In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from My Mother at Sixty-six. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying My Mother at Sixty-six Word Meanings from Flamingo Class 12.

Hard Words : My Mother at Sixty-six Page No.- 90

Driving = operating a car, steering (गाड़ी चलाना), Doze = nap, snooze (हल्की नींद), Open-mouthed = agape, gaping (मुँह खुला), Ashen = very pale, greyish (राख के रंग का), Corpse = dead body, remains (लाश), Realised = understood, grasped (समझना), Pain = ache, discomfort (दर्द),

Sprinting = dashing, rushing (तेज़ दौड़ना), Merry = joyful, happy (प्रसन्न), Children = kids, youngsters (बच्चे), Spilling out = emerging, overflowing (बाहर आना), Standing = upright, on feet (खड़ा होना), Yards = units of length, 3 feet (गज)

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My Mother at Sixty-six Difficult Words in English Page No.- 91

Wan = pale, weak (पीला), Pale = light in color, not dark (फीका), Late = not on time, delayed (देर से), Old = not young, aged (बुढ़ा), Familiar = known, recognized (परिचित), Ache = pain, discomfort (दर्द)