Editing and Omission Examples Exercise-1

The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the first nine lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction as given in the example against the correct blank number in the space provided. Also, underline the correct word you have supplied as shown.

Incorrect Correct
Malaria, caused by the bite of a female Anopheles(a)………….………….
mosquito will become dangerous if care was not taken.(b) ………….………….
The bite of the mosquito transfer the parasite into(c) ………….………….
the human system. Malaria is accompanied with high(d) ………….………….
fever and shivering. This mosquitoes breed in (e) ………….………….
stagnant water, in puddles, on coolers, etc. It is  (f) ………….………….
important to take care that water do not collect(g) ………….………….
in and around the houses. Garbage can also (h) ………….………….
be regularly removed so that mosquitoes will not (i) ………….………….
breed in such damp wastes.


(b) wasis
(c) transfertransfers
(d) withI
(e) ThisThese
(f) onin
(g) dodoes
(h) canshould
(i) willdo

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Editing and Omission Example edumantra.net
Editing and Omission Examples | A Guide to Editing and Omission 2

Also Read:

Exercise- 2

There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correct one against the corresponding blanks:

Incorrect Correct
Man is the social animal.  (a)…………………………
He cannot live alone with (b) …………………………
himself. He needs to bond in(c) …………………………
others. Human lonely is a(d) …………………………
great problem of a modern(e) …………………………
age. Our story also focus on (f) …………………………
human loneliness but the  (g) …………………………
human need to bond in others. (h) …………………………

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The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

    Incorrect Correct
One day if he was at the pool(a)……….……….
there comes a strong boy of(b)  ……….……….
about 18. He picks him up and  (c)  ……….……….
threw him on the deep end. He (d)  ……….……….
lended in a sitting position(e)  ……….……….
but water enter his lungs  (f)  ……….……….
and he was at one at  (g)  ……….……….
the bottom. He was frightening. (h)  ……….……….

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The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

There was never total dark(a) ……….……….
but a street light and passing(b)……….……….
light made clothes hanged over (c)……….……….
a chair take on a shape of  (d)……….……….
a unknown beast. Out of the(e)……….……….
corner of my eye, I see curtains(f)……….……….
move when there are no breeze (g)……….……….
A tiny creak in the flour would (h)……….……….
sound a hundred times louder.   

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The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

Hanuman began consider different (a)……..……..
ways of end his own life. All options(b)……..……..
seem closed to him. Money he  (c)……..……..
had with plenty but all of it (d)……..……..
was deposit in banks. He  (e)……..……..
could neither use or gift it to  (f)……..……..
someone, some friend were  (g)……..……..
looking with him even today.   (h)……..……..

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The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

Next morning Taro start for (a)……….……….
work even early than the morning (b)……….……….
before. He carries with him the (c)……….……….
large pitcher he owned, for he  (d)……….……….
intend first of all to go to   (e)……….……….
the waterfall. When he reaches it (f)……….……….
he found to her great surprise (g)……….……….
all his neighbour there.  (h)……….……….

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The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

Poverty is the route cause of (a)………………
all evil. The poor suffers because (b)………………
they do not want to take a first(c)………………
step. They feel happy and they(d)………………
are well fed. They except (e)………………
whatever is given up to them.  (f)………………
Hunger make a person look  (g)………………
at a job to support himself   (h)………………
and his near and dear ones.   

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The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

Children in schools are constantly told to be    
achivements oriented rather than creativity (a) ……………………
oriented. In their goodness to intention to(b)……………………
please others, they slowled forget to be children (c) ……………………
and lost touched with their inner selves. This is (d) ……………………
when the use to Art in schools becomes therapeutic(e) ……………………
in nature. It allows children to be encouraged (f) ……………………
them to express that part for themselves that bring (g) ……………………
them most joy as they access many hidden talented(h) ……………………
and abilities.   


(a)achievements achievement
(b)to     of
(c)slowed slowly
(d)touched    touch
(e)to   of
(f)encouraged encouraging
(h)talented      talents

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The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

In one sense, water is the commonest of liquids.(a)………………
In other sense, it is a most uncommon of liquids (b)………………
with amazing properties what are responsible(c)………………
for its unique power to maintaining animal and (d)………………
 plant life. The investigation to the nature and(e)………………
properties of water are, therefore, of the highest(f)………………
scientifc interest and is for from an exhausted(g)………………
field of research.(h)………………


(a)a   the

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The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

The crisis was now desperate. The fieldsmen drew   
neared and nearer to the batsman, excepting (a)………….………….
the youth to the blue jumper. Livingstone(b)………….………….
balance himself on his toes. Mr. Shakespeare (c)………….………….
Pollock hopped about almost in top of the (d)………….………….
batsman, and breathes excitedly and audibly. (e)………….………….
Even the imperturbable Mr. Southcott discarding  (f)………….………….
the piece of grass which he has been chewing so(g)………….………….
steadily. Mr. Hodge took himself off and put in the (h)………….………….
Major, who has by now somewhat lived down the (i)………….………….
quart and a half.   


(b)to in
(c)balance      balanced    
(d)in on
(f)discarding    discarded
(g)has had
(h)in    on

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The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

In the last four decades, there have been a very (a)………..………..
significant rise in the numbers of lower middle and(b)………..………..
middle class woman who seek employment to(c)………..………..
supplemented their household income. While there(d)………..………..
little doubt that women from the lower rank of(e)………..………..
society have always had working in the fields or in petty(f)………..………..
been jobs to sustain themselves or their families, there(g)………..………..
were strong objections and a marked reluctance between(h)………..………..
the middle classes to allow women to step out of a(i)………..………..
house to earn a living.      


(a)have has
(c)woman women 
(d)supplemented supplement
(e)rank   ranks
(g)or and

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The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

The guru asked him to start for the persone.g.forwith
in that he had the greatest faith and the highest(a)……………………
confidence. All of petheople assembled(b)……………………
their thought that the disciple would(c)……………………
first give a fruits to the teacher and(d)……………………
than distribute to the others. But the(e)……………………
disciple do not do so. He took the first(f)……………………
fruit himself. He explain that since he had (g)……………………
the greater confidence in himself, (h)……………………
he took the first fruit.   


(b)of the
(c)their   there
(d)fruits fruit
(e)than   then   
(f)do did 
(g)explain explained


The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

Incorrect Correct
I saw the bird flung near twenty  (a)……..……..
feet across the garden. It flutter(b) ……..……..
about at a while, then lay still.(c) ……..……..
The myna remain on the cactus(d) ……..……..
plant and when the snake or the (e) ……..……..
mongoose return to the fight, very (f) ……..……..
wisely decide not to interfere again!  (g) ……..……..
The cobra was weaken and the mongoose   (h) ……..……..
walked fearlessly.

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The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

Incorrect Correct
The life of the people in Mewar (a)………..………..
must have been peace and prosperous(b) ………..………..
during the long span in time. This (c) ………..………..
is reflect in their art and  (d) ………..………..
literature as well as there(e) ………..………..
loving nature. They compensate with  (f) ………..………..
lack of admiring physique   (g) ………..………..
in their firm but pleasant nature.    (h) ………..………..

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