In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from Chandalika. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying Chandalika Word Meanings from Kaleidoscope Class 12.”
Table of Contents
Hard Words : Chandalika Page No.- 204
Legend = folklore, myth (किंवदंती), Chandalika = low caste girl, untouchable (चांडालिका), Gave = provided, supplied (दिया), Spell = enchantment, charm (मंत्र), Will = determination, intention (इच्छाशक्ति),
Monk = religious man, ascetic (संन्यासी), Remorse = regret, repentance (पछतावा), Broke = shattered, ended (तोड़ा), Pure = clean, unblemished (शुद्ध), Plot = storyline, narrative (कथानक),
Psychic = mental, spiritual (मानसिक), Devotee = follower, admirer (भक्त), Lust = desire, passion (वासना), Transformed = changed, altered (परिवर्तित)
Also Read:
Hard Words : Broken Images Difficult Words in English
Chandalika Difficult Words in English Page No.- 205
Psychological = mental, emotional (मानसिक), Spiritual = religious, soulful (आध्यात्मिक), Conflict = struggle, battle (संघर्ष), Sensitive = receptive, responsive (संवेदनशील), Condemned = doomed, sentenced (निंदित),
Despised = scorned, hated (तिरस्कृत), Awakened = roused, stirred (जागृत), Consciousness = awareness, perception (चेतना), Humanity = compassion, kindness (मानवता), Follower = disciple, adherent (अनुयायी), Teaches = instructs, educates (सिखाता है), Values = principles, standards (मूल्य),
Capacity = ability, capability (क्षमता), Revelation = disclosure, unveiling (प्रकटीकरण), Degradation = humiliation, disgrace (अपमान), Rises = ascends, elevates (उठती है), Surrender = yield, submit (समर्पण), Redeemed = saved, rescued (मुक्त किया), Created = made, produced (निर्मित),
Yearns = longs, desires (लालसा करती है), Detached = aloof, uninvolved (अलग), Earthly = worldly, temporal (सांसारिक), Humiliated = embarrassed, shamed (अपमानित), Sensibility = sensitivity, awareness (संवेदनशीलता), Renunciation = abandonment, relinquishment (त्याग), Abjectness = misery, degradation (दीनता),
Scruple = hesitation, doubt (संकोच), Creed = belief, doctrine (पंथ), Gags = silences, muzzles (चुप कराता है), Conform = comply, adhere (अनुपालन करना), Spell = charm, incantation (मंत्र), Primeval = ancient, primal (आदिम),
Potent = powerful, strong (शक्तिशाली), Agony = pain, suffering (वेदना), Resplendent = splendid, glorious (दीप्तिमान), Transformed = changed, altered (परिवर्तित), Blinded = unable to see, obscured (अंधा)
Good Word Meaning of Class 12 English Drama Chandalika Page No.- 206
Humanity = compassion, human nature (मानवता), Remorse = regret, guilt (पछतावा), Curses = denounces, condemns (शाप देती है), Forgiveness = pardon, absolution (क्षमा), Revokes = cancels, annuls (रद्द करती है), Redeemed = saved, rescued (मुक्त), Purged = cleansed, purified (शुद्ध किया),
Egoism = selfimportance, narcissism (अहंकार), Possession = ownership, control (स्वामित्व), Tragedy = disaster, calamity (त्रासदी), Dignity = respect, honor (गरिमा), Rights = entitlements, privileges (अधिकार), Obligations = duties, responsibilities (कर्तव्य), Slavery = bondage, servitude (दासता),
Vanity = conceit, selfadmiration (अहंकार), Pride = arrogance, haughtiness (घमंड), Trespasses = intrudes, violates (अतिक्रमण करता है), Eagerness = keenness, enthusiasm (उत्सुकता), Devotion = dedication, commitment (भक्ति), Consciousness = awareness, perception (चेतना),
