलझाना), Grazed = Scraped, brushed (छू लेना)
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Shuddered = Trembled, quivered (काँपना), Fare = Price, cost (किराया), Shave = Trim, cut (मुंडन), Respect = Honor, regard (सम्मान), Prove = Confirm, verify (साबित करना), Jovially = Cheerfully, merrily (हंसते हुए),
Likely = Probable, possible (संभावित), Remember = Recall, recollect (याद करना), Entered = Came in, stepped in (प्रवेश करना) , Swagger = Strut, saunter (अकड़ कर चलना), Footfalls = Steps, footsteps (पदध्वनि),
Tilted = Angled, slanted (झुका हुआ), Cleave = Split, divide (विभाजित करना), Darkness = Shadow, night (अंधकार), Fancy = Imagine, think (कल्पना करना), Domestic = Household, family-related (घरेलू) , Characters = Personalities, people (चरित्र)
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Sick = Unwell, ill (बीमार), Trips = Journeys, travels (यात्राएं), Charter = Contract, lease (ठेका), Cruise = Voyage, journey (यात्रा), Smart = Clever, intelligent (चतुर), Craft = Boat, ship (नाव), Interrupted = Stopped, halted (विच्छेदित), Lowered = Reduced, decreased (घटाया हुआ), Bitterly = Sharply, resentfully (कड़वे तरीके से),
Brusquely = Abruptly, bluntly (रूखे तरीके से) , Idle = Lazy, inactive (निष्क्रिय), Defiantly = Boldly, challengingly (विरोधपूर्ण तरीके से), Lightning = Flash, spark (बिजली), Mused = Pondered, contemplated (विचार किया),
Row = Noise, commotion (शोर), Indifference = Apathy, disregard (उदासीनता), Inquired = Asked, questioned (पूछा), Trysts = Meetings, appointments (मुलाकातें), Squall = Storm, gust (तूफान)
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Wrap = Shawl, covering (ओढ़नी), Vanished = Disappeared, gone (गायब), Monstrous = Huge, enormous (विशाल), Yawning = Opening wide, gaping (उबासी लेना), Bust = Upper part of body, chest (छाती), Awkward = Uncomfortable, clumsy (अजीब), Chum = Friend, buddy (दोस्त), Damn = Curse, exclamation (कोसना),
Bundle = Group, package (गठरी), Reckless = Careless, rash (लापरवाह), Mast = Tall ship pole, spar (मस्तूल), Jolly = Happy, cheerful (खुशमिजाज), Spree = Party, binge (हंगामा), Taunted = Teased, mocked (उपहास किया),
Dropped = Let fall, lowered (गिराया), Vibrations = Trembles, quivers (कंपन), Tolling = Ringing, chiming (घंटी बजाना), Sodden = Soaked, wet (भीगा हुआ),
Agitated = Upset, disturbed (व्याकुल), Flitted = Moved quickly, darted (तेज़ी से चलना), Squall = Storm, gust (आंधी), Dazzling = Bright, shining (चमकीला), Averted = Turned away, avoided (टालना),
Defiantly = Boldly, rebelliously (डटकर), Blamed = Accused, cursed (दोष लगाना), Hutch = Small house, cage (छोटा घर), Swagger = Strut, boast (अभिमान से चलना), Swell = Increase, wave (लहर)
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Voyage = Journey, trip (यात्रा), Quoted = Repeated, cited (उद्धरण दिया), Snatch = Brief excerpt, fragment (अंश), Bonnie = Pretty, attractive (सुंदर), Capstan = Winch, device on ship (कैप्स्टन), Shudder = Tremble, quiver (कंपकंपी),
Quid = Pounds, British currency (पौंड), Spree = Binge, celebration (हंगामा), Steady = Stable, unchanging (स्थिर), Fare = Price, ticket cost (किराया), Lark = Adventure, fun activity (मस्ती),
Sighed = Exhaled, lamented (सांस छोड़ना), Egged = Encouraged, urged (उकसाया), Shovel = Tool for digging, spade (फवड़ा), Chump = Fool, idiot (मूर्ख), Whispered = Murmured, spoke softly (सपट बोलना),
