2.Name of Figure of Speech: Assonance
Exact Line: But for some of the money, the cash, whose flow supports
Reason: The repetition of the vowel sound ‘o’ in this line creates a harmonious sound, adding a lyrical quality to the poem and emphasizing the concept of monetary flow.

3.Name of Figure of Speech: Assonance
Exact Line: The flower of cities from sinking and withering faint.
Reason: The ‘i’ sound in “sinking” and “withering” creates assonance, which emphasizes the decline and fragility of the cities.

4.Name of Figure of Speech: Alliteration
Exact Line: pathetically pled
Reason: The repetition of the ‘p’ sound in “pathetically pled” draws attention to the emotional state of the roadside stand, emphasizing its desperate plea.

5.Name of Figure of Speech: Juxtaposition
Exact Line: The little old house was out with a little new shed
Reason: Here, Frost juxtaposes the ‘little old house’ and ‘little new shed.’ This contrast highlights the passage of time and change, suggesting a theme of progress or transformation.

6.Name of Figure of Speech: Imagery
Exact Line: In front at the edge of the road where the traffic sped,
Reason: This line creates a vivid image of the roadside location of the stand, with the movement and speed of the traffic passing by, evoking a sense of rush and indifference.

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Figure of Speech in A Roadside Stand Class 12 Flamingo In-Depth Analysis | Figures of Language 2