Suppression = oppression, subjugation (दमन), Restraint = control, moderation (संयम), Suffering = pain, distress (पीड़ा), Willingly = voluntarily, readily (स्वेच्छा से), Chastened = disciplined, corrected (शिक्षित),
Wisdom = knowledge, insight (ज्ञान), Renunciation = relinquishment, abandonment (त्याग), Fulfilment = satisfaction, realization (पूर्णता), Ails = troubles, bothers (परेशान करता है)
Chandalika Class 12 English Difficult Words Page No.- 207
Blistering = extremely hot, scorching (भयंकर गर्म), Pots = containers, vessels (बर्तन), Gasping = panting, struggling for breath (हांफना), Penance = selfpunishment, atonement (तपस्या),
Purana = ancient Hindu texts, scriptures (पुराण), Kind = type, category (प्रकार), Dubbed = named, labeled (कहा जाता है), Virtue = goodness, morality (सद्गुण), Humiliate = embarrass, degrade (अपमानित करना),
Sin = wrongdoing, immoral act (पाप), Selfmurder = suicide, selfdestruction (आत्महत्या), Former = previous, earlier (पूर्व), Blazing = burning, shining brightly (जलता हुआ), Calf = young cow, baby bovine (बछड़ा)
Class 12 Chandalika Word Meaning in English Page No.- 208
Monk = religious man, ascetic (सन्यासी), Robes = clothing, garments (वस्त्र), Leaped = jumped, surged (कूद पड़ा), Trembling = shaking, shivering (कांपता हुआ), Radiant = glowing, shining (चमकीला), Dawn = sunrise, daybreak (भोर), Cupped = shaped, hollowed (मुट्ठी),
Reckless = careless, rash (लापरवाह), Fathomless = very deep, boundless (अथाह), Boundless = limitless, infinite (अनंत), Drowned = submerged, overwhelmed (डूबा हुआ), Washed = cleansed, cleaned (धोया),
Spell = magic, enchantment (जादू), Quenching = satisfying, extinguishing (बुझाना), Merit = virtue, goodness (गुण), Vow = promise, pledge (प्रतिज्ञा),
Sacred = holy, consecrated (पवित्र), Stream = river, brook (नदी), Exile = banishment, expulsion (निर्वासन), Changeling = transformed being, substitute (परिवर्तित व्यक्ति)
English To English Word Meaning of Chandalika Class 12 Page No.- 209
Pitcher = container, vessel (घड़ा), Wayfarer = traveler, wanderer (राहगीर), Waste = barren land, desert (बंजर भूमि), Heathaze = mirage, shimmering air (तपन), Quivers = shakes, trembles (कांपता है),
Intoxicated = drunk, under influence (नशे में), Plainly = clearly, straightforwardly (स्पष्ट रूप से),Marvellous = wonderful, amazing (अद्भुत), Poisonplant = toxic herb, dangerous flora (विषैला पौधा), Bosom = chest, heart (गोद), Warned = cautioned, advised (चेतावनी दी), Filth = dirt, impurity (गंदगी), Mud = soil, mire (कीचड़), Trespass = intrude, encroach (अतिक्रमण),
Limits = boundaries, confines (सीमाएँ), Unclean = impure, dirty (अपवित्र), Tainting = contaminating, polluting (दूषित करना), Spade = shovel, digging tool (फावड़ा), Stray = wander, deviate (भटकना),Presence = existence, attendance (उपस्थिति),Narrow = limited, restricted (संकीर्ण),
Practised = implemented, executed (अभ्यास किया),Raise = lift, elevate (उठाना), Dust = dirt, particles (धूल), Unlooked = unexpected, unanticipated (अनदेखी), Blistering = intensely hot, scorching (तपता हुआ), Roast = bake, overheat (भूनना), Gasp = pant, struggle for breath (हांफना),
Radiant = shining, glowing (चमकीला),Vow = promise, oath (प्रतिज्ञा),Redemption = salvation, deliverance (मोक्ष), Surrender = give up, yield (समर्पण), Yearned = longed, desired (लालसा), Renunciation = giving up, abstinence (त्याग)
Class 12 Chandalika Word Meaning English Page No.- 210