Commanded = Ordered, directed (आदेश दिया), Repressing = Holding back, suppressing (दबाना), Promptly = Quickly, immediately (तुरंत), Hard up = Broke, in need of money (मुश्किल में)
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Contempt = Disdain, scorn (तिरस्कार), Bush = Wild lands, scrubby country (झाड़ी), Mountain-top = Peak, summit (पहाड़ की चोटी), Sheared = Cut off, trimmed (काटना), Harpooned = Speared, pierced (बालेना मारने का भला),
Prospected = Explored, searched for minerals (खोजना), Swag = Bundle of belongings, pack (बोझ), Overwhelmed = Overcome, flooded with emotion (अभिभूत), Outlandish = Strange, foreign (विचित्र), Cruel = Harsh, mean (क्रूर),
Restless = Uneasy, unable to rest (अशांत), Desert = Arid land, wasteland (मरुस्थल), Boulders = Large rocks, stones (बड़ा पत्थर), Spires = Tall, pointed structures (शिखर), Rot = Decay, deteriorate (सड़ना),
Bush = Wilderness, scrub area (झाड़ी), Bullocks = Castrated bulls, oxen (बैल), Cruel = Harsh, unkind (क्रूर), Gambusinos = Gold prospectors, fortune seekers (सोने की खोज करने वाले), Desert = Arid, barren land (रेगिस्तान), Cracks = Fissures, crevices (दरारें)
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Stammered = Hesitated, stuttered (हकलाना), Shivers = Trembles, quivers (कांपना), Gambusinos = Prospectors, seekers (सोने की खोज करने वाले),Prospecting = Searching, exploring (खोजना),
Fever = Excitement, eagerness (उत्तेजना), Spree = Binge, binge (हंगामा), Restless = Uneasy, agitated (अशांत), Wandering = Roaming, drifting (भटकना), Stony = Rocky, hard (पत्थरीला), Heartstrings = Emotions, feelings (हृदय संतान),
Tender = Gentle, soft (कोमल), Sight = Vision, glimpse (दृष्टि), Trembling = Shaking, quivering (काँपना), Fellows = Comrades, peers (साथी), Brazen = Bold, shameless (धृष्ट), Quavered = Trembled, wavered (काँपना)
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Bent = Leaned, inclined (झुकना), Gallantly = Bravely, courteously (वीरता से), Flutter = Fluster, agitation (घबराहट), Scare up = Gather, find (इकट्ठा करना), Fix = Predicament, trouble (मुश्किल), Jestingly = Jokingly, playfully (मजाकिया तरीके से), Starves = Hungers, deprives (भूखा रहना),
Whim = Fancy, caprice (सनक), Pleaded = Begged, implored (गुजारिश की), Submissively = Meekly, obediently (आज्ञाकारी तरीके से), Amazed = Astonished, surprised (हैरान), Scathing = Harsh, severe (कटु),
Contempt = Disdain, scorn (तिरस्कार) , Ungovernable = Uncontrollable, wild (अनियंत्रित), Violent = Forceful, fierce (हिंसात्मक), Shrank = Recoiled, retreated (सिकुड़ना), Raged = Fumed, stormed (क्रोधित होना),
Expects = Anticipates, hopes (आशा करना), Rotten = Decayed, spoiled (सड़ा हुआ), Shovel = Spade, tool (फावड़ा), Queer = Strange, odd (विचित्र), Timidly = Shyly, hesitantly (डर के साथ),
Panting = Gasping, breathless (हाँफना), Jaws = Mouth, mandible (जबड़े), Shot = Emitted, fired (छोड़ दिया)
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Miserable = Unhappy, wretched (दुखी), Tame = Domesticated, docile (पालतू), Subdued = Restrained, muted (दबाया हुआ) , Spread = Extend, stretch (फैलाना), Dash = Sprint, rush (दौड़), Soul = Spirit, essence (आत्मा),
Sobs = Cries, weeps (रोना), Fuming = Furious, angry (क्रोधित), Fretting = Worrying, fussing (चिंता करना), Bit = Chewed, nibbled (काटना), Rattled = Shook, clattered (हिलना), Grinning = Smiling, smirking (मुस्कराना),
