In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from Broken Images. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying Broken Images Word Meanings from Kaleidoscope Class 12.”
Table of Contents
Hard Words : Broken Images Page No.- 224
Interior = inside, inner (अंदर का भाग), Close-up = tight shot, near view (नज़दीकी दृश्य), Audience = viewers, spectators (दर्शक),
Varying = different, diverse (विविध) , Confident stride = sure walk, bold step (आत्मविश्वासपूर्ण चाल), Looks around = surveys, scans (चारों ओर देखता है)
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Hard Words : Chandalika Difficult Words in English
Broken Images Difficult Words in English Page No.- 225
Neat = orderly, clean (स्वच्छ), Earpiece = audio aid, hearing device (कान का उपकरण), Obsolescence = outdatedness, irrelevance (अप्रचलन), Cluttered = messy, crowded (अव्यवस्थित), Scurrying = hurrying, rushing (दौड़ना),
Elephantine = enormous, large (विशाल), Spartan = simple, bare (सादा), Invisible audience = unseen viewers, hidden spectators (अदृश्य दर्शक), Direct = straight, immediate (सीधा), Testing = checking, trialing (परीक्षण),
Fumble = stumble, blunder (गलती करना), Announcer = broadcaster, speaker (घोषक), Lecturer = teacher, educator (व्याख्याता)
Good Word Meaning of Kaleidoscope Class 12 Broken Images Page No.- 226
Stunned = shocked, surprised (चकित), Advance = prepayment, upfront payment (अग्रिम), Remarkable = extraordinary, notable (असाधारण), Applause = clapping, cheers (तालियाँ),
Creative self = artistic identity, imaginative aspect (सृजनात्मक स्व), Task = job, duty (कार्य), Ability = capability, skill (क्षमता), Audience = viewers, readers (दर्शक), Variations = changes, differences (परिवर्तन)
English Difficult Words of NCERT Class 12 Drama Broken Images Page No.- 227
Confess = admit, acknowledge (स्वीकार करना), Foreseen = predicted, anticipated (पूर्वानुमानित), Folly = mistake, error (भूल), Intellectuals = thinkers, scholars (बुद्धिजीवी), Delight = joy, pleasure (खुशी),
Betray = deceive, mislead (विश्वासघात), Conscious choice = deliberate, intentional (जानबूझकर), Burst out = emerged, appeared (फूट पड़ा), Baffles = confuses, perplexes (चकित करता है),
Accused = blamed, charged (आरोपित), Audiences = viewers, readers (दर्शक), Manuscripts = texts, drafts (पांडुलिपियाँ), Traitor = betrayer, disloyal (गद्दार)
Chapter 2 Broken Images Class 12 Kaleidoscope Word Meaning in English Page No.- 228
Oracular = prophetic, mysterious (भविष्यवाणी संबंधी), Pronouncements = declarations, statements (घोषणाएँ), Literatures = writings, books (साहित्य), Accusation = charge, claim (आरोप), Anxiety = worry, concern (चिंता),
Dictum = statement, decree (कथन), Creativity = inventiveness, originality (सृजनात्मकता), Advance = prepayment, upfront money (अग्रिम भुगतान), Jealousy = envy, resentment (ईर्ष्या), Proverb = saying, adage (कहावत), Meaningful = significant, important (सार्थक),
Fame = renown, popularity (प्रसिद्धि), Glamour = allure, charm (आकर्षण), Physically challenged = disabled, impaired (शारीरिक रूप से अक्षम), Dysfunctional = impaired, not functioning (क्रियाशील नहीं)
Drama 2 Broken Images CBSE Class 12 English To English Word Meaning Page No.- 229
Nursed = cared for, tended (नर्सिंग की), Childless = without children, no kids (नि:संतान), Dedicated = devoted, committed (समर्पित), Relive = re-experience, recall (फिर से अनुभव करना), Emotional life = feelings, sentiments (भावनात्मक जीवन),
Floated = drifted, glided (तैरती हुई), Gentle = kind, tender (कोमल), Moisten = dampen, wet (गीला होना), Fictional = imaginary, made-up (काल्पनिक), Invented = created, devised (आविष्कृत), Support = assistance, help (सहायता), Lecturer = teacher, educator (व्याख्याता), Chores = tasks, duties (काम),
Floundering = struggling, faltering (संघर्ष करना), Broke down = collapsed, gave in (टूट पड़ना), Encouraging = motivating, supporting (प्रोत्साहित करना) , Cardinal sin = major wrongdoing, grave error (महापाप),
Prayashchitta = penance, atonement (प्रायश्चित), Absolution = forgiveness, pardon (क्षमा), Reality = truth, actuality (वास्तविकता) , Civilization = culture, society (सभ्यता), Translated = converted, changed (अनुवादित)
Broken Images Class 12 Kaleidoscope Word Meaning English Page No.- 230
Fumble = err, stumble (गलती करना), Pleasure = joy, delight (खुशी), Contentedly = happily, satisfied (संतुष्टतापूर्वक), Whew = relief sound, exclamation (राहत की सांस), Startled = shocked, alarmed (चौंक गई),