Blessed = fortunate, favored (धन्य), Serve = assist, help (सेवा करना), Lowliness = humility, modesty (विनम्रता), Worship = reverence, adoration (पूजा), Spirit = soul, essence (आत्मा), Tremble = shake, quiver (कांपना),
Heavenly = divine, celestial (स्वर्गीय), Bounds = limits, boundaries (सीमाएँ), Curtains = drapes, coverings (पर्दे), Destiny = fate, fortune (नियति), Queenliness = regality, majesty (राजसी गुण), Beast = animal, creature (पशु), Chains = bonds, restraints (जंजीरें), Handmaid = servant, attendant (दासी),
Defile = pollute, corrupt (अपवित्र करना), Marvel = wonder, amazement (आश्चर्य), Daring = boldness, courage (साहस), Glory = pride, honor (गौरव), Claim = assertion, demand (दावा), Slave = servant, bondsperson (दास)
Kaleidoscope Chandalika Class 12 Difficult Word Meaning English Page No.- 211
Excited = agitated, enthusiastic (उत्तेजित), Slave = servant, bondsperson (गुलाम), Destiny = fate, fortune (नियति), Delude = deceive, mislead (भ्रमित करना), Humiliation = shame, degradation (अपमान),
Plenty = a lot, numerous (बहुत सारे), Chandals = outcasts, untouchables (चांडाल), Cling = hold tightly, attach (चिपकना), Mingle = mix, combine (मिश्रित करना), Longings = desires, yearnings (लालसा),
Drought = dryness, water shortage (सूखा), Crops = plants, harvest (फसलें), Wither = dry up, shrivel (मुरझाना), Spells = incantations, charms (जादू के मंत्र), Clasp = grip, embrace (पकड़), Recklessness = carelessness, rashness (लापरवाही), Impaled = pierced, speared (बिंधा हुआ)
Class 12 English Drama Chapter 1 “Chandalika” Word Meaning English to Hindi Page No.- 212
Burden = load, responsibility (बोझ), Heritage = legacy, tradition (विरासत), Fulfilled = completed, satisfied (पूरा किया हुआ), Creed = belief, doctrine (सिद्धांत), Blinds = obscures, conceals (अंधा करना),
Gags = silences, muzzles (बंद करना), Honour = respect, esteem (सम्मान), Curse = hex, jinx (शाप), Poison = toxin, venom (विष), Disciple = follower, student (शिष्य), Lord Buddha = spiritual leader, enlightened one (भगवान बुद्ध),
Spells = charms, incantations (जादू के मंत्र), Conform = comply, adapt (अनुकूल होना), Afraid = fearful, scared (डरा हुआ), Watch = observe, look out for (देखना), Wayfarer = traveler, wanderer (राहगीर), Spells = chants, magic words (मंत्र)
Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Chandalika Word Meaning Vocabulary Page No.- 213
Near = close, adjacent (नज़दीक), Churn = stir, agitate (मथना), Cleansed = purified, cleaned (साफ किया), Exalted = highranking, esteemed (उच्च), Forgive = pardon, excuse (क्षमा करना), Offend = insult, hurt (अपमान करना),
Dishonour = disgrace, shame (अपमान), Obesance = respect, homage (प्रणाम), Longing = desire, yearning (लालसा), Commit = carry out, perform (करना), Code = rules, law (नियम), Comfort = ease, relief (आराम), Mighty = powerful, strong (शक्तिशाली), Illusion = delusion, fantasy (भ्रम), Begged = pleaded, asked for (भीख माँगी),
Alms = charity, donation (भिक्षा), Common = public, shared (सामान्य), Burningground = cremation site, funeral pyre (श्मशान), Grace = kindness, elegance (कृपा), Wretch = unfortunate, miserable (दुखी), Overflowing = spilling over, abundant (उफनता हुआ)
Drama 1 Chandalika Class 12 Word Meaning with Hindi Page No.- 214
Inexhaustible = neverending, limitless (असीम), Chant = sing, recite (जाप करना), Spell = magic words, incantation (जादू के शब्द), Bear = endure, tolerate (सहना), Robes = garments, clothing (वस्त्र),
