Hard Words : Birth Difficult Words in English with Hindi Meaning | Snapshots | Class 11 | 2023-24 Updated

By | September 26, 2023

In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from Birth. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying Birth Word Meanings from Snapshots Class 11.

Hard Words : Birth Page No. 65 – 66

excerptextract, उदधरण,अंश; surgeryhospital, clinic,औषधालय; burlybulky, heavy,भारी भरकम; drillerminer,खनिक ; reliefcomfort,राहत; missuswife,Mrs,पत्नी; abruptlysuddenly,सहसा; contemplationdeep thinking,गहन विचार; usuallyas a rule,आमतौर से ;

perceptivewatchful,बोधक; listlessunattentive,बेखबर; premonitionforeknowledge,पूर्व ज्ञान; drew upstopped,ठहर गया;  strainstress, tiredness,थकान ; stoutstrong. healthy,स्थूल शरीर की ; faintlymildly,हल्के से; fretirritate, vex,परेशान होना; overwroughtexhausted, tired,थका हुआ ; snatchget, ले सकेगा; queerstrange,अजीब;lethargydrowsiness, laziness,शिथिलता;

rustlelow sound,खड़खड़ की आवाज़ ;cinderpartly burnt coal,अधजले कोयले  ; gratefireplace,अँगीठी; probingsearching, curious,खोजी,उत्सुक ;   muddledconfused,भ्रमित; episodeevent,घटना ; obsessedhaunted, struck,परेशान किए थी; morbidlygloomily,उदास कर रही थी ; sordidlymeanly,dishonestly,नीचतापूर्वक; bound tomarried to, linked with,जुड़ा हुआ ;

shrewishsharp-tongued, ill-natured,कर्कश स्वभाव वाली; apart fromseparately,अलग; dismalsorrowful, sad,निराशापूर्ण; conclusionfeeling,निष्कर्ष; wincestart back with sudden pain; idyllic statepleasant situation,सुखद स्थिति ; levelbalanced,सुस्थिर,संतुलित;

imagepicture,चित्र; resentfulangry,रुष्ट; stretched outspread forward,आगे फैलाया; broodinglythoughtfully,ध्यानमग्न; pursuedfollowed, taken,ले लिया था ; meditationstate of deep thinking, गहन चिन्तन I

Birth Difficult Words in English Page No. 67

awful set uponkeen to have,केन्द्रित; anaestheticthe fume or liquid that makes one insensitive to pain,बेहोशी लाने या सुन्न करने की दवा; perceivednoticed, realised,महसूस किया; elapsedpassed, बीत गया ; harshtough,कठिन कठोर; streakssigns,चिहन; dawndaybreak,  भोर; edges-sides,किनारे;

still formdead newborn baby,मृत नवजात शिशु; shiver of horrorfear,भय ; exertionshard work,परिश्रम; chilledwent cold and white,ठण्डा पड़ गया; resuscitateto bring to life again,जीवन डालना; obligationduty,दायित्व; desperatecritical, hopeless, sinking,नाजुक; dilemmadifficult situation,दुविधा;

instinctivelyguided by natural impulse,स्वभावतः ; ethera liquid used to make patients unconscious before operation,आपरेशन से पूर्व सुन्न कर देने वाली दवा; franticmad, wild,उन्मत्त; ebbingflowing away, diminishing,घटती हुई; smashbreak open,तोड़ना; ampulea small phial or container,इन्जेक्शन की दवा वाली शीश ी; flung downthrew away,नीचे गिरा दी; unsparinglyfeverishly,वेग से;

restorebring back to life,पुनर्जीवित करना; flaccid-soft not firm,कोमल  ; swingturned,मुड़ा ; Stickingclinging,चिपके हुए ; frightenedterrified,भयभीत; gestureindication, movement of hand,हाव-भाव,संकेत; in a flashat once,तुरन्त; soddensoaked,गीले; limpnot stiff,लुंज-पुंज ;

tallowfat of animal,पशु की चर्बी; cordthe tube that passes from the foetus to the placenta. umbilical cord,नार,नाल; slashedcut,काटी गई; hastilyquickly,शीघ्रता से; steinthe lower part of a tree,तना; texturetissue, web, structure, जाल, बनावट,रचना; lolledhung out or put lazily,सुस्ती से पड़ा हुआ  ;

Good Word Meaning of the Chapter Birth Page No. 68

 haggardtired, worried,थका हुआ,चिंतित; frownanger,नाराज़गी; asphyxia, pallidasuffocation or unconsciousness caused by lack of oxygen,रक्त में ऑक्सीजन की कमी; basinstubs,तसले; pallidpale,पीले ; respirationgiving oxygen through artificial breathing,श्वास क्रिया को सही करना ;

ewera water jug,लोटा,बनावट,रचना; franticallymadly, swiftly,वेग से ; splashedpoured,उड़ेला crazywhimsical,सनकी ; plungingdipping, putting,रखना ; pantinglygasping for breath,हाँफते हुए ; laxlimp, not stiff,ढीला-ढाला; desperatehopeless,निराश;

ragingviolent,उग्र,तीव्र ; starkstrong,तीखा ; consternationalarm, anger,दशहत; dashedfailed,broken,चकनाचूर हो गए; futilewasted, in vain,व्यर्थ; draggledmade wet and dirty,मैला,कीचड़ भरा;

stumblingtripping,ठोकर खाना ; soppingwet,तरबतर,भीगा हुआ; despairingfeeling sad and disappointed,हताश; crushingpressing down,दबातें हुए ; releasingfreeing it to rise again,छोड़ते हुए I

Snapshot Class 11 Chapter Birth Word Meaning in English

miraclesupernatural event, a wonder,चमत्कार; pigmyvery small,बहुत छोटा ; convulsivecontraction of muscles,प्रकंपनकारी; giddydizzy, inconstant,चक्कर आने लगा ; unavailing strivingwasted efforts,निष्फल चेष्टा ; exquisitelovely, pleasant,सुखद; mucusslippered liquid, cough,कफ ;

iridescentshiny-bright changing colours,रंग बदलने वाला ; bubbleair-filled cavity in water,बुलबुला ; spinelesslimp or lax, lifeless,ढीला; blanchedpale,हल्का पीला; litterbroken, disorderly condition, चीज़ें बिखरी हुई ; hystericallyattack of hysteria,भावविभोर ; ewerwater jug,लोटा;

puddlesmall muddy pool,छोटा-सा तालाब; huddledin a haphazard state,अस्त-व्यस्त; wrung outsqueezed out water,पानी निचोड़ दिया ; scullerya room for washing dishes,प्लेटें आदि धोने का कक्ष; spenttired,थका-माँदा; obliviousunmindful, forgetful,भुलाए हुए  I

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