Earpiece = ear device, hearing aid (कान का यंत्र), Baffled = puzzled, confused (भ्रमित), Double take = relook, second glance (दोबारा देखना), Confused = bewildered, unsure (भ्रमित), Rushes = hurries, dashes (तेजी से भागता है),
Trick = ploy, gimmick (चाल), Technical hitch = glitch, snag (तकनीकी रुकावट), Stuck = fixed, jammed (अटक गया), Response = reply, reaction (प्रतिक्रिया)
Drama 2 Broken Images Difficult Word Meaning English Page No.- 232
Screaming = yelling, shouting (चिल्ला रही), Afraid = scared, fearful (डरा हुआ), Absurd = ridiculous, senseless (बेतुका), Refuses = denies, rejects (इनकार करता है), Acknowledge = recognize, admit (स्वीकार करना),
Presence = existence, attendance (उपस्थिति), Compliments = praises, kudos (प्रशंसा), Performance = act, presentation (प्रदर्शन), Pace = speed, tempo (गति), Action = activity, movement (कार्रवाई), Persistent = insistent, determined (दृढ़), Sponsors = financiers, backers (प्रायोजक),
Upset = disturb, bother (परेशान करना), Pretending = faking, simulating (नाटक करना), Bond = connection, relationship (बंधन), Vivacious = lively, spirited (जीवंत), Radiated = emitted, exuded (विकिरणित), Reconciled = adjusted, accepted (समायोजित)
NCERT Class 12 English Drama Broken Images Word Meaning English to Hindi Page No.- 233
Illness = sickness, disease (बीमारी), Unfortunate = unlucky, regrettable (दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण), Defensive = protective, guarded (रक्षात्मक), Gravity = seriousness, importance (गंभीरता), Philosophy = thought, theory (दर्शन),
Anatomy = biology, study of body (शरीर रचना विज्ञान), Gobbled = devoured, consumed quickly (जल्दी जल्दी खा लिया), Bright = intelligent, clever (बुद्धिमान), Dharwad = place name (धारवाड़),
Fussed over = excessively cared, doted on (बहुत देखभाल की), Halcyon = peaceful, tranquil (शांतिपूर्ण), Long haul = long journey, extended effort (लंबी यात्रा)
Kaleidoscope Class 12 CBSE chapter 2 – Broken Images Word Meaning Vocabulary Page No.- 234
Sensitive = aware, responsive (संवेदनशील), Realised = understood, recognized (समझा), Upside down = chaotic, disordered (उल्टा-पुल्टा), Reluctant = hesitant, unwilling (अनिच्छुक), Compromises = concessions, adjustments (समझौते), Adjusted = adapted, conformed (अनुकूलित),
Non-Kannadigas = non-natives, outsiders (गैर-कन्नड़ी), Empty houses = vacant homes, unoccupied (खाली घर), Non-Resident Indians = NRIs, overseas Indians (प्रवासी भारतीय), Fancied = imagined, visualized (कल्पना की),
Occupy = inhabit, fill (कब्जा करना), Express = convey, articulate (व्यक्त करना), Dreamt = envisioned, fantasized (सपना देखा), Improve = enhance, better (सुधारना)
Broken Images Class 12 Kaleidoscope Word Meaning with Hindi Page No.- 235
Critically = importantly, crucially (महत्वपूर्ण रूप से), Financially = monetarily, economically (वित्तीय रूप से), Resigned = quit, left (इस्तीफा दिया), Well-to-do = rich, affluent (धनी), Guilty = remorseful, ashamed (दोषी), Narrative necessity = story need, plot demand (कथा की जरूरत),
Sympathetic = compassionate, understanding (सहानुभूतिपूर्ण), Counterpoint = contrast, opposition (विपरीत), Noble = virtuous, honorable (महान), Simple-minded = naive, straightforward (सरल), Attracted = drawn to, interested in (आकर्षित), Convey = express, communicate (व्यक्त करना),
Moaning = complaining, lamenting (कराहना), Tortured = troubled, tormented (पीड़ित), Melodramatically = overly, theatrically (नाटकीय रूप से), Stormed off = left angrily, exited furiously (गुस्से में चले गए), Felt sorry = sympathized, pitied (दया आई)
Class 12 Broken Images Word Meaning NCERT Page No.- 236
Idiot = fool, simpleton (मूर्ख), Blushed = reddened, embarrassed (शरमाया), Ruse = trick, strategy (चाल), Self-respect = dignity, pride (आत्म-सम्मान), Calibre = quality, ability (गुणवत्ता), Attractive = appealing, charming (आकर्षक),
Close = intimate, near (करीब) , Confined = restricted, limited (सीमित), Proud = pleased, gratified (गर्वित), Flattering = complimentary, praising (चापलूसी), Acknowledgment = recognition, tribute (स्वीकृति),
Software wizard = tech expert, IT specialist (सॉफ्टवेयर जादूगर), Fanfare = show, display (धूमधाम), Apologised = said sorry, regretted (माफी मांगी)
Class 12 Broken Images Word Meaning in Hindi Page No.- 237
Hint = suggest, imply (संकेत), Chronology = timeline, sequence (कालक्रम), Confuse = puzzle, bewilder (भ्रमित करना), Immediately = right away, instantly (तुरंत), Soon after = shortly, not long after (जल्द ही),
Explodes = bursts out, erupts (फट पड़ती है), Interrogate = question, grill (पूछताछ करना), Private life = personal affairs, secrecy (निजी जीवन), Prying = snooping, intruding (ताक-झांक करना)