Sangha = Buddhist community, assembly (संघ), Chanting = singing, reciting (गाना), Mercy = compassion, kindness (दया), Sin = wrongdoing, misdeed (पाप), Destroyer = annihilator, eliminator (नाशक),
Homage = respect, tribute (श्रद्धांजलि), Creation = formation, making (सृजन), Flings = throws, hurls (फेंकता है), Trampled = stepped on, crushed (कुचला हुआ), Momentary = brief, shortlived (क्षणिक), Burden = load, weight (बोझ), Prisoned = confined, trapped (कैद), Sharp = acute, intense (तेज)
Chandalika Class 12 Chapter Word Meaning in Hindi Page No.- 215
Fibres = threads, strands (रेशे), Grip = hold, grasp (पकड़), Awake = conscious, alert (जागृत), Suffer = endure pain, agonize (पीड़ित), Spells = incantations, magic words (जादू के शब्द), Dusty = dirty, powdery (धूल भरा),
Ancient = old, aged (प्राचीन), Raw = unrefined, inexperienced (कच्चा), Defeated = beaten, overcome (पराजित), Penance = repentance, atonement (प्रायश्चित), Fasting = abstaining from food, starving (उपवास),
Spells = magical words, incantations (जादू के शब्द), Coils = loops, spirals (घुमावदार), Escape = get away, flee (बच निकलना), Storm = tempest, squall (तूफान), Meditations = contemplations, reflections (ध्यान), Path = way, route (रास्ता), Fluttering = flapping, vibrating (फड़फड़ाता हुआ)
Word Meaning of Chandalika in Hindi Page No.- 216
Courtyard = open area, yard (आँगन), Storm = tempest, squall (तूफान), Whirled = spun, rotated (घुमाया गया), Thunder = loud rumbling, booming sound (गरज), Lightning flash = bright electrical discharge (बिजली की चमक),
Waves = ocean swells, water surges (लहरें), Foam = froth, bubbles (झाग), Ocean = sea, large body of water (सागर), Shore = coastline, beach (किनारा), Terror = fear, dread (आतंक), Spell = magical incantation, charm (जादुई मंत्र), Undo = reverse, cancel (पलटना), Ashes = burnt remains, residue (राख),
Vision = sight, imagination (दृष्टि), Doom = destruction, ruin (विनाश), Union = joining, merging (मिलन), Breaking of worlds = collapse, destruction (दुनिया का ढहना), Agony = pain, torment (पीड़ा),
Storm = tempest, turbulence (तूफान), Crash = fall, collapse (गिरना), Glory = magnificence, splendor (महिमा), Undo = reverse, annul (रद्द करना), Cords = ties, bonds (रस्सियाँ), Suffering = misery, distress (पीड़ा), Kindling = igniting, lighting (प्रज्वलित करना)
Word meaning of Chandalika Class 12 Page No.- 217
Nectar = sweet liquid, ambrosia (अमृत), Anoint = bless, apply oil (अभिषेक करना), Weary = tired, exhausted (थका हुआ), Wounded = injured, hurt (घायल), Sorrow = sadness, grief (दुःख), Immensity = vastness, enormity (विशालता),
Flames = fire, blaze (ज्वालाएं), Mortal = human, perishable (मानव), Ashad = month in the Hindu calendar (आषाढ़), Fast = abstain from food, fasting (उपवास), Monastery = religious residence, abbey (मठ),
Pitiless = merciless, heartless (निर्दयी), Meditation = contemplation, prayer (ध्यान), Shaken = disturbed, jolted (हिला हुआ), Stages = phases, steps (चरण), Thunderbolt = lightning, divine weapon (वज्र),
Pale = lightcolored, faded (पीला), Weary = exhausted, fatigued (थके हुए), Demons = evil spirits, fiends (राक्षस), Rifts = gaps, splits (दरारें)
Word Meaning of Chandalika Class 12 in Hindi Page No.- 218
Festering = rotting, putrefying (फोड़े फुंसी), Swollen = enlarged, bloated (सूजा हुआ), Sores = wounds, ulcers (घाव), Lightning = electrical discharge, flash (बिजली), Fenced = enclosed, surrounded (घिरा हुआ),