Pronounced = Declared, stated (उच्चारित), Dogmatically = Authoritatively, assertively (कट्टरता से), Fidgeted = Squirmed, twitched (बेचैनी से हिलना) , Mumbled = Muttered, whispered (बड़बड़ाना) , Piercingly = Sharply, intensely (तीखे स्वर में),
Temples = Sides of head, forehead (कनपटी), Bronze = Metal, alloy (कांस्य), Scolded = Reprimanded, chastised (डांटना) , Vagabond = Wanderer, nomad (आवारा)
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Starve = Suffer from hunger (भूखा रहना), Rattled = Shook, clattered (हिलना), Drew = Pulled, attracted (खींचना), Deep = Profound, intense (गहरा), Lowered = Reduced, decreased (नीचा), Remained = Stayed, persisted (रहना),
Palms = Inner surfaces of hands (हथेली), Continued = Persisted, went on (जारी रखना), Invisible = Unseen, hidden (अदृश्य), Trembling = Shaking, quivering (कांपना), Violently = Aggressively, forcefully (हिंसक ढंग से), Came = Arrived, approached (आना), Felt = Perceived, sensed (महसूस करना),
Scrape = Abrasion, difficult situation (खरोंच), Trying = Attempting, striving (कोशिश करना), Uncover = Reveal, expose (उघाड़ना), Resisted = Opposed, fought against (प्रतिरोध करना), Let = Allow, permit (देना), Stepping = Walking, moving (कदम बढ़ाना)
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Stood = Be upright (खड़ा होना), Drooping = Hanging down (झुका हुआ), Wounded = Injured, hurt (घायल), Passive = Inactive, receptive (निष्क्रिय), Firmly = Securely, solidly (मजबूती से), Felt = Perceived, sensed (महसूस करना),
Embrace = Hug, hold (गले लगाना), Showered = Poured, rained down (बरसाया), Overmastering = Overwhelming, dominant (पराक्रमी), Ardour = Passion, enthusiasm (उत्साह), Faded = Lost color or intensity (फीका), Blows = Strikes, impacts (घात), Rising = Increasing, ascending (उठता हुआ),
Accompanied = Went along with, joined (साथ दिया), Enfolding = Wrapping around, enclosing (लपेटना), Staggered = Wobbled, swayed (डगमगाया) , Exhausted = Drained, tired (थका हुआ), Stranded = Left behind, isolated (फंसा हुआ), Storm = Severe weather, tempest (तूफ़ान),
Shipwreck = Destruction of a ship (नौका दुर्घटना), Firm = Solid, unyielding (मजबूत), Leisurely = Unhurried, relaxed (आराम से), Conquest = Victory, triumph (विजय), Gather = Collect, assemble (इकट्ठा करना),
Skirts = Edges, outer parts (घाघरा), Staring = Looking fixedly (घूरना) , Darted = Moved swiftly (तेज़ी से चला), Deserted = Abandoned, empty (सुनसान) ,
Poise = Balance, stability (संतुलन), Tread = Step, walk (चाल), Cruelly = Harshly, severely (क्रूरता से) , Fainter = Weaker, dimmer (मंद), Awful = Extremely bad (भयानक), Worse = More severe (बुरा),
Ebbing = Decreasing, receding (घटता हुआ) , Echo = Reflected sound (गूंज), Thundering = Loud, rumbling noise (गर्जन), Restless = Uneasy, unable to rest (बेचैन), Spurn = Reject, scorn (तिरस्कार करना)
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Stony = Rocky, Hard (पत्थरीला), Lies = Falsehoods, Untruths (झूठ), Despair = Hopelessness, Gloom (निराशा), Inextinguishable = Unquenchable, Endless (अबुझ), Sobbed = Wept, Cried (रोया),
Chuckled = Laughed, Snickered (हंसना), Triumphantly = Victoriously, Successfully (विजयी भाव से), Frightened = Scared, Terrified (डरा हुआ), Impatient = Eager, Restless (अधीर), Wallowing = Rolling, Lolling (लोटना), Regally = Royally, Majestically (राजा जैसा), Yelled = Shouted, Screamed (चिल्लाया),
Fiendish = Wicked, Cruel (दुष्ट), Heard = Listened, Detected (सुना), Overcome = Defeated, Overwhelmed (परास्त), Fate = Destiny, Fortune (किस्मत), Totter = Stagger, Wobble (लड़खड़ाना)