Torment = agony, suffering (यातना), Copper = metal, bronzelike element (तांबा), Fused = combined, melded (पिघला हुआ), Creation = formation, making (सृजन), Detachment = disconnection, aloofness (निष्क्रियता),
Elemental = basic, fundamental (मूल), Sparks = small flames, embers (चिंगारी), Twilight = dusk, evening light (गोधूलि), Boundless = limitless, endless (असीम), Curse = condemn, denounce (शाप)
Word Meaning of Chandalika Class 12 English Page No.- 219
Quivering = trembling, shaking (काँपता हुआ), Spear = lance, weapon (भाला), Amazed = astonished, stunned (चकित), Union = merger, joining (एकता), Turmoil = chaos, unrest (उथलपुथल), Ferried = transported, carried (परिवहन किया गया),
Commons = public lands, shared areas (सामान्य भूमि), Mazed = confused, bewildered (भ्रमित), Slack = loose, lax (ढीला), Stare = gaze, look intently (घूरना), Compulsion = force, coercion (मजबूरी),
Turbulent = rough, agitated (अशांत), Ghat = river bank steps, landing place (घाट), Lichened = covered with lichens, mossy (काई से ढका), Altar = sacred table, shrine (वेदी)
Word meaning of Chandalika Class 12 English Page No.- 220
Wasted = squandered, unused (बर्बाद), Weakening = diminishing, lessening (कमजोर हो रहा है), Failing = weakening, deteriorating (विफल हो रहा है), Uttermost = extreme, furthest (सर्वाधिक), Escape = flee, get away (भाग जाना),
Mockery = ridicule, scorn (उपहास), Beseech = implore, beg (विनती करना), Complacent = selfsatisfied, content (आत्मसंतुष्ट), Virtuous = righteous, moral (सदाचारी), Waxing moon = growing, expanding moon (बढ़ता हुआ चंद्रमा), Courtyard = yard, enclosed area (आँगन), Vermilion = bright red pigment (सिंदूर),
Sandalpaste = fragrant paste (चंदन का लेप), Garlands = flower chains, wreaths (मालाएँ), Invocation = calling upon, summoning (आह्वान), Altar = sacred table, shrine (वेदी)
Class 12 English Drama Chandalika Word Meaning Page No.- 221
Inmost = innermost, deepest (सबसे भीतरी), Reveal = disclose, show (प्रकट करना), Quivers = shakes, trembles (काँपता है), Throbs = beats, pulsates (धड़कता है), Curse = misfortune, hex (अभिशाप), Shattered = broken, destroyed (टूट गया), Liongates = symbolic gates, entrance (सिंह द्वार),
Tremors = shakes, vibrations (कंपन), Enrapture = delight, thrill (मंत्रमुग्ध करना), Enthrone = place on a throne, elevate (राजगद्दी पर बैठाना), Dishonour = disgrace, shame (अपमान), Repay = compensate, return (प्रतिफल देना), Cruel = merciless, harsh (क्रूर), Radiance = brightness, glow (चमक),
Heavenly = divine, celestial (स्वर्गीय), Worn = tired, exhausted (थका हुआ), Faded = dimmed, weakened (फीका पड़ गया), Defeat = loss, failure (पराजय), Paraphernalia = equipment, accessories (साजसामग्री),
Insult = offense, disrespect (अपमान), Heroic = brave, courageous (वीरतापूर्ण), Victory = triumph, success (विजय)
Class 12 English Drama Chandalika Word Meaning in English Page No.- 222
Deliverance = liberation, salvation (मुक्ति), Torment = agony, suffering (यातना), Forgive = pardon, excuse (क्षमा करना), Spurn = reject, disdain (तिरस्कार करना), Reproach = criticism, condemnation (निंदा),
Pure = clean, unblemished (शुद्ध), Soiled = dirtied, stained (मैला), Veil = cover, shroud (पर्दा), Illusion = delusion, misconception (भ्रम), Haven = sanctuary, refuge (शरणस्थली), Forgiveness = absolution, pardon (क्षमा),
Mercy = compassion, benevolence (दया), Destroyer = annihilator, eradicator (विनाशक), Homage = respect, tribute (श्रद्धांजलि)